1、清明节英语作文带翻译清明节英语作文带翻译 篇1清明节是一个拜祖先的日子,也就是给祖先烧点食物的,烧给他们。4月5日星期六,是清明节,我和爸爸妈妈一大早就起床,连早餐都没吃,就从横沥开车回老家扫墓。一回到老家,我们都把鞋换成拖鞋,因为去扫墓祖先的路是一条水泥路很脏,换完鞋我们就动身了,来到第一个地方时就望见有很多人在把草挖开,这里每年都会这样的到处都是草,所以每次来这里都得挖草,挖完之后,我们就起先给祖先苹果、包子的食物,然后我们拜这位祖先的每一个家庭就轮番的烧鞭炮,有几个家庭都烧大的鞭炮,所以他们最终一个烧,鞭炮一个接一个,很响,特殊是大的鞭炮,烧完鞭炮后,爸爸就叫我去拜一下祖先。拜完之后,我
3、上水果,烧一些钱和烟给他们,还有茶和白酒,最终烧鞭炮,做完以上这些工作,我就去拜拜他们,把全部剩下的茶倒给他们喝,并把我刚才在路上摘的鲜花送给他们,希望他们在天堂能更加相爱。拜完全部祖先后,我们就回家,然后12点动身一起吃饭,把我们买的烧猪吃掉,看到大家兴致勃勃吃着美味的烧猪,我感到无比的兴奋。这次清明节我肯定会把发生过的事情恒久记到脑子里,这次清明节让我终身难忘。清明节快到了,星期天我和爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶、舅爷爷、阿姨一家人,去给姥姥扫墓,顺便去春游游玩。 一路上,我看到小鸟在枝头唱歌,河水澄澈见底,空气湛蓝深远,鸟语花香,一片春天的景象。扫完墓后,我们就向目的地动身了,我们今日踏春游玩的地
4、点是金井茶园。一下车,就闻到一阵芳香,我们迫不及待的进去了。看到这里风景美丽,鸟语花香,我们走啊走啊,看到了好多茶树,绿油油的。我们摘了一大袋,还拍了照想留住这美妙的一天。我们接着往前走,半路上,看到了一个很大的池塘,水里还有很多鲫鱼浮在水面晒太阳,像在欢迎我们的到来。池边,看到了粉红色映山红,我摘了几朵来,送给了我的妈妈。我们走啊走啊,转了个圈,又回到了原地。在回家的路上,我们经过一片草莓地,顺便摘了点草莓,一吃,好甜。我们就开快乐心的打算回家了,今日的踏春多么难忘啊!Qingming Festival is coming. On Sunday, my parents, grandparen
5、ts, uncles and aunts and I will go to the grave for grandma and go for a outing.Along the way, I saw birds singing in the branches. The water was clear, the air was blue and far-reaching, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, a picture of spring.After sweeping the tomb, we set out fo
6、r our destination. Today, we are going to visit Jinjing tea garden in spring. As soon as we got out of the car, we could not wait to enter. Seeing the beautiful scenery and the fragrance of birds and flowers, we walked and walked, and saw a lot of tea trees, green. We picked a big bag and took photo
7、s to keep the beautiful day. We went on, half way, saw a big pond, there are many crucian carp floating in the water to bask in the sun, as if to welcome our arrival. By the pool, I saw the pink reflection of the mountain. I picked some and gave them to my mother. Let's go, go, turn around, and
8、go back to where we were.On the way home, we passed a strawberry field and picked some strawberries by the way. It was sweet. We are happy to go home, how unforgettable today's spring outing!清明节英语作文带翻译 篇2天灰了,人散了。街道上传来一声声敲打的声音,原来是人们在做好吃的清明果呀!雨下了起来,滴在做清明果的容器里,滴在那绿绿的面团上,显得更加迷人了。雨细细的,就像千万根尖针落下来,变成一个
9、个深浅不一的小土坑。让我不由得想起了唐代诗人杜牧清明“清明季节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 一位大爷手拿一个粗长的棍子用力地敲打着面团,一边敲,一边还念着一首诗还是一个童谣,节奏感很好,旋律也很奇妙,只惋惜我一个字也没听懂。大爷敲打,大娘揉面,真是“男女搭配,干活不累。” 我在一旁呆呆的看着他们,自己也想“玩一玩”。我迫不及待地跑过去拿起那粗大的棍子,拿棍子可真重呀,就算我使出全身的力气,它还是得意忘形,纹身不动地站在那里,还时时常对着我坏笑。 我拿它没方法,只好去帮他们印清明果。这“印”可不是把什么东西印在清明果上,而是把清明果面团放在一个容器里,让它成形。 看着自己制作的清明果心里别提多兴奋,
10、再咬一口更是美滋滋的。这个清明节过得真是味道!The sky is grey and the people are scattered. There is a sound of knocking on the street. It turns out that people are making delicious qingmingguo! It began to rain, drop in the container of qingmingguo, drop on the green dough, it seemed more attractive.Rain thin, like tens
11、of thousands of needle down, into a small pit of varying depths. I can not help but think of the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's Qingming, Qingming season rain one after another, passers-by want to break their souls.A big man was beating the dough with a thick and long stick. He was still reading a po
