1、福建农林大学 硕士学位论文 福建主要滨海湿地生态系统重金属污染特征及评价 姓名:黄建国 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:水土保持与荒漠化防治 指导教师:马祥庆 20070401 独创性声明 本人声明,所呈交的学位(毕业 ) 论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下独立完成 的研究成果,并且是自己撰写的 “ 尽我所知,除了文中作了标注和致谢中已作了答 谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人发表或撰写过的研究成果。与我一同对本研究做 出贡献的同志,都在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意,如被査有侵犯他人知识 产权的行为,由本人承担应有的责任。 学位(毕业 ) 论文作者亲笔签名 :音 曰期: 论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解
2、福建农林大学有关保留、使用学位(毕业 ) 论文的规定,即学校有权送 交论文的复印件,允许论文被査阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以 采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文 e 保密,在年后解密可适用本授权书 # 不保密,本论文属于不保密。 口 学位(毕业 ) 论文作者亲笔签名 日期 : - 指导教师亲笔签名 : 日期: 福建主睪滨海湿地生态系统重金属污染特征及评价 搪 要 福建地处我国东南沿海,海岸线漫长,分布着大量的滨海湿地。这些滨海湿地生态系统不仅为 人类的生产和生活提供了多种资源,而且 A 有巨大的环境功能,在抵御洪水、调丨 1“ 径流、蓄洪防早、 调节气候、控制土壤侵蚀等方
3、面起着巨大作用 “ 近年来随着对滨海湿地开发利用规模的不断加大, 围填滩涂造地和滩涂养殖等对滨海湿地的干扰加大,大量废水废濟直接排入湿地,导致南方滨海湿 地的生态环境遭到严重破坏,极大地影响了滨海湿地生态系统生态功能的发押 “ 闪此进行南方滨海 湿地生态系统重金属污染的监测研究,掌握南方滨海湿地生态系统污染的定 ft 数据己成为当前环境 科学界急需解决的重大课题 . 由于长期以来对滨海湿地生态系统的环境功能重视不够,缺乏对南方滨海湿地生态系 统污染的 监测和评价研究,特别是对南方滨海湿地生态系统中与人体健康密切相关的重金厲污染状况研究还 是空白,缺少南方主要滨海湿地生态系统污染的定量数据,由此
4、导致了 B 前在南方滨海湿地保护和 开发中 W 目性较大,极大地影响了对南方滨海湿地生态系统的保护 “ 冇鉴丁 “ 此,本论文针对 B前南 方滨海湿地研究中存在的问题,采取全面踏査、典型调杏和定位研究相结合的方法,选抒福建土耍 的滨海湿地类艰(屮德三都湾湿地、福洁福淸湾湿地、莆田兴化湾湿地、福州闽江河口湿地,泉州 泉州湾湿地、漳州九龙江河口湿地 )作为调杏对象,分别对福建土耍 滨海湿地生态系统土壤和水体的 重金属 (Cu、 Pb、 Ni、 Zn、 Cr、 Cd、 Mn、 pH、 COD福建不同滨海湿地土壤重金属可浸提态含 tt 之间相关性随浸提液的种类和重金属的不冋而 不同,不同重金属元素之间
5、的相关性多为极显著 “ 当采; UDTPA 浸提时,除 Cr 外, Cuij 其它重金属的 差异均达极显著水平,与用 HCL 浸提液提取 Cu 的结果类似,说明 $金属 Cu 的可浸提态与其它重金属 多呈复合污染。 4、 利用 DTPA(二乙三胺五乙酸)和 HCL 两种不同浸提剂提取土壤重金屈研究中发现:福建滨海 湿地土壤各种重金属的可提取态受土壤化学成分的影响较大,不是一个稳定的参数,不同提取剂提 取的有效量无法统一 “ DTPA 可浸提态平均值占全量平均值的 0.7696 7.94%,而 HCL 可浸提态含毋 平均值占全量平均值的 3.2 找 36.55%,因重金厲和浸提液的种类不同而异
6、;不同浸提液 (DTPA、 HCL 对同一种重金属的浸提跫也呈现不同的变化规律:不同浸提液提取重金属含 M 勾巫金属全 M 的比值 随浸提液种类和重金属的不同而存在较大差别,福建主耍滨海湿地土壤重金属 HCL 可浸提态含 福建土壤背景值的比值均大于 DTPA 可浸提态含量与之的比值,这表明用不同浸提液提取重金属随 浸提液种类不同而不同,用 HCL 浸提液提取滨海湿地土壤重金属的提取比 HJ DTPA 提取相对较 大 . 5、 对福建主要滨海湿地生态系统水体污染的监测表明:福建滨海湿地水体的 Pb、 Ni 和 Cr 均超 过海水水质 IV 级标准,分别是海水水质 IV 级标准的 7.6、 2.5
7、 和 30 倍,其中 Cr 超标相对较严重,其 它重金属没有超标 “ 不同滨海湿地生态系统 fi 金属污染程度存在明显差异,其中二都湾湿地水体 Cu、 Pb、 Cd 和Mn 含量为 0.0647、 0.86 丨 9、 0.!730、 0.9256mg L污染程度均居其它湿地筲位: Ni 污染 最严重的娃泉州湾湿地,达到 0.3109 mg, lA 汚染最轻的是兴化湾湿地,为 0.0289! Zn 污染 最严重的是兴化湾湿地,闽江河口湿地 2n 污染最轻,分别为和 0 . 0 9 3 丨 mgL COD 变动幅度为 2.97765.2 111史 1,其中污染程度最重的湿地为兴化湾湿地,达到 76
8、5.2 11; |,期: 污染最严重的为福清湾湿地,含量为 5.838 闽江河口湿地水样的 COD, NH3-N 污染相对最 低;水样 pH 值相对差别不大,基本处于 6.5 8.0 之间:水样温度一般处于丨 0 201C 之间,均达到 海水水质规定的抟放标准,没有超标 “ 6、 对闽江河口湿地生态系统水 体污染 一 年的定位动态监测表明:闽江河口湿地生态系统水体重 金属含量呈现出一定的季节分布规律, 2 4月 Cu、 Pb, Ni、 Zn、 Cr、 Cd、 Mn均里上升趋势 .5 7 月达到最高值,随后开始逐渐下落,整体上表现为中间高、两头低的趋势,说明福建闽江河口湿地 生态系统重金厲污染季
9、节变化明显,受上游来水成分及降雨等闪素的影响较大 7、 利用 Hakamon 潜在生态危害指数法对捅建土耍滨海湿地生态系统十壤 金属的评价表明: 从单个重金属的潜在生态危害参数看,不同污染物对生态风险影响程度的人小排序为: CdNiPb CuZnCr,其中Cd 属于极强污染,其余属微弱污染;从不同重金属的综合潜在生态危宙指数来 看,福建主要滨海湿地潜在生态危害指数沿 =407.93,介于 300R/三都湾湿地 福清湾湿地 枭州湾湿地 九龙江湿地 闽江河 口湿地 8、 利用不同污染评价方法对福建滨海湿地生态系统土壤 fi 金属污染的评价表明 : RLMemerow 综合污染指数中的单因子污染指数
10、 Pj“ 只能表明某一重金属是否受污染,其受污染的程度该评价方法 未作出表述;地累积指数法更 能详细地表明某一重金屈受污染的程度和污染级别,但缺乏对整体评 价判别 t Hakanson 潜在生态危害指数法单个重金属潜在生态富集系数 (C; 和潜在生态风险参数 (EV) 克服了这一点,它可以定最地反映某一特定环境中单种及多种污染物造成的污染稈度,是评价滨海 湿地土壤污染相对较理想的一种评价方法, 9、 利用主成分分析法对福建主耍滨海湿地生态系统水体丨丨项指标的分析表明: 11 项单项指标 可归结为四个主成分,其代表了福建主要滨海湿地水体污染指标全部信息的 97.171%,四个主成分中, 第一主成
11、分是水体 Pb、 Cd、 Mu、 Cu 污染状况的综合设度;第二主成分是 Ni 和 Cr 不同组分与温度 和 pH 复合状况的貴皮;第三主成分是 Cu、 Zn 和 COD福 建不同滨海湿地生态系统水体的综合污染程度依次为:三都湾湿地 泉州湾湿地 兴化湾湿地 九 龙江湿地 福清湾湿地 闽江河口湿地,其中以三都湾湿地的水质污染最为严重,闽江河口湿地水 质污染最轻, 关键词:滨海湿地; S 金厲污染;福建省:污染评价;生态系统 主题词:重金属;滨海湿地;浸提液 Study on the contaminated characteristic and evaluation of heavy metal
12、s for the main coastal Wetlands ecosystem in Fujian Abstract Fujian Province is mainly situated in area along the coastal region of southeast china which its coastline is very long, Coastal wetland is one of the important resources which can provide manufacture and existence for human being, Further
