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1、Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JECE Reflective Practice幼儿教育反思性实践幼儿教育反思性实践 Early Years Learning Framework幼儿学习框架Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JOverview 综览综览 The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)identifies reflective practice as aGuiding principle幼儿学习框架将反思性实

2、践界定为一个指导性原则Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JWhat is reflective practice?何谓反思性实践?何谓反思性实践? “a cycle of ongoing learning that occurs when we take the time to “stop, think and change” (OConnor & Diggins, 2002, p. 9). .当我们花时间去“停下来,思考然后做出改变”的时候,我们便开始了反思性实践这个循环往复的学习过程。Queensland Universi

3、ty of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JBenefits益处益处 Knowledge 知识 Skill 技能 Thinking 思维方式 Understanding 理解 Flexible 灵活 Adaptable 适应性Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JDescribe描述描述 Describe: paying attention to what happened,who was involved, and their thoughts,feeling and emotions as they r

4、elated to theincident.描述:关注发生了什么,谁参与了,他们在体会所发生事件的时候是什么想法、什么感受和情绪Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JAnalyse 分析分析 Analyse: explore why this practice operates as it does, examine the underlying values, beliefs and assumptions. 分析:探究为什么会有这样的做法,考察背后的价值观、信念和假设。Queensland University of Tec

5、hnologyCRICOS No. 00213JTheorise 联系理论联系理论 Theorise: think about new or additional sourcesof knowledge that may be helpful to makesense of what happened. 与理论联系:思考新的或者其他的资源或知识,以期帮助理解所发生的事情Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JAct 行动行动 Act: put new way of thinking into practiceby trying o

6、ut a new or different way of doingthings in order to enhance and improvepractice.行动:将新的思维方式付诸实践,尝试新的或不同的行事方式,以提升实践质量。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213J Look at your program 审视你的课程设置Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflect 反思反思Reflect on knowledge, which includes

7、your knowledge of each child and family and childrens strengths and interests. 认知上的反思,包括你对每个孩子、他们的家庭以及孩子的长处和兴趣的了解。Reflect on what children and families are bringing/contributing, saying, doing. 反思孩子和其家人的贡献、所言以及所做所为。Reflect on different cultures, ways of knowingand being. 反思不同的文化,不同认知和存在的方式Reflect on

8、 what the group and overall community priorities are for your setting. 反思你所在的环境里,群体以及整个社区的首要任务是什么。Collate and show evidence of this thinking. 比对并提供思考的证据。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPlan 规划规划 Plan for childrens holistic learning using the Learning Outcomes. 利用“五大学习目标”规划儿童的整体性学

9、习划。Plan the pedagogical learning environment andteaching strategies, using the Practices and Principles of the Framework. 利用框架中的“实践”和“原则”规划教学法学习环境、教授策略。Design and set up the physical learning environment. 设计并建立学习的物理环境。Plan for ways to monitor and assess childrenslearning consistent with the Principl

10、es and Practices of the Framework. 依据框架中的“实践”和“原则”对儿童的学习进行监督和评估。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JAct 行动行动Engage with children and families 让儿童和家庭参与进来Co-construct meaning with children 与儿童共同构建意义Take a supportive role in childrens play, guided by the Frameworks Practice Learning thr

11、ough Play.在框架里“玩中学”这一实践理念的指导下,从旁支持协助儿童进行游戏玩耍。Model and promote enabling learning dispositions. 做示范,发展儿童的学习潜质。Listen and respond to the childrens voices. 倾听儿童的声音并作出回应。Monitor and reflect on childrens learning and pedagogical practices and refine as you go. 监督和反思儿童的学习状况,在过程中反思你的教学法实践并不断优化。Queensland U

12、niversity of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JQuestion 问题问题How can we use childrens prior learning, interests and strengths in conjunction with the Learning Outcomes to guide planning for childrens learning? 我们如何联系“五大学习目标”,充分利用儿童已有知识、兴趣和优点规划儿童的学习?How are we working in partnership with families to plan for

