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1、 包装设计中英文对照外文翻译文献包装设计中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)译文:包装设计师使用数字系统改善工程的 5 种方式为了振兴他们的品牌,包装消费品牌公司正在发掘消费者渴求的选择。结果是一个汹涌而来的利基和季节性产品,即推动包装后的物品的数量升得较高。去年标志着近十年的两位数增长,S.K.U.同比增长,根据卡尔斯泰特印刷行业和咨询公司合伙人有限公司(纽约)。虽然可能有更多的品牌型号,但他们在每个货号不一定卖出许多产品。发行量较小的型号需要小包装印刷工作,需要具有挑战性的设计师分摊新创意的成本,因为这些产品在较短的印数。所幸的是,数字技术支持使设计也变得很时尚。这里有五个方

2、法,包装设计和包装消费品公司正受益于上述数字技术。1取消扩张包装(袋装)食品公司扩大其产品的常见的一个方式是在成熟的产品线基础上增加更多的品种。这一进程显然提升了内置的产品生产效 率,但它也可以是一个挑战,为设计师拓展产品线的视觉上的一致性, 特别是当其它软件(和他们的产品摄影)完成,是在几个月甚至几年前的事了。据图像战略品牌公司达曼设计(斯坦福,康涅狄格州)的高级经理克里斯鲍威尔讲述,美中不足的可能是一些温和的简单的白色碗。他解释说,产品摄影道具(如碗)是难以确定和配合使用的那些以前的照片拍摄的同一产品线。“我们有 50 个白碗,”鲍威尔说,“相信我,他们都略有不同。”但是确保同样的白碗是可

3、以用于所有的口味就相对容易得多,因为达曼设计公司安装了OpenText(安大略,加拿大)研发的数字资产管理系统(DAM 系统),它使包装设计师以原数据存储照片,这包括信息原数据的碗是定位于哪、如何识别它。这有助于达曼设计师不仅找到一个更快的支撑道具,但也肯定他们使用的是正确的。 2加快项目的准确性准确性对于博士伦(罗切斯特,纽约)而言是至关重要的,其中有大量的产品专为医药和医疗市场研制。自然这些目标市场要求的产品,其包装迅速发展,广泛分布。该公司的全球包装团队在不到五个月的时间里完成了复杂的软件 开发项目,但雄心勃勃的团队认为它能够做的更好。从一个垂直市场, 药品,制药支出,团队小组评估了它是

4、如何度过那些珍贵的几个月。该团队发现了一个重大的消耗时间的无底洞:行政工作任务。本集团花了一半以上的时间管理这些项目的细节,包括复杂的审查和评估过程。工作组确定的主要问题是它的基于电子邮件和传真机为主的回顾 和评论程序。对于每一个项目来说,一个引线牵头封装设计团队成员收集,管理和评价并解释来自不同部门甚至不同的国家地区的利益相关者的意见。有时,这些评论是重复或更糟的是相互矛盾的。这样的评论往往把包装设计团队成员摆在舒服的位置之间,类似于调停者或中介者。包装设计团队决定彻底改革审查过程,而采用柯达公司(罗切斯特, 纽约)设计的发射系统,这需要一个自动化的方法路由和警报。数字技术管理系统提供了一个

5、单一地评论,审查和批复的内容。它也控制企业过程自动化的工作流程,在编辑和修改上确保误差不滑。由于技术引进后,博士伦已经看到它的包装设计项目的周转时间从几个月变成到几周,它消除了标记错误。“大约四年前由于我们实施设计方案的推出,我们已为零个因贴错标签的产品而发出召回,”爱德华牧童说,主管包装及塑料制品的博士伦工程主任。3. 空地通信线路在为那些全球品牌搞设计的设计师机构,合作是同样重要的。万花筒,一个综合设计机构和原型供应商(芝加哥, IL),咨询一切公司的概念、校核和打样到印刷包装公司。几乎所有的万花筒的客户,均有一个共同的要求,市场和销售经理丹道林说道。“提案要求有繁重的工作流程系统,”他说


