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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流IBMERP实施-总账模块业务方案和用户操作手册手册超详细.精品文档.美的ERP升级优化项目总账用户手册作者:贺湘创建日期:January 3, 2006最后更新:一月 1, 0001文档控制号:版本:V1.0Note: Title, Subject, Last Updated Date, Reference Number, and Version are marked by a Word Bookmark so that they can be easily reproduced in the header and footer of do

2、cuments. When you change any of these values, be careful not to accidentally delete the bookmark. You can make bookmarks visible by selecting Tools-OptionsView and checking the Bookmarks option in the Show region.审批:Note: To add additional approval lines, press Tab from the last cell in the table ab

3、ove.Note: You can delete any elements of this cover page that you do not need for your document. For example, Copy Number is only required if this is a controlled document and you need to track each copy that you distribute.Note: To add additional approval lines, press Tab from the last cell in the

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6、末结账流程45工作程序45流程图和流程说明46操作指南47报表合并流程55工作程序55流程图和流程说明55操作指南57过渡期间报表合并流程61工作程序61流程图和流程说明61科目余额在线查询62介绍及操作指南62FSG报表定义67介绍及操作指南67标准和客户化报表索引73介绍及报表列表73未结事项与已结事项74未结事项74己结事项74Note: To update the table of contents, put the cursor anywhere in the table and press F9. To change the number of levels displayed,

7、select the menu option InsertIndex and Tables, make sure the Table of Contents tab is active, and change the Number of Levels to a new value.介绍Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed i

8、ssues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addi

9、tion, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.目的本手册描述了财务总账管理所涉及的业务流程和工作程序,以及在ORACLE系统中的操作步骤。Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As y

10、ou resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project lev

11、el Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.适用范围本手册适用美的东芝开利合资公司各单位,包括美的制冷职能部、研发中心、顺德工厂、东芝工厂、海外营销、国内营销、商用空调等。Note: Add open issues that you identify while writi

12、ng or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level R

13、isk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.主要内容本手册包含了以下十二个方面的内容:会计科目维护流程、凭证处理流程、总账凭证处理子流程、凭证更改流程

14、、内部往来流程、外币重估流程、月末结账流程、报表合并流程、过渡期间报表合并流程、科目余额在线查询、FSG报表定义、标准和客户化报表索引。各子流程均包括以下内容:1. 工作程序2. 流程图3. 操作指南Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the sam

15、e. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the o

16、pen issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.文档依据本手册的主要依据是:美的ERP升级优化项目- 财务总账管理目标流程方案会计科目维护流程Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed

17、 issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In ad

18、dition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.工作程序步骤负责人工作内容输出单据审批人操作步骤1财务部填写会计科目维护申请表,审批会计科目申请表财务经理2维护人员如不需要事业部统一维护,编写科目编码和相关信息,维护科目编码和相关信息,反馈给各部门见维护会计科目表操作指南3事业部财务如需要事业部统一维护,审批 会计科目申请表事业部财务经理4事业部维护人员编写科

19、目编码和相关信息,维护科目编码和相关信息,反馈给各部门见维护会计科目表操作指南Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliver

20、able is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the re

21、solution column as being transferred.流程图和流程说明流程说明各核算单位总账会计提出增加段值的申请,经财务经理审批后,如果是单独维护的数据,由本公司维护人员在系统中维护,如果是统一维护的数据,报事业部财务部审批后,由事业部维护人员负责在系统中维护。本流程适用于各核算账套维护人员及事业部维护人员。会计科目结构 各核算账套的会计科目结构相同,包括:段公司段成本中心段科目段明细科目段内部往来段产品段备用段值集独立3位独立5位独立8位独立4位独立3位独立4位独立6位弹性域限定词平衡段成本中心段辅助段自然科目段公司间段s 公司段、科目段和内部往来段各个账套一致,由事业

