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1、专利技术许可证合同(中英文)LIENE CONTATFOR PENT ND TCHNOLOG签约时间:inin Dae: _签约地点:Signing Pace:_合同编号:Cntract No。:_中国_(以下简称“接受方”)为一方,_国_公司(以下简称“许可方”)为另一方:hina _(heiftereferre o s“Lcense”o he ne hn an_mpny _y, _unty(eenafter rfere toas“Licesor)on he herhand; Wheeaste patent rih o _is owned y Lico;鉴于许可方是_技术的专利持有者;Whe

2、reasLcenso ha the rgt adged to nt Licesee the rig touse, mnfacure d sll he Contrct rouctsof he Pented Tholg;鉴于许可方有权,并且也同意将_专利技术的使用权、制造权和产品的销售权授权接受方;WhereasLicne hope to th Patntd ecoogy of Licso tomanufactund ellte Coct Poucs;鉴于接受方希望利用许可方的专利技术制造和销售产品;双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同Bohpartis auhoried repse

3、ntaives, throuh feny negotiaton, havegreed toenr into hisConractnder te term s stulated beow.第一条定义 Stion 1 Defintons1。1“专利技术”是指本合同附件一中所列的技术,该技术已于_年_月_日经国专利局批准,获得了专利权,其专利编号为_。1。1 Paente Technoloymeanthe tenoowhichas ee writte in pendix1 to th ontract,it as aproved byChinaen Office in _and rante tpate

4、nt rght, theptntnber i _.1。2 “许可方”是指_国_公司,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者1。“iensormeans_oman,_ity, _Cnt, or te legalrersetatie, or gny orthe prpert ccesoof te Company。3“接受方”是指中国_公司,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。1.“Lcnsee”mnshin _Cororato, o the leal rpresetatie,or ecy or the ropert sucesr of te Corratio。.4 “合同产品是指合同附件二中所

5、列的产品。4“The Conra Prodcten theprodcs sipulted in Appdi 2 to he Cntract。5 “合同工厂是指生产合同产品的工厂,该工厂在_省_市,名叫_工厂。5 “ThCnract acoy”meas the facory wich manufcures th CntractPrts,itislcatdn _it, _Provinc and naeas_.。6 “净销售价”是指合同产品的销售发票价格扣除包装费、运输费、保险费、佣金、商业折扣、税费、外购件等费用后的余额。6 “Net Selling Pe”eas th reainin su wh

6、chthe ligommecia vce price dedcts e cng exenses, trasoation exenses,insurnce rem, commissions,comecisounts, taxes and expnse or boh out eement and prts t.。“技术资料,是指列于附件一与制造和维修合同产品有关的工程、制造及原始资料,包括与制造设备、工具和装置有关的图纸、蓝本、设计图表、材料规格、照片、影印资料和一般资料,设计及其说明书等。但上述资料仅限于许可方拥有的资料和接受方用于本合同业务活动的资料;1.7 Tehnca Dcuensmean

7、s ngiering, anufatrin ndorgiatngiormaton lation o the manfacture nd servcig o Corac Prods,indingdrawing, blueint, dsn sheets, aterialpcicins,hotraps,ptociesand enraldt, and esigns ad pciication rating to manufcturi Cntract Producs,tos an xtures, but incs, vr, onlysuchinformtion as is vailale t lcnso

8、r d ppicable toepertions ofLicnseunder th Conac ich dtls per ppdx 1 o th Cntact.8 “合同生效日”是指本合同双方有关部门的最后一方的批准日期。1.“TheDae of Comngno Force f th Cntact” means theate of ratifcatio the Cora by he compettahities fbohartes, wichevrcomeslatr.第二条合同范围Sction 2Scoe f the Cntract2。接受方同意从许可方取得,许可方同意向接受方授予合同产品的设

9、计、制造和销售的专利技术.这种技术应与许可方最新产品的技术完全一致。.1Licese arees to oainromLicnsr, Lcenso agreestogran icneethe patentedtnoogy o eig,Sc Patened Tecnolog halle in xcaccordace withh tecnolooLicenorlatst poucts。22合同产品的名称、型号、规格和技术参数详见合同附件二。2.2 mnufacte spcificatin a tchniainices of the Cntrac Pdcs ardetae Apenix 2to th

