1、2022年湖北教师招聘考试考试真题卷(3)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.挪威科学家最新的研究显示,气候变暖将提高人类患腺鼠疫的可能性。这种疾病是由鼠疫杆菌(宿主为啮齿动物)引起的,鼠疫杆菌释放类毒素,使患者出现中毒性休克综合症。科学家从病愈患者的血清中提取的抗毒素对腺鼠疫患者有显著疗效。下列说法正确的是_A与鼠疫杆菌合成、释放类毒素有关的细胞器有核糖体、内质网、高尔基体和线粒体B抗毒素是一种抗体,是效应T细胞产生的淋巴因子C类毒素是一种抗原,能引起人体的免疫反应D该免疫过程
2、属于细胞免疫 2. 进入21世纪后,质疑达尔文进化论的声音此起彼伏。 达尔文进化论的核心是自然选择,以及与自然选择相关的生存竞争和渐变,所以达尔文一再宣称“自然界没有飞跃”。达尔文认为生物个体在长时间的演化中,经过自然选择,其微小的变异积累为显著的变异,于是形成新的物种或新的亚种。在大量古生物化石发现的基础上,1972年,美国古生物学家古尔德和埃尔德雷奇提出了一个全新的生物进化理论“间断平衡论”,认为生物的进化是渐变与跃进交替的进化模式,是基因突变或地理隔绝造成新种出现的过程。该理论比较合理地解释了地球生物演化史上许多物种突然爆发式出现的现象,指出了生物界不但有渐进式进化,也有飞跃。 “物竞天
3、择,适者生存”的理论是达尔文进化论自然选择学说的前提和基础。达尔文认为动植物界在十分剧烈的竞争下,适者生存,不适者淘汰;物种有利的变异将被保存下来,不利的变异则被淘汰,逐渐积累的有利变异结果就形成了新的物种。但是20世纪60年代以来的科学研究表明,在自然界中,任何物种或生物个体,都处在一定的生态系统中。生态系统内的生物个体、物种、群落的内部以及它们之间,它们与环境的关系,不但有竞争,更有协同发展,人们熟悉的一个例子是,昆虫在采集花粉的同时,也为植物完成了授粉的任务。在这一过程中,昆虫得到食物,花得以授粉,动物与植物彼此受益,相得益彰。这种相互依赖的关系有时甚至协同进化出令人惊讶的结果。 地球上
4、的生物物种经历了萌发、发展、壮大的过程,其最后归宿则是消亡,达尔文只承认渐灭,不承认突然绝灭。达尔文之后的古生物发现与研究明确地表明,自然界不单存在着达尔文所主张的渐灭,还存在着达尔文所坚决否认的突然绝灭。在较短的地质历史时期内,曾出现过生物大量整体地突然灭绝,从距今5.4亿年的寒武纪以来,这种明显的生物突然大灭绝就发生过4次。 需要指出的是,达尔文的进化论的确存在着时代局限性,但我们不能用现在的眼光去苛求他,被恩格斯誉为19世纪自然种学三大发现之一的达尔文进化论,其历史功绩是必须充分肯定的。根据本文提供的信息,下列理解不准确的一项是_。 A达尔文“自然选择”理论没能合理解释地球上某些物种突然
5、爆发式出现的现象B20世纪60年代以来的研究表明,不同物种之间的相互依赖是生物进化的推动力之一C达尔文认为,在过去的地质历史时期内,从未出现过生物大量、整体突然灭绝的现象D在昆虫采集花粉的过程中,昆虫遇到食物,花得以授粉,这一事例证明了“间断平衡论”的正确 3. 进入21世纪后,质疑达尔文进化论的声音此起彼伏。 达尔文进化论的核心是自然选择,以及与自然选择相关的生存竞争和渐变,所以达尔文一再宣称“自然界没有飞跃”。达尔文认为生物个体在长时间的演化中,经过自然选择,其微小的变异积累为显著的变异,于是形成新的物种或新的亚种。在大量古生物化石发现的基础上,1972年,美国古生物学家古尔德和埃尔德雷奇
6、提出了一个全新的生物进化理论“间断平衡论”,认为生物的进化是渐变与跃进交替的进化模式,是基因突变或地理隔绝造成新种出现的过程。该理论比较合理地解释了地球生物演化史上许多物种突然爆发式出现的现象,指出了生物界不但有渐进式进化,也有飞跃。 “物竞天择,适者生存”的理论是达尔文进化论自然选择学说的前提和基础。达尔文认为动植物界在十分剧烈的竞争下,适者生存,不适者淘汰;物种有利的变异将被保存下来,不利的变异则被淘汰,逐渐积累的有利变异结果就形成了新的物种。但是20世纪60年代以来的科学研究表明,在自然界中,任何物种或生物个体,都处在一定的生态系统中。生态系统内的生物个体、物种、群落的内部以及它们之间,
7、它们与环境的关系,不但有竞争,更有协同发展,人们熟悉的一个例子是,昆虫在采集花粉的同时,也为植物完成了授粉的任务。在这一过程中,昆虫得到食物,花得以授粉,动物与植物彼此受益,相得益彰。这种相互依赖的关系有时甚至协同进化出令人惊讶的结果。 地球上的生物物种经历了萌发、发展、壮大的过程,其最后归宿则是消亡,达尔文只承认渐灭,不承认突然绝灭。达尔文之后的古生物发现与研究明确地表明,自然界不单存在着达尔文所主张的渐灭,还存在着达尔文所坚决否认的突然绝灭。在较短的地质历史时期内,曾出现过生物大量整体地突然灭绝,从距今5.4亿年的寒武纪以来,这种明显的生物突然大灭绝就发生过4次。 需要指出的是,达尔文的进
8、化论的确存在着时代局限性,但我们不能用现在的眼光去苛求他,被恩格斯誉为19世纪自然种学三大发现之一的达尔文进化论,其历史功绩是必须充分肯定的。对下列句子中加下划线的词的解释,不正确的一项是_。 A君有加惠于其臣 加:增加B治国不失秉 秉:同“柄”,权柄C君若宥而反之 宥:宽恕D是君与寡君之贼比也 比:并列 4. 进入21世纪后,质疑达尔文进化论的声音此起彼伏。 达尔文进化论的核心是自然选择,以及与自然选择相关的生存竞争和渐变,所以达尔文一再宣称“自然界没有飞跃”。达尔文认为生物个体在长时间的演化中,经过自然选择,其微小的变异积累为显著的变异,于是形成新的物种或新的亚种。在大量古生物化石发现的基
9、础上,1972年,美国古生物学家古尔德和埃尔德雷奇提出了一个全新的生物进化理论“间断平衡论”,认为生物的进化是渐变与跃进交替的进化模式,是基因突变或地理隔绝造成新种出现的过程。该理论比较合理地解释了地球生物演化史上许多物种突然爆发式出现的现象,指出了生物界不但有渐进式进化,也有飞跃。 “物竞天择,适者生存”的理论是达尔文进化论自然选择学说的前提和基础。达尔文认为动植物界在十分剧烈的竞争下,适者生存,不适者淘汰;物种有利的变异将被保存下来,不利的变异则被淘汰,逐渐积累的有利变异结果就形成了新的物种。但是20世纪60年代以来的科学研究表明,在自然界中,任何物种或生物个体,都处在一定的生态系统中。生
10、态系统内的生物个体、物种、群落的内部以及它们之间,它们与环境的关系,不但有竞争,更有协同发展,人们熟悉的一个例子是,昆虫在采集花粉的同时,也为植物完成了授粉的任务。在这一过程中,昆虫得到食物,花得以授粉,动物与植物彼此受益,相得益彰。这种相互依赖的关系有时甚至协同进化出令人惊讶的结果。 地球上的生物物种经历了萌发、发展、壮大的过程,其最后归宿则是消亡,达尔文只承认渐灭,不承认突然绝灭。达尔文之后的古生物发现与研究明确地表明,自然界不单存在着达尔文所主张的渐灭,还存在着达尔文所坚决否认的突然绝灭。在较短的地质历史时期内,曾出现过生物大量整体地突然灭绝,从距今5.4亿年的寒武纪以来,这种明显的生物
11、突然大灭绝就发生过4次。 需要指出的是,达尔文的进化论的确存在着时代局限性,但我们不能用现在的眼光去苛求他,被恩格斯誉为19世纪自然种学三大发现之一的达尔文进化论,其历史功绩是必须充分肯定的。下列各项中每句话都体现管仲是治国之能臣的一组是_。 夫管仲,民之父母也。 将欲治其子,不可弃其父母。 夷吾受之,则鲁能弱齐矣。 夷吾事君无二心。 君若欲定宗庙,则亟请之。 在楚则楚得意于天下,在晋则晋得意于天下。 ABCD 5. 进入21世纪后,质疑达尔文进化论的声音此起彼伏。 达尔文进化论的核心是自然选择,以及与自然选择相关的生存竞争和渐变,所以达尔文一再宣称“自然界没有飞跃”。达尔文认为生物个体在长时
