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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date英语角活动策划书-(800字)英语角活动策划书-(800字)英语角活动策划书一、成立“英语角”1、 活动目的:(1)借助英语角的开展,提高同学们的英语学习兴趣和口语水平(2)以各种趣味小活动为载体,深入浅出,在提高同学们英语基础能力的同时丰富同学们的课余生活(3)通过英语的视频、音乐、课件等多媒体方式传播英语文化,全面提高同学们的英语文化素养和英语知识。2、 活动时间

2、: 2011年6月12号(本周日下午)3、 活动地点: 惠迪培训学校4、 组织人员:5、参加人员:6|、辅导教师:7、主办机构:惠迪培训学校8、活动设想:体现以学生为主,发挥辅导教师的引导作用,原则上要求参与者都说英语。(1)、活动场地的布置由学生设计和装饰,体现学生的爱好和需求。(2)、每次活动的主题由老师和学生共同商定,活动内容贴近学生实际和生活,活动主题(topic)(供参考)1、介绍自己、家庭及交朋友。(introduce yourself、family and friends)介绍自己的喜好。(likes and dislikes)2、谈谈自己的课余生活。(your spare ti

3、me)3、说说将要做的事(sentence patterns: be going to do; want to do)4、谈方位及地点(direction and location)5、谈购物(shopping)6、谈谈外出旅行(outing and travelling)7、看图说话(talking about pictures)(活动主题可根据年级组的课程作相应的调整)。(3)、主题确定后,通知会员。并以海报的形式进行宣传,吸引学生参加。(4)、活动以游戏、对话等形式开展,突出语言的功能性。(5)、每次活动至少安排两位英语教师参与设计和指导。二、 活动内容1、 英语学习交流会先放英语歌曲b

4、ingo召集学生,组织学生学唱英语歌曲,老师组织学生在交流会中围绕活动的主题发表自己的观点,在交流中提高英语水平。并鼓励全体学生相互交谈,遇到困难可以找在场的老师帮助解决。2、 举办各类英语游戏开展多种英语游戏,针对个别英语活动增加小礼品活动,寓教于乐,可以激发大家学习英语的兴趣,也可以让自己的英语水平在娱乐中得到提高。例如,我们可以开展以下的此类英语游戏: (1)抢凳子游戏 (兔子舞背景音乐)“抢凳子”游戏规则是:一组人和比人数少1的一组凳子,在音乐声中,大家齐围着这组凳子走或跑,音乐声停止时,每人奋力抢坐到凳子上,未能抢到凳子的人被淘汰,抢到凳子的人再组成新的一组,并减少一个凳子,再次游戏

5、,直到最后剩一个凳子、一个人为止,留在最后的人为胜利者。 这种规则的游戏中,每个人在音乐停止的那一刻,为了占有一个凳子而不被淘汰,必须将竞争者挤开,游戏紧张刺激,老少皆宜。(2)摸鼻子这是训练听单词并快速作出反应的游戏,在学了单词nose, ear, eye, leg, hand, arm, finger等单词后,教师可快速说出这些单词,学生听到指令便用手触摸这个部位,最快最准的获胜,当学生做得非常熟悉后,还可以增加难度,可要求学生听到哪个单词不许摸哪个部位,如教师说“nose”,学生不可以摸鼻子,但可以摸眼睛,耳朵,嘴等其它部位,这个游戏可以用竞赛的形式进行,每组抽一名学生到前面作动作,做错

6、了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜。(3)找出不合群的单词教师说一组单词(如car, bus, jeep, sheep),比一比谁能最先挑出意义上不合群的词。上述单词中sheep不合群,因为car, bus, jeep, 属于交通工具一类的,而sheep属于动物一类的词。 1(apple pear peach orange pig banana grape)2 (dog rabbit tiger lion cat tomato)3 (football basketball chicken swimming running)4 (pink red green yellow blue sun

7、)5 (math chinese english science art ear)6 (eye nose finger hand foot moon)7 (father mother uncle grandma black)8 (teacher worker doctor farmer water)(4)传娃娃当音乐一停止的时候,娃娃在谁的手里,谁就要上台表演一个节目(5) bingo)每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然后教师随便念九个学过的单词,学生边听边将单词写在格子中,随便填在哪格里都好。学生填好后,教师再打扰次序逐个念这九个单词,学生边听边在听到单词上画圈,当画的

