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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - the principl e of simplified E IA of construction pr oject s in the regi on. In terms of la Whe n there are substantial issues, se ctor leaders arranged t o personal ly intervene, innd, li nked to the implementati -per son, in-person ti on of ur ban a nd ural construction la

2、nd increase a nd decrea se, replaceme push tangi ble area buil ding a gree n light, easy li ne. To further reduce a nd standardint indicators for priority areas ze administrative examination aproje ct. Charges, i nto the proje cts of water, nd a ppr oval items, simplify examinatielectri city, a dmin

3、istrative charges and preferential poli on and approval li nks, impr ove efficiency; accordicies. In the area ng to the .of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integrati

4、on of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct GoverConscientiously abide nment credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment a a nd fina nci ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages priv

5、ate capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service indust ries. To create poli li cy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, developme nt land as the goal, to optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law e e ch is

6、 tnforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coor r dinating and solvi ng problems associated with businesses in this sector. Since the educati i onal practi ce of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical contr ol ce ntral

7、 l eight rules a a nd opposi si ng the four winds and pra ctici ng three Suns, and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ide ology, solicit opinions based on outstanding probl ems checked swing, careful a a nalysis and reflection. Will now che ck report is as follows: first, adherence t o the partys pol it

8、ical discipline, eight in the central provi vi sion, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in complia nce with the partys political discipli nes. by the partys s political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rule s and regulations of the party, in the politi cal, ideological and m

9、aintain hig hly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the a a ction, there is no violati i on of the partys political l discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisi ons. Improving resear r ch, improving research methods, but there are less gras

10、s-roots units, primary first-hand an inade e quate grasp of the problem, whio be strengthened i n the future. Second, constr ucti on, stri ctly in accordance with the pr ovisions t o streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the C C onference. Third, streamlining file bri i efs, culture invo

11、lves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes s due to the practical nee e ds of invention notificati i ons, this area needs further高中化学必修二知识点归纳总结第一章:物质结构元素周期律一、原子结构质子( Z 个)1. 原子(Z A X )原子核中子( N个)注意:质量数 (A) 质子数 (Z) 中子数 (N) 原子序数 =核电荷数 =质子数 =原子的核外电子数核外电子( Z 个)熟背前20 号元素,熟悉120 号元素原子核外电子的排布:H He

12、 Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca 2. 原子核外电子的排布规律:电子总是尽先排布在能量最低的电子层里;各电子层最多容纳的电子数是2n2;最外层电子数不超过8 个( K层为最外层不超过2 个),次外层不超过18 个,倒数第三层电子数不超过32 个。电子层:一(能量最低)二三四五六七对应表示符号: K L M N O P Q 3. 元素、核素、同位素元素:具有相同核电荷数的同一类原子的总称。核素:具有一定数目的质子和一定数目的中子的一种原子。同位素:质子数相同而中子数不同的同一元素的不同原子互称为同位素。二、元素周期表1. 编排原则:按原

13、子序数递增的顺序从左到右排列( 对于原子来说 ) 将电子层数相同 的各元素从左到右排成一横行。(周期序数原子的电子层数)把最外层电子数相同 的元素按电子层数递增的顺序从上到下排成一纵行。主族序数原子最外层电子数2. 结构特点:元周期核外电子层数元素种类26 种元素)第一周期 1 2种元素短周期第二周期 2 8种元素第三周期 3 8种元素( 7 个横行)第四周期 4 18种元素素( 7 个周期)第五周期 5 18种元素周族长周期第六周期 6 32种元素期第七周期 7 未填满(已有表主族: A A 共 7 个主族副族: B B、 B B,共 7 个副族( 18 个纵行)第族:三个纵行,位于B 和

14、B之间( 16 个族)零族:稀有气体三、元素周期律1. 元素周期律:元素的性质(核外电子排布、原子半径、主要化合价、金属性、非金属性)随着核电荷数的递增而呈周期性变化的规律。元素性质的周期性变化实质是元素原子核外电子排布的周期性变化的必然结果。2. 同周期元素性质递变规律第三周期元素sentation published strictly according to the regulations. 11Na Propaganda a12Mg 13Al 14Si 15P 16S passive l earning, active le17Cl 18Ar not good enough, not

15、really understand and grasp the spirit and esse nce of the scientific Outlook on developmnt, di d not truly achieve(1) 电子排布1 Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. 电子层数相同,最外层电子数依次增加7 (2) 原子半径原子半径依次减小(3) 主要化合价streamlinin

16、g. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no ot her activity. Five is to improve news reporti ng, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your pre2 3 4 5 6 ing on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is 4 nd i deolo

17、gica l work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and al so i nade quate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some ou

18、tsta 3 ta ndi ng issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didnt, with le2 ess cl ose contact. Theoreti cal study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more 1 arni ng few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Especially based on rational thin

19、kmastery, to apply, to a certai throug h, grip on grassroots in extent, affect the deol ogical tre nds adevelopment a nd impl ementation of id nd cha nges are not de ep, to promote a s and initiatives. Second, work arra ngements, a nd l ess supervision. new initiative s and explore new methods of id

20、e ologi cal and cultural work iPropaga nda s not much, aa nd i de ological work is t he obje ctive, which nd some la ck of relevance and timelinenee ds to kee p the ss. 4, discipli ne, lowering, a continuity efforts depl oyed, a nd hard w ork are lackibut stressed ng. While wi n the orking aork time

21、, less supe nd e nterprisi ngrvision. For example spirit down. No real sol , color weeke nds in the summer theatrical a ctivities, l ution t o treat yourself right, corre ctly treat past honorcity square perfor s, their complaa nce s, urgi ng townsh cency, and work to see their i ps, communities and

