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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - workshop take full re accounti ng asse ssment sponsibilit y. 3, w ill receive person 100 Yuan. 54th ie a month s materials a nd consumpti on a n n the re cycli ng process, no w orker who resell d ret urns from or glove am producti nd social age on te chnol ogy secti e nts st

2、eal, once dion for verificati scov ered, la bon before the 26th of the mont bor contra cts, and examination the h, reporting day compete nt hey of delay, asse a d of 1000 Yuan, e ssment of 30 yua , Manager 2000 Yuan. 4 organization pri or to 30t n 1000 Yua n, in charge of the h at the e compa nd of

3、each quarter, bi a ny leader shi p. Seventotechnology section of each w h Festival safety monitoring aorkshop a nd ware ppraisal rules 55th clhouse che ck once, found st othi ng with protectit ock material inconsiste on 1, one of the ha bitual vint with t he repor olation of the follting data, asse

4、ssment w orkshop material s for 50 Yua owing a ssessment of 50: (1) enteri ng production site in n, 100 Yua high heels, n, Dire ctor. 5, table fill, found register for nucle , slippers, dre sses, belts, coat s, windbrear materials mont hly 50 Yuan, 100 Yua aker, he alth pa nts, vest, etc. (2) the el

5、ectrin, Dire ctor. 6, pr cian on duty stoppeoduction technology secti d . on to organize the inve ntory work, lacks an assessment of 100 Yuan, delay inventory, assessment t of 50 Yua n a month. Sixth re cycycling a ssessment rule 52nd part t s and the availa a bility of a fix value, by a repairman t

6、o judge, judgment a a s stipulated in the relevant asse ssment; obsolete e e qui pment the repair of usi si ng values determined by the Busi ness Department, business judgment, each assessment the responsible person 300 y y uan, 500 Yua a n, head, i i s in charge of the companys leadership 1000 Yuan

7、. 53rd w w orkshop recycli ng classification account should be established, no 4, superior to visit our company guidance, need to look at, the leadership re re sponsible for recepti on or service explain our system, depending on the circumstances, responsible leaders safe. 56th production safety man

8、agement on site 1, from superior issued customary in viol l ation of provisions of, an asse ssment of hazard levels according to 50-300. 2, daily easy violation vi olation highlighted below and a a ccording to the foll oll owing standar d: (1) production plant must have sufficient lighti hti ng insi

9、 de and outside and found a light not lit check power Workshop 10, lamp and no light bul bs ea ch assessment workshop 10 Yuan. (2) inside a a nd outside the plant, all lifts, size hole must have cover plates, stairs and platforms must be not le e ss than 1 m of railings not less than 100 mm in heigh

10、t and trim, little evaluation 10. (3) the duty roomdoors are not locked, no bolts or ot t her things, found a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerosene, alcohol i n the w w orkplace should be pr operly kept or found a examination 10. (5) access to the distribution room shall be shut, dist

11、ributi on room window, private plate door cover should be tight, or find a Department asse ssment10. (6) all kinds using val ues dof spe etermined cial e qui pment must by the Busi ness Depabe used by t rtme t he pernt, business jusonnel ma dgment, enagement and follows: spe ach asse ssment the e ci

12、al equipmeresponsible personnt must be use n 300 yua n, d by the personnel managemen, 500 Yuan, head, i s in charge of the nt and non-professionals not al compa nys lea dership 1000 Yua lowed to tamper with, aua n. 53rd w orksnd offenders ahop recycli ng cla ssificati ssessment 10 y ti on account sh

13、ould uan per person. specialw be esta blished, no accounti orkshop take full responsiti ng asse ssment pebility. 3, will re person 100 Yua n. 54t ceive a mont t h in the recycl hs materials acl ing pr oce ss,nd consum no worker wm ption ho reseland ret l or glovurns from producti a nd social agents

14、on te nts stchnol ogy secti steal, once i on for verificatidiscovered, labor conton racts before the 26th of the , a nd examinati month, re on the come porti ng day of delay, apetent head of 1000 Yuassessment of 30 y uan, Ma nager 2000 Yuan 1n. 4 000 Yorganizati uan, iti on prior to n charge o 30th

15、at the of the company lea end of each quarter, bi ea dership. Seveotechnology secti nth Festival safety moniton of ea nitch workshop oring a ppraisal rand ware ules 55t hhouse che ck once, found stock material inconsistent wh clot hing wit h prote ction 1, one of the habit ual violati ith the re lat

16、i on of the foporti ng data, assessment workllowi ng asse ssment of 50: (1) entshop mat ering prt erials for 50 Yuan, oducti on site in, 100 Yuan hig h heeln, Dire s, sli pctor. 5, table fill, found register for nuclear materialpers, dresses, belts, coats, wi ndbreaker, healts mont h pants, vest, et

17、 hly 50 Yua tc. (2) the eleua n, 100 Yuactrician, Direct n on dutor. 6, production technol y st opped . ogy section to organize the inventory work, lacks an assessment of 100 Yuan, delay inve e ntory, assessment of 50 Yuan a month. Sixth recycling assessment rule 52nd parts a nd the ava va ilability

