2022年电子商务外文翻译 .pdf

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1、东北大学东软信息学院外文资料和译文格式要求一、译文必须采用计算机输入、打印,幅面A4。外文资料原文(复印或打印)在前,译文在后,于左侧装订。二、具体要求1、至少翻译一篇内容与所选课题相关的外文文献。2、译文汉字字数不少于4000字。3、正文格式要求:宋体五号字。附:外文资料和译文封面、空白页名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院外文资料和译文专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:年月日名师资料总结 -

2、 - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 1 -电子商务时代企业文化的再造随着网络时代电子商务大规模发展,电子商务企业文化随之产生,它在一个企业在产生的一种新的价值观,使企业内部资源得到从新整合,在为企业带来降低交易成本,提高效率,缩短生产周期等诸多好处的同时,也对已有的企业文化发起了挑战。电子商务的兴起是一场由技术手段飞速发展而引发的商业运作模式的变革,传统经济活动的生存基础、运作方式和管理



5、、联想等企业成功的秘诀之一就是发展了一整套公司理念、经营哲学,形成了自己独特的企业文化。1、企业文化体现企业的形象和精神。树立良好的企业形象,需要企业文化的支撑。现代企业,从领导水平到员工素质,从产品质量到管理设施,从环境建设到产品开发,无不渗透文化的因素,无不体现企业形象。企业的良好形象(即“商誉”)本身就是一笔无形的财富和资产,以展示“名牌效应”赢得社会与公众支持,符合现代公共关系和市场营销理论。从现代管理理论看,企业精神反映企业群体的理想目标,显示企业的发展方向和经营宗旨,代表企业的未来和前景,使企业的每个成员都能够自觉自愿地为组织目的实现做出名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 -

6、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 2 -贡献,从深层推动企业在激烈的竞争中技压“群芳”。2、企业文化作为新的管理理论,在企业建设中发挥着极其重用的作用。其一,有利于营造灵活协调的企业营运环境,企业作为社会大系统中的一个子系统,不断与周围环境进行物质、能量与信息的交换、社会环境相对与企业而言更具有客观性,企业适应环境变化的需要,研究环境变化的规律和要求,明确与经济发展趋势相适应的社会需求及潜在需求,完善企业的各种薄

7、弱环节,调整企业战略,塑造全新的企业文化,在与环境的相互影响中达到动态平衡,为企业营造良性循环的市场环境,促使改制以后的股份制企业进入良性运作状态。其二,有利于形成企业整体运行的价值观。企业文化作为企业发展的深层动因,价值观是企业文化的核心,是一个组织和企业的基本概念和信念。对企业来说,其核心任务是如何在竞争激烈的市场上谋求生存,为消费者提供适用的产品和服务。企业对核心任务的认同并不自动保证企业成员具有共同目标。价值观的确立,为企业极其员工的行为准则界定了成功和追求的目标。其三, 有利于提高企业的整体素质,培养合作意识。 企业文化的构成,包括思想文化、技术文化、管理文化、品质文化和娱乐文化,这

8、些文化的整合与相互作用,一方面促进整个员工素质的提高,另一方面由于共同文化的熏陶,形成共同的意识和行为导向,保持和维护了团结、协作、融洽的员工关系,客观上加强了团结奋斗、共同创业、整体发展的效能。3、企业文化是企业的一种内涵。有别于周围环境的企业自成系统,其内部各种机制的协调运行离不开企业文化。一方面,企业文化直接影响到员工的行为准则、职业道德与夹子指向, 培育和发展企业文化,能够提高企业的凝聚力和向心力,增加企业员工的满足感、认同感和归属感。另一方面,企业文化对企业的重大决策、公司的长远目标、策略以至规章制度的执行都有不可低估的影响。二、企业文化塑造与变革的必要性进入 21 世纪, 中国企业

9、的企业文化建设遇到了多重挑战:知识经济的到来,为企业文化提出了如何提升知识价值,如何面对知识员工的新课题;市场化改革的深入,使得在计划经济时代形成的企业文化老方法、老套路屡屡失灵;而网络技术的兴起,又为催生新的企业文化提供了利器。一句话:机制变了、时代变了、技术变了,于是许多企业都面临着重塑企业文化的问题。郭士纳在拯救蓝色巨人时,首先是明确地改变了IBM 企业文化的基本价值观,创立了IBM 的新文化,这就是“力争取胜(Win) ” “快速执行( Execute) ”和名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理

