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1、名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -amende and revisisid Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council prom on 4.6.1 production technology se ction Office e ulgated by Decree organize d relevant No. 591, 9 Peoples Republi department s units once a yec of Chi na regulati ons on road transport 20

2、04.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice ar to review the documentation issued by, not suitabl e docume nts be revised nse in a timely manner. Ordinance, pr omulgated 4.6.2 processes, te by Decre e No. 406 chnol ogy, material chaof the State Council prom nges on or after an aulgated by Decree c

3、cide nt, and biotech of the State Council , No. 397 11 2007.06.01 produ ction branch a nd that the work shop should be timely to varisafety acci dent re ous reg ulations ae porting nd safety rul, investigation and ha es be revi sed tndli ng of Or dina nce promulgate d by De o ensure suitability and

4、effectiveness. 4.6.3 revisicree No. 493, 12 of the State Council reg ulations on of the file chang e approval form shoulon speci al equipme d be fill ed in, indicatint safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended ng the cause s and change s, approved by the Decre e No. 373 State Council De cree No. 549, 13

5、 i Deputy in charge of security, General M anager nsura nce reg ulations regardi ng industrial i njurie s 2011.01.01 amendment, pr of revision. 4.6.4 a ne w revised safety regulations a nd safety rules should omulgated be release by Decre e No. 586 d to t he post in a timely ma of the State Council

6、prom a nner to ensure rululgated by Decree es and safety regulatiNo. 375, 14 a dministration of pre cursor chemical ons of each post is the latest file, recover the s Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree original docume nt unified voi d. 5. ree No. 445, 15 workpl lated records 5.1 li st of appl

7、icaaces where toxi ble laws, regulatic substances are use d to labour pr ons a nd standards of the inventotection 2002.05.12 the State Counci ory listing number car bon industry lawl promulgated by De s and regulatie ons lcree No. 352, 16 w egal regulati ons a omen w orkers . 4.6 revie a nd other re

8、 quireme nts caminto force e date enacted sector update record 1/standard number Peoples Republi bli c of China 2, Chairman of the national peoples Congre ss made the 70t h production safety law 2002.11.1 People s Republic of Chi na Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of t

9、he Presi dent of the 60th Peoples Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the nati ti onal peoples Congress Standi ng Committee 6th Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People s Republic of China on

10、 road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 47t h, 6 Peoples Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national peopl es Congress made the 62nd Peoples Republi c of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chaira n of the national people

11、s Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amende d Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peopl es Republi i c of China regulations on r n r oad transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice e nse Ordinance,w希望辅导托管中心一年级上册数

12、学复习大纲 一、 数一数1、 数一数、连一连 2、 数一数 二、 比一比1、比多少2、比长短、比高矮 三、 1-10 的认识和加减法1、1-10 的组成 2、第几和几的认识(1)第几的认识(从左数、从右数)(2)数序4、5、6( )( ) 9 3、1-10 的加减法(1)加减法计算6+4= 5+2= 3+6= 8+1= 6+2= 4+3= 7+2= 2+5= 9-5= 8-4= 7-5= 6-0= 5-4= 8-5= 6-4= 3-3= (2)填写未知数() +5=8 ( )-4=2 ( )+3=9 9-( )=6 (3)填上 +、2( )2=4 6 ( )6=0 7( ) 2=5 8( )5

13、=3 (4)、填上、= 8-7( )9-4 5+2( )8 8( )9 (5)看图写两道加法、两道减法 ?66-2=4 5+7=12 7+5=12 12-5=7 12-7=5(6)看图写算?个 4+2=6 C C C C C CC C 连减 12-4-3=5 加减混合 4+7-3=8连加 4+3+2=9 (7)连加连减、加减混合计算promulgated 4.6.2 proce by De cree No. 406 of the State Council sses, technology, material changes on or after an aprom ulgated by De

14、cree an accident, and of the State Council, biote ch branch and that theNo. 397 11 e workshop sho2007.06.01 oul production safety accid be tim ely to vari ous regulati de nt reporti ng, inveti ons a nd safety rstigation a rules be rev a nd handling i sed to of Ordi nance ensure suitability a promulg