18、 y of a fix value, by a repairman to judge, judgment as stipulated in the relevant assessment; obsolete equi pment the re re pair of4, superior to visit our company guidance, need to look at, the leadership re re sponsible for recepti on or service explain our system, depending on the circumstances,

19、 responsible leaders safe. 56th production safety management on site 1, from superi i or issued customary in viol l ation of provisions of, an assessment of hazard levels according to 50-300. 2, daily easy violation vi olation highlighted below and a a ccording to the foll oll owing standar d: (1) p

20、roduction plant must have sufficient lighti hti ng insi de a a nd outside and found a light not lit check power Workshop 10, lamp and no light bul bs ea ch assessment workshop 10 Yuan. (2) inside a a nd outside the plant, all lifts, size hole must have cover plates, stairs and platforms must be not

21、le e ss than 1 m of railings not less than 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluation 10. (3) the duty room doors are not locked, no bolts or ot t her things, found a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerosene, alcohol i n the w w orkplace should be properly kept or found a examination 1

22、0. (5) access to the distribution room shall be shut, distributi on room window, private plate door cover s s hould be tight, or find a Department asse ssment10. (6) all kinds of special equipment must be use d by the personnel management and foll oows: special equi pment must be used by the per r s

23、onnel management and non n professionals not allowed to tamper with, and offenders assessment 10 yuan per person. special第一单元时 分 秒1、钟面上有3 根针,它们分别是时针、分针 、秒针 ,其中走得最快的是秒针 ,走得最慢的是 时针 。(时针最短,秒针最长)2、计量很短的时间,常用秒 。秒是比分更小的时间单位。1 秒。3、钟面上最长最细的针是秒针 。秒针走一小格的时间是4、秒表: 一般在体育运动中用来记录以秒为单位的时间。5、常用时间单位:时、分、秒。6、时间单位:时、分

24、、秒,每相邻两个单位之间的进率都是 60。 1 时 =60 分 1 分=60 秒 半时 =30 分 30 分=半时7、分针走一圈,时针走一大格,是 1 小时。秒针走一圈,分针走一小格,是 1 分。8、计算一段时间,可以用 结束的时刻 减去 开始的时刻 。第三单元 测量1、在生活中,量比较短的物品,可以用毫米( mm)、厘米( cm)、分米 (dm) 做单位。量比较长的物体,常用 米(m)做单位。量比较长的路程一般用 千米 (km) 做单位。2、运动场的跑道,通常 1 圈是 400 米, 2 圈半是 1000 米。3、1 枚 1 分的硬币、尺子、磁卡、小纽扣、钥匙、身份证的厚度大约是 1 毫米

25、。4、量比较短的物体的长度或者要求量得比较精确时,可以用 毫米 作单位。5、1 厘米中间的每一小格的长度是 1 毫米。6、在计算长度时,只有 相同的长度单位 才能相加减;单位不同时,要先转化成相同的单位 再计算。7、表示物体有多重时,通常要用到 质量单位 。称比较轻的物品的质量,可以用“克”作单位;称一般物品的质量,常用“千克”作单位;表示大型物体的质量或载质量一般用“ 吨” 作单位。8、常用长度单位:米、分米、厘米、毫米、千米。9、长度单位:米、分米、厘米、毫米,每相邻两个单位之间的进率都是 10。 1 米=10 分米 , 1 分米 =10 厘米 , 1 厘米 =10 毫米 1 米=100

26、厘米 1 千米(公里) =1000 米10、质量单位:吨、千克、克,每相邻两个单位之间的进率都是 1000 。 1 吨=1000 千克 1 千克 1000 克第二、四单元 万以内的加法和减法名师归纳总结 equi pof 100 Ypment units manageme uan. (10) beca usnt approa e of work, open tches a tnd mea sures are re he cover does not cover tquire d, system failure, he asse ssme nt in a timno contr ly manne

27、ol measure r of 100 Yuas examination of 100 Yua n, there ar e serion. ele us safety rise ctric tools should ks that heavier abe required t ossessment. (11) hao ide antify or find a examination 10. ng 400V ele ctrical circuit n lift ot fixed teming gear must be i orary power n accorda supply di sasse

28、nce with the regulations of periodic mble left out threads after examinatiche cks, failed t on-50 Yuao pass the tests to stop using the offender a n. (12) non-pr oducti on w orkers into t a ssessment 100 at a time. Ato t he production site wit h a private coccidents, nversati disordeon, brir, abnorm

29、al a ng chil dren iccor t o the ding to t producti he work ti on (constr safety assessmetr ucti on), a numnt Ordi nance. (7) the operators t ber of assessme nt 50 Yua s t o strictly e a n. (13) in the fire di e nforce the strict firpost operati , does not deal on reg witulations, change h hot w ork

