3、能化,其电子换相方式灵活,可以方波换相或正弦波换相。电机免维护,效率很高,运行温度低,电磁辐射很小,长寿命,可用于各种环境。 2.交流伺服电机也是无刷电机,分为同步和异步电机,目前运动控制中一般都用同步电机,它的功率范围大,可以做到很大的功率。大惯量,最高转动速度低,且随着功率增大而快速降低。因而适合做低速平稳运行的应用。 3.永磁交流伺服电动机简介20世纪80年代以来,随着集成电路、电力电子技术和交流可变速驱动技术的发展,永磁交流伺服驱动技术有了突出的发展,各国著名电气厂商相继推出各自的交流伺服电动机和伺服驱动器系列产品并不断完善和更新。交流伺服系统已成为当代高性能伺服系统的主要发展方向,使
6、min,力矩为0.0160.16N.m)。之后又推出M、F、S、H、C、G 六个系列。20世纪90年代先后推出了新的D系列和R系列。这样,只用了几年时间形成了八个系列(功率范围为0.056kW)较完整的体系,满足了工作机械、搬运机构、焊接机械人、装配机器人、电子部件、加工机械、印刷机、高速卷绕机、绕线机等的不同需要。以生产机床数控装置而著名的日本法那克(Fanuc)公司,在20世纪80年代中期也推出了S系列(13个规格)和L系列(5个规格)的永磁交流伺服电动机。L系列有较小的转动惯量和机械时间常数,适用于要求特别快速响应的位置伺服系统。日本其他厂商,例如:三菱电动机(HC-KFS、HC-MFS
7、、HC-SFS、HC-RFS和HC-UFS系列)、东芝精机(SM系列)、大隈铁工所(BL系列)、三洋电气(BL系列)、立石电机(S系列)等众多厂商也进入了永磁交流伺服系统的竞争行列。美国著名的伺服装置生产公司Gettys曾一度作为Gould 电子公司一个分部(Motion Control Division),生产M600系列的交流伺服电动机和A600 系列的伺服驱动器。后合并到AEG,恢复了Gettys名称,推出A700全数字化的交流伺服系统。I.D.(Industrial Drives)是美国著名的科尔摩根(Kollmorgen)的工业驱动分部,曾生产BR-210、BR-310、BR-510
8、 三个系列共41个规格的无刷伺服电动机和BDS3型伺服驱动器。自1989年起推出了全新系列设计的掺鹣盗袛(Goldline)永磁交流伺服电动机,包括B(小惯量)、M(中惯量)和EB(防爆型)三大类,有10、20、40、60、80五种机座号,每大类有42个规格,全部采用钕铁硼永磁材料,力矩范围为0.84111.2N.m,功率范围为0.5415.7kW。配套的驱动器有BDS4(模拟型)、BDS5(数字型、含位置控制)和Smart Drive(数字型)三个系列,最大连续电流55A。法国Alsthom集团在巴黎的Parvex工厂生产LC系列(长型)和GC系列(短型)交流伺服电动机共14个规格,并生产A
12、这样不仅使转矩特性(机械特性)更接近于线性,而且具有较大的起动转矩。因此,当定子一有控制电压,转子立即转动,即具有起动快、灵敏度高的特点。2、运行范围较广 3、无自转现象,正常运转的伺服电动机,只要失去控制电压,电机立即停止运转。当伺服电动机失去控制电压后,它处于单相运行状态,由于转子电阻大,定子中两个相反方向旋转的旋转磁场与转子作用所产生的两个转矩特性(T1S1、T2S2曲线)以及合成转矩特性(TS曲线)交流伺服电动机的输出功率一般是0.1-100W。交流伺服电动机运行平稳、噪音小。但控制特性是非线性,并且由于转子电阻大,损耗大,效率低,因此与同容量直流伺服电动机相比,体积大、重量重,所以只
13、适用于0.5-100W的小功率控制系统。2.伺服电机选型方法1.与步进电机的性能比较步进电机作为一种开环控制的系统,和现代数字控制技术有着本质的联系。在目前国内的数字控制系统中,步进电机的应用十分广泛。随着全数字式交流伺服系统的出现,交流伺服电机也越来越多地应用于数字控制系统中。为了适应数字控制的发展趋势,运动控制系统中大多采用步进电机或全数字式交流伺服电机作为执行电动机。虽然两者在控制方式上相似(脉冲串和方向信号),但在使用性能和应用场合上存在着较大的差异。现就二者的使用性能作一比较。一、 控制精度不同:两相混合式步进电机步距角一般为 1.8、0.9,五相混合式步进电机步距角一般为0.72
14、、0.36。也有一些高性能的步进电机通过细分后步距角更小。如三洋公司(SANYO DENKI)生产的二相混合式步进电机其步距角可通过拨码开关设置为1.8、0.9、0.72、0.36、0.18、0.09、0.072、0.036,兼容了两相和五相混合式步进电机的步距角。 交流伺服电机的控制精度由电机轴后端的旋转编码器保证。以三洋全数字式交流伺服电机为例,对于带标准2000线编码器的电机而言,由于驱动器内部采用了四倍频技术,其脉冲当量为360/8000=0.045。对于带17位编码器的电机而言,驱动器每接收131072个脉冲电机转一圈,即其脉冲当量为360/131072=0.0027466,是步距角
15、为1.8的步进电机的脉冲当量的1/655。二、 低频特性不同,步进电机在低速时易出现低频振动现象。振动频率与负载情况和驱动器性能有关,一般认为振动频率为电机空载起跳频率的一半。这种由步进电机的工作原理所决定的低频振动现象对于机器的正常运转非常不利。当步进电机工作在低速时,一般应采用阻尼技术来克服低频振动现象,比如在电机上加阻尼器,或驱动器上采用细分技术等。交流伺服电机为恒力矩输出,即在其额定转速(一般为2000RPM或3000RPM)以内,都能输出额定转矩,在额定转速以上为恒功率输出。三、过载能力不同 步进电机一般不具有过载能力。交流伺服电机具有较强的过载能力。以山洋交流伺服系统为例,它具有速
16、度过载和转矩过载能力。其最大转矩为额定转矩的二到三倍,可用于克服惯性负载在启动瞬间的惯性力矩。步进电机因为没有这种过载能力,在选型时为了克服这种惯性力矩,往往需要选取较大转矩的电机,而机器在正常工作期间又不需要那么大的转矩,便出现了力矩浪费的现象。四运行性能不同步进电机的控制为开环控制,启动频率过高或负载过大易出现丢步或堵转的现象,停止时转速过高易出现过冲的现象,所以为保证其控制精度,应处理好升、降速问题。交流伺服驱动系统为闭环控制,驱动器可直接对电机编码器反馈信号进行采样,内部构成位置环和速度环,一般不会出现步进电机的丢步或过冲的现象,控制性能更为可靠。五、 2.选型计算方法一、转速和编码器
17、分辨率的确认。二、电机轴上负载力矩的折算和加减速力矩的计算。三、计算负载惯量,惯量的匹配,安川伺服电机为例,部分产品惯量匹配可达50倍,但实际越小越好,这样对精度和响应速度好。四、再生电阻的计算和选择,对于伺服,一般2kw以上,要外配置。 五、电缆选择,编码器电缆双绞屏蔽的,对于安川伺服等日系产品绝对值编码器是6芯,增量式是4芯。3.伺服电机安装注意事项1、伺服电机油和水的保护 A:伺服电机可以用在会受水或油滴侵袭的场所,但是它不是全防水或防油的。因此,伺服电机不应当放置或使用在水中或油侵的环境中。B:如果伺服电机连接到一个减速齿轮,使用伺服电机时应当加油封,以防止减速齿轮的油进入伺服电机C:
18、伺服电机的电缆不要浸没在油或水中。 2、伺服电机电缆减轻应力 A:确保电缆不因外部弯曲力或自身重量而受到力矩或垂直负荷,尤其是在电缆出口处或连接处。B:在伺服电机移动的情况下,应把电缆(就是随电机配置的那根)牢固地固定到一个静止的部分(相对电机),并且应当用一个装在电缆支座里的附加电缆来延长它,这样弯曲应力可以减到最小。C:电缆的弯头半径做到尽可能大。3、伺服电机允许的轴端负载 A:确保在安装和运转时加到伺服电机轴上的径向和轴向负载控制在每种型号的规定值以内。B:在安装一个刚性联轴器时要格外小心,特别是过度的弯曲负载可能导致轴端和轴承的损坏或磨损C:最好用柔性联轴器,以便使径向负载低于允许值,
