1、chickenWhat kind of meat would you like?beefmuttonWhat kind of food would you like?tomatoescabbagecarrotsonionseggspotatoesnoodlesagdefbNoodle housespecialsmany kinds of noodlesbeefbeef and tomato noodlestomatoescabbagechickenchicken and cabbage noodlesmuttonpotatoesmutton and potato noodles what ki
2、nd of noodles would you like?Special 1Id likenoodles.beef and tomato noodles.mutton and potato noodles.chicken and cabbage noodles.Special 2Special 3what kind of noodles would he like? Hed like chicken noodles.what kind of noodles would he like?Hed like beef and tomato noodles.what kind of noodles w
3、ould she like?Shed like egg and tomato noodles.what kind of noodles would she like?Shed like mutton and potato noodles.beef and tomato noodles.chicken and cabbage noodles.mutton and potato noodles.Special 1Special 2Special 3A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like beef and tomato noodles, p
4、lease.A: what kind of noodles would he/she like?B: Hed/Shed like beef and tomato noodles.Listen. Check ( ) the noodles Listen. Check ( ) the noodles that the person orders.that the person orders.1b_Special 1 _Special 2 _Special 3beef and tomato noodles.chicken and cabbage noodles.mutton and potato n
5、oodles.Take notes: would like=want,但 would like比 want语更委婉,would like sth想要某物 would like to do sth想要做某事 would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 如:(1)我想要一个苹 果。(2)他想要回家。(3)Mary想要我和他一起去。 -What size bowl of noodles would you like?-I would like -What size bowl of noodles would she/he like ?-She/ He would like a b
6、owl of noodlesa bowl of noodlesa bowl of noodlesLook and say:small mediumlarge2aListen and check ( ) the names of the foods you hear below. _noodles _beef _mutton _chicken5._tomatoes6._cabbage7._potatoesId like a bowl of noodles, (1)Id like , and (2) (3) noodles, please. (4)Id like a bowl. (5) Id li
7、ke and noodles, (6) (7)please.largechickenpotatocabbagemediumbeeftomatoWhat size bowl of noodles would you like? And what kind of noodles would you like?Id like a _ bowl of noodles. Id like _,_and _noodles, please.Id like a _ bowl.Id like _and _ noodles, please.2bListen again and fill in the blanks
8、below. largecabbagepotatotomatobeef mediumchicken Noodle HouseA: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.A: What size bowl of noodles would you like?B: Id like.A: .Act in pairs as the waiter and the customer(顾客顾客).Make a survey( (调查调查) )-
9、What kind of noodles would you like ? -What size bowl of noodles would you like ? Name kind of noodlesSize bowl of noodlesTomMutton and cabbagemedium Tom would like mutton and cabbage noodles. Hed like a medium bowl of noodles Give a report like this: What would you like? What would you like? Noodle
10、s,noodles,noodles . Id like noodles. What kind of noodles? What kind of noodles? Beef and potato, beef and potato. A medium bowl of noodles. A medium bowl of noodles.Summary 1. New words: noodles, beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage, potato, tomato, special, would.2.would like 的用法的用法 would like +n would
11、like to do sth3. What kind of + n. would you like? 1天行健,君子以自强不息。天行健,君子以自强不息。 周易 译:作为君子,应该有坚强的意志,永不止息的奋斗精神,努力加强自我修养,完成并发展自己的学业或事业,能这样做才体现了天的意志,不辜负宇宙给予君子的职责和才能。 2勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 三国志刘备语 译:对任何一件事,不要因为它是很小的、不显眼的坏事就去做;相反,对于一些微小的。却有益于别人的好事,不要因为它意义不大就不去做它。 3见善如不及,见不善如探汤。见善如不及,见不善如探汤。 论语 译:见
12、到好的人,生怕来不及向他学习,见到好的事,生怕迟了就做不了。看到了恶人、坏事,就像是接触到热得发烫的水一样,要立刻离开,避得远远的。 4躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣。躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣。 论语 译:干活抢重的,有过失主动承担主要责任是“躬自厚”,对别人多谅解多宽容,是“薄责于人”,这样的话,就不会互相怨恨。 5君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。 论语 译:君子总是从善良的或有利于他人的愿望出发,全心全意促使别人实现良好的意愿和正当的要求,不会用冷酷的眼光看世界。或是唯恐天下不乱,不会在别人有失败、错误或痛苦时推波助澜。小人却相反,总是“成人之恶,不成
13、人之美”。 6见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 论语 译:见到有人在某一方面有超过自己的长处和优点,就虚心请教,认真学习,想办法赶上他,和他达到同一水平;见有人存在某种缺点或不足,就要冷静反省,看自己是不是也有他那样的缺点或不足。 7己所不欲,勿施于人。己所不欲,勿施于人。 论语 译:自己不想要的(痛苦、灾难、祸事),就不要把它强加到别人身上去。 8当仁,不让于师。当仁,不让于师。 论语 译:遇到应该做的好事,不能犹豫不决,即使老师在一旁,也应该抢着去做。后发展为成语“当仁不让”。 9君子欲讷于言而敏于行。君子欲讷于言而敏于行。 论语 译:君子不会夸夸其谈,做起事来
14、却敏捷灵巧。 10二人同心,其利断金;同心之言,其臭如兰。二人同心,其利断金;同心之言,其臭如兰。 周易 译:同心协力的人,他们的力量足以把坚硬的金属弄断;同心同德的人发表一致的意见,说服力强,人们就像嗅到芬芳的兰花香味,容易接受。 11君子藏器于身,待时而动。君子藏器于身,待时而动。 周易 译:君子就算有卓越的才能超群的技艺,也不会到处炫耀、卖弄。而是在必要的时刻把才能或技艺施展出来。 12满招损,谦受益。满招损,谦受益。 尚书 译:自满于已获得的成绩,将会招来损失和灾害;谦逊并时时感到了自己的不足,就能因此而得益。 13人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? 论语 译:如果我
15、有了某些成就,别人并不理解,可我决不会感到气愤、委屈。这不也是一种君子风度的表现吗?知缘斋主人 14言必信言必信 ,行必果。,行必果。 论语 译:说了的话,一定要守信用;确定了要干的事,就一定要坚决果敢地干下去。 15毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我。毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我。 论语 译:讲事实,不凭空猜测;遇事不专断,不任性,可行则行;行事要灵活,不死板;凡事不以“我”为中心,不自以为是,与周围的人群策群力,共同完成任务。 16三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。论语 译:三个人在一起,其中必有某人在某方面是值得我学习的,那他就可当我的老师。我选取他的优点来学习,对他的缺点和不足,我会引以为戒,有则改之。 17君子求诸己,小人求诸人。君子求诸己,小人求诸人。 论语 译:君子总是责备自己,从自身找缺点,找问题。小人常常把目光射向别人,找别人的缺点和不足。 18君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。 论语 译:君子心胸开朗,思想上坦率洁净,外貌动作也显得十分舒畅安定。小人心里欲念太多,心理负担很重,就常忧虑、担心,外貌、动作也显得忐忑不安,常是坐不定,站不稳的样子。 结束结束