30、asscontrol, a essme nt 10nd should Yua n, sucbe reported to the Chi h as fire in the taef Engineer a nk and the cover wel ppr oval, fight reckleel d unprote ctssly found equipme ed, f eel free to work, adding a nt, in vi a ssolation of, illegal operation essment of 50 Yuan. (14) the once assessme wi

31、 pe roll mant of 100 Yua chi nery does not n, causi ng abnormal a hold the rag (cotton), after tcci dent and above in a hrowi ng accorda bout. (15) innce wit si deh the safety assessme a nd outsi de the factornt Ordi y minance. (8) where ni . (4) smoke in tchecki he pr ong out duction needs improvem

32、e area. (5) Spidernt project, not yet implemente-man not weari ng a seat belt. (6) thd in the time all e site doe s nootted, not reported, ea t wear a helmet (7) Sa ch assessment unit of 50 Yuan, vage is not the end of construrged still uction, does ll cannot be not obey or e corre ctive actir ders

33、and constron assessment of 100 Yuan. (9) pro ucti on clean up. (8) the use of child l duction pla l abour ornt archite w orkers octure blow s on ver 60 year s oluna pd, duppr oved holes, mb, deaf, incompplaced on the floor, frame is over l ete limb, mobility of migrant workers. (9weight, w ) workers

34、orn hangi ei ng wire rope lifting weights ntering producti doe s not on site after drit che ck the nking , whil ebearing checkig capang the guar city evaluati r dian on of 50 Yuan. 4, fi stop usifi ne formalities assessmeng the offender a ssessmennt of safety supe 100 at a time. Arvision Bureau cci

35、dents, disorde of the workers e r, abnormadirectly fina l a ccora nce deding to t he wopartment after two days k safety assessmes doent Ordi nas not a nce. (7) the pply for payme operatornt procedures pe s t o strictly enalty 50%. Eighth e nforce the post operation regnergy metering manageme ulation

36、s, chang e cont rule 59th measuring instrument configntrol, and should be reported to the Chi uration, Chi ef Engineen, complr a ppr ete, accurate and appear oval, fight reckle ssly found e /vulnerabilitie e quipment, i e s, not standby or ii n violati on of, illenaccurate assessment task force 50,

37、to the gal operation once assessment of 100 Yuan, causing ahead person in bnocharge 50 Yuan. 60th mal accident and abonew measuring i ve i n accor dance with t nstrument t hent s are not re safet y assee quiressment d to register or registrati Ordinance. (8) where cheon is not complete a cking out n

38、eessessment responsible 30; a ds impr ovement pr oje ct, not yccount lacks a et impleme ntedn as i n thse ssment time allottedof measuring i , not re pnstrume orted, each ants responsi sse ssmenble for 10 Yuan, bey t unit of 50 Yuan, ond does not update the la urged still cannot be correst review re

39、sponsibility for 30 yuactive action assessment of 100 Yuan. (9) n. 64t h energy production pla-saving nt arcpoi nt, check twi ite cture wi ce a montblow s on unapprh, less an assessme ntoved holes, pla ce of 150 Yua ced on the fln for no reason, responsi oor, frame is overweight, w ble for 50 Yuaw o

40、rn hangi n, 100 Yuan, hea ng wire rope lifting weighd. 65th i ts s prohi bited in a doe s not chen irrigated land, found a ck the bearing capacity che ckequipme evaluati on of 100 Yuant unit n.t s management an. (10) beca use of work, ppr oopeoaches and measures are required, n the cover does not co

41、vsystem failure, no control measures ex er the assessme nt in a timely manner of 100 Yuaaminati ti on of 100 Yuan. electrin, there are seri ous safetyc tools should be require risks that heavier a ssre d to identify or find a examissessment. (11) ha ng 400V elenation 10. lifting gear must ctrical ci

42、rcuit not fixed temporary powbe in a er supply cordance wit y disassembh the regulations of peri le left out threads after examinationodi c checks, failed to pa-50 Yuan. (12) ss the tests to non-pr appearoducti on w orkers into t he production site wit h a private conversati on, /vul nerabilities, n

43、ot standby or ina ccurate assessment task force 50, to the heabring children int d person io the producti n charge 50 Yuaon (constr n. 60ttr ucti on), a number of assessme h new measuring i nstrument 50 Yua n. (13) in the fire di nts are not required to register di strict fire, does not deal wit or

44、registration i s not complh hot w ork assessme ete asse ssment responsie nt 100 Yua n, such as fire in the ta ble 30; account lack s an assessmenk and the cover wel nt of measuri nd ng instrd unprote cted, f eel free to work, adding a uments responsible for 10 Yuan, beyond ssessment of 50 Yuan. (14)

45、 the wi pe roll ma chi nery does not hold the rag (cotton), after throwi does not update t he last review responsi bility for 30 y uan. 64th e nergy-savi ng point, che ckng about. (15) insi ck twice a month, lei de a nd outsi de the factory mi ss an a ssessment of 150 Yuan for ni . (4) smoke in t he pr oduction area. (5) Spider


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