13、more, it is worth for environmental function, including in resisting flood, regulating flow, restoring flood and drought control, adjusting local climate, controlling soil erosion, ct al. Recently, the developing scale of exploitation and utilization on coastal wetlands, the frequently disturbance s
14、uch as bottom land surrounding fill ,large scale effluent and waste residuedraining into wetland caused resourse and ecosystem of wetlands seriously damaged,So it influences the infunctin of ecosystem greatly.lt turns out that the monitoring and assessment of pollution status of coastal wetland beco
15、me a top emergency today, lfs also urgent to implement quantitative research for pollution of coastal wetland in Fujian. For a long time, human pay less attention to the environmental function of coastal wetland ecosystem, there were rarely systematic analysis on monitoring and assessment of polluti
16、on status of coastal wetland especially, the study on heavy metals which is related closely with human health is blank in south coastal wetlands ecosystem, it is lack of quantitative research for pollution caused large blindness on protection and exp!oration,.However, in allusion to problems existin
17、g in present* the studies were performed by means of tracing examination all around, typical investigation and located research* This paper studied on the typical coastal wetlands in Fujian(including Sandou bay wetland in Ningde, Fuqing bay wetland in Fuqing* Xinhua bay wetland in Putian, the Bstua
18、Wetland of Minjiang River in Fuzhou, Quan2hou bay wetland in Quanzhou and the Estuaiy Wetland of Jiulongjiang river in Zhangzhou), which analyses relations among Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cd, Mn, extracting liquids, pH, CODcr, NHj-N and T. Based on the pollution characteristic, it was adopted comparison o
19、f multiple assessment pattems(N.L.Nemeraw comprehensive pollution index 9 the geoaccumulation index and potential ecological risk index), a system is identified and evaluated for pollution factors and grades. Takeing this as the basis, it will provide valuable suggestions for pollution evaluation an
20、d utilization of national wetlands resources by through exploration of each assessment method to pollution influence and the rational evaluation model the main results for our research are as follows: (1) The main coastal wetlands in Fujian have been differently polluted by 7 kinds of heavy metals C
21、u, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cd and Mn, their content average values arc 1.91,4.02,4.27,2.73t 1.02, 11.67,3.37 times to soil background value in Fujian, Cd is largest among them. The different element content is different, the range of Mn jproachs to 2349 other element ranges of Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn# Cr, Cd is that
22、 429,569,181, 529, 72 and 2,6 mg.kg“1, the variation coefficients of elements exceed 40%, the variation coefficient of Cu surpasses 100%, There were significant cHfTerenccs among meta! dements in coastal wetlands, (2) Research on the clustering analysis in heavy mentals index in soils of the main co
23、astal wetland in Fujian, the result indicated: the dendrogram within 0-1 type system cluster method shows that costal wetlands can be divided into three groups, the first group is Fuqing bay wetland in Fuqing, Sandou bay wetland in Ningde, the Estuary Wetland of Minjiang River, they are situated in
24、the upper reaches of Taiwan strait; the second group is Xinhua bay wetland in Putian and Quanzhou bay wetland in Quanzhou, they are situated in the middle reaches of Taiwan strait; the third group is the Estuary Wetland of Jiutongjiang river in Zhangzhou, it is situated in the lower reaches of Taiwa