8、圈在横行、竖行或对角线上成为一条直线时,学生就可边喊“宾狗(bingo)”边将纸举起让教师检查,最先喊“宾狗”写得准确的获胜。3、播放狮子王或功夫熊猫等视频片段一起朗读英语或合唱刚才学过的英文歌曲,调动学生学习英语的兴趣。4、英语小知识互动,如单词词义、语法提问、英语文化常识(以基础为主,选取同学们耳熟能详的知识,活跃英语角的气氛) (1)英语趣味小知识你会犯这样的错误吗?你会犯这样的错误吗?英语有时候真是莫名其妙,你觉得你明明懂了,可实际上你又没有懂。所以,今天我想讲几件轶事,都是因为没有理解听到看到的东西而闹出的笑话。也许,从他们的经验中,你也可以学到一些东西。第一个故事发生在秘鲁,一位美

9、国妇女在餐馆里用餐。她问服务员: excuse me. where could i wash my hands?服务员把她带到洗手间,可不巧,正有一些工人在粉刷洗手间的墙壁。工人们一看有人要用洗手间,就准备离开。服务员拦住他们,说:thats ok. stay. she only wants to wash her hands.在英语里,wash my hands实际上是上厕所的委婉说法。那个服务员按照字面意思理解,结果闹了笑话。还有一次,一个留学生在国外的学校第一天上学,心里又兴奋又紧张。一个美国人见到一张新面孔,为了表示友好,就问:hi! whats the good word?留学生一听

10、到这个,立刻傻眼了,他想,my god! i dont know the good word. ive studied english for years, but no one told me about the good word!他犹豫再三,想,反正我也不知道,就问问他好了。于是他吞吞吐吐地问: hello. whats the good word?老美听了,很随意地说:oh, not much.这下,这个留学生就更吃惊了!原来,whats the good word? 在美语里,是一句问候语,意思是“你还好吗?”但问话的人并不指望你把遇到的高兴的事情都一一告诉他,只是打个招呼而已。但这

11、个留学生以为对方真的在问什么是good word,所以闹了笑话,不过还好,也算给他歪打正着了。下面的故事就更有意思了。一次,一个美国公司的管理人员给公司一个驻外分部发了一份传真,要求对方把职员的人数报上来。他是这么说的:i need a head count telling the number of people in your factory, the number of people in your office, broken down by sex.在上面的传真里,broken down by sex是“按照性别分开”的意思,但是分公司的外国职员没有理解“broken down by

12、 sex”的意思。不过breaksomething/someone down倒是还有一个意思,就是“把某事物,把某人压服”。结果,美国总部收到了回音。那份传真是这样说的:here is your head count. here we have thirty-five people in our factory, fifteen people in our office, five people in the hospital, none broken down by sex.(这是你要的人头数。我们的工厂里有35人,办公室15人,医院5人,无人因纵欲过度而垮掉。)最后,他还加了一句:and

13、if you really must know, our problem down here is with alcohol. (如果你非要知道,我们这儿的问题是饮酒过度。)查字典,break down就是“把?压服,把?压垮”的意思,因此外国职员就把broken down by sex理解成了“因为纵欲过度而垮了”,但是在那样的语言环境下,broken down by sex实际上是“按照性别分开”的意思。美国人一下子就理解的东西,在外国人眼里,就成了匪夷所思。最好的办法当然是不断积累,还有,如果有不懂的东西,一定要问明白!(2)脑筋急转弯和绕口令tongue twisters(1)the

14、rat-catcher cant catch caught rats.(2six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens.(3)jenny and jimmy went to jamaica and germany in january, but joan and john went to jordan and japan in june and july.(4) writer named wright was instructing his little son how to write wright right. he s

15、aid: it is not right to write wright as ritetry to writewright aright!why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 狗为什么害怕日光浴?english sayings1. dont speak evil of people behind their backs.(不要在人背后讲坏话)2. you cant gain knowledge without practice.(不经一事,不长一智)3. time makes it inevitable taht in every profession, youn

16、g men replacethe old.(长江后浪推前浪,世上新人换旧人)4. deliberate slowly,excute promptly.(慎于思,敏于行)(3)找规律ten animals i slam in a net 把十只动物一网打尽,你注意到这句话有什么特别之处吗?英语里面把这个叫做回文palindromes顺读和倒读都是一样的was it a car or a cat i saw?was it a rat i saw? 我刚才看到的是一只老鼠吗?附:活动除主题谈话以外还可以组织一系列的游戏活动(如猜谜游戏,英文歌曲歌曲大赛,英语小品戏剧大赛等)以增加活动的趣味性。鼓励学

