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1、 Book 2 Unit 5 On the roa教d学设计单元主题本单元的主题语境是“人与自然”,涉及的话题内容是通过旅行来了解世界主要国家的地理概况和自然环境,学会尊重和欣赏文化的多样性。第一篇课文 Blogging Australia 通过访谈的形式介绍了一个职业摄影博主的工作内容、与西澳大利亚州的渊源以及她对自然环境保护的看法。第二篇课文 Coast to Coast 通过电子邮件的形式,讲述了 Eva 和她的家人横穿北美大陆的旅行经历。本单元从旅行调查问卷开始,引出本单元的话题,再进一步使用多模态语篇(采访、广告、邮件、明信片和图标设计)和相关的话题内容(旅行的感受、旅行的好处、旅行

2、前的准备、旅行中问路和指路、旅行的见闻和城市介绍)来丰富和加深学生对旅行意义的思考。整个单元的教学应该牢牢把握“人与自然”的主题语境,帮助学生深度理解语篇内容和主题意义,了解不同国家和地区的风土人情,加深对英美主要国家地理知识的了解,引领学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的融合发展。单元目标1. 语言能力目标:能够读懂与旅行相关的多模态语篇,理解与旅行有关的文章内容,听懂并谈论与旅行有关的话题;能够用所学的语言知识介绍旅行经历,恰当地使用现在分词作定语,学会如何问路、指路,学会制作旅行手册;能够看懂有关旅游城市的图标和设计体现某个城市特色的图标。2. 文化意识目标:能够了解不同国家和

3、地区的自然环境、风土人情,加深对世界的了解;能够尊重和欣赏文化的多样性;能够感知中外文化的差异,初步形成跨文化意识,并通过中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解,坚定文化自信。3. 思维品质目标:能够在阅读多模态语篇时观察语言特点,通过比较不同的语篇类型,识别信息的异同;能够根据语篇的特点,客观分析信息之间的关联和差异,发现产生差异的基本原因;能够正确判断文章中人物的观点或态度,并提出自己的看法,避免盲目接受或否定文中人物的观点。4. 学习能力目标:能够通过了解不同国家和地区的风土人情,激发英1 语学习的兴趣;能够选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程。Starting

4、out 板块教学设计(建议时长 1015 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)Viewing + Speaking课型主题语境内容分析人与自然旅行活动 1 呈现一段与旅行话题相关的视频,介绍了世界五大热门旅行目的地。活动 2 请学生结合自身经历思考并回答旅行调查问卷中的问题,引发学生对自己的旅行习惯和适合自己的旅行目的地的思考。本板块旨在激活学生已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣,为接下来整个单元的学习活动做铺垫和预热。教学目标1. 带领学生走进与旅行相关的主题语境中,激活与旅行相关的知识;2. 引导学生初步感知中外文化的差异,初步形成跨文化意识;3. 引导学生通过观看短片注意观察文化现象

5、,比较与识别各种信息的异同;4. 引导学生对自己的旅行习惯和适合自己的旅行目的地进行思考。帮助学生看懂视频内容,进入到旅行的主题语境中,引发学生对旅行相关话题的兴趣。教学重点教学难点教学策略启发学生对自己的旅行习惯和适合自己的旅行目的地进行思考。视听教学法、任务型教学法TeachingcontentsProceduresStudents activityPurposesActivity 11. Watch the video and readthe subtitles.2. Discuss the two questions discussing the twoquestions, stude

6、nts3 Answer the two questions. have a sense of thetheme in this unit.3. Invite some2 questions.1. Explain the content 1. Understand the content in Lead students totransportation,2. Discuss their answers with accommodation,local culture andfood during theirtravel, and guidestudents to recallsome expe

7、riencesand knowledgeabout travelling.3. Encourage somestudents to share theiropinions in class.(建议时长 4045 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)Reading + Speaking主题语境主题语境为“人与自然”,涉及的话题是旅行。本篇课文讲述了一位职业摄影博主与西澳大利亚州的渊源,以及她的摄影经历引发了她对人与自然环境关系的思考。内容分析本文以访谈的形式,一问一答,介绍了一位职业摄影博主的工作内容、与西澳大利亚州的渊源以及她对环保的看法。课前导入活动请学生根据已有的背景知识思考“Travel