12、em or a nursery rhyme. He had a good sense of rhythm and melody, but I didn't understand a word. I beat and knead. It's true that men and women work together, but I'm not tired.I was staring at them, and I wanted to play. I can't wait to run over and pick up the thick stick. It's
13、 really heavy. Even if I put all my strength into it, it's still triumphant. The tattoo stands still and laughs at me from time to time.I can't take it, so I have to help them print the qingmingguo. This seal is not to print something on Qingming fruit, but to put Qingming fruit dough in a c
14、ontainer and let it take shape.Looking at the qingmingguo made by myself, I'm not too happy. It's even more beautiful to take another bite. This Qingming Festival is really delicious!清明节英语作文带翻译 篇3The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China.On April 5th, people start to
15、 visit their ancestors tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to
16、put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. Its a symbol of the offsprings respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money
17、 to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.In some provinces of China, people use different activities to c
18、ommemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the Ay Tsaojuice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done.People
19、believe that eating Ay Tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for anot
20、her thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.清明节是中国的传统节日之一。从每年的4月5日起先,人们就起先去祭拜自己的祖先。一般来说,人们会带一些自制的食品,冥币和祭品烧给他们的祖先。当人们起先拜祖的时候,就会点燃蜡烛和香火,在坟墓四周挂上鲜花。最重要的事情是把祭祀的食物摆在坟墓前。这些食物,又称之为祭品,通常由一只鸡、一条鱼、一些猪肉组成。这是后代对祖先所表示的一种敬重。人们认为老祖宗会和他们一同共享美食。后代们献上食物和钱财表示他们对先人的爱和关切。晚辈们则会跪在坟前,说出自己的心愿,向先人祷告,让祖宗保佑自己的愿望得以实现。在中国的某些
21、省份,人们通过实行不同的活动来纪念清明节。例如,春游、荡秋千、植树以及做特别的食物。其中一种特殊的小吃叫艾粑粑。艾粑粑看起来像汤圆,但它的颜色的是绿色的。把艾草汁和糯米粉混合在一起,搓成小球,艾粑粑就做好了。人们认为吃艾粑粑能祛除邪气,让诸事顺当。其余的活动,例如春游、植树都是纪念先人的方式之一。一方面,这些活动告知人们要展望将来,拥抱希望;另一方面,我们希望先人能安眠。清明节英语作文带翻译 篇4中文:“清明季节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”今年的清明节是4月4日星期四,我们全家一大早就开车前往老家潮阳谷饶去扫墓祭祖,一路上的车排成了车龙,都往墓地赶着。我是第一次要去扫墓,在路上我心里总是揣测着山
23、之后把东西收好回家。山上的祭祖人真多,到处都是钱纸和炮竹的回声,今日的山上可真喧闹呀!回家后,我全身湿淋淋的可我还是很快乐,因为从这次扫墓让我懂得了很多很多。英文:Qingming Festival in succession, the pedestrian on the road. This year's Qingming Festival is on Thursday, April 4th, and our family drove to the old house early in the early morning to go to the hometown of Chaoya
24、ng to visit the tomb for the ancestor. The cars on the road were dragons to the cemetery.I was the first time to visit the grave, on the way to my heart, I always guessed what the mountain cemetery was really looking forward to, finally to the destination, I can't wait to rush up, but the rainin
25、g mountain road is too slippery, flop I fell a mouth mud. When I got up, my mother looked at him and said, big ye, impatient to eat hot tofu, and walking on the hillside. I listened to my mother's words and walked slowly. There are many fruit trees on the hill: bayberry, apple, banana and olive.