17、生动手制作一些小礼物,作为游戏的礼物。5、英文小品羊肉串和纳税人characters:mr. shi, xiao fu, dabaomr. shi: tax is the major source of the fiscal revenue. there is an evident change about the relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer in the past 20 years. now, the tax collector, xiaofu, and the tax payer dabao, a vendor s

18、elling yangrouchuan will show you the very change. the first act happened in 1980s.act i(in bazaar of beijing, sanlihe, 1980s)dabao: yangrouchuan , yangrouchuan, eaten one ,want nine, eaten one, want nine.hi, take my yangrouchuan.(slipped, take it up, )xiaofu: tax! pay the tax!dabao: (change faces)t

19、axi? where is the taxi? heres no taxi.xiaofu: tax! t-a -x!dabao: whats the tax? i just know taxi! do you want me to call a taxi for you?taxi-! taxi-!xiaofu: enough! are you the vendor?dabao: no, no, no, no! i m just have a look. the vendor has gone to the toilet.xiaofu: not the vendor ? impossible!

20、you ve been here for 2 hours. dabao: really ? (xiaofu: yes, of course.)how do you know it?xiaofu: the window of my office is open to here and i ve been looking at you for two hours.dabao: it a big bug!xiaofu: oh. dont waste my time! please pay the tax- 10 yuan!dabao: 10 yuan?! my god. i had just ear

21、ned 20 yuan one day! 5 yuan, ok? xiaofu: dont cheat me, youve sold more than 2 hundred ones.dabao: 6yuan, my dear sisiter.7yuan, my lovely beauty.dabao: not for you ,not for me, lets split the difference. 8 yuan ,ok ? xiaofu: (looking around) all right ,a deal. but no receipt.(dabao payed 8 yuan and

22、 xiaofu left)dabao: what a smart woman! bad luck! im bankrupt. i have to change my place.hope i would not meet her any more! lets go!act iimr. shi: the next scene happened in new century. china had been marching in the way of the market economy for twenty years more, in the new era of building the w

23、ell-off society in an all-round way, how do the vendor regard taxas and how is the tax collected? the scene will tell you.lets enjoy it!(in the market; dabao in white clothes ,a board with no sars)dabao: yangrouchuan, yangrouchuan. eaten one, want nine. eaten one, want nine.xiaofu: hi,dabao: hi.two:

24、 what a familiar face.two: its you!dabao: 10 years past, you are a still a tax collector.xiaofu: 10 years past, you still sell yangrouchuan.how is your business?dabao: everything is ok!10 years past, you are still beautiful lady in sanlihe of beijing.xiaofu: 10 years past, you and your yangrouchuan

25、look more clean than 20 years before.dabao: thank you. no sars, no dirtiness; serve people, serve me. xiaofu: great! have youdabao: married? i m not married; im still single.xiaofu: have you claimed your tax this month?dabao: what? taxi? oh, tax! of course. i should pay the tax of 50 yuan this month

26、 and i have claimed at the begin of this month.xioafu: your receipt, please.dabao: (shows the receipt )dabao: thank you. it is my duty. im proud of myself to pay the tax for our country.xiaofu: yeah! the tax you paid is a share of our countrys economy, and you do a lot for olympics of beijing!dabao:

27、 lets do it together! . its said that, dont ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country. just like me, sellyangrouchuan, and pay the tax for ten years more.xiaofu: you re the loveliest people in new century!dabao: thank you! and you re the loveliest tax collector in

28、 new era! x: excuse me, and i have to go now. bye-bye.d: a moment, are you free tomorrow evening? could i have a dinner with you?dabao: no, no, no problem. 6 oclock in the evening, beichuanyuan, ok? xiaofu: just a kidding. i have to go home now.(leaves)dabao, see you tomorrow.dabao: hope to see you

29、everyday.the end兔子舞left left right right go turn around go go goleft right left left right rightleft left right right go go goleft left right right go turn around go go gojumping grooving dancing everybodyrooling moving singing night and daylets fun fun togetherlets play the penguings gamessmacking beating clapping all togetherrocking bumping screaming all night longlets go everybody and play again this songleft left right right go turn around go go goleft left right right go turn around go go go108101108666-


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