10、e nrt。2许可方授予以非独占许可方式许可接受方在国设计制造合同产品,使用、销售和出口合同产品的许可权。2. Licensr agreestgrnt cne the nexuielicenseand right to din, anufacure,use, sllad xporthContact Pucti。24许可方负责向接受方提供合同产品的技术资料,包括专利的名称、内容、申请情况和专利编号等,具体的资料详见本合同附件一.。 Lceso is epnsible for providing Licensee with th Technicl Docmnts ofthe Cotrt roucs

11、, clud thane, cntent,alicatn pattand mber f the patet,ec。,the spcfi dmentation is eaie ppedx1to the ntrac。5 许可方有责任接收、安排接受方赴许可方培训的技术人员,许可方应设法使其掌握上述合同产品专利技术(详见本合同附件三)。Lcenso hall respnsibe fr h trining of Licensee tehnial peronnelinLicnor relevat facilite an als do its bst o alLicns technicarsonel to

12、aserthe Ptetd chnology of te aforesa ContactProduc(dets ser Apendx 3 to h Conta)。2。6 许可方负责自费派遣技术人员赴接受方进行技术服务。(详见本合同附件四)2。6Licnsor i obiged tosndat tsown expnse tchnicapesnnto Linsefacory fortecicl erice (detaila pr Appendi4 thCntrt).2。7在合同的执行中,如果接受方需要许可方提供技术服务或一部分生产所需的零部件或原材料时,许可方有义务以最优惠的价格向接受方提供,届时

13、双方另行协商签订合同。2。 Ithecourse of implemetatin of th Cotrat,Licnsor i ner an obligatin, uon theruest o Licenee, t provde icese th bestfavoble pce h the techncal sevices r so compens, sae pars and raw ateials wih ae ecssrrmaufctrng theCotat roduts。 Whn h timcoes,both ris wilsign th ew cotacthough frieny co

14、nsultion。2。8许可方同意接受方使用其商标的权利,在合同产品上可以采用双方的联合商标。或者标明“根据许可方的许可制造”的字样.8 Licensoragrestogrant icnsee thelicense andig o ue thtad mro Licensor, wile thecombined tae mark ofboth artsr mark he wrding prduction accrdigto icensos ceseonhe ontctProducts canbe al aopted第三条合同价格Setin3 Pie o th Conrct。1本合同涉及的专利实施

15、许可费等计价的货币为美元($).合同总价金额为_,采用一次性总付方式,合同生效之日起_日内,接受方将专利实施许可费全部汇至许可方账号。31 oyalt f n othercost of he Contrac hall e paid n dlar($),icensee shall pay Lienso lmuretaiin ee f _hch is duend ayle_ day fr te date whe the Cntract taksffct。第四条支付条件Article 4Condtosof Paymt。1 本合同第三条中规定的专利实施许可费,接受方将通过_银行(此处为接受方的业务银行

16、)和_银行(此处为许可方的业务银行)支付给许可方,支付中使用的货币为_。4。1 Roylty fe tipultein Stion toteContr salb pidby Liense oLiesr thogh hBan_(hee it is th uinessBankof Licensee, aneBnk_(eres he buiess Bank of Liesr), paymnt sall b ettlei_.。2 许可方在收到接受方按规定开具有关的单据,接受方在收到许可方出具的下列单据后三十天内。经审核无误,即支付专利实施许可费给许可方:。2 Licor hal isete relat

17、eddocuments,th Royalyfeeshl b paidby esee tLcensr ithin 30(hrty) dys aftLicense a rceived thfolwin documnts whichare povidedbyLienso ad found tem nconformi ith tesiulatin o the Cnrat.4。 按本合同规定,如许可方需要向接受方支付罚款或赔偿时,接受方有权从上述支付中直接扣除。4.3 Lcesee hll have h rit dedct ro any ofe aboe mtiond pamnth penlis and

18、/ comensaos whc Liesrsll pay in ccodance withh stiulatonsofeotrat。第五条技术服务和培训Aicle 5 Technical service and Taiing。1 技术服务TechialSric()许可方在合同有效期内派遣一名技术专家到接受方,对合同产品的图纸和技术资料进行解释,并就产品设计、制造、调试和检验,以及维修等方面进行技术指导,以使接受方在保证合同产品性能的情况下,能尽快采用国产的材料和元器件,实现合同产品的生产。()Drn the alidiy perf the Cact,icenso sh sena pcalit