12、间的演化中,经过自然选择,其微小的变异积累为显著的变异,于是形成新的物种或新的亚种。在大量古生物化石发现的基础上,1972年,美国古生物学家古尔德和埃尔德雷奇提出了一个全新的生物进化理论“间断平衡论”,认为生物的进化是渐变与跃进交替的进化模式,是基因突变或地理隔绝造成新种出现的过程。该理论比较合理地解释了地球生物演化史上许多物种突然爆发式出现的现象,指出了生物界不但有渐进式进化,也有飞跃。 “物竞天择,适者生存”的理论是达尔文进化论自然选择学说的前提和基础。达尔文认为动植物界在十分剧烈的竞争下,适者生存,不适者淘汰;物种有利的变异将被保存下来,不利的变异则被淘汰,逐渐积累的有利变异结果就形成了
13、新的物种。但是20世纪60年代以来的科学研究表明,在自然界中,任何物种或生物个体,都处在一定的生态系统中。生态系统内的生物个体、物种、群落的内部以及它们之间,它们与环境的关系,不但有竞争,更有协同发展,人们熟悉的一个例子是,昆虫在采集花粉的同时,也为植物完成了授粉的任务。在这一过程中,昆虫得到食物,花得以授粉,动物与植物彼此受益,相得益彰。这种相互依赖的关系有时甚至协同进化出令人惊讶的结果。 地球上的生物物种经历了萌发、发展、壮大的过程,其最后归宿则是消亡,达尔文只承认渐灭,不承认突然绝灭。达尔文之后的古生物发现与研究明确地表明,自然界不单存在着达尔文所主张的渐灭,还存在着达尔文所坚决否认的突
14、然绝灭。在较短的地质历史时期内,曾出现过生物大量整体地突然灭绝,从距今5.4亿年的寒武纪以来,这种明显的生物突然大灭绝就发生过4次。 需要指出的是,达尔文的进化论的确存在着时代局限性,但我们不能用现在的眼光去苛求他,被恩格斯誉为19世纪自然种学三大发现之一的达尔文进化论,其历史功绩是必须充分肯定的。下列对本文的理解和分析,不正确的一项是_。 A鲍叔牙深知管仲才能出众,劝说齐桓公予以任用,并设巧计使管仲回到齐国B鲁国的施伯识破了齐国的计谋,劝鲁侯杀掉管仲,以绝后患,说明施伯很有远见C鲍叔牙认为,如果齐桓公不及时迎回管仲,管仲必将为鲁国所重用,会削弱齐国的力量D本文表现了鲍叔牙知人能让、举贤荐能的
15、品德,同时也反映了齐桓公重视人才、善于纳谏 6.下列陈述中,符合业绩考核指标设置要求的是_。A领导满意B100%利用时间C接到任务及时完成D一季度销售额达到300万元7.已知直线l⊥平面α,直线m平面β,给出下列命题其中正确命题的序号是()。ABCD8.ABC的三个内角A、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c,已知sinB=1,向量=(a,b),若则∠C的大小为()A.选项AB.选项BC.选项CD.选项D9.Now everyone is concerned about how to conquer the economic crisis()is very im
16、portant for us to be able to preserve our standard of living.A. which successB. its successC. the success of whichD. the success of it10.The United States is well known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.Although th
17、ese wide modem roads are generally (1) and well maintained, with few sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (2) one. Large highways often pass (3) scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally (4) large urban centers, which means t
18、hat they become crowded with heavy traffic during rush hours, (5) the fast, direct route becomes a very slow route.However,there is almost always another route to take if you are not in a hurry. Not far from the (6) new superhighways, there are often older, (7) heavily traveled roads which go throug
19、h the countrvside. (8) of these are good two-lane roads ; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down frightening hillside to towns (9) in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they genera
20、lly go to places (10) the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.第(1)空应选择()AstableBsplendidCsmoothDcomplicated11.When will you be through with your workJones ()My boss usuallY finds something for me to do at the last minuteAWho
21、 knowsBWould you help meCI beg your pardonDAnything the matter12.Passage TwoWhy did the author bring a TV set into his sons room()ATo make his son keep quiet.BTo spend the night by watching TV programs.CIn order not to let his son feel lonely.DTo make his son go to sleep as soon as possibl13.Passage
22、 ThreeIn the eyes of the author an odd phenomenon nowadays is that().Athe Duchess of Windsor is regarded as a woman of virtueBlooking slim is a symbol of having a large fortuneCbeing thin is viewed as a much desired qualityDreligious people are not necessarily virtuous14.Passage OneThis report says
23、that the need for protecting wildlife()Awas understood centuries before this timeBwas described by an Indian writer about 2300 years agoCis met in many countries todayDis carried out in forests as well as in national parks15.The United States is well known for its network of major highways designed