15、ated nd effectiveneby De ecree No. 493, 12 ss. 4.6.3 revi2 of the State Council regsion of the file cha nge approvaulations on special l form shoul equipment d be fille d in, i ndsafety supervision ndi cating the causes2009.05.01 amended Decree and cha nges, a pprove No. 373 State Council d by the D

16、eputy in charge of seDecree curity, No. 549, Ge neral Ma 13 insurance reg a nager of revisi eg ulations regardi si on. 4.6.4 a i ng industrial inew revise d safety rnjuries 2011.01.01 ame egulati ons ae ndmend safety rules shount, prom ld be releasulgated by Decree d to the No. 586 post i6 of the St

17、ate Council prn a timely manner to ensure rulomulgated es andby De safety regulcree No. 375, 14 admiations of each nistration of pre post i s the latest file, re cursor chemical , re cover al s Ordinathe original donce 2005.11.01 State Council cument unified voiDecree d. 5. relate d reNo. 445, cords

18、 5.1 list15 work of applicapla ces w blehere toxic law s, regulati substances are ti ons and stuse d to labour andards of the invent prote ction nt ory listing 2002.05.12 the State Council number carbon iil promulgatendustry laws a nd regd by De ulations lcree No. egal regulat352, 16 iwome ns and n

19、workers . 4.6. review and revise other requir ements came into force date e4.6.1 production technology se nacted sector update rection Office cord 1/standard numonce every year a er Peond orga Peoples Republinize releva c of Cnt departments t hi na 2, Chairman of tho review unit on the i e national

20、peoples Conssuing of system files, gre ss made tnot he 70th suitabl productie documents on safe be revise ty law 2002.11.e d in a timely manner. 1 Peoples Republi 第 1 页,共 7 页 of China Law of occupational dise ase of the State Council prom ulgated by Deprevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the Pre si

21、de nt of the 60t cree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accih People s Republic dent re of Chi na fire control law porti ng, investigation and haof 2009.05.01 ndling of Or4, Chairman of the national dina nce promulgate d by De peoples Congre ss Standing e creeCommittee 6t

22、h Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, , Chairman of the na tional peoples Congre re ss Standing Committee, 65t t h 5 Peoples Republic of Chi nna on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made t t he 47th, 6 Pe oples Republic of China Trade Union law 200

23、1.10.27 7, Chairman of the national people s Congress made the 62nd Peoples Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman n of the national pe e ople s Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council prom m ulgate

24、d by Decree No. 591, 9 Peoples Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice nse Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -amende and revisisid De

25、cre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council prom on 4.6.1 production technology se ction Office e ulgated by Decree organize d relevant No. 591, 9 Peoples Republi department s units once a yec of Chi na regulati ons on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice ar to review the doc

26、umentation issued by, not suitabl e docume nts be revised nse in a timely manner. Ordinance, pr omulgated 4.6.2 processes, te by Decre e No. 406 chnol ogy, material chaof the State Council prom nges on or after an aulgated by Decree ccide nt, and bi otech of the State Council , No. 397 11 2007.06.01

27、 production branch a nd that the work shop should be timely to varisafety acci dent re ous reg ulations ae porting nd safety rul, investigation and ha es be revi sed tndli ng of Or dina nce promulgate d by De o ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revisicree No. 493, 12 of the State Council r

28、eg ulations on of the file chang e approval form shoulon speci al equipme d be fill ed in, indicatint safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended ng the cause s and change s, ap prove d by the Decre e No. 373 State Council De cree No. 549, 13 i Deputy in charge of security, General M anager nsura nce reg

29、ulations regardi ng industrial i njurie s 2011.01.01 amendment, pr of revision. 4.6.4 a ne w revised safety regulations a nd safety rules should omulgated be release by Decre e No. 586 d to t he post in a timely ma of the State Council prom a nner to ensure rululgated by Decree es and safety regulat

30、iNo. 375, 14 a dministration of pre cursor chemical ons of each post is the latest file, recover the s Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree original docume nt unified voi d. 5. ree No. 445, 15 workpl lated records 5.1 li st of applicaaces where toxi ble laws, regulatic substances are use ons a

31、nd standards d to labour pr of the inventotection 2002.05.12 the State Counci ory listing number car bon industry lawl promulgated by De s and regulatie ons lcree No. 352, 16 w egal regulati ons a omen w orkers . 4.6 revie a nd other re quireme nts caminto force e date enacted sector update record 1