26、 A little Yang Meigua is on the tree. Some apple is red like a kid who drinks a lot of wine. The banana is like a small boat hanging on a tree. The air was very fresh!Walk and go, finally to the tomb of grandmother's grandmother, we cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, and then put the tribut
27、e and paper money before the tomb of grandmother's grandmother. Put the paper into the fire to burn, finally we lit firecrackers, knock three times after put things away home.So many mountain worship, there are echoes of paper money and firecrackers, today the mountain can be really fun ah!After
28、 returning home, I was wet, but I was still very happy, because I learned a lot from this tomb sweeping.清明节英语作文带翻译 篇5Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members. Becau
29、se it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.Literally meaning clear (Qing) and bright (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a spring festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave th
30、e home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。更重要的是,它是一段荣誉和敬重死去的祖先和家庭成员。因为它加强了孝道的伦理,清明节是一个重
31、要的中国节日。字面上的意思就是“清晰”(清)和“光明”(明),这个中国节日在早春,在冬至后的106天。它是一个“春天”的节日,是全家人的场合离开家和扫描他们的祖先的坟墓。中国实际的坟墓是给定的一段时间,也就是说,10天清明节前后的一天。在一些方言组安排一个月。清明节英语作文带翻译 篇6今日,我和爸爸、妈妈、舅舅、舅妈、哥哥去太公、太太坟前扫墓。Today, my father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother and I went to visit the tomb of Taigong and his wife.到了那里,我们放上小菜、水果、酒饭,点上蜡烛,然后我们
32、都鞠了几个躬。旁边还有很多革命烈士,我想:这些烈士流血牺牲,才换来了我们今日的华蜜生活。When we got there, we put on vegetables, fruits, wine and rice, lit candles, and then we all bowed a few times. There are a lot of revolutionary martyrs beside us. I think that only when these martyrs shed blood can we have a happy life today.我肯定要好好学习,珍惜今日
33、的华蜜生活,做一个好孩子。I must study hard, cherish today's happy life and be a good child.清明节英语作文带翻译 篇7以前,我对节日一问三不知,别说是清明节,连六一节我也不知道.可我看了<<我们的节日>>后,我对全部的节日都很了解了,特殊是清明节,我对清明节特别了解了。In the past, I didn't know about the three festivals, let alone the Qingming Festival. I didn't even know ab
34、out the 61 Festival. But after I saw our festival I knew all the festivals very well, especially the Qingming Festival. I knew the Qingming Festival very well.据我了解,汉魏以前清明主要指节气,它仅仅是与农事亲密关联的一般节令.那么它如何成为被人们所重视的节日呢?缘由在于,清明与上已,寒食两个节日的日期相当接近,而且三个节日的习俗相互关联,具备融为一体的条件.清明节就是现在的4月4日至6日之间。As far as I know, befo
35、re the Han and Wei dynasties, Qingming mainly referred to solar terms. It was only a general Festival closely related to farming. So how could it become a festival that people attach great importance to? The reason is that the dates of .Qingming and Shangji, and cold food festivals are quite close,
36、and the customs of the three festivals are related to each other and have the conditions of integration. Qingming Festival is now between April 4 and 6每到这时,人们都会去扫墓,有些学校也会组织春游.到那天,我们会吃清明团子,那着自己制作的小白花献给革命人等等.从古代到现在,在清明节时,我们可以放风筝,实行放风筝竞赛At this time, people will go to the tomb sweeping, and some school
37、s will organize spring outings. On that day, we will eat the Qingming troupe and dedicate the small white flowers made by ourselves to the revolutionaries and so on. From ancient times to now, on the Qingming Festival, we can fly kites and hold kite flying competitions.我回到家想了想,咦,假如我们老是用古代的习俗,一点儿也没有创
38、意了.于是,我想了想,最终,想出了一个特别好的点子:我们可以把清明团子做成各种各样好看,新颖的形态来,这样,让人们看起来舒适,吃起来甜蜜!I came home to think, eh, if we always use the ancient customs, there is no creativity at all. So, I thought, finally, came up with a very good idea: we can make Qingming dumplings into all kinds of good-looking, novel shapes, so t
39、hat people look comfortable and eat sweet!我们的节日这本书真好!让我深深地了解到了清明节各种习俗,由来等等。This book is so good that I have a deep understanding of the customs and origins of Qingming Festival.清明节英语作文带翻译 篇8今日是清明节,天气很好,太阳高高地照着,春风暖暖地吹着,爸爸妈妈带我一起到生态园玩。Today is Qingming Festival, the weather is very good, the sun is shi
40、ning high, the spring wind is blowing warm, mom and Dad take me to the ecological park to play.路边的地里开满了油菜花,像铺了一地的金子。小河边的柳树发了新芽,嫩嫩的、绿绿的,像春姑娘的长发。The roadside fields are full of rape flowers, like a field of gold. Willows beside the river sprouted, tender and green, like the long hair of a spring girl.