10、- - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 3 -“团队精神(Team) ” 。郭士纳说“作为IBM的领导人,你当然需要领导的规划和具体的项目。但是你的职责还包括带领员工、建立工作团队、并创立高绩效的企业文化。”GE 前CEO 韦尔奇也认为: “我们的活力曲线之所以能有效发挥作用,是因为我们花了十年的时间在我们企业里建立起一种绩效文化。”从我国企业文化的发展现状来看,只能说尚处于较底层次, “企业文化战略”没有得到应有的重视,企业文化的培养缺乏系统理论的指导,企业文化大多是传统文化在企业中的缩影这样的企业

11、通常活力不够,死气沉沉,缺乏优患意识,严重者可能离心现象严重。从总体上看我国企业文化存在较多缺陷与错误现象,我国企业文化常见错误有:1、文化愚民现象。 此类现象常见于那些领导人专权或者经营出现问题的企业。表现为领导人极端强调某种文化价值观念,推广教育手段过激。它产生的原因多数是因为领导人希望在企业内部实现。2、无文化现象。 通常表现为企业有十分系统和严明的各种规章制度。这些制度规定了员工必须怎样做和不能怎样做,但没有明确的文化理念和价值倡导,疏于对员工的教育与培训。此类现象多产生于工业制造企业,产生的原因多数是因为领导人本身素质不高,或对企业文化缺乏认识。个人崇拜或者希望掩盖某种事实真相。该类

12、企业通常易产生盲目崇拜或者对领导人的噤若寒蝉的情况。3、文化理想现象。 它常见于那些有年轻人作为创业主体力量的新兴企业。表现症状为这些企业会提出一些不切实际的远大抱负和文化理想,其倡导的理念中会有种超出企业范围、改造世界的使命感。 “大而空”的口号使人们可望而不可及;宏伟、统一的崇高目标往往缺乏实实在在的客观基础。此类现象产生的原因多数是因为领导人具有过于远大的人生理想和缺乏笾的工作精神。该类企业员工表现多数都激昂澎湃,但可能忽略了眼前的险恶形势和今天该干什么。另外, 许多企业的企业文化抑制了人的个性,在企业中只重视人的“集体性”,抹杀了人的想象力和创造力,小生产观念下产生的“集体主义”,难以

13、形成企业的内聚力。现在的竞争异常激烈,优胜劣汰成为游戏的新规则,我国企业的企业文化建设较美国、日本已落后许多,现在如不急起直追,在竞争中失败将在所难免。所以,全新的企业文化的塑造与变革工程是我国企业的一项时不我待的新课题。三、电子商务时代我国企业文化塑造与变革的思路1、 分析内外因素,提炼速度文化和创新文化在电子商务时代一个企业选择什么样的核心价值观是创造企业文化的首要问题。信息名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - -

14、东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 4 -经济就是 “速度经济”,速度已经成为企业一个提高竞争力的工具。因特网的出现,使得世界的变化越来越快,可谓一日千里。 因而基于因特网的电子商务可以迅速地了解市场信息,快捷地收集客户需求,广泛地进行产品宣传,即时地完成网上交易结算,众多的商务活动都可以瞬间完成,企业的生产效率得到了极大的提高。一句话,信息技术和网络技术的广泛应用使得电子商务企业进入市场的门槛得以大大降低。现在全世界都在讲创新,因为在今天的经济环境里,唯一不变的规律就是一切都在变。对此,任何组织和企业如果不时时变革和创新,就不可能维持自己的竞争优势。“不创新,就死亡” ,创新已成为一


16、是技术,也不是新兴市场,而是人才的匮乏。这些人才可以为瞬息而至的未来插上想象的翅膀。美国麦肯锡公司总裁埃德 迈克尔斯说:“筹集资金并不难,精明的经营策略也可以模仿。技术的半衰期一直在缩短。对当今的许多公司而言,人才是赢得竞争优势的首要因素”。如今管理人员意识到,在当今经济全球化、电子商务化和以网络速度运行的全球市场上,由拥有自主权的人才组建的精干企业对快速决断具有关键意义。电子商务企业有赖于员工的聪明才智和主动性来作出更贴近消费者、对市场反应更快的决定。电子商务, 重在服务, 电子不过是手段。 电子商务也可以说是电子服务,使 Internet能够为人类服务,服务的核心不是技术,而是企业的文化、