22、部统一维护,其中,内部往来段的值集和公司段相同。其他的段各账套单独设置,分别维护。s 启用公司间段,可以使用系统提供的公司间事务处理功能,进行一些自动凭证的处理,方便快捷。内部往来段主要用于标识内部和关联方交易,以便合并抵消。s 启用辅助段,将辅助段与成本中心段合二为一,在年末结账和汇率重估时,保证成本中心的借贷平衡。s 产品段主要反映公司的产品,可以记录产品的收入、成本以及利润,便于对产品的各项指标进行分析。 合并账套会计科目结构:公司段、成本中心段、科目段、内部往来段和备用段,其中公司段、科目段和内部往来段与核算账套的值集一致,成本中心段由于各核算账套均不一致,因此可以取职能部的成本中心段

23、值集,但值全部为0,备用段为单独值集,目前值为0。 编码规则:s 各段的缺省值为“0”,表示不分明细,说明为“-”s 各段可以根据业务需求建立适当的层次结构s 各段值应考虑采用适当的分区编码,以便建立安全规则和交叉验证规则等s 各段值间不建立依赖关系,均使用独立型的校验类型s 公司段:段值由集团统一定义s 成本中心段:5位,各公司编码规则各不相同。不需要分层次核算的公司,全部流水号;需要分层次核算的公司,按一定的编码规则反映核算的层次s 科目段:8位,一级科目4位,二级、三级科目各2位s 明细科目段:对于各公司个性化的核算要求,在明细科目段反映。4位,第一位反映科目段的属性,例如1表示资产,2

24、表示负债,3表示权益等;后三位以分区的方式编号,例如000050为银行存款等s 内部往来段:编码与公司段一致s 产品段:各公司自行编制,目前仅商用空调使用Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanati

25、on of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of t

26、his deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.操作指南第一步:进入科目维护界面路径:设置-财务系统-弹性域-键-值。选择“值集”第二步:输入会计科目所属值集。点击该键,弹出值列表点击进入输入值集名称部分字段后,点击“查找”键找到所查值集后,点击“确定”第三步:点击“查找”键进入后,按工具栏键,新增段值。输入新增段值点此键新增第四步:在“值:有效”标签卡中输入需维护的段值(如成本中心、明细科目)的编码及说明后,按“保存”键确认。按“保存”键,确认值、转换的值:均指设置的科目代码说明:指设置的科

27、目的说明启用:勾选表示可用自至:指所设置的科目的有效时间段,一般不输第五步:维护父值范围:若所新增段值为子值,需查看其所属父值的范围是否包含该子值。若不包含,则需在父值范围中维护。如上例中:新增段值10901为子值,从属父值10。则选中父值,点击“定义子范围”。维护范围进入“定义子范围”若所新增段值为父值,先点击“值:层次结构,限定词”,勾选“父”值框。进入“定义子范围”父值必须勾选再点击“定义子范围”进入编辑其范围。(操作同上“维护范围”)第六步:保存编辑后,关闭窗口,弹出如下图对话框,点击“确定”,即可。凭证处理流程Note: Add open issues that you identi

28、fy while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or p

29、rocess-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.工作程序步骤负责人工作内容输出单据审批人操作步骤1财务部应收模块信息导入总账见

30、应收模块检查及数据传总账2财务部应付模块信息导入总账见应付模块检查及数据传总账3财务部资产模块信息导入总账见资产用户手册4财务部公司间事务处理信息导入总账见公司间事务传总账5财务部从总账接口表引入采购模块信息见采购、库存模块数据传总账6财务部从总账接口表引入库存模块信息见采购、库存模块数据传总账7财务部总账手工处理凭证见总账凭证处理子流程8财务部总账日记账过账见日记账过账9财务部总账凭证打印、装订Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues

31、section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using

32、a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.流程图和流程说明流程说明总账模块汇总来自各个子模块的凭证数据,与总账手工凭证一起审核、过账,形成总账科目余额。总账的凭证与子模块的凭证分开装订。本流程适用于总账主管人员。凭证来源与分类Oracle系统通过


