1、研究生马来西亚留学的申请书探讨生马来西亚留学的申请书 Dear _, Ever since childhood I have enjoyed working with my hands. Whether as an eight year- old gluing together a model car or an adolescent assembling a bookshelf in woodworking class, I thrived on the challenges of precise and meticulous tasks. Throughout high school I
2、have been intrigued by the sciences, but it was not until I read about late-breaking discoveries and research in the field of genetics that my interests in science intensified. When I entered the University of British Columbia (UBC), I naturally chose to specialize in Cell Biology and Genetics. In m
3、y sophomore year at UBC, I first began to seriously consider dentistry as a career. At that time, I began to appreciate the important role that dentistry played in my life. Four years earlier, I began an orthodontic treatment program with Dr. Junni Wang to correct a severe crowding problem with my t
4、eeth. Both before and during the treatment, I was a most reluctant participant; not many teenagers look forward to braces filling their mouth during their last two years of high school, and I was no different. However, at every monthly check-up for three-and-a-half years the office staff had nothing
5、 but kind words of encouragement and optimism. Now after the completion of the treatment I had reason to smile. Dr. Wang helped turn me from a shy adolescent who feared smiling into a confident, outgoing young man. His skills not only brought back my smile, but also my sense of confidence in all asp
6、ects of my life. Whereas once I feared drawing attention to myself and thus shied away from leadership posts and debates, now I am a completely different person. Hoping to feel as satisfied and gratified as Dr. Wang must have felt in improving not only my smile but my entire way of life, I look forw
7、ard to improving the oral health of patients on a daily basis and participating in dentistry s friendly, team-oriented work environment. After this preliminary patient-doctor exposure to dentistry, I substantially increased my involvement in the field to determine if dentistry really was for me. My
8、participation with the UBC Pre-Dental Society allowed me to communicate with various professionals in the field. I also investigated opportunities to volunteer in the University Dental Clinic or participate in research work. After speaking to a couple of professors in the UBC Faculty of Dentistry as
9、king them about research opportunities, I found a topic that interested me. Dr. Putnins, of the Division of Periodontics, offered me a position in his lab to conduct a semi-quantitative analysis to determine the levels of endotoxin in dental unit water lines. After taking many water samples from the
10、 University Dental Clinic and quantifying the amounts of endotoxin (lipopolysaccahride) in those samples with an Limulus Abeocyte Lysate test, I prepared to publish dentistry s first account of this type of experiment. I conducted the study over a 16-week span (Jan.-Apr. 98), and the research work c
11、ounted as 3.0 credits towards my undergraduate degree. Because the vast majority of my work was self-directed, I submitted my findings for evaluation by the faculty in a 32-page report with 46 references, and I also defended my methods before a panel of professors. Impressed by the findings and resu
12、lts, Dr. Putnins will use my study as a key component of a journal article he is currently preparing for the Journal of Dental Research (JDR). The school also submitted an abstract of my findings for presentation at the upcoming 77th General Session of the International Association of Dental Researc
13、h (IDAR) to be held at Vancouver, Canada. I am keenly looking forward to this unique opportunity to have my work appear before distinguished members of the dental research community. My positive research experience definitely helped reinforce my goal of becoming a dentist. In addition, my employment
