1、2021江西同等学力人员申请硕士学位考试考试考前冲刺卷(5)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Part ClozeDirections: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding
2、letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent.
3、 The things parents do and sayand the (63) they do and say to themstrongly influence a childs (64) . A parents actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Ch
4、ildren who observe chiefly (68) qualities in their parents will have difficulty (69) positive qualities in themselves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experi
5、ence depends on how the child interprets it. Children interpret such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, (73) , accept the divorce of their patents or a parents early (74) . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such
6、 events (75) a sign of rejection or punishment. AmodifyBcopyCgive upDcontinue 2.Part ClozeDirections: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar a
7、cross the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do and
8、 sayand the (63) they do and say to themstrongly influence a childs (64) . A parents actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly
9、 (68) qualities in their parents will have difficulty (69) positive qualities in themselves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experience depends on how the ch
10、ild interprets it. Children interpret such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, (73) , accept the divorce of their patents or a parents early (74) . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events (75) a sign of rej
11、ection or punishment. AmatureBinfluencedCuniqueDindependent 3.Part ClozeDirections: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square b
12、rackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do and sayand the (63) t
13、hey do and say to themstrongly influence a childs (64) . A parents actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly (68) qualities in
14、 their parents will have difficulty (69) positive qualities in themselves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.
15、 Children interpret such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, (73) , accept the divorce of their patents or a parents early (74) . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events (75) a sign of rejection or punishme
16、nt. AresultBeffectCscaleDcause 4.Part ClozeDirections: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scori
17、ng ANSWER SHEET. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do and sayand the (63) they do and say to themstrongl
18、y influence a childs (64) . A parents actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly (68) qualities in their parents will have diff
19、iculty (69) positive qualities in themselves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. Children interpret such even
20、ts according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, (73) , accept the divorce of their patents or a parents early (74) . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events (75) a sign of rejection or punishment. AluckilyBfor exampleCat m
21、ostDtheoretically 5.Part ClozeDirections: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHE
22、ET. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do and sayand the (63) they do and say to themstrongly influence a
23、 childs (64) . A parents actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly (68) qualities in their parents will have difficulty (69) p
24、ositive qualities in themselves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. Children interpret such events according
25、to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, (73) , accept the divorce of their patents or a parents early (74) . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events (75) a sign of rejection or punishment. AdeathBrewardsCadviceDteaching 6.Part
26、ClozeDirections: In this part, there is a passage with 15 blanks. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. Children model themse
27、lves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do and sayand the (63) they do and say to themstrongly influence a childs (64) . A parents
28、actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly (68) qualities in their parents will have difficulty (69) positive qualities in them
29、selves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. Children interpret such events according to their established atti
