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1、以创先争优为动力 全面加强党建设以创先争优为动力 全面加强党建设 以创先争优为动力 全面加强党的建设 为公司战危机、保生存、求发展 实现困境突围提供坚强保障 在矿业公司创先争优活动现场交流会上的发言 (20XX年9月6日) 张国胜 尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家下午好! 请允许我代表宏大公司全体干部职工向前来宏大公司参观指导工作的各位领导及兄弟矿山各位同仁表示热烈的欢迎,向多年来支持宏大公司建设发展的各位领导及同事表示衷心的感谢!下面,我代表宏大公司就创先争优活动及党建工作做以介绍,还望大家批评指导。 首先,向大家简单介绍一下宏大公司的发展历程。宏大公司是“十一五”之初由宁城县委、县政府引进

2、的招商企业,是由中国二十二冶集团有限公司和河北钢铁集团矿业有限公司共同投资建设的大型低品位露天钒钛磁铁矿山。企业占地6200亩,注册资金9000万元,资产88550万元,员工750人。有矿区面积2.57平方公里(开采范围1.31平方公里),资源总储量1.7亿吨,矿床平均品位 %,可选磁性铁 %,选矿比为25-27。年可开采矿石1500万吨,设计能力为年产铁精粉90万吨。 回首宏大公司从20XX年建矿之初到现在,切实走过了一条充满艰难险阻的坎坷曲折之路,却又是一条不断实现自我突破与完美转身的改革发展之路,宏大公司从20XX年下半年谋划二期工程建设,20XX年9月正式投产,年处理铁矿石设计能力由原


4、寒,碎矿设备几近瘫痪,生产一度陷入绝境,产量较低。 20XX年6月,矿班子调整,宏大公司真正迎来了建设发展的新局面:新一届领导班子成立后,在上级党委的正确领导下,委紧紧围绕生产经营中心,以创先争优活动为平台,不断推进党的建设,充分发挥党组织的政治核心、服务保障、战斗堡垒以及广大党员的先锋模范作用,从而逐步开创了宏大公司生产发展的新局面。20XX年7、8月份1#尾矿库治理,处于停产状态;20XX年9月份复产,复产后连创高产,912月份生产铁精粉20.04万吨,平均每月5万吨,仅四个月就超过了20XX年8-12月份5个月或20XX年上半年的产量,超额完成后四个月生产计划10400吨,设备作业率达9

5、5%运转。成本降低率高达15.92%,实现了历史性的新突破。 自此,宏大公司新的局面被全面打开,尤其20XX年,是宏大公司实现科学发展、跨越发展的一年,是公司生产经营全面完成年度目标,达产增效又上新台阶,负重爬坡再创新佳绩的一年。矿党委紧紧“围绕一条主线,实现六个大上”的指导思想和“珍惜荣誉、再接再厉、勇于担当、乘势而上”十六字方针,以精细化管理为抓手积极推进生产经营各项工作,提前28天完成全年生产经营目标任务,荣记特等功一次;全年共生产铁精粉59.3万吨,实现利润2.012亿元,开创了宏大公司连续稳产高产的第一个整年。20XX年,该矿设备管理水平大幅度提升,球磨机检修从以前8天8宿缩短为66

6、.5小时的基础上屡次刷新历史记录;成本管理扎实推进,挖潜增效开展地如火如荼;精细化管理迈上了一个新的台阶,厂容厂貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,全公司上下形成了一种人心思齐思进、爱厂爱企的浓厚氛围;党建工作扎实开展,创先争优活动有声有色,并不断得到深化和升华,为生产发展提供了坚强的政治保障;矿业公司新的典型已经悄然崛起。 进入20XX年以来,受全球经济形势的影响,钢铁企业全线亏损,铁矿石市场受到严重冲击,自3月份起精粉价格连续下跌,矿山行业面临着自20XX年金融危机以后的又一个寒冬。加之宁城宏大公司矿石资源进一步恶化,可选磁性铁在1.8%-2.5以内的多达80%以上,且硬度增加,选比增大,造成生产成本


8、736万元挖潜创效的目标任务的同时,自主制定18项共计2468万元的挖潜新任务,力碎坚冰踏荆棘,直挂云帆勇向前,打赢了应对市场挑战、实现困境突围的生存保卫战:20XX年1-8月份共生产铁精粉37.68万吨,球磨机作业率97.52%,成本比目标降低了11.82元/吨,实现利润1914万元,为矿业公司为集团公司“挑重担、扛大梁”做出了应有的贡献。 生产经营取得不断地进步与发展,得益于公司董事会及上级党委的指点与支持,得益于广大干部职工的辛勤付出与努力,更得益于矿党委以创先争优为动力,全面加强党的建设,有效促进了企业的建设发展。开展创先争优活动以来,公司党委围绕生产经营为中心,主要做了以下工作: 一