8、 broadens the mind.”的含义并分享旅行的好处。这个活动帮助学生提前熟悉语篇话题,为课文学习做铺垫。读中活动考查学生对文章的理解。读后活动则通过细节理解和开放性问答等环节,启发学生深入思考和探究主题意义。教学目标1. 带领学生通过略读,掌握与话题相关的语言知识;2. 引导学生从课文中获取有关西澳大利亚州的文化信息,欣赏文化的多样性;3. 引导学生基于文章内容并联系生活实际,谈论旅行给Lauren 带来的3 影响,并就与旅游相关的工作发表自己的观点;4. 引导学生开展自主学习和合作学习,反思学习效果,并据此优化学习策略和方法,更好地用英语进行交流和表达。在准确理解作者观点的基础上

9、,逐渐形成学生自己的观点,引发学生对人与自然环境关系的思考。教学重点教学难点教学策略引导学生形成自己的观点,对人与自然的关系进行思考。任务型教学法、P-W-P 阅读模式ProceduresTeachingcontentsPurposes1. Figure out the literal meaning By discussingmeaning of the saying of the saying “Travel broadensthe meaning ofthe saying,the mind”.2. Discuss the meaning of thesaying in groups an

10、d give some get a sense ofopinions, and note down someStudents willget some basicinformation onWesternnote down some main and read the introduction topoints.Western Australia.introduce WesternAustralia to students.1. Ask some studentsActivity 21. Understand the five questions Develop4 in Activity 2.

11、studentsreading skill oflocating certaininformation.1. Choose the best description of Developstudentsreading skill ofgetting themain idea.Develop2. Share and check answers inclass.reading skill ofgetting specificinformationand helpstudents have abetterunderstandingof the languagein the text.5 1. Dis

12、cuss the three questionsin groups.Students(建议时长 6070 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)Reading + Listening + Speaking课型主题语境内容分析语法部分的两个语篇介绍了贝尔尼纳快车的沿线风景以及夏威夷度假的广告;词汇部分通过制订旅行计划和做好旅行前的准备工作,帮助学生学习与旅行准备工作相关的词汇和表达;听说部分的材料是宾馆接待员与游客间的一段对话。教学目标1.引导学生在语篇中发现和理解现在分词作定语的使用规则,学习并运用和旅行相关的词汇与表达;2. 引导学生发现并理解语篇中包含的文化元素;3. 引导学生通过观察现在分

13、词作定语的例句,归纳与概括现在分词作定语的内在规律,并在真实语境中进行运用;4. 帮助学生掌握英语语法、词汇和听力学习的常用方法和策略。引导学生学会现在分词作定语的用法,掌握并运用与旅行相关的用语。引导学生用英语交流与解决在旅行前和旅行中遇到的问题。任务型教学法教学重点教学难点教学策略TeachingProceduresPurposes6 contents1. Read sentences (a) and (b). Let studentsusage of -ing asattributive bythe relationship between noun it modifies.-ing f

14、orm and the noun it 3. Read sentences (c) and (d), analyzingand answer Question 4 bycomparing these two groupsof sentences.4. Discuss Question 5 and tryby comparing these two to summarize the usage of-ing as attributive and thedifferences between -ing asattributive and attributiveclauses.5. Look for

15、 more sentenceswith -ing as attributive in the6. Rewrite the sentences theyActivity 21. Ask students to doActivity 2 and have a1. Do Activity 2 and have adiscussion in groups.Learn how to use-ing as attributive7 2. Share answers in class.3. Translate the sentenceswith -ing as attributive intoChinese

16、.in real situation.Learn how to use-ing as attributivein real situation.2. Explain the main idea ofthe passage.explain the main idea of 3. Underline the attributiveclauses and check answers.4. Rewrite the passage usinganswers.1. Ask students to readthese two emails andexplain some difficultpoints fo

17、r students.2. Ask students tounderline the tasksbefore going on a trip.3. Let students shareanswers.2. Underline the tasks beforegoing on a trip.3. Share and check answers.8 Activity 51. Read the emails again andcomplete the chart.Learn how to usethe topic-relatedwords and2. Share and check answers.

