1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上PremisesBentley Aftersales Reception AreaBentley Green CarpetRAL 6009 MOTOR SCOR PORAT E DE S IGN MANUALVersion 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I CONTENTSCONTENTSPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Edu
2、cation1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesARCHITECTURE2.1 Introduction2.2 Facade2.3 Canopy2.4 Entrance Statement2.5 Flooring2.6 Personal Commissioning Area2.7 Mezzanine2.8 Hall of Fame2.9 Sample Floor PlansBENTLEY IDENTITY PROGRAMME3.1 Introduction3.2 Le Man
3、s Elements3.3 Mini-Crewe Units3.4 Merchandise Display Cabinets3.5 Lounge Furniture3.6 Office Furniture3.7 Personal Commissioning Area3.8 Customer RestroomBENTLEY SIGNAGE PROGRAMME4.1 Introduction4.2 Core Elements4.3 Primary Signage Pylon4.4 Primary Signage Logo and Nameplate4.5 Primary Signage Flag-
4、Mounted Sign4.6 Secondary Signage4.7 TypefacesILLUMINATION AND COLOURS5.1 Introduction5.2 Illumination Key Elements5.3 ColoursIMPLEMENTATION6.1 IntroductionVersion 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Introduction 1.1INTRODUCTIONVisual identi
5、ty is an integral component ofany organisations communication strategy.Customers create enduring impressions ofa company, or a brand, from its productsand the manner in which they are packagedand presented. Consistent communicationthrough design can significantly leverageconsumer understanding of a
6、brand, andconsequently the relevance of its products.The Bentley visual identity has evolved toreflect the intention of the organisationto dominate the premium sectors of theworlds automotive markets. All elementsconvey both the pinnacle positioning of themarque and the five Pillars that underpinthe
7、 Bentley Brand: Racing, Driving, Power,Design and Craft. When consideredtogether, they signify to the world that theproducts and services offered by Bentleyhave been created specifically for themodern luxury consumer.The Bentley Corporate Design Manualdescribes in detail both the designphilosophy an
8、d how the Bentley dealerenvironment should look and feel. It is notsimply a practical guide to the applicationof Bentley identity, but also a tool tosignificantly elevate the Bentley customerexperience.CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand E
9、ducation1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesVersion 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Architectural Solution 1.2ARCHITECTURAL SOLUTIONThe distinctive architectural language ofthe Bentley retail con
10、cept fully translatesthe peerless tradition and heritage of themarque into a physical environmentsuitable for the modern luxury consumer.When the design elements are examined,such as the dynamic power of the roofstructure and the half-tilted facade, theexceptional architecture is far removedfrom the
11、 classic portrayal of a motor cardealership. The detailed, filigree facade andthe unbroken transparency of the buildingencourage curiosity and expectation.C ORPORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanin
12、e1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesIndeed, the positioning of the key functionalareas within the dealership is also unique.The workshop, normally hidden away tothe rear or side, is actually at the front ofthe building. The rationale for this stemsfrom the service expectations of luxurycustomers
13、 being higher than ever before.Showcasing the workshop is thereforethe architectural solution. A clean andtransparent atmosphere, functioning as a sortof car fitness club that demonstrates theprocesses within the workshop and theuse of technology in the Service department.Version 2 March 2007c 2007
14、Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Entrance 1.3ENTRANCEThe customer enters the dealershipthrough an entrance portal, positioned onthe central axis of the building andfinished in Bentley Green piano lacquer.The large solid doors function as agateway between th
15、e outside world andthe world of Bentley.CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesThe customer then arrives at a receptiondesk, where their journey into Bentl
16、eybegins down a catwalk, made of olivewoodparquet. This leads the customerthrough the architecture towards thebrand education and commissioning areas.Version 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Brand Education 1.4BRAND EDUCATIONThose who hav
17、e visited the productionfacility at Crewe have had the opportunityto gain a deeper appreciation of the brandand its heritage. For those who have notyet made the journey, the retail environmenthas been conceived to communicate theessence of the Bentley brand.Through displays and graphics, particularl
18、yin the Mini-Crewe area, the customer willgain a clearer understanding of the Pillarsthat underpin the Bentley marque, with allthe detail of a visit to the factory.CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6
19、Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesFor example, it will become apparentthat the Racing pillar is born fromparticipation in the Le Mans 24-hour not just a race but a core element ofBentley heritage that was revitalised bythe recent victory in 2003.Information is also available on lectern
20、s,which lead the prospective customerthrough the wider historic developmentof the marque. Their attention is alsodrawn to the extremities of the buildingwhere, behind glass, vehicles are beingworked on further emphasising thereason for placing service at the forefrontof the facility.RACINGDRIVINGPOW
21、ERDESIGNCRAFTVersion 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Personal Commissioning 1.5PERSONAL COMMISSIONINGThe concept of commissioning a Bentleyis akin to having a bespoke suit made.Through the wealth of options available,many of them unique,
22、 a Bentley motor carperfectly tailored to the customer iscreated. It is a highly involving andpersonal experience, where the customerbecomes the director while thesalesperson follows the given cues at eachstep of the process.Commissioning begins when thecustomer enters the dedicated areaaccompanied
23、by the salesperson.Surrounded by glazed shelf units displayingthe extensive range of wood, paint, leatherand textile samples available, the customerbegins to see and feel the quality ofmaterials and finishes for which Bentleyis renowned.The customer is then seated at a halfellipticaltable where comm
24、issioning cancommence. A high-quality representationof the Bentley model of interest isprojected onto the large-diameter display.Through technology that simply requirestheir selection to be highlighted on thescreen, the specification can be alteredaccording to the colours, materials andfinishes sele