19、toLinsee s fayt exlathedrawngs and techicaldument and provide tchiaservi ineignng, anufacturng, adjustmn,spctio nd maintnance of thConractePoduct s oeable Licese t se, fas possibl, homematealsand rawcomens withot afecting h proprtie of the Producs so mnufctd。()许可方在合同有效期内分两次派遣技术人员赴接受方进行技术服务,共_人日.(2)c

20、nor shatie sed its peciaistt Lcenses actory t prvidetechnilsrvce fo a totworkindays man.(3)第一次技术服务在合同生效后第六个月,许可方派遣技术人员1人赴接受方工厂,提供技术指导_日。(3)The fit technical vice sa1star in he it month after tnractcomento efect.Lcnorhll en a eclit to Linsees actortoprideechnical servce rworkig ys/man。(4)第二次技术服务在合同产品

21、验收期间。许可方派遣技术人员1人赴接受方工厂,提供技术服务,时间为_日。(4)Teecnd echnialservce hll stat dungh eriiationotheContractProducts.icensor shall sd a spcis t Lens facory to provetechical ericefor working ays/an。()许可方负担其人员的旅差费.接受方负担由驻地到工厂的交通工具和膳宿费。()Licensor shll, or isscialiss, bea the taelling pense.Licnse sha be sponsibleo

22、 Borig nd dging an afordig theeansof convyace fromthe ldgglacetothe facto。第六条技术资料rticle Technic ouent。1以许可方应按本合同附件一规定的内容和时间,在_交付技术资料。1 Lensor sallacordigto h delvey schedule and eal sipuae inppeni 1 to eCotract, dlive te documenst_。6.2 _的邮戳日期,为技术资料的实际交付日期。接受方将带有到达印戳日期的空运提单影印本1份寄给许可方。62 The datestamd

23、bythe air transprtation gency a_, shbe takena th actualdae f deleryLiceseesa send cs a phtstatcopy oftheairnsinent noteshoing the stamp dat arriva.6.在每批技术资料发运后24小时内,许可方应将合同号、空运提单号、空运报单日期、资料项目、件数、重量、航班号和预计抵达日期用电报或电传通知接受方。同时将空运提单和技术资料详细清单各一式2份寄给接受方.6.3 Wihn twentyfor hurs ater h dpch of ech lotof thet

24、chnal cent,Lcens shal1 noifyLiense able r lexofthe orat umber, number an aeoftheirconsgnmnt noe, ieofthdocumens,numberofpiec, aimail tocense two copes of each of th air cosimen te a etiedlst of thetchnical ocments.。4 若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、短缺,许可方应在收到接受方书面通知后3天内,免费外寄或重寄给接受方。在接受方收到技术资料后60天内,如果没有以书面形式提出资料不全或增补

25、要求,则视为接受方验收。64 I tetechnil omen re fundlost, damed or l durinirnsortation,icsorhall suly Licesee freofcarge witha secod lot odcuments wihn th horttossile tie utntlter an hirty ays after it asrecved frmcesee the ritnnotice. Wtin sixtyday fterLiceseas revedt docments rm Lcenso, if Lcense osot dclae th

26、e horge and reust tocovthe same, it isconsideed aeptanc。6。5 技术资料采用英文,计量单位以公制表示。 The thnca dcumns shall b in nglish andbd on merc ysm ofmeaureent。第七条考核与验收rtile 7 Verifiaton and ceptce7合同产品的第一台样机,由双方组成的联合考核小组,按附件5规定的时间和内容进行考核。如果符合附件一规定的技术要求,即可验收,并由双方代表签署合同产品考核验收合格证书一式4份,双方各执两份。1T Veiiton Tes n the fir

27、stampemachie ofthentraedPoduct shallbe carried u by hejint group conssig ocensee and Licnsr reresenivsaccordingtotescede a ctentssilated ininpendix 5 o theonat。 Ifteerfoanceof heConact Product sin oomty wthth techniclspcficationstipuate iApedix1, uh testshal bcondred qualifed ad tereprstates of oh p

28、artie shll sign the Inspection and Testin etifict fortheproper pfrmace f thCntre Pouct inqdrulicate, ie fr each art。7。2 如果合同产品的技术性能达不到规定的技术标准,双方应友好协商,共同研究,分析原因,采取措施,消除缺陷,进行第二次性能考核。考核合格后,双方签署考核合格证书.。 h Veriication Test deonstrsht theperformance othe ContratedPrdct snot in conmtywitpscribedtencal spec