18、3. Think about more tasksthey may have to do beforea trip.4. Choose a destination.5. Discuss what they need todo before a trip.Ask students to read the Read the short passage inshort passage in “Did“Did You Know?” and learnDevelop thelistening skill ofgetting the mainidea in aActivity 7 and predict

19、whatthe conversation is about.2. Talk about what they cansee in the three pictures.3. Listen to the conversationand choose answers.2. Invite three studentsto talk about what theycan see in the threepictures.4. Check answers and listenagain if necessary.9 2. Listen to the conversation2. Play the audi

20、o and ask and complete the map and the listening materialstudents to complete the information in Activity 8.map and the information 3. Listen again and checkand summarizehow the speakersask for and giveinformation.answers.3. Play it again to check 4. Share answers in class.answers.activities to have

21、3. Present their conversations. a newconversationconversations.Activity 10 1. Let students drawtheir own maps.1. Draw a map.Practice how toask for and giveinformation in2. Have a similar2. Ask students to have a conversation.10 similar conversation.3. Present their conversations specific context.con

22、versations in class.课型主题语境内容分析人与自然旅行本篇课文用电子邮件的方式展示了 Eva 和家人的一次穿越北美大陆之旅;读写部分的语篇是 Alice 在云南旅行时寄给 Emma 的一张明信片,表达了自己云南之旅的感受。教学目标1. 引导学生通过快速阅读获取信息,并与图片信息相匹配,理解文章内容,能够简单复述 Eva 和家人的旅行经历;2. 引导学生找出课文中的文化信息,感知中国和加拿大的文化差异,初步形成跨文化意识;3. 思维品质目标:提取课文中有关旅行游记的相关信息,对旅行的意义有自己的思考。教学重点引导学生理解课文内容,简单复述Eva 和家人的旅行经历,理解并掌握与旅

23、行相关的表达,能够描述自己的某次旅行经历。引导学生基于范文写一张明信片。教学难点教学策略交际教学法、任务型教学法ProceduresTeachingcontentsPurposesTeachers activityStudents activityActivatestudentsknowledge aboutCanada.Activity 21. Ask students to scan1. Scan the text and writeLearn how to11 the places on the map.scan a text.2. Share and check answers.3.

24、Learn how to scan a text.1. Explain the content in 1. Understand the content in Learn howto use pronouns.sentences in the text, and underlined words refer to.3. Share answers in class.4. Summarize the usage ofpronouns.necessary.Students expresstheir ideas in alogical way.2. Ask students to have a gr

25、oup of 4 and note down3. Present ideas in class.3. Choose some studentsto present their ideas.12 Activity 41. Read the postcard andpay attention to the format.2. Answer the questions inActivity 5.write a postcard.3. Retell the content of thispostcard and illustrate theformat of it.Practice how tound

26、erline the questions Sam write a postcard.has asked in this message.3. Write a postcard to Sam.3. Ask students to writea postcard to Sam.1. Ask students toexchange postcards andActivity 71. Exchange postcards andcorrect any mistakes forImprovestudentswriting13 correct any mistakes for each other.ski

27、lls.2. Ask students to turn intheir postcards.课型主题语境内容分析人与自然旅行本课为 Presenting ideas 环节。要求学生先看图标,判断图标代表的中国城市,并自行设计一个能够体现城市特色的图标,并向他人介绍该城市的著名景点。通过简短的城市介绍,促进学生对所学内容的复习与掌握,并在真实的情境下加以运用和实践。1. 引导学生看懂这三个城市图标中的设计元素,并能够有条理地、较全面地介绍一个城市;教学目标2. 引导通过中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解,坚定文化自信;了解中外优秀文化,形成正确的价值观;3. 引导学生识别出城市图标所代表的城市,