9、、以强化形势任务教育为手段,扎实开展宣传思想工作 几年来,矿党委始终坚持以“明晰形势,精神指路,鼓舞士气,奋马扬鞭”为指导思想,利用多种形式深入开展生产经营形势任务教育工作。一是以周四晚管理人员学习培训为平台,学习传达贯彻公司重要会议和领导讲话精神、重要文件,深入开展生产经营形势任务目标教育,使干部职工明晰形势、鼓舞干劲。二是抓好“三个结合”,深化形势任务教育。我公司将学习活动与生产经营实际相结合,与“围绕一条主线、实现六个大上”战略目标相结合,与努力做好当前各项工作、确保实现全年生产经营目标任务相结合。三是开展“知形势,明任务,促发展”活动。制定形势目标任务宣传手册和24问,开展形势任务教育

10、知识答题和知识竞赛等。四是开展丰富活动,寓教于乐。矿党委组织的元旦联欢晚会和春节文艺晚会,是我公司开展形势任务教育的另一项举措。职工自编自演节目,将形势任务教育穿插其中,寓教于乐。此外,积极邀请地方政府及院校出席晚会参加联欢,不仅促进了企地和谐共建,更加大了企业在地方的影响力。五是大力加强宣传报道工作。制定了基层宣传报道工作制度和考核方法,构建了28人的基层宣传报道员组织,宣传工作始终名列矿业公司前列。 二、 大力开展“弘扬马万水精神,打造钢铁粮仓”主题实践活动 以“弘扬马万水精神,打造钢铁粮仓”为主线,全面开展系列主题实践活动,引领广大党员和干部职工发扬马万水精神,艰苦奋斗、拼搏奉献。一是大

11、力宣传发动,将马万水事迹宣传材料编印到20XX年形势任务教育宣传手册中,使马万水精神不断深入人心;二是开展了先进集体和先模人物的学习宣传活动。每年组织召开先模表彰大会和七一表彰大会,并大力宣传先进人物及事迹,在全公司积极营造“学赶先进,争当先进,立足岗位,建功立业”的浓厚氛围;三是群团组织开展“激情矿山,青春飞扬”主题团日活动,“弘扬马万水精神,争当新时代青年”演讲比赛等系列主题活动。 三、全方位深化创先争优活动,确保活动迈上新台阶、实现新升级、走向深层次 创先争优活动开展以来,矿党委始终以活动为载体,以生产经营为中心,不断深化和推进创先争优活动。开展了以“创高产、保质量、防事故、降成本、提效

12、益”为主题的党员先锋赛活动,充分发挥党员干部在稳产高产、降本增效、安全管理等工作中的先锋模范作用;开展了“生产攻关、党员表率”活动:组织党员生产经营六大攻关活动;开展了新一轮“对职定责,对标践诺”活动,并将活动深入拓展到助理以上科级干部;开展了合理化建议征集活动;开展了“大干一百天,决战四季度”劳动竞赛、“深入一线、服务基层”党员先锋赛、“对标挖潜、指标创优、目标升级”百日攻坚先锋赛等系列先锋赛活动;开展了党员领导干部系列攻关活动,即:生产调度攻关、设备管理精益化攻关、安全生产攻关、精细化管理攻关和项目建设攻关。 不断深化主题,扎实开展“双爱”活动。矿党委始终在坚持推行对党员干部“婚丧嫁娶、生

13、病住院、生活困难、各种矛盾和纠纷、带情绪工作”等“五必访”的同时,积极推行“公司重大事项和重点工作决策部署、干部职工岗位变动、出现思想波动、受到表彰或者批评、新加入党组织的人员”的“五必谈”制度。此外,推行“爱心互助基金”深化“双爱”活动,真正使“党员爱戴自己的党组织,党组织爱护自己的党员”升华到了“员工爱戴自己的集体,集体爱护自己的员工”,统一了思想,凝聚了合力,促进了发展。 四、重视领导班子和管理干部队伍建设,为公司生产经营可持续发展提供坚实的组织保证 一是坚持对管理人员及中层干部的季度民主测评,测评做到横向到边、纵向到底,结合测评结果作为年度绩效考核和干部任免的重要依据,对连续测评后三名


