1、发光器件的测量发光器件的测量1NRC INMS PAR Measurement Course2Web 3Instruments光度学和辐射度学的基本概念光度学和辐射度学的基本概念A A 辐射能通量(辐射功率辐射能通量(辐射功率,单位:瓦,单位:瓦 W W)辐射能通量的谱密度辐射能通量的谱密度辐射能通量的谱密度:辐射能通量的谱密度: dd)(d0)(视见函数视见函数定义:定义: 当当= 555 nm 时,时,V=1 实验表明:实验表明: 0004. 05 . 2103WWV555)(V= 400 nm a 光通量光通量光源发出的辐射能通量通过视见函光源发出的辐射能通量通过视见函数的权重因子折合成
2、对人眼起作用数的权重因子折合成对人眼起作用的有效视觉强度称为光通量。的有效视觉强度称为光通量。单位:流明单位:流明 lm 有:有: )(V或者:或者: dVKdm)()(dVKm)()(最大光功当量,最大光功当量, WlmKm/6831 lumen = 1/683 W at 555 nmFrom a quantum mechanic perspective of photon flow rate and photon energy (E) at 555 nm(m) wavelengthradiation (m/s)light of velocity (Hz)radiation offreque
3、ncy Jsconstant sPlank h where10582. 310555/1000. 31026. 6/199834vfJhvhfE)/(10087. 410582. 3/10464. 1: toscorrespond this/10464. 1)(683/1)( 1151933sphotonsnsJorWWlmThis is what 1 lumen is equivalent to.b b 发光强度发光强度 和和 B B 辐射强度辐射强度点光源发光强度点光源发光强度ddI, 单位:坎德拉, srlmcd111其中 2RdSd点光源点光源dr辐射强度辐射强度ddI, 其中 2Rd
4、Sd, srWsrW11/1单位: srW /Radiometric Intensity is the radiometric flux density (watts) per steradian (W/sr)Photometric (luminous) intensity is the luminous flux density per steradian expressed in candellas. Exponential Intensity Source: profiles radiation patterns of LEDs, both wide and and narrow bea
5、m widths.nOIIcosWhere n is the radiation exponent c c 亮度和亮度和 C C 辐射亮度辐射亮度亮度:亮度:coscos*dSdddSdIdSdIB单位: 或 )/(2srmlm)/(2srcmlm扩展光源扩展光源 法线法线ndSdSdr辐射亮度:辐射亮度:coscos*dSdddSdIdSdIB单位:单位: )/(2srmW, )/(2srcmWd d 照度和照度和 D D 辐射照度辐射照度(光光)照度定义:照度定义:dSdE, 单位:lux, lx 辐射照度定义:辐射照度定义:单位:W/m2 2/1mmlx watts per square
6、 meterdSdE, 点光源的照度22coscosrIrdSIdSdSIddSdE21 rE cosE, d点光源点光源法线法线nSd r面光源的照度22coscoscoscoscosrBdSdSdSrdSBdSBdd2coscosrBdSdSddESdSrBE2coscos注意:注意: (a)通常情况下光强的概念与这里的辐射)通常情况下光强的概念与这里的辐射 照度的概念一致,单位是照度的概念一致,单位是W/cm2 。(b)照度是接收的概念,发光强度)照度是接收的概念,发光强度 和亮度是发射的概念。和亮度是发射的概念。 Some Typical Luminance And Radiance
7、LevelsSourceReceiverDA = aread视见函数视见函数400500600700800011.8Wavelength, nmPhotopic SensitivityyThis curve shows the relative sensitivity of the eye. To convert to photometric units from radiometric, multiply by 683 Lumens Per WattColor: Tristimulus Values Describe Eyes Response to Color Based on Color
8、 Matching Experiments Small Number of Observers Lines are ApproximationsSpectral radiance Le(), the usual units are Watt/steradian/m2/nm PR-705Radiance(watts/sr/m2)3802.846e-0033821.285e-0023842.987e-0023863.336e-0023881.459e-0023901.739e-0023921.675e-0023944.251e-0033961.720e-0023982.580e-0024002.0
9、76e-0024025.027e-0034041.362e-0024063.447e-0024083.644e-0024105.342e-0024128.716e-0024141.359e-0014161.861e-0014182.458e-0014203.686e-001PhotometryObserver: 2 degreesLuminance(cd/m2)8.138e+004Luminance(fl) 2.375e+004Scotopic Y(cd/m2)9.670e+004Scotopic Y(fl) 7.025e+004Pho. Transmit. (%)N/APho. Reflec
10、t. (%) N/APho. Opt. DensityN/APho. AbsorptanceN/AObserver: 10 degreesLuminance(cd/m2)9.088e+004Luminance(fl) 2.652e+004Pho. Transmit. (%)N/APho. Reflect. (%) N/APho. Opt. DensityN/APho. AbsorptanceN/ARadiometryRadiance(watts/sr/m2) 3.393e+002Photon Rad.(photons/sr/m2/sec) 8.782e+020Rad. Transmit. (%
11、) N/ARad. Reflect (%) N/ARad. Opt. Density N/ARad. Absorptance N/AChromaticityObserver: 2 degreesX 9.101e+004Y 8.138e+004Z 1.832e+005CCT 91020MK -1 11.0u-v Dev -0.0153x 0.2559y 0.2289u 0.1956v 0.2623u 0.1956v 0.3935Observer: 10 degreesAvantes Avantes 光纤光谱仪光纤光谱仪 一个光子的能量:E = hc/ (J) 其中h = Plancks cons
12、tant (6.626 10-34 Js)c = Speed of light (2.998108 ms-1)= Wavelength (m)一个焦耳的光子数 the number of photons per joule is:(in nm)5.0341015 1 mol = 6.023081023 (Number of Avogadro)1 mol = 6.023081017 单位换算 1 Watt/cm2 = 1 Joule/s/cm2 = 0.01 Joule/s/m2 0.01(nm)5.0341015/6.02308/1017 Mol/(sm2) =(nm)0.0000835785
13、 Mol/(sm2) The photon count distribution Mol/(sm2nm) shows the photon flux received per square meter. Other photon count units that can be calculated from this are: Mol/(snm) photon flux received at diffuser surface Mol/( m2nm) photons received per square meter during one integration cycle Mol/nm ph
14、otons received at diffuser surface during one integration cycle Illuminance曲线 lm/m2或lux =测量的Irradiance曲线 Watt/cm2 0.01683视见函数Photometry 文件的表中:Illuminance值Illuminance曲线下积分(380nm780nm)Luminous Flux (r探头收到的) Lumen = Illuminance曲线 lm/m2 积分 探头接收面积m2 单色仪单色仪透射谱测量透射谱测量 Transmittance 反射谱测量反射谱测量 Reflectance吸收谱测量吸收谱测量 AbsorbanceAbsorbance人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。