24、to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.Although these wide modem roads are generally (1) and well maintained, with few sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (2) one. Large highways often pass (3) scenic areas and interesting s
25、mall towns. Furthermore, these highways generally (4) large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with heavy traffic during rush hours, (5) the fast, direct route becomes a very slow route.However,there is almost always another route to take if you are not in a hurry. Not far from the
26、(6) new superhighways, there are often older, (7) heavily traveled roads which go through the countrvside. (8) of these are good two-lane roads ; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down frightening hillside to tow
27、ns (9) in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places (10) the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.第(2)空应选择()AterribleBpossibleCenjoyableDprofitable16.Passage TwoThe babys r
28、eaction to the TV program was().AunexpectedBencouragingCexcitingDcahn17.Passage OneThe report says that in Indian forests of long ago().Ahunters were given permits to hunt game animalsBonly dangerous animals were to be killedCthe killing of game animals was controlledDno killing of animals was allow
29、ed18.Passage ThreeSwept by the prevailing trend, the author().Ahad to go on a diet for the greater part of her lifeBcould still prevent herself from going off the trackChad to seek help from rich distant relativesDhad to wear highly fashionable clothes19.Passage TwoFrom this passage we know that the
30、 author is().Aa doctorBa reporterCan editorDa teacher20.Passage OneAccording to the report, men trying to save wildlife are thinking about()as well.Athe animals in national parksBstricter laws against huntingCthe trees in the forestsDthe needs of people21.The United States is well known for its netw
31、ork of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.Although these wide modem roads are generally (1) and well maintained, with few sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (2) one. Large highways often pass (3)
32、 scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally (4) large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with heavy traffic during rush hours, (5) the fast, direct route becomes a very slow route.However,there is almost always another route to take if you are no
33、t in a hurry. Not far from the (6) new superhighways, there are often older, (7) heavily traveled roads which go through the countrvside. (8) of these are good two-lane roads ; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or d
34、own frightening hillside to towns (9) in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places (10) the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.第(3)空应选择()AtoBintoCoverDby22.Passage ThreeI
35、n human history peoples views on body weight().A. were closely related to their religious beliefsBchanged from time to hmeCvaried between the poor and the richDled to difierent moral standards23.Passage TwoAccording to the passage,which is trite of the school children()AThey prefer reading to watchi