15、构建“不拘一格降人才”的育人用人机制。三是为深入贯彻落实王洪仁董事长提出的“精神绷紧再绷紧”的要求,在管理人员中深入开展了以“严肃工作纪律,整顿工作作风,强化职能管理,提高管理效能,振奋干群精神”为目标的作风建设专项整顿活动。 五、不断完善基层党组织建设,提高党建工作水平 矿党委针对党员人数较少的特点,不断完善基层党组织各项工作。一是建设党员活动室,为各个基层党支部党员活动室配备活动器材、书籍资料和必须物品,进而满足党员活动需要。二是积极创建学习型党组织,切实增强党员干部提升理论知识水准和工作能力。三是实施“细胞工程”,设立了17个党小组,通过选举产生了党小组长。四是落实党员培养及发展工作,几

16、年来共组织开展入党积极分子培训60余课时、1700余人次,开展主题党课30余课时、1300余人次,发展党员36名,培养入党积极分子74名,党组织的力量得以强大。 六、加强党风廉政建设,落实效能监察工作 一是做好春节、端午节、中秋、国庆等节日期间防腐保廉教育活动。坚持每月一次纪检监察工作例会,每季一次纪检监察专题研讨会,传达学习矿业纪委相关文件和廉政教育宣传片,并下发“廉洁倡议书”;二是深入学习贯彻中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则,利用每季度的专题研讨会集中进行学习一次,并邀请宁城县纪检监察部门和法院为我公司中层以上干部和重点岗位人员进行廉洁从政教育学习;三是认真落实中央颁布的建立健全惩治

17、和预防腐败体系20XX20XX年工作规划,深入学习贯彻河北省落实实施办法等;四是抓好效能监察工作和四外清理攻关以及认真落实权力运行监控机制建设等工作;六是积极推进廉政文化示范矿山建设工作。 七、以群团组织的纽带桥梁作用为优势,扎实推进群团各项工作 工会组织:一是组织优秀员工的评比及表彰工作,每年评选出优秀员工,多为生产一线骨干力量;二是围绕公司增产增效中心,组织开展“五杯一优”竞赛活动;三是举办春节职工文艺晚会,晚会以形势任务教育和歌颂企业为主题,职工自编自演节目,以多种文艺形式为载体,起到了良好的宣传和发动作用;四是做好公司特困职工和五官村特困户慰问工作;四是组织开展春、秋季运动会,活跃职工

18、文化生活,全方位调动职工群众的生产工作积极性;五是开展“话百年主题、展女性风采”“三八”妇女节迎庆、“歌唱红歌,传唱经典”七一红歌赛、“乐动矿山,歌舞中秋”中秋联欢晚会及贤内助联欢晚会等节日性活动。团委组织:一是进一步完善了基层共青团组织建设。增设和调整3个团支部,任命和调整了包括团支部书记在内的9名团干部;二是组织开展了“青安杯”竞赛和“青工创新创效”竞赛;三是组织“五四”评优及“五四”纪念活动;五是结合公司党委开展的“弘扬马万水精神,打造钢铁粮仓”主题实践活动、“立足岗位,奉献矿山,争当马万水式好青年”演讲比赛活动等。 八、以人为本,切实为职工办实事、办好事 几年来,矿党委始终坚持“以人为


20、秀技术人员予以重奖等等。 responsibilities, agricultural administrative system coordinated operation.The solution of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and when all the times, continue to promote rural reform and development.The relevant departments at all levels should further emancipate the mind,

21、 deepen the reform of reform, opening up.I go to tell the truth, do practical work, seek practical results, resolutely opposed the formalism and bureaucracy.Leading cadres at all levels should adhere to the right of the people, love the people, and work for the people.The ideological emancipation, a

22、dhere to reform and opening up, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.The construction of a faith, dedication dedication, skills, re conduct basic rural grassroots cadres.The comprehensive implementation through Scientific Outlook on Development, uplifting spirit, solid work, forge

23、ahead, pioneering and innovative.I go to the solution to continue emancipating the mind to insist on the implementation of reform and opening, promote scientific development, promote social harmony.The construction of tourism personnel training, introduction, selection, use, management, assessment,

24、evaluation, incentive mechanism and so on.The socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and Party construction has made new progress.I go Gaga more consciously implement to continue to emancipate the mind persist in reform and opening up, pro

25、mote scientific development, promote social harmony.In the policy, the Ministry of finance work, put on the work of the whole Party cadres to embody in heavy strategic thinking.- adhere to education, system, supervision, reform, rectification rectification, combination of punishment, to promote rura

26、l village construction of punishing and preventing corruption.I go to expand the orderly participation, promote information disclosure, improve business negotiation procedure, strengthen the powers of supervision as the focus, and strengthen the building of grassroots political power.I go to the par

27、ty construction has become the development of promoting science, led farmers to get rich, close ties with the masses, safeguard the stability of the strong strong core of leadership.The first priority to be more conscious, more firmly grasp the development of the partys affairs, more conscious, more

