1、2021出国泰国留学个人申请书2021出国泰国留学个人申请书 Dear _, Who will be there to help you, when your life is turned upside down and you don't know how to carry on, what to do, or whether you can pick yourself up and start again? Some of us, if we're lucky, have family and friends to hold our hands and guide us t
2、hrough the darkest, most difficult days of our lives. Others are lucky enough to have one or more health professionals, who are not just good at their jobs, but have passion and compassion; who care about their patients, and whose patient's care is of the utmost importance to them. As a mother,
3、daughter, wife, divorcee, partner and friend I am fortunate enough to have had support when I needed it and more importantly to have been able to give support to others who have needed it. It's something which has always given me great pleasure - to be there for someone who needs me; to help, li
4、sten, advise, suggest ways of solving problems and positive action; encourage, nurture, teach and even to engage in activities with people at certain times in their lives to help motivate them. Now that I have a second chance in life to study; to choose a vocation which I am passionate about - somet
5、hing rewarding, challenging, inspiring, enjoyable and most of all where I would be able to do good, help people empower themselves, change their lives - I know after months of research and talking to people that OT ticks every box. When I was 17, I did work experience in a Foyer D'Handicapee in
6、Epinal, France, with severely disabled teenagers and young adults. I found it immensely rewarding and enjoyable, although I later concentrated my studies on music. Being a parent has meant that certain aspects of me have grown and developed; both in terms of bringing up my children and supporting ot
7、her parents. In some ways this fuelled my interest in how the mind works, its development, and contributed to a bookshelf on the subject. It has greatly increased my patience, intuition and creativity, and I believe I have always had very good communication, people and organisational skills, as well
8、 as a (highly necessary!) great sense of humour and positive approach to life. I am a sympathetic listener, open-minded and tolerant of others lifestyles and I think that along with my problem-solving skills, and desire to help people, the range of activities which I am skilled at and enjoy would gr
9、eatly aid me in helping people to rehabilitate themselves. I enjoy listening to and playing music, creative writing, poetry, theatre and the arts - as well as being artistic myself (2 small children are a great licence to indulge all forms of art and craft!). I am a great cook; enjoy DIY; keen on gr
10、owing all things edible; I am IT literate and due to work and life adept at organising bills/expenses and general paperwork. I also love the outdoors and active pursuits, such as mountain-biking, paint-balling, riding the odd elephant and more - with a high degree of enthusiasm! I've always been
11、 very sociable and made friends with people of all ages and walks of life; mainly due to my sense of humour, general affability and interest in others. Of late it has given me pleasure to help my own friends by teaching one to drive, supporting friends with children by organising outings with them,
