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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1.(高新一中3模) pride,one,resolute,we,month,use,begin,plan,get,African Nodreamistoobig,and no dreamer is too small. MadisonGlinski,aten-year-old girl,proved it.Madison 61._toraise justS500,but sinceshebegan at Easter,shesraisedmore than 32,000 for theChildrens HospiceSouthWestinjusteight62._

2、by playingher violintopassers-by. HermotherTerrasawasvery 63._of her and supportedherdecision.Shesaid, “Madisonhas a kindheart.ShemadeaNewYears64._tohelp other children anddecidedtoraise500forthe Childrens Hospice South West.” At the 65. _ Madison just had her violin case open for donations(捐款). But

3、 as she started putting up signs and said what she was doing for,it was 66._ better and better. Then she started a JustGiving page and people could watch all what she was doing on the Internet. However,its not the 67._ time that Madison has reached out to others. One day Madison asked her parents if

4、 they could go to 68._ to help children there. Madison tried to collect 69._ things from friends and use her own pocket money to buy 700 pounds worth of toys ,shoes,clothes and so on. As soon as they returned ,Madison started to plan for the next trip. I cant help imagining why a little girl can do

5、that. As for us,I think we should not only consider 70._ but also think of others. We should learn from the kind girl.2.(高新一中5模)save,run,burn,act,clean,house,luck,produce,throw,beRubbishortrashisanimportantkindofenvironmental pollution.Eachperson61._abouttwo kilos oftrash eachday.Wearemakingwastepro

6、ductssoquickly that nature cannotbreakthemdownintime,andweare62._out ofourresources(资源)oftheearthatthesame time.Thisaddsuptotroublefortheenvironment.Butwhere does allthat rubbishgo?Whatcanbedonetohelpdealwithrubbish?Rubbishisntjustthesmellyfruits,vegetablesormeat thatwehave63._.awayfromourhomes.Thos

7、eare onlyasmallpartofalltherubbish.Wecreatewaste when building64._andindustryrubbishiseverywherein thefactories.Haveyoueverwonderedwhathappenstoyour rubbish?Mostis65._orburied(埋葬).Lessthana quarterofourrubbish66._recycled,soifweputthe reused things intogood use,wecan 67._ the resources. With a popul

8、ation of over 1.3 billion, rubbish is a big problem for China. Once we used about 3 billion plastic shopping bags every day in China. 68_, we have done something about that. And now we use more cloth bags and shopping baskets when we shop. We need to take 69. _ to make the world 70._ and more beauti

9、ful. Lets pull together to play a part in protecting our environment.3.(西工大六模)help, he, everywhere ,call, because, raise, cause , watch, careful, depend, .Today, a number of people spend most of their free time watching their cell phones.These people are 61._The Heads-down Tribe (低头族). Heads-down tr

10、ibe members now can be seen 62._. More and more traffic accidents are happening 63._more drivers use cell phones when they are driving.In order to make drivers drive more 64._some traffic rules have been made. For example, in Taiwan, if a driver 65._his or her cell phone while driving, he or she wil

11、l be fined.Keeping heads down and using cell phones may 66._.accidents. Besides, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the . Heads-down Tribe Lets have a look at an interesting TV report. A man in America kept using his cell phone on 67._ way home. As a result, he bumped into ( 与.相撞)

12、 a big bear. When he 68. _ his head, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away as quickly as possible. Cell phones are 69._ and necessary tools for modern people. Are cell phones good or not? It 70._ on how people use them. Lets be healthy users and try to be the . Heads-up Tribe4. (西工

13、大8模) suggest,email,feel,continue,tell,nice,public,safe,as ,quickYoumaywanttofindanEnglish-speakingfriendtowrite toandthiskindoffriendisknown61._apenfriendor penpal.Somepeopleprefertowriteletters,whileothersprefer touse62._andthiskindofpenfriendisalsocalledakeypal.Weallenjoyreceivingandsendingletters

14、toourfriends. andfamily.Mostpenpalshavebeenwritingtoeachotherfor manyyearsandwill63._todoso.Sohowcanyou be agoodpenpal?Herearesome64._Openeachletterassoonaspossible.Readitcarefully and writeback65._ Dont just write about the weather.Answer allthe questions yourpenpalsaskedinthelastletter.Writeabouth

15、owyou66._andwhatyouliketodoinyourlife. Try not to type yourletterbecauseitlooksmuch67._whenaletterishandwritten. Ifyourfamily moves somewhereelse,dontforgetto 68._yourpenfriendabout yournewaddress.Keepallyouroldlettersasakeepsake(纪念品).Butforyour 69._,youshouldnotgiveyourpersonaladdressor phonenumber