25、cted by the customer.The ability to feel the finish (hide,trim and veneers) together with arepresentative view of their commissionedmotor car is a powerful tool. This sequenceof activity culminates with the customerbeing presented with a printed image ofthe interior and exterior of their Bentley.COR
26、PORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesVersion 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Mezzanine 1.6MEZ
27、ZANINESituated above the Bentley commissioningarea is the Gallery a quiet and naturallylit lounge area. Offering a commandingplatform on which to view the timelessand unostentatious lines that are thehallmark of all modern Bentleys, theGallery can also be used to further salesdiscussions.CORPORATE D
28、ESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesIn addition, the area can be used forentertainment and functions, or simply forthe relaxation of customers while theyconsider t
29、heir choice of motor car.Version 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I Hall of Fame 1.7HALL OF FAMEFor those customers who are interestedin pre-owned vehicles, a Le Mans startdisplay style can be achieved downstairs inthe Hall of Fame. Large w
30、all-mountedgraphics celebrating past racing successescan form a backdrop to this environment.Each pre-owned vehicle can be displayedwith a lectern unit at the front cornerof the car on which details of both thecar and its provenance can be displayed.The atmosphere in the Hall of Fameencapsulates the
31、 heritage of the marqueand effectively reinforces the brand Pillars.A hydraulic revolving turntable is builtinto the Hall of Fame situated directlybeneath the commissioning area thatallows any new or pre-owned vehicle tobe presented prior to delivery.CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction
32、1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezzanine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External FacilitiesVersion 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I PHILOSOPHY I External Facilities 1.8EXTERNAL FACILITIESIn conjunction with
33、the architecture, thelandscaping around the dealership shouldalso create a strong first impression withcustomers. In this respect, there shouldbe a balance between hard surfaces andplanting, although this may in part begoverned by planning authorities.Nevertheless, exceptional site presentationthrou
34、gh regular cleaning and maintenanceshould be a mainstay of dealership routine.Sites should also offer easy access andnavigation. It should be easy for customersCORPORATE DESIGN MANUALPHILOSOPHY1.1 Introduction1.2 Architectural Solution1.3 Entrance1.4 Brand Education1.5 Personal Commissioning1.6 Mezz
35、anine1.7 Hall of Fame1.8 External Facilitiesto locate parking areas, and the entranceto the Parts, Service and Sales departmentswithin the dealership. Customer parkingbays should be clearly identified andmarked out.Service parking should be clearly identifiedand assigned to specific workshop bays.Pa
36、rking areas outside the building for thestorage of cars should be out of customerview. This is particularly important foraccident-damaged cars, which may alsoneed special sealed surface treatments.Employees cars should again be parked in adesignated area away from customer view.In addition to meetin
37、g regulatoryrequirements for access and on-site trafficmanagement, the Regional Brand andOperating Standards and Guidelines mustbe referred to for specific dimensions andlayout requirements.Version 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I ARCHITECTURE I Intro
38、duction 2.1CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALARCHITECTURE2.1 Introduction2.2 Facade2.3 Canopy2.4 Entrance Statement2.5 Flooring2.6 Personal Commissioning Area2.7 Mezzanine2.8 Hall of Fame2.9 Sample Floor PlansINTRODUCTIONThe Corporate Design Architecturecreates structures that have beendesigned according to th
39、e ethos “formfollows function”. Beyond the definedarchitectural plan, these guidelines shouldbe applied to both refurbishments andextensions of existing premises. This is inorder to guarantee consistency in marquerepresentation around the world. AlthoughBentley brand values have driven thechoice of
40、materials and the constructiontechniques within the architecture, cost hasremained an important consideration.Close co-operation with local planningauthorities will be necessary during thedesign phase for premises, and someelements may have to be adjustedaccording to local requirements andplanning r
41、egulations. Where such changesare required, these should be approved byBentley Regional Management.Version 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY MOTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I ARCHITECTURE I Facade 2.2FACADETo achieve transparency and consistencybetween the internal and external design,
42、the architectural plan calls for the samehorizontal proportions for both facades.The physical properties of the facades aregoverned by their specific needs, e.g.internal soundproofing, external weather insulation.CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALARCHITECTURE2.1 Introduction2.2 Facade2.3 Canopy2.4 Entrance Sta
43、tement2.5 Flooring2.6 Personal Commissioning Area2.7 Mezzanine2.8 Hall of Fame2.9 Sample Floor PlansFRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATIONREAR VIEWEXTERIORThe high usage of glass not only reflectsthe strong dynamic nature of Bentley andits products, but also allows the high levelof care given within the Ser
44、vice functionto be clearly seen. The choice of windowsand openings focuses on horizontalelements, minimising the visual impact ofthe superstructure and emphasising thevisibility of activities within the dealership.MINI-CREWE AREA AND BASEMENTINTERIORThis area attempts to recreate some ofthe characte
45、r of the production area atCrewe, calling for an open space in whichthe activities of the business can be seen very much like visiting the factory.The workshop section, as a part of theMini-Crewe area, is partitioned by aninternal glass wall.Version 2 March 2007c 2007 Bentley Motors LimitedBENTLEY M
46、OTORS CORPORATE DESIGN MANUAL I ARCHITECTURE I Canopy 2.3CANOPYThe projecting roof canopy functions as astrong design element in the Bentleyarchitecture, whilst also providing horizontalshading for the workshop facade. A canopyshould, therefore, be incorporated whereverpossible when renovations or extensionsare being made to existing premises.CORPORATE DESIGN MANUALARCHITECTURE2.1 Introduction2.2 Facade2.3 Canopy2.4 Entrance Statement2.5 Flooring2.6 Personal Commissioning Area2.7 Mezzanine2.8 Hall of Fame2.9