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1、第二章一.选择题1.C 2.B D 3.A 4.A 5. D 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A16.B 17.A 18.B 100011 001111二.判断题1.错2.错3.错4.错三.填空题1. B 662. n1=%dnn2=%dn3. 0四.计算1(1) x|y = 0x002f(2) xy = 0x0026(3) x&y = 0x0009;(4) x+y = 0xffc6(5) x=4 0x00022(1) 6(2) 50(3) 1(4) 16(5) 1(6) 203(1) 0(2) 1(3) 1(4) 4(5) 8(6) 14

2、(1) 12(2) 0(3) 1(4) 27(5) 1(6) 6(7) 24(8) 27(9) 295(1) 0(2) 1(3) 1(4) 3(5) 2五.程序分析题程序1b=20 a=3600 程序2第三章一.填空题1.s=62.963.(1) scanf(%c,&c); (2) c-32 更好的答案:c-(a-A)2.1 main()int a,b;printf(please input a & b:);scanf(%d%d,&a,&b);printf(nmax is %dn,(ab)?a:b);2.2int max(int x,int y);main()int a,b,c,max;pri

3、ntf(please input a & b & c:);scanf(%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c);max=ab?a:b;max=cmax?c:max;printf(nmax is %dn,max);2.3main() int i=0,sum=0; while(i=100) sum+=i; i+; printf(1+2+3+.+100=%dn,sum);2.4main() int i; int a=10,b=-3; int c; printf(%6d%6d,a,b); for(i=2;i10;i+) c=3*b+a; printf(%6d,c); a=b; b=c; printf(n);2

4、.5main() int i; while(1) printf(please input a data(0:exit):); scanf(%d,&i); if(i=0) break; if(i%2=0) printf(the data %d is a even number.n,i); else printf(the data %d is a odd number.n,i); 2.6#include main() int i; int a=8,b=1; int sum=0; for(i=0;i10;i+) b+=3; sum += a; a+=b; printf(a%8d b:%8dn,a,b

5、); printf(The Sum Of Is:%dn,sum);2.7#include main() float x,y; printf(please input x:); scanf(%f,&x); if(x1.0) y=x; else if(x10) y=2*x-1; else y=3*x-11; printf(y=%fn,y);2.8#include main() long a,i,b,a1; while(1) printf(please input data(1-99999):); scanf(%ld,&a); printf(a:%ldn,a); if(a=100000) break

6、; i=0; a1=0; while(a!=0) b=a%10; printf(%8d,b); a/=10; i+; a1=a1*10+b; printf(n i:%ld a1:%ldn,i,a1); 2.9#include #include #include main() int a,b,i,k=0; randomize(); a=random(1001);/*create a random data(0-1000)*/ for(i=0;ib) k+; printf(n%d:Smaller,guess again!n,k); else if(ab) k+; printf(n%d:Bigger

7、,guess again!n,k); else printf(nYou guess right,congraturation!) ; printf(nYou have guessed %d times,k); break; if(k=20) printf(nsorry,you failed!);2.10#include main() int a,b,c; int num; for(a=0;a10;a+) for(b=0;b10;b+) for(c=1;c10;c+) num=a*100+b*10+c;if(num%3=0)&(a=5|b=5|c=5) printf(%8d,num); prin

8、tf(nnn);2.11#include main() int i; int a,b; printf(please input a,b:); scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); for(i=a0;i-) if(a%i=0&b%i=0) printf(The max=%d,i); break; for(i=ab?a:b;i0;i+) if(i%a=0&i%b=0) printf(nThe min=%d,i); break; 2.12#include main() int a,k=0; printf(please input data:); scanf(%d,&a); while(a%2=0)

9、a=a/2; k+; printf(nthe number of factor(2) is %d,k);2.13main() long i,t=1; long sum=0; for(i=1;i=10;i+) t*=i; sum+=t; printf(%ld!=%ldn,i,t); printf(sum:%ldn,sum); 2.14#include void main() int i,x=0; for(i=9;i=1;i-) x=2*(x+1); printf(The first day:%d,x);2.15#include #define PI 3.141593main() float r,

10、h; float v; printf(please input r,h:); scanf(%f%f,&r,&h); v=1.0/3*PI*r*r*h; printf(V=%.2f,v);2.16#include#includemain() long int sn=0; long int m=0,t=0; int a,n,i; printf(please input a n:); scanf(%d%d,&a,&n); for(i=0;in;i+) m=m*10+a; sn+=m; printf(a+aa+aaa+.+aa.a=%ldnn,sn);2.17#include main() int k

11、; printf(please input k:); do scanf(%d,&k); if(k=0&k=6) break; while(1); switch(k) case 0:printf(Sunday.n);break; case 1:printf(Monday.n);break; case 2:printf(Tuesday.n);break; case 3:printf(Wednesday.n);break; case 4:printf(Thursday.n);break; case 5:printf(Friday.n);break; case 6:printf(Saturday.n)