28、学会设计城市图标,而不是单纯的模仿。教学重点引导学生恰当地表达自己的观点,与小组成员合作完成学习任务,并完成汇报。教学难点教学策略启发学生的文化传播意识,使学生能够从更多角度向世界展示中国。任务型教学法ProceduresTeachingcontentsPurposesTeachers activityStudents activityActivity 11. Ask students tolook at the logosand describe what1. Look at the logos anddescribe what they see.2. Guess which cities

29、theImprove studentsability to acquireinformation from14 they see.logos represent.pictures.1. Work in groups. Choose Teach studentshow to cooperatewith each otherand practice oralEnglish in realthey all know well. 2. List some reasons why1. Prepare a shortPractice skills ingiving aa chance to showthe

30、ir logo and givetheir presentation.2. Give somegive their presentation.2. Listen to the comments presentation.on their presentations.15 presentations.课型主题语境内容分析人与自然本单元的项目实践活动要求学生自制某一个国家的旅行手册,介绍该国的风土人情。学生在教师的指导下自主合作,总结旅行手册的编写结构和主要内容,并探究旅行的意义,深入理解世界文化和地理的多样性。教学目标1. 引导学生通过阅读课前收集的旅行手册,了解旅行手册的基本内容和编写结构,并

31、制作出自己的旅行手册;2. 引导学生运用多种方式获取文化信息,领悟世界文化的多样性和丰富性;3. 思维品质目标:建构旅游手册的概念,归纳与总结旅行手册的编写结构和主要内容,并设计出自己的旅行手册。4. 引导学生开展自主学习和合作学习,反思学习效果,并据此优化学习策略和方法;教学重点引导学生通过课前所做的研究和小组讨论意见,制作出本小组的旅行手册。教学难点教学策略引导学生设计出自己的旅行手册PurposesStudents activity1. Ask students to do the1. Do the activities inUnit reviewactivities in “Refle

32、ction”. “Reflection”.2. Organize students to 2. Have a discussion16 have a discussion aboutabout what they haveProjectDevelopstudentssearching forinformation.3. Ask students to readthe brochures and find outthe layout of them andwhat information theyinclude.pictures they are going to they are going

33、to include a travelinclude in their brochures. in their brochures. brochure.2. Ask students to work 2. Work with groupwith their group members members to draft theto draft the layout of a layout of a brochure andbrochure and think about think about how toCreate1. Ask students to write1. Write the co

34、ntent forTeach17 the content for their travel their travel brochures.students howto cooperatewith eachother.brochures.Practice skillsin giving abrochures.2. Present their brochures presentationto the class.3. Ask students to choosethe top five brochures.18have a discussion aboutabout what they haveP

35、rojectDevelopstudentssearching forinformation.3. Ask students to readthe brochures and find outthe layout of them andwhat information theyinclude.pictures they are going to they are going to include a travelinclude in their brochures. in their brochures. brochure.2. Ask students to work 2. Work with

36、 groupwith their group members members to draft theto draft the layout of a layout of a brochure andbrochure and think about think about how toCreate1. Ask students to write1. Write the content forTeach17 the content for their travel their travel brochures.students howto cooperatewith eachother.broc

37、hures.Practice skillsin giving abrochures.2. Present their brochures presentationto the class.3. Ask students to choosethe top five brochures.18have a discussion aboutabout what they haveProjectDevelopstudentssearching forinformation.3. Ask students to readthe brochures and find outthe layout of the

38、m andwhat information theyinclude.pictures they are going to they are going to include a travelinclude in their brochures. in their brochures. brochure.2. Ask students to work 2. Work with groupwith their group members members to draft theto draft the layout of a layout of a brochure andbrochure and

39、 think about think about how toCreate1. Ask students to write1. Write the content forTeach17 the content for their travel their travel brochures.students howto cooperatewith eachother.brochures.Practice skillsin giving abrochures.2. Present their brochures presentationto the class.3. Ask students to choosethe top five brochures.18


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