19、此物是专为高机械强度的伺服电机设计的。D:关于允许轴负载,请参阅“允许的轴负荷表”(使用说明书)。4.直流伺服电机特点一、直流无刷电机特点:1.转动惯量小、启动电压低、空载电流小;2.弃接触式换向系统,大大提高电机转速,最高转速高达100 000rpm;3.无刷伺服电机在执行伺服控制时,无须编码器也可实现速度、位置、扭矩等的控制;4.不存在电刷磨损情况,除转速高之外,还具有寿命长、噪音低、无电磁干扰等特点;二、直流有刷伺服电机特点: 1.体积小、动作快反应快、过载能力大、调速范围宽; 2.低速力矩大, 波动小,运行平稳;3.低噪音,高效率;4.后端编码器反馈(选配)构成直流伺服等优点; 使用范
20、围:直流伺服电机可应用在是火花机、机械手、精确的机器等。可同时配置2500P/R高分析度的标准编码器及测速器,更能加配减速箱、令机械设备带来可靠的准确性及高扭力。 调速性好,单位重量和体积下,输出功率最高,大于交流电机,更远远超过步进电机。多级结构的力矩波动小。Servo motor1. Servo motor definitionAlso known as the implementation of the motor servo motor, the automatic control system for the implementation of components to conve
21、rt signals received from the motor shaft angular displacement or angular velocity output.DC and AC servo motor is divided into two categories, the main feature is that when the signal voltage is zero, no rotation of the phenomenon, the increasing speed with uniform torque decreased.Servo motors to c
22、ontrol mechanical servo system in the operation of the engine components. Is a servomotors device.Servo motor can control the speed, position accuracy is very accurate.The voltage signal into a torque and speed to drive the control object.Rotor speed by the input signal control, and can respond rapi
23、dly, in the automatic control system for the implementation of components, and has electrical and mechanical time constant, linear and high initiating voltage low.2. Servo motor works1. Servo mainly rely on impulse to locate, basically can be understood, the servo motor receives a pulse, a pulse wil
24、l rotate the corresponding point of view, in order to achieve the displacement, because the servo motor itself has issued a pulse function, so the servoEach motor to rotate a point of view, is issued by the corresponding number of pulses, so that the pulse and servo motors to accept the formation of
25、 the echo, or called closed-loop, this way, the system will know the number of pulses sent to the servo motor, while the number of receivedpulse came back, so that we can very accurately control the motor rotation, in order to achieve accurate positioning, can reach 0.001mm.DC servo motor into brush
26、 and brushless motors.Brush motor low cost, simple structure, starting torque, wide speed range, easy control, need to maintain, but easy to maintain (replacement carbon brushes), generate electromagnetic interference, the environment requirements.So it can be used for cost-sensitive general industr
27、ial and civil applications.Brushless motor, small size, light weight, large output, fast response, high speed, small inertia, rotational smoothness, torque and stability.Control complex, easy to implement intelligent, flexible way of their electronic commutation, the commutation can be square wave o
28、r sinusoidal commutation.Motor maintenance-free, high efficiency, low operating temperature, electromagnetic radiation is very small, long-life, can be used for a variety of environments. 2. Brushless AC servo motor is divided into synchronous and asynchronous motors, motion control in the current s