25、n strait; The dendrogram within R-type system cluster method shows that heavy mentals can be divided into three groups, the first group is clement of Cu, the second group is elements of Pb, Ni and Mn, the third group is elements of Cr, Cd and Zn. (3) Analysis on correlation of heavy metals of coasta
26、! wetlands in Fujian, the results indicated: Heavy metal pollution in soils of coastal wetlands in Fujian is not single pollution but combined pollution at different level. There was significant correlation between Cu and Pb, Cu and Mn, Cu and Cr, Cr and Mn (P0*05). The significance level was-0.3274
27、, 0,2949% 0*370U 0.3204 respectively. Among these, Cu was negatively correlated with Pb. There were distinct positive correlations between Mn and NL Ni and Pb (?0. ), its significance level was was 0,3802f 0.8906 respectively; The correlation of extraction contents for heavy metals change along with
28、 the different extracting liquids and elements, they were most significant correlation among elements of heavy metals. Element Cu was significant correlation between other elements excepting for element Cr by DTPA, it was similar to that by HCL, it turned out to be combined pollution for element Cu,
29、 (4) Analysis on heavy metals extracting contents in soils by means of different extracting liquids(DTPA, HCL) for coastal wetlands in Fujian, the results indicated: Extracting contents were influenced by the chemical composition and properties in soils of coastal wetland, and its parameter was not
30、stable. It was difficult to unify the available contents extracted by different extractants. The average of extractable content by DTPA was 0.76%7.94% of the total contents, while the HCL-extractable was 3,21 % 36.55%, varied with different kinds of extractants and elements. Moreover, the same eleme
31、nts extracted by different extractants (DTPAV HCL) results in different variation of extraction; The ratio of extraction and total contents varied much along with the kind of extractant and element. The ratios of the content extracted by HCI with soil background in Fujian were all greater than that
32、of DTPA. The result indicated that there was different in available content extracted by different kinds of extractant. The contents extracted by HCI was relatively higher than that of DTPA, (5) Monitoring water of coastal wetlands in Fujian, the results indicates: elements Pb, Ni and Cr go beyond S
33、ea water quality standard at 4 level on average, their contents average value is 1.6f 2.5 and 30 times to Sea water quality standd at 4 level, other elements were not overstandard excepting for element Cd. The different element content is different, Heavy metals pollution degree has obvious variatio
34、n in the different coastal wetlands. Pollution degree in Sandou bay wetland for elements Cu, Pb, Cd and Mn were primacy than that of others wetlands, contents were 0.0647,0.8639, 0.1730, 0.9256 mg/L. Element Ni was most seriously polluted in Quanzhou bay wetland, Xiniua bay wetland was not relativel
35、y serious, it reached 0.0289 mg/L; Element Zn was most seriously polluted in Xinghua bay wetland, the Estuaiy Wetland of Minjiang River was not relatively serious, contents reached 0*5079 and 0*0931 mg/L; other elements presented sel-ariation along with different wetlands, the range of Mn approachs
36、to 2349 mgkg-1, other elements ranges of Cu, Pb, Ni Zn, Crf Cd is that 429, 569, 181, 529, 72 and 2.6 mg/kg; the variation coefficients of elements exceed 40%, the variation coefficient of Cu surpasses 100%, There were siiificant differences among metal elements in coastal wetlands. The content of C
37、OD f and NH3-N varies in different regular pattern with the change of sampling point, and the range of variation was great. The variation range of CODa was Irom 2.97 to 765.20 mg/L. The wetland that were contaminated the most seriously was Xinghua bay wetland, the content had reached 765.20 mg/L. An