14、 as a Canada Customs Inspector has helped me improve my level of social awareness and helped me develop qualities I can usefully apply to dentistry. As a Customs Inspector, I had the opportunity to communicate effectively with many different types of people in various situations. I have also develop
15、ed the ability to resolve conflicts, defuse difficult situations, and show empathy even during cases of enforcement. In addition, my experience with team sports has provided me with leadership skills that can not be taught in any textbook. As the captain of my hockey team and the coach of a children
16、 s team, I have developed excellent communication skills and the ability to identify and work effectively with kids. All of these qualities will prove very important to my future career in dentistry. Attracted by the dental profession s ability to positively impact people s lives, just like my ortho
17、dontist, and by the profession s financially rewarding and stable lifestyle, I look forward to one day opening my own practice and becoming a well-respected member of both the community of dentists and the community of patients. While my GPA may not be as high as some applicants , my academic record
18、 shows a consistent positive. I know I have the intelligence, ability, and determination to achieve success in dentistry; I only need the opportunity. My dental research experience combined with my academic background, personal qualities, and leadership abilities makes me well suited to accept the c
19、hallenges in the field of dentistry. I look forward to an interview and the chance to discuss my qualifications in person. Yours sincerely, 马来西亚留学读探讨生条件与学校 一、留学读研的条件 1、国内三年制专科毕业并具有5年以上工作阅历者; 2、国内本科毕业生无工作阅历要求; 3、以上学历证书必需经过国内公证机构公证。 申请学校时不须要将自己夸成各方面都优秀的人才。学校更关切的是学生能为学校这个专业带来什么,所以,申请时多强调自己对专业的爱好、已经取得的专
20、业成就和心得体会比较能打动学校教授。 马来西亚高校探讨生录用没有要求GRE,管理类专业也没有要求GMAT成果,的语言要求是雅思成果在6.0或者6.5,假如学生达到雅思成果要求就可以免去在马来西亚学习语言课程的时间。 马来西亚探讨生留学申请材料主要是本科阶段的毕业证,成果单的中英文公证书,举荐信,个人陈述等等。其实任何一项上的突出特点都有可能吸引外国老师。比如举荐信、专业课成果等。 二、去马来西亚读研优势 1、政策支持,中马学历互认。2003年9月中国教化部对于部分优秀马来西亚的私立院校进行认证后,更是消退了许多学生和家长的顾虑。学生应当在这个范围内选择自己的院校和专业。 2、无英语要求、全英文
21、授课环境。马来西亚的举荐院校全部是英文授课。中国的中学、职高、中专及大专生,不须要供应英语成果就可以赴马来西亚留学。学生入学前,须要经过学校的英文测试,依据考试成果支配英文学习时间,可长可短。 3、健全的教化监督机制。马来西亚有着世界上的教化标准,有特地的部门-马来西亚学术鉴定局定期进行教化质量评估,并采纳质量标准管理体系,以确保优质的教学质量,毕业证书为国际普遍认可。 4、课程设计达到国际水准 学制短、转签第三国手续简便。马来西亚的院校大多与英、美、澳、加、新等国的知名高校(多为公立高校)建有双联课程或学分转移制课程,学士学位学制仅三年,并可以便利地转入第三国高校学习。 三、留学马来西亚读研
22、可选择的学校 1、马来亚高校 马来西亚国内排名第一的国立高校,是是马来西亚规模和最的高校之一,也是一所全马历史最悠久的学府。中国改革开放后,高校生渐渐往海外求学。马来亚高校教授特意为批中国留学生设计了一套课程,任职各高校院,编纂出版相关字典,为双边学术沟通做出了贡献。 2、泰莱高校 马来西亚泰莱高校创立于1969年,是马来西亚历史悠久及最杰出的私立高校学院,享有崇高的信誉。它拥有三十多年的卓越教学阅历,向以优良的学术传统著称。学院一贯秉承的信念,就是为本区域供应素养的高等教化。泰莱学院每年录用学生超过5000名。是马来西亚历史悠久及最杰出的私立高校,享有崇高的信誉。其着名的商科以及酒店管理专业
23、在亚洲以及国际上享有盛誉,酒店管理专业目前在马来西亚位居第一。 3、英迪高校 英迪高校在马来西亚教化界已发展被公认为马来西亚的高等教化学府.秉着供应全人教化的办学思想,坚守造就学术精彩和人格健全学子的理念以及人人受惠的下属设有8间分院,分别是汝来新镇的英迪国际高校、梳邦再也英迪学院、首都高等学院、云顶英迪国际学院、滨城英迪国际学院、砂拉越英迪学院、沙巴英迪学院、八打灵艺术学院。 4、思特雅高校 思特雅高校成立于1986年,是马来西亚教化部批准成立的、中国教化部及全球承认的可以授予高校本科及硕士文凭的海外一般高等院校。她是马来西亚教化部批准的三所私立高校之一,并于2003年成为有史以来所被马来西
24、亚教化部批准开设医学类课程的私立高校。ucsi高校是中国教化部批承认的马来西亚的高校,同时也是全马一所供应多元化课程的私立高校。 马来西亚留学生活常识 1、马来西亚一年四季高温多湿,各季节的平均气温、降雨量都相去不远,而且日夜时间的长短也几乎相同。部分地区如东马的沙巴、沙劳越,每年4/5月会有短期的旱季。马来半岛东岸,每年10-3月吹东北季风。而面对南海的东马地区,每年11,12月会受到热带季风的影响,气温降低且多雨,道路常常受阻中断,对观光客而言,这段时间最不适合旅游。至於马来半岛的西岸,由於印度洋西南气流为苏门答腊带来丰沛的雨量,等横越到马来半岛时,水气已所剩不多了。 2、马来西亚属热带雨
25、林气候,年温差小,平均气温在25-28之间;日温差较大,白天气候燥热,夜晚比较凉快;年平均降水量为3000毫米,全年燥热潮湿,因此应多备夏季换洗衣物。 3、马来西亚留学生活中餐和晚餐一般要2.5-3.5马币。早餐1-2马币。假如自己做饭会便宜少许。 4、马来西亚留学生活料理通称为马来菜,主食为米,主要开胃菜是“肉骨茶”,有点药味,这是用虾发酵,协作香辛料及辣椒调制而成。马来人只要有“肉骨茶”便可下饭。另外,家常菜还有炸鸡、炸鱼及咖哩牛肉等。 5、一般餐馆或路边摊没有所谓的菜单,只要用手指指就可以了。大约M便可饱餐一顿。另外可以尝尝马来口味的炒饭、炒面及沙嗲等。当然,在马来西亚不单能吃到马来菜,还能尝到特别地道的中国菜。马来西亚的海南鸡饭要属中国餐馆里的吃,附上鸡汤才好。 6、马来西亚留学生活早餐或宵夜可尝尝印度餐厅的“罗贴”或“姆尔他葩”。罗贴是指薄而长的未经发酵的面包,有牛角面包的口感,通常配上咖哩一起食用。姆尔他葩则是指罗贴夹上蔬菜、烤肉串、蛋等的夹馅面包。印度早餐就是这些食物再配上奶茶。 探讨生马来西亚留学的申请书