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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - the partys fine style , carry forward t he traditional Chine Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change ise virtues, practi nto. Learnicti cing t he Socialist core value ng to teachEducati on i n order ts, vigorously carry forwar o solve t he pr oblem, if it do

2、ed the spirit of Jiao Yul s not solve tul u, Hong qi Canal spirit a he problem, it will form, goend s pirit of per sistence, honesty in politics, strict statesma s through the motions. To strengt hen t he consciousness n, stick t o the spiritual s of problems and insisted heights of the Communist on

3、 pr oblem-orie nted, s. Four to devoti problem-solving leon, as, do play a role in qualifyi arni ng education for traction, truly deng. Official Communi ep inve stigation i st dut y. To fulfill the partys pur i nto change , modificati on. A pose, maintai che cked swing. n for the pe opl Learning edu

4、catie themselve s, and de dicati on programme for party-builon, devoti on, maintai n pi one er, pi oneering a ding in our city actua lly proposed to focus nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active at the w on soluti on of fuzzy ideal s and beliell-off extra practice, make contri butions. T efs waver, consci

5、ousness, purpose of the T he i nce ntive function of party organi party weak se nse, honesty and self-disciplizations at all lev ne awareness is els should give full play t o advanced m not strong, depressed, six issues of ethiodels, establi sh a re prese ntative, advanced a cal misconduct study con

6、tents spe cific pr nd typical of the time s, and guide the br r ogrammes for all party members abr oad masses of party member s to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of foundi nd leading cadres a bove the county level shall focus on furt her refinement to tng as an he pr oblems. Spe opportunity

7、 to award i n recogniti cific to every party member and evon of a number ery cadre , also rereof outstanding quire s a comg m party members advanced grass-r oots party organizati bination of actual a nd controlled, focused a nd really ons, outsta nd put your self in, i ng party w orkers, and put the

8、 pi people se e thing s, see , with their owone er trees. n spe cific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corre ctive action. B to make change. For r check put of problem, through established rectific

9、ation Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, a a nd t hat know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line e e ducation practice activities and three stric

10、t three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution m

11、ore completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outsta ni ng issues, combining concentrated 第一课童年教学目标 1童年的回忆、我们多么幸福、摇啊摇、小酒窝等作品,有如四夫幅 精致多彩的画面, 它表达出对童年生活的回忆与热爱。我们从音乐声中感受并体 验这种人间的真挚情感,珍惜今天的幸福生活。2聆听童年的回忆时,边听边看图形谱,从中初步感受速度在音乐表现中 的作用。3进一步

12、熟悉歌曲,通畅地唱好摇啊摇 小酒窝曲调。有感情的背唱这两 首歌曲,并进行即兴表演。4听辨音的高低并进行模唱,能基本唱准。教学重点、难点1聆听、欣赏。听辨音的高低并进行模唱,能基本唱准。2休止符、有感情演唱歌曲。教学准备:电子琴 课时划分:二课时 第一课时:童年一、组织教学 1听音乐拍手进教室。 (选用苏珊娜)2确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。二、导入 师:同学们,老师给大家请来了一位好朋友,它是谁呀?(小兔子出场)生:兔子!兔:小朋友们你们好,我叫小兔!师:小兔子今天给大家带来了一首非常好听的钢琴曲,名字叫童年的回忆。兔: 小朋友们,这首钢琴曲是小兔子特别爱听得一首,音乐中有一段乐曲像我

13、名师归纳总结 ectification and strengt to guarantees a ndheni im proved livel ng the ma el ihood,nagement of da construction moreily education, the hig h ecol spirit of reform short of the complete system, ogi cal vitality ha ppi ness of city. Last year, wpay clo se attenti e carry out three-t hreeon to sy

14、stem impl hree activities al ementation, really make the party s a three-t hree special e ducation importaorganizati nt, finon a end party member education and effective ducation and strict manageme platform to facilitate the combinatint, solid. Fi on nall y, the urg of work. Reference te work hion

15、the lead, be sure to his a good practices, prpromote efficie ovincial, and municipal de ncy. Two educati e cided in two lear on, not on education educati ear n a do learning eti onal, not wducation in the carrieorking wit d it h the Centre two, must stick around the d out five check five prom oting,

16、 the County District Cente t r, servi ng the overall units to insisted psituation, coor ut two learn a dinate, tr do ler uly resultarni ng educati-orie on a nted and pr a nd five che omote efficiency. e ck five promotiCurre nt and future a pering organic fusion, anod, to tightly around coordi nd com

17、mon a dvance, do one planation advance four a full strategy layout, winnin layout, and one organization implementation, put ng full built society thi carried out two lears a ce n a dontral and work overall situation, and five ch, put carried e ck five promoti out lear ning educati oti ng situationon

18、 a as party ws promote ord work ork evaluatiof important opportunities a on of importantContentnd powerful , as an importantpowe aspee r, gui de Ge neral members ct of mutual eval uation cadre on party s insi sted deve members, testie lopmeng as nt first priority, active adapted e an important ba si

19、s for lea conomia ding bodie s c devel opme s and leadi ng ca nt new normal, dre s performaconsci ce and guidi ously pr e the brpr acti ce line five big deveload masses of party member opme nt conce er spt, effective grasp supply si s and cadre s to study educatide structural reform, on ope ns up to

20、 the d 第 1 页,共 34 页main economi livelihood, ac and social development. At prese nd promote social harmony come binent, the overall smooth e d up, and completed t e conomic operati he task combineon in our city, but downward pressure is still hig g h, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile

21、, coincide e s with the city, County a a nd township party committees thi hi s year general election year, how to re e ally choose l e l oyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us.