13、 childrens learning? 我们如何与家庭合作来规划儿童的学习? How can we engage children actively in learning? 我们如何吸引儿童积极参与学习?What are appropriate teaching strategies/ practices? 什么是得当的教学策略和实践?How are we holding high expectations that all children will be successful learners? 我们如何给儿童高期望值,使他们都能够成为成功的学习者?How are we strivin

14、g for effective and equitable ways, ensuring that each child has opportunities to achieve the Learning Outcomes? 我们如何努力找到有效、公平的方式,保证每个孩子有机会达成五大学习目标?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JWhat is working and what could we improve?哪些做法效果很好?哪些方面需要提高?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICO

15、S No. 00213JIn what ways are we ensuring that we areconsidering each childs belonging, being andbecoming?我们如何确保我们考虑到了每个孩子的归属、存在和形成?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JIn what ways do we know which childrenor groups of children are being privileged ordisadvantaged by our curriculum? I

16、n whatways are we addressing this?我们如何得知,我们的课程设置让哪些孩子如鱼得水,而又让哪些孩子处于劣势?这个问题该如何解决?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JHow do we accommodate childrens manylearning styles?我们如何迎合孩子们多种多这样的学习风格?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JIn what ways are we assessing childrenslearn

17、ing and how are we scaffolding andextending learning?我们是如何评估儿童的学习的?如何支持并拓展他们的学习?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JIn what ways are we gaining feedback frompeers, children, families and the community?我们是如何从同行、儿童、家庭和社区获得反馈的?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JHow are

18、we involving children and families inthe assessing process? 我们是如何让儿童和家庭参与评估过程的? Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JHow are we documenting the learningjourney for children and educators and howare we sharing this with children, families andcommunity? 我们是如何记录孩子和老师的学、教之旅的?如何与儿童、家庭和社区分享

19、这些记录?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflective Practice Group SessionQuestionsQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213J1, In what ways are we assessing childrenslearning? 我们是如何评估儿童的学习的?我们是如何评估儿童的学习的?2, What are some examples of the way you have extended the interests

20、of children in your setting?你在教学中是怎样拓展学生的兴趣的?举几个例子。你在教学中是怎样拓展学生的兴趣的?举几个例子。3, What are the ways you communicate with families in your setting?你是如何与幼儿家庭进行沟通的?你是如何与幼儿家庭进行沟通的?4, How do you operate within your team at your setting? 你在教学中如何与同事沟通合作?你在教学中如何与同事沟通合作?5, How do you cater for diversity in your s

21、etting?你在教学中如何满足学生和家长多样化的需求?你在教学中如何满足学生和家长多样化的需求?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflecting on Teaching?反思教学?反思教学? Needs to go beyond telling a story 不仅仅局限于讲一个故事(完成描述) Analyzing your own reaction to events 分析你自己对事件的反应 Positive and negative reflections 积极和消极的反思 “When happened, I f

22、elt because of . This was/was not in line with my philosophy, so next time I would do” “当发生时,我感觉因为这不符合我的理念,因此下一次我会” Critical reflection “Whose interests were served? Whose voices were heard? Who held power”? 批判性反思谁的利益得到维护?谁的心声得到倾听?权力在谁手里?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflective

23、 Practice Group Session Questions 反思性实践小组讨论问题反思性实践小组讨论问题 After the sessions on ECE pedagogy, what 5 things have you learned that you didnt know before? 听完了幼儿教育教学法的讲座,请你列举5个你学到的新理念或新知识。 Think about: 思考: What beliefs, theories and perspectives influence your practices? 什么样的信念、理论和视角影响你的实践? Are your the

24、ories and perspectives inclusive of students culture? 你的理论和视角是否充分包容学生的文化? When do you engage in reflective practice with colleagues during your day? 你什么时候与同事进行反思性实践?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JDiversity and Inclusion多元化与包容性多元化与包容性 After the sessions on Diversity and Inclusion

25、, what 5 things have you learned that you didnt know before? 在这个主题的讲座中,你学到了那五件新东西? Think about: 思考? How would you define diversity in your educational setting? 你如何界定自己教学环境中的多元化? How would you define inclusion in your educational setting? 你如何界定自己教学环境中的包容性? How do you assess children in your education

