1、申请2021泰国硕士留学的申请书申请2021泰国硕士留学的申请书 Dear _, When I was young, my friends always wanted to come round to my house after school because my mum would let us paint. We had a big easel, a large supply of powder paints, felt tip pens and pencil crayons. I was given the freedom to express myself through these
2、 means from a very young age and I still find art the best way to express myself now. At A-level my photography developed to a high standard and I was offered a place to do fashion photography at the London College of the Arts. However I decided not to accept, as I did not wish to commit to photogra
3、phy alone. I decided to take a place at Doncaster College doing a performing arts national diploma. I was a committed and able student fully engaging with all aspects of the course and thoroughly enjoying it also. However as the course was so time consuming I had little time to continue painting and
4、 drawing and I missed it terribly. In September 2007 just as I was about to start my second year one of my best friends committed suicide. I became depressed and felt unable to continue attending. Throughout the following year I used art as a way to express my emotions. It helped me come to terms wi
5、th what had happened much more than anything else did. Although I had been offered a place to continue my Performing Arts National Diploma the following year I decided to apply for a foundation art and design course. Doing an art foundation course has given me the freedom and facilities to begin pur
6、suing what I really enjoy. As a student and an artist I become totally absorbed in the piece of work or project I am involved in. I am dedicated and enthusiastic about all of the arts, which I have explored and am eager to continue my studies and better myself not only as an artist but also as a per
7、son. There have been many artists who have inspired me in my own creative path. These include Guy Bourdin, Tracey Emin, and Joesph Cornell, as well as many others. Viewing other artists work helps me to better understand Art itself, as well as helping me to discover which pathway would be best for m
8、e. I enjoy regularly attending exhibitions of my favourite artists and also of artists I have not previously known. Installation art is something I would like to explore further as I progress. I love the idea of being given a space to make my own. Seeing other friends go off to University in previou
9、s years has been strange but I am glad I have waited until this time to apply as I have gained maturity and take a more serious attitude towards my work. I am willing to put more time and effort in because of this. After completing my degree I would like to pursue a career in art therapy. I feel art
10、 gave me a way to express what I was feeling when I could not truly understand it myself. It gave me a release and I would like to help other people to be able to use art in the same way. Yours sincerely, xuexila 泰国硕士留学入学考试 一、入学考试 高校对探讨生的审核,会比对本科生要高一些,除了要满意学术和语言的硬件材料需求之外,还会对学生的实力进行个人化的测试,虽然不会影响录用,但是
11、有助于学生进行质量的把控。 入学考是设置在学生开学之后,即办好了入学,支配好了住宿,在新生入学周的时候,进行支配的测试,大家不须要特殊惊慌,能够发挥出自己的优势就是的表现了,可能会影响分班。 二、考试类型 1.语言测试 这一阶段的教学,大多会运用英语,而留学生首选的也是英语,所以一般学校进行的语言测试,也是针对英语的,部分学校的入学考,还会有肯定的认可度,如法政的Tu-get,朱拉的Cu-test。 不过假如大家可以干脆出示自己合格并且优秀的IELTS或者TOEFL的证明的话,那么可以申请免考试,干脆进入下一轮的考试;此外假如初考没通过,后续还能补考。 2.专业笔试 各个专业会负责学生专业技能
12、的测试,考核的是基础的理论常识,重点在学生驾驭的学问上,所以直升的学生会更有优势一些,而跨专业的学生则会比较吃力,因为学问是须要积累的。 考场会干脆设置在专业的学院之中,参与考试的都是入学后将要一起学习的同学,考核是一般的试卷考试,结果一般一周就能够公示,大家可以通过排名参考自己的实力水平。 3.现场面试 最终一步就是和专业老师的面试,须要大家运用英语或者泰语进行沟通,主要是沟通,须要大家展示自己的优势,并且回答老师提出来的全部问题,便利彼此进行了解。 大家要利用好这次机会,针对自己想知道的内容进行提问,这样后续进行适应的时候,也会更加的顺当一些,从而积累下好用的技能。 泰国留学出入境须知 一
13、、精简行李 出行的航班会对乘客可携带的行李进行严格的要求,尤其是出国,因为涉及到了较长的飞行距离,对行李的重量把控会更严格,一般航班的托运额度是40kg,行李箱不能超过30寸。 二、珍贵物品 和在国内坐飞机一样,珍贵的物品会建议乘客随身携带,这里对留学生来说主要就是电脑、手机等电器,这些会是比较珍贵,而且托运可能会损坏的东西,大家随身背好会更有利。 三、随身零钱 自己的口袋里,还须要带上几百块的零钱,可以干脆换成泰铢之后带过去,这样就不须要下了飞机之后兑换,终归机场的兑换点手续费是比较高的,不须要太多,只是备用不会有很大的支出。 四、带一支笔 在飞机上还会须要填入境卡,自己备好了笔的话,可以不
14、须要麻烦乘务员为你打算,可以干脆起先填写;而且出入境的时候,可能也须要填表填信息,自备了笔就不须要等待别人用完了之后再填,节约时间。 五、办好入境 学生在下了飞机之后,须要走一系列的流程,大家肯定要完成了之后才可以出机场入境,确保自己没有遗漏的事情,程序走完了之后也能够免除后续的麻烦。 主要就是接受行李和信息的检查和核实,确认没有问题之后,再联系接机的工作人员,确认自己的身份之后,就可以耐性等待了,不会花大家很长的时间。 六、办理签证 留学的新生在国内班里的签证,只有90天的有效期,所以大家须要在抵达之后,尽快的去移民局进行时间的续期,才可以保证自己有在这里生活的合法身份,干脆带上签证和护照,以及入学证明去移民局即可。 申请2021泰国硕士留学的申请书