16、toanyoneelseuntilyouaresureyoucantrust thatperson.Ifyouwanttomeetyourpenfriend,besurethatthefirstmeetingisina70._place,andtakeafriendwithyouifpossible.5. (铁一中7模)nine,color,see,word,call,different,kilometer,surprise,become,beJiuzhaigouisaverybeautifulplace.Itisinthenorthof SichuanProvince. Itismoreth

17、anforty61. _long.Thegreen and golden trees, the high andmulti-shaped mountainsandtheclearand62._watermakethe unique(独特的)beautyofJiuzhaigou.l Therearemorethan 100lakesof63._shapesinthevalley.Theselakes havewonderfulcolors.Theyare64._Haizi,which means.sonofthesea.Itisthesebeautifullakesthatmake Jiuzha

18、igouafantasticplace.Betweentheforestsandthelakes,thereare65._Tibetanvillages.ThenameJiuzhaigou meansNineVillageValley.Jiuzhaigouwas discovered becauseofapandasaving program.Thepandaswereonceendangeredbecausethe bamboothere66._blooming(开花).Whenpeople cametosavethepandas,theywere67._bythe beautyofJiuz

19、haigou.Afterthat,Jiuzhaigou68._a protectedarea.InChina,thereisasayingwhichgoeslike this:Nomountainisworth69._afteryouhaveseen Huangshanandnootherbodyofwaterwillattractyouafteryou havevisitedJiuzhaigou.ThebeautyofJiuzhaigoucannotbe describedwithafew70._Thebestwaytoenjoythis fairy landistogothere.Seey

20、ouinJiuzhaigou.6. (铁一中8模) room,I,unlucky,man,rain,suggest,a(n),something,worry,unableRecently,I traveledtoasmallbutpopularcity withmywife.Inthe evening,wegotthereandfoundaHotel.61._,we weretoldthatalltheroomsinthehotelhad been taken.Itwas alreadynineoclockanditstarted62._outside.We didntknowwherewec

21、ouldfindanotherhotel.Thoughwe didntsay63._theyoungman whowas receivingus said,YoucanstayatmyroomifyoulikeDontworryaboutme.Icansharearoomwithmyfriend.Hesmiled. Thatyoung64._wordsremindedmeofwhatI experiencedwhenIwasyoung.ItwasonestormyNight many yearsago.65._oldmanandhiswifeenteredthelobby(大厅)ofthesm

22、allhotelwherewasworking.Thehusband askedmeifwestillhadaroom.Therewereno66._leftandthatwaswhatItoldthem.Theoldcouple looked 67._.Itwasalready1:0Oamanditwassnowinghardoutside.SoIsaid,Icantsendanicecouplelikeyououtinto thesnow.Im68._tofindaguestRoom for you,butyoucansleepinmyroomifyouwant.Itsnot big,bu

23、t itwillbecomfortableenoughforanight. Thecoupleacceptedmy69._.Sometimelater,I wasinvitedtoahotelwhereImettheoldcoupleagain.It turnedoutthat they were a very rich couple.Theybuilt a hotel formeto runbecausetheythoughtIdbea very good manager.I Proved them right.and that night , I knew I had met the ma

24、nwhocouldtake70._place whenIretired oneday.7.(交大1模) pressure ,for. hold, excite, much, other, activity, event, break, begin In many Western schools, sports day is a big 61._.Children take part in competitive sports, trying to 62._school records and win gold medals. Sports days, or sports meets, are

25、usually 63._ in the warmer seasons, either at the 64._ or the end of the school year. They are also called field days. Elementary school sports days are fun. They usually have65. _ such as the egg-and-spoon race and the sack race. In middle schools, sports days include many of the common track and f

26、ield events. They are 66._ serious and competitive than those in elementary schools. Students parents and 67._ relatives also come tole school on sports days. They are spectators(旁观者).Many schools in the West have “mothers and fathers. races for parents to take part in. Although sports days are 68._

27、 they also have some problems. According to some reports in the US, sports days have become too competitive to be good 69._students. Some parents put too much 70._ on their Children ,so some schools have banned Mothers and fathers races as there is much fighting and cheating8.(交大5模) amazing,lie,way,

28、you,Europe,happy,much,send,six,chooseWhatdothewordsoutback,dingo,andbarbiehavein common?Theyrewordsunique(独特的)toAustralia!People oftenusethewordstodescribeAustralia.Why?Becausethe countryisuniqueinmany61._!Australiaistheonlycountrythatisalsoacontinent(洲).Itisthesmallestcontinent(洲)butthe62._largest