29、ifiation, both partisshll,trughamableneotaions, ake oin study f ad aaz auantameasrs o elm the efectsnd cary ot seon test。 Whente scndtetmnstates the perrmnc s qalifed, both pries shallsig a tetgcefice for the propr perfmane。7.如果第一次考核不合格是许可方责任,许可方应自费再次派遣技术人员进特第二次考核。3 Iicesor is rsponsble fo the failu

30、re the first tes,Licno shll diptatt own expens thnial persnnel forsndtst。.4经过第二次考核仍不能合格验收,若责任在于许可方,则许可方须赔偿接受方遭受的直接损失。并采取措施消除缺陷,进行第三次考核。7。4 If the econdtest faisaain andhfilue i aribued tcnor,icorshlindemniy Licsfr an losses ustaineshal tae efective mearestoliminte theeect ad cayo a thr es.5 经过第三次考核仍

31、不合格,如系许可方责任,则接受方有权终止合同,并接第九条的规定处理。若系接受方责任,则由双方协商合同进一步执行的问题。7。 If te thrd est agai as, d ficen s reponibeforefailure,Licese ha the right t erminte teotrac a is dietion an loge clamsasspulted in Artil9If the esponibity or the falue e ith Liene, the oPrtie ha eotiate as toh t furer mpement the Conract。

32、第八条技术改进rticl Technica mpovmens8. 许可方提供的技术资料,如有不适合接受方生产条件的(如设计标准、原材料、外购配件及共他生产设备等,许可方有责任帮助接受方修改技术资料,并加以确认在不影响合同产品性能情况下,应采用国产的原材料、配套元器件和设备。8。If h tecnical documens provied by iensor ot aplicabe t Licenseculprouction ditios (sas desig tndars, aw rls, purchsed artsfor th machine, producti acilites),Lice

33、nsor i blie t ssitiensin modifying he techncldocuments and confim he same.upon thecnditot terprie ofheContracted Procts ar otaffcted, raw terials,fting ndqipment ofdoetic rigin mayeued.8。 在合同有效期内,双方对合同产品的任何改进和创新,都免费将改进或创新的技术资料提供给对方。2During the crreny f thentrat。 fithero the two paries effctimpoents

34、on or eveloensf trductswitin heprod stipulatd inteontract,thesadrty hal submit, fre ofcharg, to te th pay tetechnologicaifomtion cncrnig suh irvmets r dvloment。8. 改进或创新的技术所有权属于改进或创新一方,另一方不得对其申请专利或将其转让给第三者.8.3 he ownershi uch irovens or dvepents f h ntcted Prouctshlelog t thepary ho ha efcdschiproet

35、o evelopmen. Te ther party shall notappl for atent otanfer he sameo an thrdart。第九条保证和索赔ril 9 Gurane nd lams9。1 许可方保证所提供的技术资料是许可方经过实际使用的最新技术资料,并保证向接受方及时提供任何改进和发明的技术资料。9.1 Lcensr garntes tat the tchnicldocumentsto be uplid ycesor ae thelaest chical inrmaio which as been put into pracical us Licensr. L

36、icnsras undertakesto supplto Lcensee in tim he echical inforatin relvant to anydevelopment or impovent on te ntracte ouct。9 许可方保证所提供的技术资料是完整的、正确的、清晰的,并保证按时交付。9. ieso guarateett thtcnicadcumentsto b supplie by Licensor aremple, orre, leible an ae to bedptched n tme.9。3 如果许可方提供的技术资料不符合第六条规定,许可方必须在收到接受

37、方书面通知后30天内免费将所缺的技术资料,或清晰、正确的资料寄给接受方.。3 Ifte docuents supplied byLicensorar oin confitwith e tulatinin rtl6,Linorsal, within e shrtest possible me ut not terthn 0 ds ferecit ofcensee writen oice, isptch fe of argt Licnste missingor the correcan legbltechnial documents.9 如许可方的技术资料不能按本合同附件一规定的时间交付,许可方则须按下列比例支付罚款给接受方:9。 I Licenor fls t isac thesaid doumentswithi thetipuated p asprppendix, Liensorshallpaypnalty Lcense n tllwing prrtins:(1)迟交1至4周,罚款为合同总价的_;(1)pcnt ofe total Ctract rice for dlay rom1 t wees.(2)迟交至8周,罚款为合同总价的_%;(2)prcentoft toal contrctprce for delay m5 o wes。(3)迟交超


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