12、;break; 2.18#include main() int i; double x,a,b=1,sum=1; printf(please input x:); scanf(%lf,&x); a=x; for(i=1;a/b=1e-6;i+) sum=sum+a/b; a=a*x; b=(i+1)*b; printf(nsum=%lf,sum);2.19#include #include main() float a,x1,x2; printf(input a:); scanf(%f,&a); x1=1.0; while(1) x2=1.0/2*(x1+a/x1); if(fabs(x2-x

13、1)1e-5) break; x1=x2; printf(sqrt(a)=%f,x2);第四章写出下列程序输出结果1.no 1 a=1no 1 a=0no 1 a=1no 1 a=02.a=0 b=0 c=0a=1 b=0 c=0a=2 b=0 c=03.main:x=5,y=1,n=1func:x=6,y=21,n=11main:x=5,y=1,n=11func:x=8,y=31,n=21第五章1.D2.D3.C4.65.CDABC6.(1)j+=2 (2)ai=0&si=912. (1)0 (2)str1i-str2i5.1#includeint fun();int fun() int a

14、33,sum; int i,j; sum=0;/*error*/ for(i=0;i3;i+) for(j=0;j3;j+) scanf(%d,&aij);/*error*/ for(i=0;i3;i+) sum=sum+aii; printf(sum=%dn,sum);void main() fun();5.2#include void main( void ) float Num10; float Input,GetNum11; int i,j; float a=6;for(i=0; i10; i+) Numi=a; a=a+7.5;Loop1: printf(Please input a

15、 Number(0-80) Input=); scanf(%f,&Input);if(Input70)=1)goto Loop1;for(i=0; i10; i+ )if(InputNumi)goto Loop2;Loop2: for(j=0; ji; j+ ) GetNumj=Numj;GetNumj=Input;for(j=i; j=10; j+,i+)GetNumj+1=Numi;for(j=0; j11; j+ )printf(%3.3f ,GetNumj);5.3#include stdio.h#include stdlib.hmain()int a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,

16、a7,a8,a9;int a3;int i;for(;)for (i=0;i3;i+)ai=rand()%3;while(a0!=a1) & (a0!=a2) & (a1!=a2)/*get three different numbers 0,1,2*/a1=a0+1;/*divide 19 into three groups,a1a3,a4a6,a7a9*/a2=a1+1;a3=a2+1;a4=a1+3;a5=a2+3;a6=a3+3;a7=a1+6;a8=a2+6;a9=a3+6;/* make sure that each line and each row is made up wit

17、h three members in different group.*/* such as: a9 a1 a5 a2 a6 a7 a4 a8 a3 */if(a1+a5+a9) = (a2+a6+a7) & (a1+a5+a9) = (a3+a4+a8)& (a1+a6+a8) = (a5+a7+a3) & (a1+a5+a9) = (a2+a4+a9)printf(%d %d %dn%d %d %dn%d %d %dn,a9,a1,a5,a2,a6,a7,a4,a8,a3);return;5.4#include void main(void)char input1100,input2100

18、,input3100;int i,Eng=0,eng=0,num=0,blank=0,other=0;printf(Input 3 rows of character,each row dont exceed 80 characters:n);gets(input1); printf(The second row:n); gets(input2); printf(The third row:n); gets(input3);/*test the first row*/for(i=0; i100; i+) if(input1i=0) goto Loop1; else if(A=input1i)&

19、(input1i=Z)=1)Eng+; else if(a=input1i)&(input1i=z)=1) eng+; else if(0=input1i)&(input1i=9)=1)num+; else if(input1i=32)blank+; else other+;/*test the second row*/Loop1:for(i=0; i100; i+) if(input2i=0) goto Loop2; else if(A=input2i)&(input2i=Z)=1)Eng+; else if(a=input2i)&(input2i=z)=1) eng+; else if(0

20、=input2i)&(input2i=9)=1)num+; else if(input2i=32)blank+; else other+;/*test the third row*/Loop2:for(i=0; i100; i+) if(input3i=0) goto Loop3; else if(A=input3i)&(input3i=Z)=1)Eng+; else if(a=input3i)&(input3i=z)=1) eng+; else if(0=input3i)&(input3i=9)=1)num+; else if(input3i=32)blank+; else other+;L

21、oop3: printf(Upper english character:%dnLower english character:%dnNumber:%dnBlank:%dnOther characters:%dn,Eng,eng,num,blank,other);5.5#include void main(void)char str180,str240;int i,j,k;/*Input two string*/printf(Please input the first stringn str1=);gets(str1);printf(Please input the second strin

