1、卒中后癫痫的诊断与治疗课件 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life, there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望 Bladin CF, Alexandrov AV, Bellavance A, et al. Seizures after stroke: a prospective multicenter study. Arch Neurol 2000;57:16171622. Benbir G, Ince B, Bozluolcay M. The epidemiology of post-strok
2、e epilepsy according to stroke subtypes. Acta Neurol Scand 2006;114:812.Scandinavian Stroke Scale score 低于30 预示卒中后癫痫发生风险OR.为4.9 Lossius MI, Ronning OM, Slapo GD, Mowinckel P, Gjerstad L. Poststroke epilepsy:occurrence and predictorsa long-term prospective controlled study (Akershus Stroke Study). Ep
3、ilepsia 2005;46:12461251nSibel K. Veliog lu, MD; Mehmet zmenog lu, MD; Cavit Boz, MD; Zekeriya Aliog lu, MD. Status Epilepticus After Stroke. Stroke. 2001;32:1169-1172.Ca2+i增加及钙稳态机制的失常等nLate seizures 目前认为源自神经胶质增生和脑膜脑瘢痕形成有关。细胞膜生理特性改变,神经元选择性丢失、神经元活动同步化等导致痫性发作。另外受损神经元长期保持了 Ca2+i及钙稳态机制改变的可塑性变化也是一个重要原因卒中
5、梗死预后n旧的抗癫痫药物存在与其他药物如华法林,肝素等相互作用n新一代抗癫痫药物如拉莫三嗪,加巴喷丁,奥卡西平,妥吡酯,左乙拉西坦等不存在这种现象Garcia-Escriva, A., Lopez-Hernandez, N. The use of levetiracetam in monotherapy in post-stroke seizures in the elderly population. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA ,2007,45:523-525.n 国际抗癫痫联盟推荐拉莫三嗪和加巴喷丁作为老年人部分性发作起始癫痫的一线单药治疗药物nRowan AJ, Ram
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