41、到了生态园,音乐立刻进入了我的耳朵,好听极了。第一站我们来到动物园。小金鱼真可爱,在水里愉快的游来游去。孔雀开屏的时候,它的尾巴真好看。小猴子真好玩,它趴在笼子边纹丝不动,我扔给它一块糖,它捡起来就吃,把牙都粘硃了。When I arrived at the ecological park, the music immediately came into my ears. It was very beautiful. The first stop we came to the zoo. The little goldfish is so cute. They swim happily in t
42、he water. When the peacock opens the screen, its tail is really beautiful. The little monkey is so funny. He lies motionless beside the cage. I throw him a piece of sugar. He picks it up and eats it. His teeth are all sticky.热带植物园里的热带植物真多呀。仙人掌身上长满了刺,椰子树上结满了椰子,滴水观音叶子大大的像一把扇子。中间的水池里有许多乌龟,许多游人往乌龟身上扔钱。T
43、here are so many tropical plants in the tropical botanical garden. The cactus is covered with thorns, the coconut tree is covered with coconuts, and the dripping Guanyin leaves are like a fan. There are many tortoises in the middle pool, and many tourists throw money to them.吃过午饭,我们来到湖边划船。划船的人可真多,等了
44、半天才等来一条水上双轮车。妈妈买了许多好吃的东西,我们一边划船一边吃东西。湖里有五只鸭子游过来跟我们要吃的东西,我扔了很多好吃的给它们,它们始终跟着我们游来游去,好玩极了。After lunch, we came to the lake to row. There are so many people rowing. It took me a long time to wait for a water bike. Mom bought a lot of delicious food. We rowed and ate at the same time. There are five ducks
45、 swimming in the lake to eat with us. I threw them a lot of delicious food. They have been swimming with us. It's very interesting.今日我玩的可真快乐呀!I had a good time today!清明节英语作文带翻译 篇9清明节,春光明媚,阳光绚丽,爷爷奶奶带着我去乡下给老太上坟。Qingming Festival, bright spring and sunshine, Grandpa and grandma took me to the count
46、ryside to visit the old ladys grave.乡下好美呀!我们望见了绿绿的小草,金黄金黄的油菜花和嫩嫩的秧苗。不一会儿,我们来到墓前,放置一束花,烧上一些纸钱,再放鞭炮。How beautiful the countryside is! We saw green grass, golden rape flowers and tender seedlings. After a while, we came to the tomb, put a bunch of flowers, burn some paper money, and then set off firecr
47、ackers.我问爷爷为什么这么做?爷爷说:这是表达我们对亲人的思念,祝愿他们在天堂的那一边华蜜欢乐地生活着。I asked grandpa why he did it? Grandpa said: this is to express our yearning for our relatives and wish them a happy life on the other side of heaven.今日,我最终知道了什么叫扫墓了。Today, I finally know what is tomb sweeping.清明节英语作文带翻译 篇10In contrast to the sa
48、dness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day, but also at night. A string of little lanter