7、发展,形成离不开设计师的调解对话的共识, 这有助于一个更加友好的客户代理关系。其也可用于更好地管理关系和通信之间的代理和客户的其他供应 商。一个客户,万花筒与利益相关者在客户公司;零售商的自有品牌产品的主要运输和客户的众多合作厂商。如果沟通不好万花筒和之间的合作厂商,这可能损害彼此之间的关系及其客户的万花筒。万花筒利用管理系统确保客户的所有合作厂商及供应商的包装和打印机是工作在相 同的视觉指南。4. 摩拳擦掌地准备持续执行约翰逊贾伊,主要在设计机构阿迪克(沃尔德波特)鼓励客户,尤其是那些卖易腐货物采用数码技术一直到包装印刷统一的结果。“客户端可以有一整个横跨产品的品牌色彩,”约翰逊说,“这些产

8、品可以产生不同的合作厂商。例如,一个可能是一个鸡产品,另一个是猪肉产品。如果紫色是不完全相同的两包和包被在肉案搁置彼此相邻,一个产品可以逐渐与其它的包装与褪色的紫色。去看看经常的消费者,在一个腐烂的世界,没有人要买老旧的。”相反,约翰逊喜欢设计包装印刷的惠普印刷机。“走向数字化,我们可以规范在全国各地的印刷商的色彩,”她说,“我找到确切的颜色很容易沟通,而不是传统的记者靛蓝。” “我没有猜测,常在白天或晚上的时间在印刷公司和新闻记者中间奔跑,”约翰逊说,“许多印刷变量是刚刚淘汰,让我把重点放在更重要的事情的时候,像实施一项新的营销理念。”她用了一些时间,即在特殊项目恢复设计,如一个限量版的超级

9、碗产品。我们只需要 200000 获胜球队的市场,约翰逊说,加快速度进入市场是关键。因为阿迪克设计团队是非常熟悉了出版社的色彩范围,它能够快速的设计双方团队的市场而不牺牲额外的专色。该机构有设计数码印刷,超级碗杯冠军后宣布获胜队。与传统的印刷方法相比较,打印交付快了三倍的速度比我们所能做的,约翰逊说。 5生产证明是实惠的精品个人护理产品生产商卡罗尔的子公司(纽约,纽约州)正在更新其包装设计的打印机时,logotech 股份有限公司(费尔菲尔德,新泽西州),建议将切换到数字印刷的包装设计。我们新设计的这一个东西是帆布背景网格,卡罗尔的子公司包装开发高级经理肯尼汤奇说道。莱斯利总统加兰,logot

10、ech 和她的团队说,在这个背景下最好的举行细节方式是印刷数字化。包装打印机并不仅仅是保证它可以打印帆布背景;它提供的生产价格证明,卡萝尔的子公司能买得起负担得起的。与传统的新闻出版社, 打印时间和试验成本会变得非常昂贵,汤奇说,数码印刷是更好的灵活性,给我们看到一个生产前印刷整个订单的秩序。因为成本降低出版的时候,卡罗尔的子公司部属人员可以探讨对消费者反馈的基础衍生的各种设计方向和迅速变化。如 2011 年第四季度, 美容品牌推出新设计的 95%的产品线。随着数码印刷和包装技术的进步,包装设计师不再需要为了加快进入市场而在质量上有所妥协。那些使用这些技术巧妙的回报与运用更灵活的设计,更短的周

11、转时间,犯更少的错误,以更少的时间来完成梦想的设计创造者会迸发出下一个大品牌理念。在系统优化设计的基础上,包装向着高速化的方向发展,通过系统优化,把数字化设计技术与先进性、可行性,经济合理性有机的结合起来,一方面为满足现代商品包装多样化的需求,发展适应多品次通用包装设备;同时紧跟数字化步伐,实现包装新创意。原文:5 ways package designers use digital systems to improve projectsBy Linda CaseyTo re-invigorate their brands, consumer packaged goods companies