22、 rural ar score s more, less checkintation ia is shows t he impleme ng hi s ow n shortcomi ngs, like to lis ina dequate, insufficie nt cultural an e sten to the praise , satisfied face , online ducational role t o pla y. Thir d ba promoti on, there are typical, and lack se enoug h, master grass-less

23、 real. Pr opaganda and ideol ogical w of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second harork in the ne w situati d drive leson of chara s. On harcteristics and regularity of e d and nough, deep enough for grass-roots public oi nion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically dri

24、ve less. For example, rural cult ure team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of powe r, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, la ck of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exis. In prac

25、tical work, not your hea, previous work experince, lac of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristcs of propaganda and i deological work under the new situation 第 1 页,共 11 页名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - the principl e of simplified E IA of construction pr oject s in the regi

26、on. In terms of la n Whe n there are substantial issues, se ctor leaders arranged t o personal ly intervene, inn d, li nked to the implementat-per son, in-person on of ur ban a nd r ural construction land increase a nd decrea se, replaceme push tangi ble area buil ding a gree n light, easy li ne. To

27、 further reduce a nd standardint indicators for priority areas ze administrative examination aproje ct. Charges, i nto the proje cts of water, nd a ppr oval items, simplify examinatielectri city, a dministrative charges and preferential poli on and approval li nks, impr ove efficiency; accordicies.

28、In the area ng to the .of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, withi i n 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct Government credit + business cred

29、it credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment a a nd fina nci ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and servi i ce indust ries

30、. To create poli li cy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, developme nt land as the goal, l, o optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law e e nforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coor r dinating and solving p

31、roblems associated with businesses in this sector. Since the educati i onal practi ce of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical contr ol ce ntral eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ide ology, solici

32、t opinions based on outstanding probl ems checked swing, careful a a nalysis and reflection. n. Will now che ck report is as follows: first, adherence t o the partys pol itical di i scipline, eight in the central provi vi sion, change the style of the basi si c situati on of 1, in complia nce with t

33、he partys political discipli nes. Conscientiously abide by the partys s political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rule s and regulations of the party, in the politi cal, ideological and maintain hig hly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of

34、the partys political l discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisi ons. Improving resear r ch, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inade e quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened i n

35、 the future. Second, constr ucti on, stri ctly in accordance with the pr ovisions t o streamline a a nd improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file bri i efs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideolog y, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention n

36、otifications, this area needs further(4) 金属性、非金属性金属性减弱,非金属性增加热水与(5) 单质与水或酸置换冷水与酸反HCl 难易剧烈酸快应慢(6) 氢化物的化学式SiH 4PH3H2S (7) 与 H2化合的难易由难到易Cl 2O7 (8) 氢化物的稳定性稳定性增强(9) 最高价氧化物的化Na2O MgO Al 2O3SiO2 P2O5 SO3 学式最高价(10) 化学式NaOH Al(OH)3 H2SiO3H3PO4 H2SO4 HClO4 Mg(OH)2 氧化物两性氢弱酸中强强酸很强强碱中强碱对应水(11) 酸碱性化物Li Na K Rb Cs

37、 Fr 氧化物酸的酸(12) 变化规律碱性减弱,酸性增强第 A 族碱金属元素:(Fr 是金属性最强的元素,位于周期表左下方)第 A族卤族元素: F Cl Br I At (F 是非金属性最强的元素,位于周期表右上方)判断元素金属性和非金属性强弱的方法:(1)金属性强(弱)单质与水或酸反应生成氢气容易(难);氢氧化物碱性强(弱);相互置换反应(强制弱) FeCuSO 4FeSO4Cu。(2)非金属性强(弱)单质与氢气易(难)反应;生成的氢化物稳定(不稳定);最高价氧化物的水化物(含氧酸)酸性强(弱);相互置换反应(强制弱)2NaBrCl 22NaClBr 2。()同周期比较:金属性: NaMg

38、Al 非金属性: Si PSCl 与酸或水反应:从易难 单质与氢气反应:从难易碱性: NaOHMg(OH)2Al(OH) 3 氢化物稳定性:SiH4PH3H2SHCl 酸性 ( 含氧酸 ) :H2SiO3H3PO4H2SO4HClO4()同主族比较:金属性: Li Na KRb Cs(碱金属元素)与酸或水反应:从难易 碱性: LiOHNaOHKOH RbOHCsOH ()金属性: Li NaKRbCs 还原性 ( 失电子能力 ) :Li NaKRbCs 非金属性: FCl BrI (卤族元素)单质与氢气反应:从易难 氢化物稳定: HFHClHBrHI 非金属性: FCl BrI 氧化性: F2

39、 Cl 2Br 2I 2 氧化性 ( 得电子能力 ) :LiNaKRbCs还原性: FClBrI酸性 ( 无氧酸 ) :HFHClHBrHI 比较粒子 (包括原子、离子 ) 半径的方法: (1)先比较电子层数,电子层数多的半径大。(2)电子层数相同时,再比较核电荷数,核电荷数多的半径反而小。四、化学键 化学键是相邻两个或多个原子间强烈的相互作用。1. 离子键与共价键的比较键型离子键共价键概念阴阳离子结合成化合物的静电作用叫原子之间通过共用电子对所形成的相互作成键方式离子键用叫做共价键通过得失电子达到稳定结构通过形成共用电子对达到稳定结构成键粒子阴、阳离子原子成键元素活泼金属与活泼非金属元素之间

40、(特非金属元素之间殊:NH4Cl、NH4NO3等铵盐只由非金属元 素组成,但含有离子键)streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese se ntation published stri i c

41、tly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space a a nd cor porate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and ideologi cal work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot t of fruitful work, has made many

42、 achieveme e nts, but further cl l oser to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outsta a ndi ng issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didnt, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Espe cially based oon rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide t he work done is not good


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