29、countryintheworld.PeopleoftencallAustraliathe”landdown underbecauseit63._southoftheequator.Dutchdeplores firstlandedinAustraliainl606,andthe Britishbegantogo therein1788.Overthenext80years,about160,000 peoplewere 64_to Australian, according to the BBC.On Dec.21,1972,Chinabuiltdiplomatic(外交的)relation

30、swith Australia.Now ChinaisAustraliaslargesttradingpartner.AndAustraliaisoneofthe65._popularcountries forChinesestudents.The mainreasonthatChinesestudentsare66._Australiaisthecountrys immigrationpolicy(移民政策).OveraquarterofthePeople wholiveinAustraliawereborninothercountries.They come fromtheUKandoth

31、er67._countries,butalsofrom China,Vietnam,NorthAfricaandtheMiddleEast. Australiaisalsoagreatcountrywith68._placesand lovelyanimals.Many visitorsspendtheirvacations69._thereeveryyear.Hopeyoucanenjoy70._inAustralia one day.9.(咸阳中学3模) good,difficult,meet,because,them,write,Internet,only,important,howev

32、erManyteenagersfeelthatthemostimportantpeopleintheir livesaretheirfriends.Theybelievethattheirfamilymembers dont knowthemso61._astheirfriendsdo.Inlarge families,itisquiteoftenforbrothersandsisterstofightwith eachother.Theycan62._gototheirfriendsforsome ideas. Itisvery63._forteenagerstohaveonegood fr

33、iendoragroupoffriends.Evenwhentheyarenotwiththeirfriends,theyusually spendalotoftime64._toeach otherandtalkingonthephoneoronthe65. _Thiskind ofcommunicationisveryimportantforeverychild,66._theycandiscusssomething.Thesethingsare67._tosay totheirfamily members. 68._,parentsoftentrytochoosefriendsforth

34、eir children.Someparentsevenstoptheirchildrenfrom 69._theirfriends.Theydothisbecausetheywantto” protect”theirchildren.Onlythechildren70._know.10. (咸阳实验中学5模) lesson,worth,because,I,quickly,hand,hold,value,drop,who Afamousteacherwasspeakingtothestudentsatourschool.Hebeganhislessonby61._up a Yl00bill.

35、Thenhesaid tothethreehundredstudents,WhowouldlikethisY100bill?Thestudentsputuptheirhands62._ Thenhesaid,IamgoingtogivethisY100bill toone ofyou,butfirst,let63._dothis.Hethenmadethe billintoaball.Thenhesaid,Whowantsitnow?The 64._wentbackintotheair. Well,hesaid,whatifIdothis?Andhe65._it onthefloorandst

36、eppedonit.Hepickedupthedirty,crumpled(弄皱的)billandsaid,Whostillwantsit?.Handswent backintotheair.“Myfriends,”hesaid,youhavelearnedavaluable 66._today.NomatterwhatIdidtothebill,youstillwantedit67._itdidnotgodowninvalue.Itwasstill worthY100! Manytimesinourlives,weare dropped,crumpled,andsteppedonbythec

37、hanceswetakeandthethingsthathappen tous.Wefeltasifwewere68._nothing.But remember,nomatterwhathappenstoyou,youwillneverlosevalue:youarealwaysvaluabletothosepeople69._love you.Yourvaluedoesntcomefromwhatyoudoorwhomyou know,butWHOYOUARE.Youarespecialand70._.Dontforgetit!11.(原创1) can, move, talk, sudden

38、, come,lonely, warm, he, part,runWhat is the most miraculous (奇迹般的) thing in the world? It is a smile. A smile can start a friendship, prevent an argument, and make us feel much 61._and more joyful. Last year when I entered a new school and began my study as a middle school student. I had no friends

39、 and felt 62._ One day during the break, I was 63._on the playground. 64._ ,I was tripped( 绊倒)by a stone and fell onto the ground. I tried to stand up, but 65._ not.My ankle (脚踝) was really hurting me at that time. But then a hand 66._ into my sight. As I looked up, I saw a big smile. It was from my

40、 new classmate Leo Then I felt a warm feeling from my heart spreading to all the 67._ of my body. I grabbed (抓住) the hand without any hesitation and stood up. Without a word, a smile started the friendship between Leo and me.Even best friends quarrel sometimes. Leo and I are no exception. Last week

41、after the quarrel, I went home. That night after calming down I regretted saying some bad words to him. But I felt too embarrassed to 68._ to Leo. After sending an emoji ( 表情符号) of a smile to 69._mobile phone, I heard the ring of a video chat. When I accepted the chat, I saw a face with a big smile on the screen.I was 70._ a lot. Thats the magic of a smile. You can see how great the power of a smile is. Try to give other people a smile and you


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