26、al setting? 你如何评估儿童?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflecting on the Arts What do you believe about the importance of the arts in early childhood? What is quality in arts education? How much time in the day do you allow for individual children to become immersed in a creative ex

27、pressive experience of their own making?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflecting on language and literacy What types of language and literacy knowledge are valued in your setting? How do you take into account childrens literacy experiences at home?Queensland University of Techn

28、ologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflective Practice Group Session Questions After the sessions on working with families, what 5 things have you learned that you didnt know before?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213J Think about: 想一想: What issues influence parents in your setting? 影响你们幼儿园儿童父母的因

29、素都有什么? What strengths do the families in your settings bring? 你们幼儿园孩子的家长有些什么优势? How do you help families feel welcomed and at home in your service? 你如何使得儿童家长在你们幼儿园感到自在并受到欢迎?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JStrategies for Working with Families与家庭合作的策略与家庭合作的策略 What does working with

30、 parents mean in your setting? 在你们幼儿园,与家庭合作意味着什么? How and when do you begin relationships and communicate with families? 你们是何时以及如何与家庭建立联系与沟通的? How do you continue to build relationships and communicate with families? 你们如何保持与家庭的联系和沟通? How is responsibility for learning and teaching shared with famili

31、es and community? 家庭和社区是如何分担教和学的责任的?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213J How do you know what learning is valued and expected for children? 你如何知道孩子的哪种学习被重视、受到期待? How do you share decision making with your families? 你如何与家庭共同做决定? What opportunities for family involvement are there in y

32、our setting? 在你们幼儿园家长有怎样的参与机会? What are some specific situations where you and families have negotiated about a childs program? 你和家庭就孩子的学习规划具体有哪些做法?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPause and reflect on Storytelling讲故事讲故事 反思反思What are some well known stories you could use for story

33、telling in different ways? 哪些有名的故事可以用来当做素材,用不同的方式演绎?What picture books do you use on a regular basis and how could these be adapted for storytelling? 你在教学中通常使用哪些图画书?怎样将这些书作讲故事之用?Reflect on your own methods for storytelling. How do your methods promote children becoming storytellers? 反思自己的讲故事方法。你的方法是

34、如何促进儿童更好地讲故事?How do you currently communicate with parents about their childrens day? Could you use stories to communicate? 你当前是如何与儿童父母沟通孩子一天的表现的?你会用故事来交流吗?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JReflecting on Practice - Mathematics What does inquiry learning mean to you? List some hands

35、 on materials in your classroom. How do they develop understanding of shapes, patterns, measurement, sorting, positioning, sharing? Will the everyday concepts developed in the home and the concepts being learned in your early childhood setting be the same? How could you build on everyday concepts in

36、 your classroom.Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPlay based learning Do you think that children can learn mathematics through play? What are some examples you have seen of this happening in your classroom? Discuss a time when you have developed a mathematical concept that came up

37、during the course of the day?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JMathematical concepts How and when do children in your setting have the opportunity to develop understanding of the following concepts Same or different? Shape? Area? Position? Mass? Measurement? More or less and compar

38、ing different amounts? Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JSupporting maths learning in ECE How does your classroom environment support the development of mathematical concepts? How can you develop a love for mathematics in your classroom? How can early childhood educators change the

39、 public perception of early mathematics to encompass more than numbers and counting Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPause and Reflect What are the environmental challenges for children in your community? Is sustainability important for you as an educator? Why? Why not? What activ

40、ities in your setting empower students to be active participants in sustainability? Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213J Are we living sustainably? What concerns you about the state of the world? What are your thoughts about the future for young children? How do we achieve sustainabi

41、lity? Is education for sustainability important? Why/Why not? What does Sustainable Education look like?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPause and Reflect Could you reduce lunch litter in your setting? How? Could you instigate other initiatives?Queensland University of TechnologyC

42、RICOS No. 00213JPause and Reflect What are your thoughts on health education? Do you believe health education to be an important part of the curriculum? Why/Why not?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPause and Reflect What everyday resources could you access for SOSE? What areas of your curriculum consider the environment and health? Discuss.Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No. 00213JPause and reflect What are some questions you could incorporate into your SOSE teaching? How do you think you could use play to enhance SOSE learning?


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