12、are tappinginto consumer thirst for choice. The result is a surge of niche and seasonal products thatpsushing the number of packaged goods higher.Last year marked nearlyadecade of double-digity,ear-on-yearSKUgrowth, according to printingindustry and consulting firm Karstedt Partners, LLC (New York,

13、NY).While brands may have more SKUs, theyrneot necessarilysellingas many products in each SKU. Lower-volume SKUs require smaller package printing jobs,challenging designers to amortize the cost of new creative for these products over a shorter print run.Lucky for them, digital technologies that supp

14、ort design have also grown. Here are fiveways package designersand consumer packaged goods companies are benefiting from digital technologies.1. Calling off the huntA common way for packaged food companies to expand their product offerings is to add more varietiesunder proven product lines.This proc

15、essclearlyoffers built-inproduct manufacturing efficienciebsu,t it can also be a challengefor designersto extend the product linesvisualconsistencyespeciallwyhen the other packages (and theirproduct photography) were completed months or even years ago.According to Chris Powell,seniormanager of image

16、ry for strategicbrandingfirm Daymon Design (Stamford, CT), the fly in the ointment might be something as modest as a simple white bowl. He explains that product photography props (suchas a bowl) can be difficult to identify and match with those used in previous photo shoots for the sameropduct line.

17、 “We have got 50 white bowls,” says Powell. “Andbelieve me, they are all slightly different.”But making sure that the same white bowl is used for all flavors is a lot easier since Daymon installed the OpenText (Ontario, Canada) digitalmansasgeetment(DAM) system. It enables package designers to store

18、 metadata with photos. And this metadata can include information on where the bowl is located and how to identify it.This helps Daymondesignersnot only finda prop quicker,but alsobe certainthey are using the correct one.2. Speeding projects to accuracyAccuracy is of the utmost importance to Bausch &

19、 Lomb (Rochester, NY), which has a plethora of products for the pharmaceutical and medical markets. The nature of thesetargetmarkets requiresthatproducts and theirpackaging quicklymovefrom development to distribution.Thecompanys global packaging team wascompleting complex package development project

20、sin lessthan fivemonths, but the ambitiousteam thought it could do better.Startingwith one verticalmarket, pharmaceuticals,the group evaluated how it was spending those precious few months. The team found asignificant time sink: administrative tasks. The group was spending more than half of itstime

21、managing those projectdetails,includingthe complex review and commenting process.The group identifiedthe primary problem to be itsemail- and fax-based reviewingand commenting procedures.For each project,a lead package design team member collectedm,anaged, and interpretedcomments from stakeholdersfro

22、m different departments and sometimes different countries. And sometimes those comments were repetitiouosr worse yet conflictingS.uch comments oftenput thepackage-designteam memberin the uncomfortable positionof mediator between the stakeholders.The package design team decided to completelyrevamp it

23、sreview processby adopting Kodaks (Rochester,NY) Design Launch system, which takes an automated approach to routingand alerts.The DAM providesa singleplace to comment, review,and approve content.It alsocontrolscorporate processeswithautomated workflows, making sure that errorsdontslipin during editi

24、ngand revision.Since bringingin the technology,Bausch & Lombhas seen itspackage design projects turnaroutnidme go from months to weeks, and it has eliminated labeling errors. “Since we implemented Design Launch about four years ago, we have had zero product recalls because of mislabeled products,” s

25、ays Edward Vaquero, Bausch & Lomb engineering director for packaging and plastic.3. Clearing communication linesCollaboration is just as important for designers at agencies as it is for those at worldwide brands. Kaleidoscope,an integrateddesign agency and prototypeprovider (Chicago, IL), consultswi

26、th packaged-goods companies on everything from conceptualization and proofing to package printing.Theres one common requirement from nearly all of Kaleidoscopes customers, says marketing and sales manager Dan Dowling. “The requests for proposal have a heavy emph asison workflow systems,”he says.Itns

27、ot justabout the creative.Clients arent content to work within an agencys system, either. If a CPG is payin money to a vendor for a service,itwants thatsupplierto work within the Cogssystem. So Kaleidoscope designersare continuallyinvestingnon-billabletime to learn new DAM systems.This isa challenge

