1、 清明节扫墓_清明节英语作文带翻译 清明节前夕,老师带着我们怀着沉重而又崇敬去烈士陵园扫墓,是为了追忆缅怀革命先烈。一路上,同学们都默默无语。这时我情不自禁想起了爷爷、奶奶给我讲的革命先辈的英雄事迹有李大钊、王若飞、刘胡兰、王二小.她们都是为了建立新中国而牺牲的革命烈士。这时,我的心情更加沉重了。走进烈士陵园,首先映入我眼帘的是一座高大雄伟的烈士纪念碑,碑上醒目地刻着;‘’烈士英明,照耀千古。‘’八个闪闪发光的金字。顿时我肃然起敬。纪念碑上的两侧一排排苍松翠柏,正在给革命烈士哀悼呢。On the eve of the Qingming Festi
2、val,the teacher took us to visit the martyrs cemetery with heavy and reverence,in order to remember the revolutionary martyrs.Along the way,the students were silent.At this time,I can t help but think of the heroic deeds of the revolutionary ancestors that my grandparents told me:Li Dazhao,Wang Ruof
3、ei,Liu Hulan,Wang erxiao.They are all revolutionary martyrs who died to build a new China.At this time,my heart is more heavy.When I entered the martyrs cemetery,I first saw a tall and majestic monument of martyrs,on which there was a striking inscription:“the martyrs are wise and shine for thousands of years.”.Eight glittering gold words.Immediately I was in awe.Rows of pines and cypresses on both sides of the monument are mourning the revolutionary martyrs.