36、ng TV.BThey like watching TV alter school.CThey would rather watch TV than read books.DThey like their teachers who teach them readin24.Passage OneFrom the report we can learn().Athe growth of the world’s population has meant greater danger to wildlifeBabout a thousand sorts of mammals are in
37、danger of extinctionCthe speed of extinction of mammals is lower now than it was fromA.D1 to 1800D. hunters who kill endangered sorts of animals are seriously punished by law25.The United States is well known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another i
38、n the shortest possible time.Although these wide modem roads are generally (1) and well maintained, with few sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (2) one. Large highways often pass (3) scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generall
39、y (4) large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with heavy traffic during rush hours, (5) the fast, direct route becomes a very slow route.However,there is almost always another route to take if you are not in a hurry. Not far from the (6) new superhighways, there are often older, (7
40、) heavily traveled roads which go through the countrvside. (8) of these are good two-lane roads ; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down frightening hillside to towns (9) in deep valleys. Through these less direc
41、t routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places (10) the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.第(4)空应选择()AleadBconnectCcollectDcommunicate26.Passage ThreeThe author criticizes womens obsession with thinness()Afrom an
42、economic and educational perspectiveBfrom sociological and medical points of viewCfrom a historical and religious standpointDin the light of moral principles27.Passage TwoWhat does the underlined phrase mean according to the passage()Atalk aboutBthink aboutCquarrel aboutDcare about28.Passage OneThe
43、word extinetionin this report most properly means“()”.Afalling downBdying outCgrowing upDgoing away29.The United States is well known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.Although these wide modem roads are generally
44、(1) and well maintained, with few sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (2) one. Large highways often pass (3) scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally (4) large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with heavy
45、traffic during rush hours, (5) the fast, direct route becomes a very slow route.However,there is almost always another route to take if you are not in a hurry. Not far from the (6) new superhighways, there are often older, (7) heavily traveled roads which go through the countrvside. (8) of these are
46、 good two-lane roads ; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down frightening hillside to towns (9) in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places (10) the air is cl
47、ean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.第(5)空应选择()AwhenBforCbutDthat30.Passage ThreeWhats the authors advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness()AThey should be more concerned with their overran lifestyleBThey should be more watchful for fatal diseasesCThey should gain weight to look healthyDThey should rid themselves of fantasies about designer clothes31.The United States is well known for its network of major highways design