34、保证编号连续。凭证装订:应收、应付和总账的凭证单独装订,其他模块(资产、库存、采购等)的凭证导入总账后,和总账手工凭证一起打印装订管理。 总账凭证需从系统中打印出记账凭证,将原始单据附在记账凭证后装订保存。 应付发票:系统外的审批签字均记录在原始单据上,将应付凭证编号记录在原始单据上,打印统一的应付凭证,将原始单据附在系统凭证后,装订保存。 应付付款:将付款凭证编号记录在原始单据上,单独装订保存,不打印系统凭证。 应收发票:将应收凭证编号记录在原始单据上,单独装订保存,不打印系统凭证。 应收收款:将收款凭证编号记录在原始单据上,单独装订保存,不打印系统凭证。安全性屏蔽各核算实体由于单独设置会计

35、账套,彼此之间的所有数据完全屏蔽。由于只设置一个合并账套,标准功能对日记账表头、过账以及部分报表不能屏蔽。但通过客户化,已经实现了合并账套内公司间数据的屏蔽。总账凭证处理子流程Note: Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include a

36、n explanation of the resolution.When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues s

37、ection of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.工作程序步骤负责人工作内容输出单据审批人操作步骤1财务部手工输入凭证见手工录入日记账2财务部定义经常性凭证模板见定义经常性凭证模板3财务部生成经常性凭证见生成经常性凭证4财务部定义、生成成批分配凭证因一般不使用,故操作步骤暂略5财务部公司间事务处理见内部往来流程6财务部外币重估见外币重估流程7财务部日记账过账见日记账过账流程图和流程说明流程说明总账会计在总账中输入手工凭证,对于一些经常发生的凭证,可以通过定义经常性模板和成批

38、分配模板,定期生成总账凭证。除了这些来源外,内部往来和外币重估也会生成总账凭证。总账会计对总账凭证进行复核过账,过账后的凭证如果发现问题需要修改,可以冲销。本流程适用于一般总账操作人员。凭证审批美的采用编制人自审批的方式。子模块导入的凭证不启用日记账审批功能。总账凭证的自动处理自动冲销:系统提供了自动冲销日记账的功能,可以根据日记账类别选择自动冲销的方式,切换借贷项或红字冲销。对于一些本月输入凭证、下月冲销的业务,可以在本月输入凭证时即计划冲销日记账的期间,冲销日记账生成的方式有两种,一个新期间打开时自动生成冲销日记账,或手工运行日记账冲销程序。总账中手工凭证的业务 实收资本、资本公司、盈余公

39、积等权益核算 本年利润、利润分配、以前年度损益调整等利润核算 工资的计提,发放在应付模块处理 所得税、个人所得税、增值税、各类保险费、福利费等的处理;增值税在应收、应付模块处理 预提费用、待摊费用的计提和处理 借款、利息的核算和处理 坏账准备的计提 费用的分摊和差异的处理操作指南手工录入日记账第一步:进入凭证录入界面,路径:日记账-输入。第二步:点击“新建批”,进入建立批界面。点击此处可点出值列表选择已经打开的会计期输入完毕批组信息后,点击进入“日记账”操作第三步:进入建立批界面操作,输入批组信息。输入批组信息:批组:批名称,手工凭证的命名规则为:公司字母缩写两位年两位月两位流水号;也可由系统

40、自动生成周期:输入批组内的日记账所属的会计期余额类型:缺省为实际的,实际的相对与预算而言说明: 批组的摘要,可以缺省总额控制:一批中借方或贷方金额总数(建议不输)状态:过账状态缺省为未过账的,资金状态取决与是否在系统中启动了预算,如启用了则缺省为要求,审批缺省为N/A说明:在一批下可以输入多笔分录。批组控制有助于查询在同一批下的若干日记账。若录入日记账前,未使用批组控制,系统会为单独的每一笔日记账自动生成一个批名。过账时根据批名选择过账。建议使用批组控制。第四步:点击“日记账”,进入日记账界面操作。录入完毕后,点击“过账”点击“过账”后,弹出提示框,点击“确定”输入日记账:日记账:分录名称,可

