一年级汉语拼音d-t-n-l课件 Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. -author -author -date-dateuoe oeu单韵母专列单韵母专列b p m fy wy w声母专列声母专列鼓锤打鼓鼓锤打鼓d d dd d d2 2 笔笔鱼儿跳舞鱼儿跳舞t t tt t ttt一根拐棍一根拐棍 f f ff f f 雨伞把儿雨伞把儿 t t tt t t2 2 笔笔m2 2 笔笔1 1 笔笔 四线三格四线三格中中下下上上d dt tn nl l a d dd d ddd d d t tt tt t t tt tt t l lll l l l l l l l ll lll