29、ynchronous motor is generally used, and its power range, can do a lot of power.Large inertia, the maximum rotation speed is low, and with the power increases rapidly decreased.Thus suitable for applications that run on low speed steady. 3. Servo motor rotor is permanent magnet, the drive control of
30、the U / V / W three-phase power to form fields, the rotor in the magnetic field under the rotation, while the motor comes with encoder feedback signal to the drive, the drive according to the feedback valuecompared with the target value, adjusting the angle of the rotor rotation.Depends on the accur
31、acy of the servo motor encoder accuracy (lines).Question:AC servo motors and brushless DC servo motor function, what is the difference? A: AC servo better because a sine wave control, torque ripple small.DC servo is a trapezoidal wave.But the DC servo is relatively simple, cheap.3. Introduction perm
32、anent magnet AC servo motorupdate products.AC servo system has become a contemporary high-performance servo systems the main developm 80 years since the 20th century, with the integrated circuits, power electronics and AC variable speed drive technology, permanent magnet AC servo drive technology wi
33、th outstanding development, national electrical manufacturers have launched their own well-known AC servo motor and servo drive seriesand continue to improve and ent direction, so that the original DC servo facing the crisis of being eliminated.90 years later, the world has been commercialized by AC
34、 servo digital control system is a sine wave motor servo drive.AC servo drive the rapid development of the field in the transmission.Permanent magnet AC servo motor compared with DC servo motor, the main advantages are: without brush and commutator, it is reliable and maintenance requirements for ma
35、intenance and low. cooling the stator winding more convenient. inertia is small, easy-to improve the system fast. adapted to high-speed high torque working condition. under the same power, smaller size and weight.Since the German MANNESMANN of Rexroth Indramat division in the companys Hanover Trade
36、Fair 1978 was officially launched MAC permanent magnet AC servo motor and drive system, which marks this new generation of AC servo technology has entered the practical stage.To the late 20th century, 80 years, the company has a complete line of products.The servo-device market are turning to the ex
37、change system.Early analog systems such as zero-drift, interference, reliability, accuracy and flexibility in areas such as lack of motion control is still not fully meet the requirements, in recent years with the microprocessor, the new digital signal processor (DSP) applicationsthe emergence of di
38、gital control system, the control section can be carried out entirely by the software, called Jiang hazy or Tuan Shen Jing only fresh coarse hempen fabric, valiant only Shen of the permanent magnet AC servo system.So far, high-performance servo systems mostly use electrical permanent magnet synchron
39、ous AC servo motor, control the drive to use more fast, accurate positioning of the all-digital servo system.Typical manufacturers such as Siemens of Germany, the United States and Japan Kollmorgen companies such as Panasonic and Yaskawa.Yaskawa Electric has launched a small-scale production of AC s
