1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A:Hello,This is United Airlines.S:Hello,Id like to book a first-class tickets to fly to Shanghai now.A:The next flight to Shanghai is about two hours later.mayIhaveyourname?S:My name is Jaden Smith.A:One first-class seat.is that right?S:Yes.A:Now you have been booked,and the flight numb
2、er is UA003.S:Whats the fare?A:$2800.S:What time do you start check-in?A:You must check-in at least one hour before departure time. A:MayIhaveyourticketandIDcard,please?S:Hereyouare.A:Heresyourboardingpass.Haveaniceflight.S:Thank you.A:Hello,canIseeyourpassport,please?S:Hereyouare.A:Whatsthepurposeo
3、fyourvisit?S:Business travel.A:Whereareyoustaying?S:HuatianHotel.A:HowlongwillyoubestayinginChina?S:Seven days.A:Wouldyoupleaseopenyourbag?S:OK.Ijusthaveacoupleoflittlegiftsinside.A:Isthereanythingelseinyourbag?S:No.A:OK.Thankyou.Enjoyyourtrip!W:Hello,HuatianHotel. CanIhelpyou?T:Yes,Idliketobookasin
4、gleroomwithabathand balcony fromtheafternoonofOctober4tothemorningofOctober10.W:Yes,wedohaveasingleroomavailableforthosedatesT:Whatistherate,please?W:Thecurrentrateis 680 RMB pernightT:Whatservicescomewiththat?W:For 680 RMByoullhavea television, atelephoneandamajorinternationalnewspaperdeliveredtoyo
5、urroomeverydayT: Is there a room for meeting of 8 people that we can use?W:Well,there are fully equipped meeting facilities,and the slides,overhead projects,video recorder and round table are all available upon request.T:ThatsoundsnotbadIlltakeitW:VerygoodCouldyoutellmeyourname,madam,please?T:Yes,I
6、booked it for Jaden Smith.W:Howdoyouspellit,please?T:ItsJ-A-D-E-N,S-M-I-T-H.W:OK,Whataboutyourtelephonenumber?T:.W:OK,WelookforwardtoyourvisitT:Thankyouandgood-byeW:Good-byeT: Excuse me!Are you Mr.Smith from New York?S: Oh.yes.Iam.T:Howdoyoudo.Mr.Smith?ImTinafromDJCompany.Im heretomeet you.And Ill b
7、e your guide during your stay in China.S: Howdoyoudo,Tina,thank you very much for meeting me here.T: Youarewelcome.How was your trip? Mr.Smith.S: Not very good. I was got air.T: Oh,Do you feel better now?S: Yes,but I feel a little tired. Because its a very long trip.T: So,Lets go and check in the ho
8、tel.S:Fine,I think Ill be all right by tomorrow,and ready for bussiness.T:that couldnt be better.Please wait for me here.I am going to the parking lot to drive my car.S: Fine,letshurry.(AcarpullsupinfrontofHuatianHotelandadoormangoes forwardtomeettheguests,openingthedoorofthecar)D:Good afternoon,sir
9、. Welcome to HuatianHotel.S:Thanks, good afternoon.D:Imthedoorman,sir Soyouhavegotaltogethertwopiecesofbaggage?S:Yes, two pieces.D:TheReceptionDeskisstraightaheadSir.S:OK. R:Good afternoon,welcome to HuatianHotel.How can I help you?S:I have booked a room here.my name is Jaden Smith.R:Can you please
10、spell that for me,sir?S: ItsJ-A-D-E-N,S-M-I-T-H.R:Yes, Mr.Smith,weve reserved a single room for you with bath and balcony. Your room number is 0612.Here is your room card.S:When and where is the breakfast served?R:The breakfast is served at 7 a.m,on the 3rd floor.S:ExcusemeWherecanIbuysomecigarettes
11、?R:Thereisashoponthegroundfloor.ItsellsbothChineseandforeigncigarettesS:CanIalsogetsomesouvenirsthere?R:Yes,sirThereisacountersellingallkindsofsouvenirs.S:Thank you.R:You are welcome.S:Have you been here before,Tina?T:No, I havent, but its quite well known in Shanghai.Howdoyouthinkofthesedishes? S:T
12、astessogood,Ilikeitverymuch,especiallytheroastduck. T:Im glad you like it.So, have you enjoyed your time in Shanghai?S:Well,the food is delicious,people here are really nice.I like the city.ExcusemeAre you Mr.Lees secretary?T:Yeah,Im one of the secretary of Mr.Lee.Usually,my job is meeting recording
13、,sales evaluation,receive people,work as a close link between the boss and the customers and so on.S:Do you enjoy your job?T:Well,I should try hard to satisfy my boss,which means I have to do extra work everyday.S:Well,But I you can learn a lot from the excellent people that you meet.T:Yeah,every co
14、in has to sides. I also enjoy the benifit my work has brought to me.Then what about you?S:Eh,my job is to lead marketing team to carry out advertising events,sales promation activities and PR events according to malls target and the development trend of market.T:That sounds very difficult.oh,by the
15、way.weve arranged a schedule for you.Do you got any questions?S:oh,this couldnt be better.T:Since it is so,I will take you to visit our company tomorrow.S:Good,and thank you for inviting me to the dinner.T:Hi,nice to see you again,Mr.Smith.Did you sleep well last night?S:Yeah,Im all right today.T:Th
16、en Ill show you around and explain the operation as we go along.S:That will be most helpful.Im very interested in visiting your factory.Theres nothing like seeing things with ones own eyes.T:Thats our office block,we have all administrative departments there,down there is the research and developmen
17、t section.S:How much do you spend on development every year?T:About 3%-4% of the gross sales.S:Great,do you have any new products?T:Yes,a new smart phone.It is researched by our research and development department.S:Can I have a look at the phone?(产品详细介绍)S:Wonderful.I think it will be one of the bes
18、t-selling smart phones.If I placed an order now,how long would it be before I got delivery?T:It would largely depends on the size of the order and the items you want.And here is our sales catolog.S:Thank you,I believe we can have a good cooperation.T:Now, its 8:30. We arrived just on time. S: Thank
19、you very much.Tina, I have to say goodbye now. But before that, Id like to say it has been a very pleasant and productive trip for me. Your company has leftme a very good impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our cooperation will be a very successful one.T: Thank you very much, Mr.Smith. You are playing a very important part in the cooperation. We hope we can hear from you soon,and wish you a safe and pleasant journey home.S:Thank you. Bye-bye.专心-专注-专业