32、/standard number Peoples Republi bli c of China 2, Chairman of the national peoples Congre ss made the 70t h productio o n safety law 2002.11.1 Pe e ople s Republic of Chi na Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th Peoples Republic of China fire co

33、ntrol law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the nati ti onal peoples Congress Standi ng Committee 6th Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standing CCommittee, 65th 5 People s Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the nationa

34、l peoples Congress made the 47t h, 6 Peopl es Republi i c of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national peopl es Congress made the 62nd Peoples Repu bli c of Chi na emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chaira n of the national peoples Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety man

35、agement regulation amende d Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peopl es Republi i c of China regulations on r n r oad transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice e nse Ordinance,w四、认识物体和图形、分类1、认识立体图形 2、认识平面图形 3、分类(强调分类的方法)五、认识钟表1、认识钟面2、认识整时和半时(1

36、)会认整时和半时(2)会写整时和半时(两种写法)(3)会画整时和半时的分针和时针(4)会认一小时前的时刻、会认一小时后的时刻 六、 11 20 的认识和 20 以内的进位加法1、1120 各数的组成(1)认识数位表(认识个位和十位)(2)读数和写数(3)1120 各数的组成(4)10 加几和相应的减法10+3= 12+5= 12+8= 15-5= 15-10= 2、20 以内的进位加法(1)理解 “凑十法 ”(2)会应用口诀计算(3)会应用口诀填写未知数知识点归纳(以下为本册数学所有要掌握的知识点)一、读数、写数。1、读 20 以内的数。顺数:从小到大的顺序0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

37、9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 倒数:从大到小的顺序 20 19 18 17 单数: 1、3、5、7、9 双数: 2、4、6、8、10 (注: 0 既不是单数,也不是双数,说奇偶数。)0 是偶数。在生活中说单双数,在数学中promulgated 4.6.2 proce by De cree No. 406 of the State Council sses, technology, material changes on or after an aprom ulgated by Decree an accident, and of the State Co

38、uncil, biote ch branch and that theNo. 397 11 e workshop sho2007.06.01 oul production safety accid be tim ely to vari ous regulati de nt reporti ng, inveti ons a nd safety rstigation a rules be rev a nd handling i sed to of Ordi nance ensure suitability a promulgated nd effectiveneby De ecree No. 49

39、3, 12 ss. 4.6.3 revi2 of the State Council regsion of the file cha nge approvaulations on special l form shoul equipment d be fille d in, i ndsafet y ndi cating ty supervision he ca uses a2009.05.01 amended Decree nd changes, a pprovd by theNo. 373 State Council Deputy in charge of seDecree curitNo.

40、 549, ty, Ge neral 13 insurance reg Ma nager of revisi eg ulations regardi si on. 4.6.4 a i ng industrial inew revise d safety rnjuries 2011.01.01 ame egulati ons ae ndmend safety rules shount, prom ld be releasulgated by Decree d to the No. 586 post i6 of the State Council prn a timely manner to en

41、sure rulomulgated es andby De safety regulcree No. 375, 14 admiations of each nistration of pre post i s the latest file, re cursor chemical , re cover ths Ordina e original nce 2005.11.01 State Council ocument unified voiDecree d. 5. relate d reNo. 445, cords 5.1 list15 work of applicapla ces w ble

42、here toxic law s, regulati substances are ti ons and stuse d to lab andards of our the inprote ction vent ory listing 2002.05.12 the State Council number carbon iil promulgatendustry laws a nd regd by De ulations lecree No. gal regulat352, 16 iwome ns and n workers . 4.6. review and revise other req

43、uir ements came into force date e4.6.1 production technology se nacted sector update rection Office cord 1/standard numonce every year a er Peond orga ples Republinize releva c of Cnt departments t hi na 2, Chairman of tho review unit on the i e national peoples Conssuing of system files, gre ss mad

44、e tnot suitabl he 70th producte documents on safe be revise ty law 2002.11.e d in a timely manner. 1 Peoples Republi 第 2 页,共 7 页 of China Law of occupational dise ase of the State Council prom ulgated by Deprevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the Pre side nt of the 60t cree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accih People s Republic dent re of Chi na fire control law porti ng, investigation and ha


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