40、ervo motors and drives, in which D series for CNC machine tools (maximum speed of 1000r/min, torque is 0.25 2.8Nm), R series is suitable for the robot (the highest speed of 3000r/min, torque is 0.016 0.16Nm).Launched after the M, F, S, H, C, G six series.90 20th century, has introduced a new D-serie
41、s and R series.Rectangular wave drive from the old series, 8051 to control the sine wave drive, 80C, 154CPU and gate array chip control, torque ripple from 24% to 7%, and improved reliability.Thus, the formation of only a few years, eight series (power range of 0.05 6kW) more complete system to meet
42、 the working machinery, transportation agencies, welding robots, assembly robots, electronic components, processing machinery, printing presses, high speed winding machine, winding machines for different needs.CNC equipment to produce the famous Japanese law that g (Fanuc) company, in the 20th centu
43、ry has introduced the mid-80s S series (13 specifications), and L series (5 specifications) of the permanent magnet AC servo motor.L Series has a smaller moment of inertia and the mechanical time constant, particularly for applications that require fast response servo system.Other Japanese manufactu
44、rers, such as: Mitsubishi Motors (HC-KFS, HC-MFS, HC-SFS, HC-RFS and HC-UFS series), Toshiba Seiki (SM series), Okuma Iron Works (BL series), Sanyo Electric(BL series), standing stones motor (S series) and many other manufacturers have entered the permanent magnet AC servo system fray.Germany Rexrot
45、h (Rexroth) The MAC Indramat Division Series AC servo motor Total 7 Frame 92 specifications.Germanys Siemens (Siemens)s IFT5 series three-phase permanent magnet AC servo motor standard and short form is divided into two categories, a total of 98 species of 8 frame size specifications.Allegedly the s
46、ame series AC servo motor and DC servo motor output torque compared IHU series, which weighs only 1 / 2, supporting the transistor PWM drive 6SC61 series, the most for 6-axis motor control.Bosch (BOSCH) ferrite magnets produced the SD series (17 standard) and rare earth permanent magnet of the SE se
47、ries (8 specs) AC servo motor and drive controller Servodyn SM series.American production companies Gettys servo device as Gould Electronics, once a division of (Motion Control Division), production of M600 series A600 series AC servo motor and servo drives.After the merger to the AEG, Gettys name r
48、estored, the introduction of A700 all-digital AC servo system.U.S. AB (ALLEN-BRADLEY) 1326-based production company driver division ferrite permanent magnet AC servo motor and servo controller PWM AC 1391.Frame size motors including 3 of 30 specifications.ID (Industrial Drives) is a famous Cole Morg
49、an (Kollmorgen) of industrial drives division, has produced BR-210, BR-310, BR-510 a total of 41 specifications of the three series of brushless servo motor and servo BDS3drive.Since 1989, launched a new series designed solely doped Jian Pirates (Goldline) permanent magnet AC servo motor, including the B (small inertia), M (Middle Inertia) and EB (explosion proof) three categories, 10,20,40,60,80 five frame sizes, ea