17、员工的素质;Internet 经济是服务经济,而不是技术经济、网络消费者交易的平台,也不是商品陈列的环境;厂商不是单纯的供应商或销售商,而是服务供应商,谁比谁服务得更好,谁赚到的钱就更多。在全新的电子商务环境中,最成功的企业给予新员工在过去只有顾客才能享受的尊重:它们通过创造人人平等的精英管理体制,满足员工们对从事有意义工作和创造财富的愿望。它们慷慨地回报员工们的良好表现,不只是支付现金,而且也让他们拥有企业所有权,3、领导者身体力行,信守价值观念名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - -

18、- - 第 6 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 5 -在电子商务企业的决策行为中,创新性是十分重要的。首先,企业组织结构要由原来的金字塔式、自上而下、递阶控制的组织结构向新型的网络组织结构转化。其次,管理重点由资本管理转为知识管理。知识管理是指运用集体的智慧提高应变和创新能力。第三,新的管理思想和方法不断涌现。在信息时代和网络条件下,新的经济形态产生了许多新的管理思想和管理方法,例如柔性制造、分布式制造、敏捷生产、企业流程重组、学习型组织、制造资源计划等新思想新方法。在创办电子商务企业和企业经营中必定会遇到各种意想不到的困难和挫

19、折:如金融风险,交易风险等,而且市场竞争日趋激烈,一旦遭受不测,没有韧性就会彻底垮台。因此,企业家要有不怕失败、不怕挫折和百折不挠的勇气,要有献身事业、不惧风险、敢冒风险的精神。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 1 -E-commerce corporate culture re- With the development of large-scale e-commer

20、ce Internet age, the resulting e-business culture, it is an enterprise in the production of a new value, so that the new integration of internal resources, for the enterprises to reduce transaction costs and improve efficiency shorten the production cycle, and many other benefits, but also on the ex

21、isting corporate culture challenged. The rise of e-commerce is a means of rapid development of technology-led business models change, the survival of traditional economic activities based on mode of operation and management mechanisms have undergone radical change, the traditional corporate culture

22、also faces enormous impact. First, the corporate culture of the enterprise value of the contribution Cultural phenomenon is a civilized country and the nation a major witness. Broader culture, including knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs and any person as a member of a societys ability t

23、o obtain and habits, including the complex whole. As a sub culture of the corporate culture, the survival and development of the enterprise also plays an important role. Commodity economy and corporate culture is the product of a market economy, in line with the objective laws of market economy, ref

24、lects the companys competitive practices, competitive spirit and overall image. The so-called enterprise culture is the companys management philosophy, enterprises face in which the social and business environment in the long-term production and business activities, the formation of all employees to

25、 accept and agree to honor, and to fight for a set of informal rules of success. It shows what kind of management philosophy and business practice, and corporate management to achieve through what kind of target. Is an important part of economic management. Corporate culture means that a companys va

26、lues, and these values become employees activities and norms of behavior. The origin of the corporate culture is how to increase profits, reduce costs and expenses. Its essence is how to enable enterprises to effectively integrate resources in order to achieve external flexibility, the company survi

27、ve in the competition, so as to realize sustainable development. Corporate culture for the enterprises to develop cultural management that a clear direction. The fundamental purpose of enterprise culture to foreign competition environment for building highly adaptable and can respond quickly to chan

28、ge according to environmental behavior capacities, which in fact is the company owned by the external competitive environment 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 2 -according to the needs of internal resou

29、rces the ability to integrate and use. Corporate culture should promote the formation of the capacity of the system, and the ability to maintain a good system. Many Chinese companies such as Haier, Lenovo and other one of the secrets of business success is to develop a set of corporate philosophy, b

30、usiness philosophy, formed its own unique corporate culture. 1, the corporate culture reflects the companys image and spirit. Establish a good corporate image, corporate culture needs support. Modern business, from leadership to staff quality, from product quality to management facilities, from the

31、environment to the product development, permeates cultural factors, all reflect the corporate image. Good corporate image (the goodwill) is itself an intangible wealth and assets in order to display the brand effect won the social and public support, in line with modern public relations and marketin