22、 General work on two to study the effect of education i nspecti ti on, if the true serie s of party rules and Constituton speaks well and truly y become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal wit it h advance and retreat left turn treatment, t, proper organizational arrangements and select

23、ion, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do lear r ning education w ith do reform development stable t he work combi bi ned up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarante te es improve- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - the partys fi

24、ne style , carry forward t he traditional Chine Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change ise virtues, practi nto. Learnicti cing t he Socialist core value ng to teachEducati on i n order ts, vigorously carry forwar o solve t he pr oblem, ifd the spirit of Jiao Yul it doe s not solve

25、tul u, Hong qi Canal spirit a he problem, it will form, goend spirit of per sistence, honesty in politics, strict statesma s through the motions. To strengt hen t he consciousness n, stick t o the spiritual s of problems and insisted heights of the Communist on pr oblem-orie nted, s. Four to devoti

26、problem-solving leon, as, do play a role in qualifyi arni ng education for traction, truly deng. Official Communi ep inve stigation i st dut y. To fulfill the partys pur i nto change , modificati on. A pose, maintai che cked swing. n for the pe opl Learni ng educatie themselve s, and de dicati on pr

27、ogramme for party-builon, devoti on, maintai n pi one er, pi oneering a ding in our city actua lly proposed to focus nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active at the w on soluti on of fuzzy ideal s and beliell-off extra practice, make contri butions. T efs waver, consci ousness, purpose of the T he i nce par

28、ty weak se ntive function of party organi e nse, honesty and self-disciplizations at all lev ne awareness is els should give full play t o advanced m not strong, depressed, six issues of ethiodels, establi sh a re prese ntative, advanced a cal misconduct study contents spe cific pr nd typical of the

29、 time s, and guide the br r ogrammes for all party members abr oad masses of party member s to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of foundi nd leading cadres a bove the county level shall focus on furt her refinement to tng as an he pr oblems. Spe opportunity to award i n recogniti cific to eve

30、ry party member and evon of a number ery cadre , also rereof outstanding quire s a comg m party members advanced grass-r oots party organizati bination of actual nd controlled, focused a nd really ons, outsta nd put yourself in, i ng party w orkers, and put the pi people se e thing s, see , with the

31、ir owone er trees. n spe cific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corre e ctive action. B to make change. For r check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take speci

32、al supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do si si de learn side modified, a a nd t hat know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line e e ducation practice activities and three strict three real topic education pro

33、blem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must

34、consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outsta ndi ng issues, combining concentrated 跑步一样轻快好听,你们能自己听一听,找一找吗?(这时候小乌龟,鸭子也纷 纷出现了)乌龟:还有我,还有我呢,音乐里面也有像我的爬行速度一样慢的音乐,你们也 找找看呀!鸭子:我走路一摇一晃,既不像小兔子跑得那样快,也不像乌龟爬得那样慢,我 的速度说不好,反正你们帮我找一找,我还没有找到呢!三、新授1聆听钢琴曲 童年的回忆,请同学们根据三个小动物

35、的话,来分乐段!听完,做简单分析,画书。2小游戏。聆听音乐学三种小动物走路的样子。3分小组讨论,每组选出三个同学分角色扮演!(给学生走路空间)4小兔子讲故事。让小兔子讲述她小的时候与外婆如何共度美好童年的?(创 编一个小故事)兔:现在回忆起最难忘的事情就是外婆哄我进入梦乡的那个好听的童谣!同学们想知道吗?” (小兔子朗诵一遍歌词)生:让学生打开书读一遍。 (没有感情!)兔:“ 不像不像,你们读的一点都不像我的外婆一样好听!外婆的声音很小。”生:这个时候让学生再读,他们的声音一定按照小兔子的要求,声音轻而弱。兔:“ 不像不像,还是不像我的外婆,我的外婆读的速度没这么快。”生:第二次的要求同学们还

36、能更好做到。兔:不像不像, 还是不像我的外婆, 我的外婆不但会读, 还会唱呢,你们行吗?”生:同学们听到这里他们憋足了劲异口同声地说:“ 行” 。5学习歌曲,聆听几边。6学生小声跟唱。7音乐小知识反复记号 四、创编活动进行简单表演ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party

37、organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly resu

38、lt-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de

39、 Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consci i ously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees a nd im proved livel ihood, construction more hig h ecologi cal vit

40、ality ha ppi ness of city. Last year, w e carry out three-t hree activities a s a three-t hree special e ducation importa nt, find e ducati on a nd effective platform to facilitate the combinati on of work. Reference t his a good practices, pr ovincial, and municipal de cided in two lear n a do lear

41、ning e ducation in the carrie d out five check five prom oting, the County District units t o insi sted put two learn a do learni ng educati on a nd five che ck five promoti ng organi c fusion, a nd common a dvance, do one pla n layout , and one organization impleme ntation, put carried out two lear

42、 n a do situation, and five che ck five promoti ng situation as party w ork evaluati on of importantContent , as an important aspe ct of mutual eval uation on party members, testi ng as an important ba sis for lea ding bodie s and leadi ng ca dre s performance and guide the br oad masses of party me

43、mber s an d cadre s to study educati on ope ns up to the 名师归纳总结 main economi livelihood, ac and social development. At prese nd promote social harmony combinent, the overall smooth e d up, and completed tconomic operati he task combineon in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a numb

44、er of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with t t he city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to re e ally choose l e l oyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation,

45、 is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspecti ti on, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly y become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried o


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