38、d the estuarine wetland of Min river was polluted the least, only 2.97 mg/L. the highest content of NHj-N was appeared in Fuqing bay wetland, had reached 5.838 mg/L.The order for the other sampling point was as follows: Quanzhou bay Jiulong river Sandu bay Xinghua bay Minjiang riven There were not d
39、istinct difTerences in the pH value of each water sample, mostly were from 6.5 to S.0. The temperature of water sample varied much, from 10*0 to 20t, but were in accordance with the definite criterion of seawater quality, (were not out of the maximum pennission level) (6) Dynamic monitoring was cond
40、ucted on the heavy metal contents for all year around in the estuaiy wetland of Min river, the results indicated: heavy metal contents in water samples varied regularly, the contents of Cu, Pbt Ni, Zn, Crf Cd and Mn had an ascendant tendency between February and April, then reached its maximum durin
41、g May and July, and afterwards went down. On the whole, it showed an trend of high in the middle and low on the two terminal. It illustrated that heavy metal pollution in the estuaiy wetland of Minjiang river had an obvious seasonal variation, it was affected greatly by rainfall and the component of
42、 the water body that comes from upstream of Minjiang river. (7) Analysis on the potential ecological risk parameter of single heavy metal of coastal wetlands in Fujian Province, the results indicated: from the Hakanson potential ecological risk index method, the pollutants in the order of impacting
43、extent of ecological risk are: C4NiPbCuZnCr. The most strong contamination is Cd to which we should pay enough attention, white the other kinds of heavy metal are weak contamination. From the potential ecological risk parameter of all heavy metal, the potential ecological risk index of coastal wetla
44、nds in Fu Jian Province is of strong contamination, RI=407.93 between 300Sandu gulf wetland Fuqing gulf wetland Quanzhou gulf wetland Jiulongjiang wetlands the estuarine wetlands of min jiang, Xinghua bay wetland was seriously contaminated. (8) Analysis on difTerent assessment methods for heavy meta
45、ls of coastal wetlands in Fujian , the results indicated: the single factor pollution index of N.LNemerow comprehensive pollution index only reflects whether there was contamination of certain heavy metal element, but it didnt express the pollution level, index of geoaccumlation could reflect the ce
46、rtain pollution level in detail, but it is lack of integrated evaluation. On contrary, C,/and E,r of Hakanson potential ecological risk index avoided the disadvantage above them. It could, reflect the pollution level in an all-round way which caused by single or combined heavy metal element in certa
47、in environment quantitatively. It is relative advantaged assessment for evaluating heavy metal pollution in the coastal wetland. (9) By using the principal component to analyze the 11 indexes in the water body, the results indicated: four principal components delegate 97.171% of all water body pollu
48、ted information of coastal wetlands in Fujian. The first principal component is a combined measure of Pb, Cd, Ctt in water body; The second principal component is a measure of Ni, Cr, temperature and pH which are combined together, The third principal component is a combined measure of Cu, Zn and CO
49、Do in water body; The fourtii principal component is NH3-N. The general pollution level of coasta! wetlands in Fujian is as follows: Sandu gulf wetland Quanzhou gulf wetland Xinghua gulf wetland Jiulongjiang wetlands F 叫 ing gulf wetland the estuarine wetlands of min jiang* especially * Sandu gulf wetland was severiously polluted, the estuary wetlands of Minjiang rives was less polluted. Key words: coastal wetlands; heavy