32、g theory. From the look of modern management theory, reflect the spirit of enterprise groups, the ideal goal, showing the direction of development of enterprises and business purposes, and on behalf of the companys future prospects, so that each member company can voluntarily contribute to the achie

33、vement of organizational goals, from Deep encourage enterprises in the fierce competition in the technology press beautiful and fragrant flowers. 2, the corporate culture as a new management theory, in the business to play an extremely re-building role. First, create a conducive environment for flex

34、ible coordination of business operations, corporate social systems as a subsystem, continuously with the surrounding environment material, energy and information exchange, social environment is relatively more objective and enterprises, enterprises the need to adapt to environmental changes, researc

35、h the laws and requirements of environmental change, a clear trend of economic development compatible with the social needs and potential demand, improve the enterprises various weaknesses and adjust business strategy, create a new corporate culture, and environment interaction to achieve dynamic ba

36、lance that creates a virtuous cycle of market environment, to promote the restructuring of joint-stock company into the future state of healthy functioning. Second, is conducive to the formation of the values of their overall operation. Development of corporate culture as the underlying motivation,

37、values are the core of corporate culture, is a business organization and the basic concepts and beliefs. For businesses, the core task is how 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 3 -competitive the market t

38、o survive, to provide consumers with appropriate products and services. Agree on the core mission of business does not automatically guarantee a corporate member with a common objective. Values established for the company code of conduct for employees defined in an extremely successful and the objec

39、tives pursued. Third, help to improve the overall quality, foster co-consciousness. The composition of the corporate culture, including ideology, culture, technology, culture, management culture, quality culture and entertainment culture, the culture of integration and interaction, on the one hand t

40、o promote the improvement of the quality of the entire staff, partly because the influence of a common culture, the formation of a common awareness and behavior-oriented, to preserve and maintain the unity, cooperation, and harmonious employee relations, the objective to strengthen the unity, co-fou

41、nder, the overall development of the performance. 3, the enterprise culture is a kind of meaning. Different from the surrounding environment of the enterprise as a system, its internal mechanisms of the coordinated operation of the corporate culture can not be separated. On the one hand, a direct im

42、pact on corporate culture, employee code of conduct, professional ethics and clip point, nurture and develop the corporate culture, to improve the cohesion and solidarity, increase employees satisfaction, sense of identity and belonging. On the other hand, the corporate culture of the major decision

43、s of enterprises, the companys long-term goals and strategies as well as the implementation of rules and regulations have not be underestimated. Second, corporate culture building, and the need for change In the 21st century, the enterprise culture of Chinese enterprises face multiple challenges: th

44、e arrival of knowledge economy, the corporate culture, the question of how to enhance the value of knowledge, knowledge workers how to deal with new issues; market-oriented reform, making the planned economy era the formation of corporate culture and old ways, old routines often fail; and the rise o

45、f network technology, but also for the birth of a new corporate culture provides a weapon. Sentence: mechanism changed, times have changed, technology has changed, so many companies are faced with reshaping corporate culture. Gerstner saved Big Blue, the first is to explicitly change the corporate c

46、ulture of IBMs basic values, the creation of IBMs culture, which is strive to win (Win) fast execution (Execute) and team spirit (Team) . Gerstner said, as IBMs leaders, of course you need to lead the planning and specific projects, but your 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名

47、师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 东北大学东软信息学院毕业设计(论文)译文- 4 -responsibilities also include leading the staff, the establishment of work teams, and the creation of high-performance corporate culture. GE Jack Welch, former CEO also said: Our vitality curve is able to function effective

48、ly, because we spent a decade in our enterprise to establish a performance culture. From our point of view of corporate culture development status, can only say that the end is still in a relatively level, the corporate culture strategy did not receive due attention, the cultivation of corporate cul

49、ture, lack of guidance systems theory, corporate culture, most of the traditional culture in the enterprise the epitome of such enterprises often lack vitality, dead, suffering from a lack of excellent sense, may be severe centrifugal serious. Overall there are more defects in our corporate culture

50、phenomenon with error, our corporate culture common errors are: 1, the phenomenon of cultural obscurantism. Such phenomenon is common in those autocratic leaders or operational problems of the enterprise. Performance of the leaders of the extreme stress on certain cultural values, education and mean


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