28、 firmly push to promote scientific development.- strengthen the unified leadership of the party committees, government together tube, comprehensive rural work department organization and coordination, relevant departments of agricultural and rural work leadership system and working mechanism.? In th

29、e revolution, construction and reform of each historical period, our Party firmly adhere to the basic principle of the Marx doctrine with the concrete practice of China, has always attached great importance to the end, seriously, to solve agriculture, rural and farmers problems.I go to the leadershi

30、p construction as the focus, improve the party organization as the guarantee, level three, LIAN activities as the carrier, the construction of Party organization has become to promote scientific development, led farmers to get rich in close contact with the masses, strong leadership to maintain stab

31、ility in rural areas.The majority of Party members, cadres should adhere to the right to use, for the people, love the people, and work for the people, concerned about the sufferings of the masses, listen to their whirring sound, on the wisdom of the masses, to tell the truth, do practical work, see

32、k practical results, resolutely opposed the formalism, bureaucracy, efforts to create tangible in the performance.According to the construction of democracy and the rule of law, fair justice, honesty and friendship, full of life vitality, stability and order, and harmony between man and nature of th

33、e socialist harmonious society will be required to correctly handle the contradictions among the people under the new situation, solve the serious concern, the people most directly, the most realistic interests.That I worry we must be prepared, enhanced sense of urgency, and always maintain the Marx

34、ism of Marx, the meaning of socialist China characteristics, faith in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Xing; must quit arrogance and rashness, hard work, keep in mind the socialist primary stage of the basic national conditions, for the party and the peoples cause of unremitting efforts

35、sure; to study hard, work hard, do not continue to create a stand the practice, people and history of test results; and must strengthen the unity of the overall situation, and consciously maintaining the unity of the whole party, the party to maintain close ties with the masses, Gong Gong solid peop

36、le of all nationalities unity.The need to consolidate and strengthen the fundamental position of agriculture industry, has always been to solve the problem of population Shishijiyi priority rule in Ampang must safeguard the rights and interests of farmers; and has always been to realize, safeguard a

37、nd develop the fundamental interests of the majority of farmers in rural areas as well all the work of the starting point and end point; we must continue to emancipate and the development of rural social productivity, has always been to reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force for rura

38、l development; must urban and rural economic and social development, it has always been the focus on building a new type of city workers and peasants, the relationship between urban and rural areas as a major strategy to accelerate the modernization of the rural work; we must adhere to the party tub

39、e, beginning Finally to strengthen and improve the partys leadership of the rural work as a political guarantee for promoting the development of rural reform.Economy classThe change in speed, change the kitchen, lavatories, changing circle.The rural land ownership, registration, certification work.T

40、he promotion of agricultural production, farmers income, rural prosperity and prosperity.The development of conservation agriculture industry, circular agriculture, ecological agriculture.The cultivation of culture, understand technology, new farmers will operate.The health and improve the rural col

41、lective funds, assets and resources management system.The establishment of set management, financing, construction in one of the main business.The industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization step to speed up the pace.The firm confidence, calm observation, multi pronged ap

42、proach, the effective effect on.The stability of the sown area of product, optimize breed structure, improve the production yield level.The force of Chinas economic strength, comprehensive national strength and international status significantly improved.The transformation of the development concept

43、 of pronouncing, innovating the mode of development, improve the development quality.The building of regional, national character, strong participation tourism brand.The last of Chinas overall has entered the industry promoting agriculture development stage, to the city with the township.The agricul

44、ture, rural areas, farmers, relationship between the party and the countrys development of the whole country.The health and improve the agricultural subsidy system, expand the range, improve the standard and perfect way.The law to protect farmers contracted land soil possession, use, income and othe

45、r rights.- promote economic development, improve peoples lives is always the central task of the China.- ensure that this base farmland is not reduced, the use does not change, the quality is improved.The construction of full coverage, comprehensive, social service system. The Czech high poopThe est

46、ablishment of government support, multi party participation, rural credit loan guarantee mechanism of market operation.The formation of East and interaction, complementary advantages, mutual promotion and promote common development of the new pattern.I go to uphold and improve the governor rice bag,

47、 in charge of the system, food basket the mayor is responsible for the system.The promoting agricultural technology integration, labor process machine, production and management of information technology.The increase of the old revolutionary base areas, minority areas, areas, poor areas development

48、support.The whole city urban and rural social management, promote the reform of the household registration system and relax the small city settled conditions.That the majority of farmers with education, employment, medical care, medical, and housing.The development to help the old, disabled, save the orphans alone, poor relief, as the focus of social welfare and charity.The guides farmers orderly employment, encourage farmers to encourage employment, entrepreneurship support agricultural migrant workers.I go to carry out thorough and wide coverage, basic, multi-level, sustai


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