12、and helping a friend who was very unhappy with her weight by motivating her to go biking/walking/to the gym with me and suggesting easy diet changes. I have friends within this sector and talking to them has only strengthened my belief that this is something I very much want to do, and would be very
13、 good at - plus they seem to think I would make a great OT too! I am a very determined person and extremely committed to doing this course. I believe that my past qualifications prove my academic capabilities and my life experience and disposition would make me an ideal candidate from a personal poi
14、nt of view. Unbeknownst to me, I have been a 'skilled helper' for most of my life, which I only found out recently through personal research and reading. Yours sincerely, xuexila 泰国留学留意事项 1.动身之前不要打包太多 在我出国留学期间,我犯了一个错误,从我的祖国打包了太多的东西。人们旅行时总是这么说,但在泰国,这是真的。你带的东西越少,你能探究的东西就越多。市场上到处都是你一生中见过的最惊奇、最独
15、特的东西。我的一个挚友告知我,“假如你看到一些你从未见过的东西,你想要它,你得到它,因为你不知道你是否会再看到它。”有些项目是这样,但并非全部项目都是这样。你也可以找到一些你在其他地方看不到的最好玩的T恤。这些T恤标语中的一些会让你笑到面红耳赤,在你意识到你必需要穿之前。每件衬衫大约5美元,我敢保证你会想要不止一件。 2.学会适应“泰国时间” 在一些国家,时间是生活中严格的一部分。假如你迟到了两分钟,你的老板不会告知你事情的结局,甚至你的教授也不会允许你进入教室。在泰国有一个叫“泰国时间”的东西。从我在这里的经验中,我了解到泰国时间意味着你有15分钟的缓冲时间来参与会议或上课。起初,我认为这是
16、出于不敬重和缺乏责任感。但我知道,这10-15分钟是挚友和同事赶上来问私人问题的机会,比如他们的家人怎么样,或者你在漫长的周末假期做了什么。 我记得我在泰国上学的第一天。早上9点,我是一个坐在椅子上的人,一个人坐在那里,想着自己是不是在正确的房间里。我等了大约10分钟,直到学生们起先出现,没有任何紧迫感。我对自己说:“为什么人们总是迟到,只是随意地走进来?”然后老师走进教室,起先上课,就像早上9点一样。泰国文化不太注意时间,这给了人们一个相互沟通的机会,而不是干脆冲进去。 3.明智地选择你的交通方式 在泰国,坐公共汽车或小型货车去一些地方可能要花很长时间。当你在泰国旅游时,要明智地利用你的时间
17、尤其是假如你的时间有限,想要花在一个充溢异国情调的岛屿或古老的城市,被群山环绕,或注视令人叹为观止的瀑布。泰国国内航空公司在全国各地的航班成本稀奇地低。的感觉是,当你在一个半小时内从曼谷旅行到普吉岛,然后精神饱满地到达那里,为周末的起先做好打算。我建议你好好利用一张50美元的来回票。 4.和当地人玩在一起 当你在国外旅行时,你很简单呆在你的外国挚友的圈子里,不与当地的高校生互动。这就是你想出国留学的缘由,不是吗?了解学生在课余时间和周末都在做些什么。在国际项目学习期间,泰国当地的学生对与我沟通和练习英语特别感爱好。这是一个很好的机会,让我练习我的泰语,体验他们的生活。 在泰国的头几周,我走进一
18、家酒吧,这是我经验过的最尴尬和难忘的经验之一。当时我和高校里的泰国挚友们在一起,我是这里的外国人,我觉得全部人都停下手中的事情,只是看着我。“All eyes on me”是我走进房间时脑子里始终在放的那首歌。酒吧里播放的音乐停了下来,感觉有一百万只眼睛在盯着我看。但当音乐接着播放,交谈再次起先时,我意识到没有人真正在意我是否是外国人。最终我交了许多新挚友,聊得很快乐。我的泰语很快就学会了。 5. 与教授沟通 当你在国外学习时,和你的教授有一个开放的沟通渠道是特别重要的。教授们知道你在这里待的时间很短,他们想让你在另一个国家学习时充分利用你的经验。假如你可以远程办公,并通过电子邮件上交作业,就
19、像你坐在离教室几英里远的海滩上一样,莫非不值得花点额外的精力与你的教授建立联系吗? 我能给你的最终也是最重要的建议是,在泰国学习的时候,要始终保持微笑,尽情享受。这是你参与过的最独特的经验之一。你必需抓住每一个机会。你恒久不知道什么时候你才会有时间再次像这样去旅行,去拥抱这个世界。任何人都可以告知你如何出国学习和旅行;最终,你要做的就是去适应新的有时是惊奇的经验。只要记住享受欢乐,那么你的留学之旅将会特别开心。 泰国留学租房留意事项 一、关于租房渠道 1.学校 一般学校都会供应给每个学生及其具体的住宿清单供学生选择。可以到学校的上看相关的资料。学校里面也有杂志介绍相关的公寓。也可以参考。 2.
20、学生会 基本上每个学校都是有自己的中国学生会。同学们可以在网上或者在自己学校的上查找到学生会的信息。他们都是有自己的新生手册或者是论坛。中国学生抱团一起租房也是可以的。 3.租房网站 网上会有许多的租房网站或者是中介网站。这些网站上不单单的是有学生住的公寓,或者house。也有卖房的相关信息。所以要懂得筛选出对自己有用的相关租房信息。 二、租房需考虑因素 1.如何找寻合适的住宿类型? 来泰国留学的小伙伴们,都希望自己在泰国的宿舍能够住的舒适、平安,才能让学习更加舒心。在选择住房的时候须要考虑许多因素:价格、地理位置、房屋类型等等,每一个条件都要牢牢把关,假如选择不当,很简单被房东或房客骗,造成
21、在金钱上的损失。 2.多听学长/学姐阅历 高校网站上的服务信息和同校学生给你的建议特别值得接受,假如师兄师姐们住过,还能给你最真实的居住体验和买家秀。假如你看房时,原房客正在居住,你也可以问一下他的居住感受,他确定是对房间的优势和劣势最了解的人。 3.合同全部细微环节仔细对待 这一点聂老师肯定要多多唠叨。大多数合同中都表明,假如终止合同,租客须要至少提前1个月给房东通知,有些可能要2个月,或是15天,都将明确地在合同中标注,在签合同前要细致检查后再签字,一些房屋假如状况不佳,建议入住前拍好照片,墙上的划痕、地毯的污渍、家具的破损等都要拍照做好记录,双方沟通好,否则可能造成退房时的纠纷。 请肯定
22、要具体地阅读租约(Lease)上的每一条!尤其是修改和外加的补充条款,敲黑板租约必需一式两份,房客必需留意自己保藏一份。付房租时还应留意要一张收据,此外还须收到并保存一张押金收据。以及押金存放在RTBA的存放号码。这些都要好好保管好。 4.房屋节能会影响到账单 很多二房东在租房时会为租客交月账单,也有一些合租的人平摊每月用水用电,在计算房屋月租时,千万不要遗忘将月账单纳入考量,学生无需支付市政税,日常要缴纳:自然气、电费、网费、水费,家中有电视并观看电视直播等费用。 找房时记得查看节能分数,分数越高代表越低的月账单;房屋的朝向也确定了冬天采光是否足够,从而影响室内温度;假如房屋窗户装置了双层保暖玻璃,保暖效果更好。 出国留学,想要找到一个满足的房子还是要花费不少精力的,在租房过程中肯定不能马虎,谨防被骗。总之,学生多了解一些当地的租房规则总是没有错的,也可以更加便捷的找到自己志向的居处。 2021出国泰国留学个人申请书