22、gn str2=);gets(str2);/*Get the end of str1*/for(i=0; i80; i+)if(str1i=0) break;/*Copy str2 to str1*/ for(j=i,k=0; str2k!=0;k+,j+) str1j=str2k; str1i+k=0; puts(str1);5.6#include struct student char name20; int score;stu5,stu1;void main(void) int i,j;printf(Input students score and name(5),seperate us

23、ing the character of , :n);for(i=0; i5; i+) scanf(%d,%s,&stui.score,&stui.name);/*sorting*/for(i=0; i5; i+) for(j=0; jstuj+1.score) stu1=stuj;stuj=stuj+1;stuj+1=stu1;printf(After sotred,score and name:n); for(i=0; i5; i+)printf(%d,%sn,stui.score,stui.name);5.7#includemain() int a33,i,j,m,n,o,p; prin

24、tf(Please input a 3*3 shuzu:n); for (i=0;i=2;i+) for (j=0;j=2;j+) scanf(%d,&aij); for (i=0;iai1)? ai0:ai1; n=(mai2)? m: ai2; for (j=0;j=2;j+) o=(a0ja1j)? a0j:a1j; p=(oa2j)? o: a2j; if (n=p) printf(Andian is %dn,p); else printf(There is no andian.n);5.8#include void main(void) int a43,b34,i,j; for(i=

25、0; i4; i+) for(j=0; j3; j+) scanf(%d,&aij); for(i=0; i4; i+) printf(n); for(j=0; j3; j+) printf(%5d ,aij); for(i=0; i4; i+) for(j=0; j3; j+) bji=aij; printf(n);for(i=0; i3; i+) printf(n); for(j=0; j4; j+) printf(%5d ,bij); 5.9#include #includevoid main(void) char str6; int i,j=0,m=0,n=0; gets(str);

26、while(strj!=0) j+; for(i=j-1;i=0;i-) m=(stri-0)*(pow(8,j-i-1); n+=m; printf(shijinzhi %d,n);5.10#include void main(void)char input1100;int i,num=0,blank=0;printf(Please input a row character:n);gets(input1);/*test the first row*/for(i=0; i100; i+) if(input1i=0) goto Loop; else if(A=input1i)&(input1i

27、=Z)=1)num+; else if(a=input1i)&(input1i=z)=1) num+; else if (input1i=32)blank+;Loop: printf(Character:%dnBlank:%dn,num,blank);第六章一、 选择题1.D:p中记录的是a的地址,*p访问地址a的值2.D :指针数组3.D:指针可以进行是否相等判断,空指针可以进行指针变量初始化,指针可以偏移;4.C:5.C、D:a5不存在,若*&a4则正确;C,D正确;6.D:7.B:8.B:二、 填空题1*(p+3)2222 cdefgbcdefgabcdefg73 6385三、 程序分析

28、题1p = s0 ; 错误,应改为:p = s; 或 p = &s0;2int x , *p;错误,应改为:double x, *p;3*p = x ;错误,应改为:p = &x ;4 声明顺序错误;应该改为:void main(void) int a; int *p = &a; a = 10; printf(“%dn”,*p);2.3 #include #include main() char ch25 = 6937,8254,*p2; int i,j,s=0; for(i=0;i2;i+) pi = chi; for(i=0;i0;j+=2) s = 10*s + pij - 0; pri

29、ntf(%dn,s);4.1#include #include main() int count = 0; char str1100,str2100; char *p1,*p2; printf(please enter string 1:); gets(str1); printf(please enter string 2:); gets(str2); printf(str1:%sn,str1); printf(str2:%sn,str2); p1 = str1; p2 = str2; while(*p1!=0&*p2!=0) if(*p1+=*p2+) count+; printf(coun

30、t:%dn,count);4.2#include #include main() int i,j,k; int a3; int temp; printf(please enter array a3:); scanf(%d%d%d,&a0,&a1,&a2); for(i=0;i2;i+) k = i; for(j= i+1;j3;j+) if(ajai)k = j; if(k!=i) temp = ai; ai = ak; ak = temp; for(i=0;i3;i+) printf(%dt,ai); printf(n);4.3#include #include #define N 100m

31、ain() char s1N, s2N,*p; int m; printf(please enter string1:); gets(s1); p = s1; printf(enter m:); scanf(%d,&m); strcpy(s2,p+m); printf(string2:%sn,s2);4.4#include #include main() char s100=iuiui012asdd90k890y098kkkk1234,*p; char data100100=0; int count=0; int i; p = s;/* printf(please enter a string

32、:); gets(p);*/ printf(sssss:%sn,s); while(*p!=0) i=0; while(*p=0&*p=9) datacounti = *p; i+; p+; if(i!=0) count+; p+; printf(count:%dn,count); for(i=0;icount;i+) printf(%sn,datai);4.5#include #define SIZE 4main() int dataSIZESIZE,i,j,d; int max,m=0,n=0; for(i=0;iSIZE;i+) for(j=0;jSIZE;j+) scanf(%d,&dataij); for(i=0;iSI


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