1、1临床英语临床英语课程期末考试试卷课程期末考试试卷开课学院: 医 学 院 ,考试形式:闭卷, 允许带_入场考试时间:_2010_年_4_月_20_日,所需时间: 90 分钟考生姓名: _学号: 专业: _ Part I Single Choices1. A complete blood count (CBC) would be A. Hemogram + differential WBC countB. Hemogram + differential Platelet countC. Hemogram + differential RBC countD. WBC + RBC +Hb2. Unc
2、ontrolled growth, invasion and are 3 malignant properties of cancer.A. Abnormal B. MetastasisC. Transformation D. Prognosis3. creatine kinase(CK) , CK MB, Troponin I /T 24.5. Holter monitor is a small portable device with a recording system capable of storing up to 24 hours of recordings.A. EKG B. E
3、chocardiographyC. Angiography D. PCI6. Lipid profile does NOT include A. Total cholesterol (TC) B. Triglyceride (TG)C. LDL-C D. Troponin I 7. cardio- or cardi- in(endocarditis, cardiology, myocardial)means:A. brain B. stomachC. intestine D. heart8. angio- in(angiitis, angioplasty, angioma)means:A. v
4、essel B. bloodC. lymph D. heart9. neuro- in(neurology, neuritis, neurosurgery)means:A. nerve B. muscle3C. brain D. spleen10.ectomy in(appendectomy, gastrectomy, hepatectomy)means:A. inflammation B. removeC. open D. close11.Acute abdomen includes follows EXCEPT A. Ectopic pregnancy B. Acute appendicitisC. Chronic cholecystitis D. Rupture of liverPart II Simple Questions1. Express your ideas about how to make a presentation. 42. What do you think about English training course?