41、以自定义(定义规则:批名+两位流水号),也可由系统自动生成周期:分录所在的会计期,与批组中的周期一致分类:可通过值列表选择记账凭证的类型,缺省为“.记账凭证”余额类型:表示实际的。与批组中的金额类型一致说明:分录摘要,输入后会自动带到行信息处总额控制: 一张日记账中包括的分录总金额(建议不输)有效日期:日记账的日期,默认当前日期,若选择的是上一会计期,则该日期缺省为上一会计期的最后一天来源: 手工,表示手工输入的转换:输入币种及外币的汇率类型。对于外币,需要选择汇率日期及汇率类型。建议用公司汇率,因为公司汇率在系统中统一定义,如果选择用户汇率,则可以手工定义。本位币可以缺省。若输入的为统计账户

42、的统计量,则选择币种STAT行:分录行的编号,如 10,20,30等账户:分录行中的借贷账户借项/贷项:输入分录行的借贷方金额。对于外币则录入原币金额,系统将自动根据汇率值进行换算选择存盘: 日记账录入完毕后,可单击“”按钮,存盘并继续录入过账:点击“过账”,在日记账录入界面可以直接将日记账分录过账,此时过账是将该日记账所属批中所有日记账全部过账已建立的批,如未过账,则可继续录入日记账,步骤如下:第一步:查找出需增加日记账的批,输入查询参数,点击“查找”。点击“查找”第二步:选中批,点击“复核批”。若点击“复核日记账”,则仅能修改所选择的日记账,不能在该批下新建日记账。点击“复核批”第三步:进

43、入批界面,点击“日记账”。批名显示在原批下录入日记账点击“日记账”第四步:进入日记账界面后,通过向上向下键查看该批下所有日记账,及新增日记账。定义经常性凭证模板经常性凭证主要适用于定期发生的一些重复性分录的处理,如费用的预提和分摊、待摊,税金的计提等分录的定义与生成等。在总账模块中定义重复性分录公式,定义之后,定期运行这些公式即可得到所要的分录,避免了重复性的的手工录入工作。总账模块能提供三种类型的重复性分录: 框架分录:仅有分录的借贷方科目,金额需要手工补充 标准分录:有借贷方及金额,但借贷方金额是固定数 公式分录:有借贷方及金额,借贷方金额是变量。其值据变量的值来定经常性分录是手工对分录的


45、干日记账分录有效日期:该公式的有效日期范围,可不输第三步:进入行编辑屏幕。选择栏目:每一栏代表一个分录行,输入栏目所在的行数及该行账户输入该栏目的描述(任选项):该描述将作为对应分录行的描述输入该分录行的计算公式(或计算步骤):该公式可以是常数,也可以是带变量的公式。变量为某账户某期间(本期、上一期、上年同期等,在“期间”栏选择)的余额(或本期发生额,在“金额类型”栏选择)。公式将决定该分录行是如何计算其金额的。如要定义框架分录,则只须输入该行的账户既可,无须公式注:公式输入举例说明如下:输入计算公式:A * B,则应输入如下几项:因子 运算符 解释A 输入输入A后,后跟输入操作符,用以分离第二个值B *输入B后,规定 * 运算操作符,用以执行与A的乘法运算第四步,运行成批转移。查询成批转移并选择“运行”,Oracle Assets 将提交并发进程以执行转移。第四步:类似输入分录的其他行。第五步:最后增加自动抵消行,并定义自动抵消行的账户,同输入分录的其他行。其作用是当定义的分录借贷不平时,将差额记入该账户,该行的行


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