30、tudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, (73) , accept the divorce of their patents or a parents early (74) . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events (75) a sign of rejection or punishment. AasBbeingCofDfor 7.在心动周期中,心室充盈主要依靠A地心引力的作用B骨骼肌挤压和静脉瓣的共同作用C心房收缩的
33、断肠管生机的因素A肠壁是否水肿B肠管弹性C肠管蠕动能力D肠管色泽E肠系膜动脉有无搏动17.下列哪项组合不正确A急粒白血病可见Auer小体B骨髓异常综合征病态造血C急淋白血病过氧化物酶阳性D慢粒白血病NAP下降E慢淋白血病以成熟小淋巴细胞为主18.关于心房颤动药物治疗,下列哪项是正确的AA类药物奎尼丁防止心房颤动发作效果确实可靠、安全B胺碘酮治疗心房颤动效果差,副作用大C维拉帕米不宜用于心房颤动患者DC类药物如普罗帕酮、氟卡尼等可致室性心律失常E类药物受体阻断剂不能与洋地黄合用19.男,54岁。乙型肝炎史5年,右上腹疼痛1周。检查发现:巩膜黄染,肝肋下4cm, 质地坚硬,表面不平。剑突下听到吹风
34、样血管杂音。最可能的诊断是A胆道结石B胆囊炎C肝炎后肝硬化D原发性肝癌E胰头癌20.25岁男性患者,咽痛7天后出现全身水肿、尿少,血压170/105mmHg,血红蛋白 115g/L,尿蛋白(+),红细胞(+),14天后尿量减至350ml/d,血肌酐675mmol/L, BUN 28mmol/L,最可能的诊断是A急性肾小球肾炎B急进性肾小球肾炎C慢性肾小球肾炎急性发作D肾病综合征E急性间质性肾炎21.慢性萎缩性胃炎不出现哪项病理变化A胃腺体部分或全部消失B仅黏膜浅层有炎症细胞浸润C重度肠上皮组织化生D幽门腺组织化生E黏膜上皮不典型增生22.女性,55岁,患二尖瓣狭窄性心瓣膜病已十余年,经常呼吸困
35、难,咳粉红色泡沫样痰。该患者肺内不可能出现哪种病变A肺静脉淤血B肺毛细血管扩张C肺泡内出血D肺泡内含铁血黄素沉着E化脓性支气管炎23.男,30岁,因寒战高热,右上腹胀痛20天入院,体检:体温39,消耗病容,右季肋区叩痛,肝大肋缘下3cm,触痛。化验检查血红蛋白80g/L,白细胞15.6109/L,中性粒细 胞0.80。B超检查:肝右叶液性暗区10cm8cm,这种严重感染的致病菌,最可能来自何种 病灶A细菌性痢疾B疖病C化脓性胆管炎D破伤风之伤口E血栓性外痔24.完全由膜固有电学性质决定而非离子通道激活所引起的电活动是A动作电位B局部反应C终板电位D电紧张电位E突触后电位25.在不同个体之间进行
36、心功能比较时宜选用的评定指标是()A搏出量B心排血量C射血分数D静息心指数E每搏功26.男性,40岁。慢性再生障碍性贫血病史4个月,关于再生障碍性贫血的体征,下列哪种说法不正确A皮肤、黏膜苍白B皮肤出血点C脾大D浅表淋巴结无肿大E心脏杂音27.女性,65岁,咳嗽、咳痰伴发热3天,意识不清4小时。否认糖尿病史,高血压史12年。哪项体征对诊断糖尿病有特殊意义A心动过速B皮肤干燥C中度昏迷D呼气有烂苹果味EBP 160/100mmHg28.男性,26岁,患右腹股沟斜疝3年,应首先采用下列哪种手术方式()A单纯疝囊高位结扎术BFerguson法CMcVay法DBassini法E疝成形术29.在心室扩大
38、D两者均无36.mRNA的作用是()A转录DNA上的信息B指导蛋白质的合成C两者均是D两者均非37.Man: I have to fill out these forms. They are due at the registration office by tomorrow morning. Woman: You were just complaining about how broke you are. If I were you, Id make that my first priority. Question: What does the woman meanAThe man shou
39、ld finish the forms now.BShe will help the man fill out the forms.CShe doesnt like filling out registration forms.DThe man can send in the forms next week. 38.More than half of all Jews married in U. S. since 1990 have wed people who arent Jewish. Nearly 480,000 American children under the age of te
40、n have one Jewish and one non-Jewish parent. And, if a survey compiled by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles is any indication, its almost certain that most of these children will not identify themselves as Jewish when they get older. That survey asked college freshmen, who a
41、re usually around age 18, about their own and their parents religious identities. Ninety-three percent of those with two Jewish parents said they thought of themselves as Jewish. But when the father wasnt Jewish, the number dropped to 38 percent, and when the mother wasnt Jew, just 15 percent of the
42、 students said they were Jewish, too. I think what was surprising was just how low the Jewish identification was in these mixed marriage families. Linda Sax is a professor of education at UCLA. She directed the survey which was conducted over the course of more than a decade and wasnt actually about
43、 religious identity specifically. But Professor Sax says the answers to questions about religion were particularly striking, and deserve a more detailed study. She says its obvious that interfaith marriage works against the development of Jewish identity among children, but says its not clear at thi
44、s point why thats the case. This new study is necessary to get more in-depth about their feelings about their religion. Thats something that the study that I completed was not able to do. We didnt have information on how they feel about their religion, whether they have any concern about their issue
45、s of identification, how comfortable they feel about their lifelong goals. I think the new studys going to cover some of that, she says. Jay Rubin is executive director of Hillel, a national organization that works with Jewish college students. Mr. Rubin says Judaism is more than a religion, its an
46、experience. And with that in mind, Hillel has commissioned a study of Jewish attitudes towards Judaism. Researchers will concentrate primarily on young adults, and those with two Jewish parents, and those with just one, those who see themselves as Jewish and those who do not. Jay Rubin says Hillel will then use this study to formulate a strategy for making Judaism more relevant to the next generation of American Jews.The best title of this passage isAJewish and Non-Jewish in AmericaBJewish Identity in AmericaC