28、,says Guy Gangi, directorof brand strategyp,lanning,anddesign, but its not a bother. The benefits of working within a DAM are worth the time and effort in studying the systems. For an agency designer, working from the positionof an outsider,serving as a mediator for two disagreeingproject stakeholde

29、rscan be challenging. Sometimes the only way to resolve this situation,says Gangi, is to devetlwoop different designs. This isnt exactly the best use of theagencys or brand owners time.But a DAM system can help clientsdevelop consensus without the designer mediating the conversation,he explains.This

30、 makes for a much more amicable agency-client relationship.DAM also can be used to bettermanage relationshipasnd communicationsbetween an agency and the clients other vendors. For one customer, Kaleidoscope collaborates with stakeholders within the client company; a retailer that primarily carries p

31、rivatel-abel products andthe clientmsanyco-manufacturers. If communicationsarent managedwellbetweenKaleidoscopeandtheco-manufacturers, this could damage the relationship between Kaleidoscope and its customer. Kaleidoscope uses DAMto mak e sure that all of the clientsco-manufacturersand theirpackagin

32、g suppliersand printersare working within the same visual guidelines.4. Gearing up for consistent executionJaye Johnson, principalat design agency Artico,(Waldport, OR) encouragesclients, especially those selling perishable goods to take the use of digital technol all the way to package printing for

33、 uniform results. “A client can have a brand colo that spans across products,” Johnson says, “and those products can be produced by different co-manufacturerFso.r example, one could be a chickepnroduct and theother is a pork product. If the purple isnt exactly the same in both packages and the packa

34、ges are shelved next to each other in the meat case, one product can look faded compared with the other. The package with the faded purple is going to look old to consumers. In a perishable world, nobody wants to buy old.”Instead, Johnsonlikes to design packages for printing onHPIndigo presses. ”Goi

35、ng digital, we can standardizeaccroolsosrsprint providers, across the country,”she says.“Ifind itesasy to communicate exact colorto an Indigo as opposed to a traditionalpress.“Idonthave to second-guess which printing company and pressman ran this and at what time of day or n,i”ghtJohnson adds.“Many

36、of the printing variables are just eliminated. That allows me time to focus on more important things, like implementing a new marketing idea.”Shesused some of thatrecoveredtime to design just-in-timespecialprojects,like a limited-edition Super Bowl product. We only needed 200,000 for the winning tea

37、ms market, Johnson says, and s-pteoe-dmarket was criticaBle.cause the Articodesign team isvery familiarwith the presscolorrange, itwas able to quicklydesign packages fobroth teams markets without the expense of extra spot colors.The agency had the design fotrhe winning team printeddigitallayfterthe

38、SuperBowl champion was announced. The print delivery was three times faster than we could ever do with traditional print methods, Johnson says.5. Making production proofs affordableBoutique personalcare products manufacturer CarolsDaughter (New York, NY) was looking to update itspackage designswhen

39、itsprinter,Logotech Inc. (Fairfield, NJ), recommended making the switch to digital printing.One of the thingsin our new designswas thiscanvas-gridbackground, says CarolsDaughter seniorpackaging development manager Kenney Tonge. LeslieGurland, president of Logotech and her team said the best way to h

40、old the details in this background was to print it digitally.The package printer did more than just guarantee that it could print the canvas background; it provided production proofs at a price that Carols Daughter could afford.With a traditionalpress,print trialtime and costs can become very prohib

41、itive, says Tonge. Digital printing was better at giving us the flexibility to a production proof before printing the whole order.Because of the lower cost for press time, Carols Daughter could exupslore vario design directions and make changes quickly based on consumer feedback. As of Q4 2011, the

42、beauty brand had rolled out new designs for 95% of its product line.With advances in DAM and digital printing technologies, package designers no longer need to compromise qualityfor speed-to-market.Creativeswho use these technologies smartly are rewarded with more design flexibility, shorter turnaround times, fewer mistakes, and time to dream up that next big branding idea.


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