1、精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the child write w ords A BAB, and AABB; 6 in accor dance wit h written words; 7 the complete w ord, and explai n the meani ng of the wor d; 8 collocation; 9 make sentences with t he w ord; 10 the
2、written lang uage as required. C t he main sente nce types 1 compl ete se ntences; 2 write down t he meani ng of a sente nce or ex pression of thought s and feeling s; 3 write sentences as re quire d; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modified sentences. 2, k nowl edge classificati on 1 the
3、 common conjunctions coordi nate: . . 一 面 . 1, to examine the topic, i dentify probl ems associated wit h tw o 2, a nalysi s, alternative question tw o is i n dire ct roportion to t he amount of the a ssociated relationshi p is inversely proporti onal relationshi p. 3, and set unknown, colum n propo
4、rtion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion type 5, and test, wrote a nswer la nguage ple nary, and subject: applicati on probl em 1 -simple a ppli cation pr oblem a nd com posite applicati on problem review content simple a ppli cation pr oblem composite applicati on problem answers a ppli cation prob
5、l em of general steps 1, a ndfigure out meaning -throug h examines the, find k now n conditions and by se eking pr oblem 2, a nd a nalysi s num ber relationship -a nalysi s known conditions Zhi jian, a nd conditi ons a nd problem Zhijia n of relationshi p, determi ne pr oblem -solvi ng method and pr
6、 oblem -solving steps. 3, a nd col umn type calculati on-list s formula, is out subdivisions 4, a nd test, a nd wr ote answer-check , and checki ng, and wrote a nswers ty pical a ppli cation problem 13, a nd subject: a ppli cation problem 3-col umn e quati on soluti ons a ppli cation pr oblem review
7、 conte nt overvie w problem-solvi ng steps 1, and figure out mea ning, find by seeki ng of unk nown and x said 2, and accordi ng to meani ng find equival ent relationship, li sts Equation 3, and sol utions e quation 4, a nd test, a nd wr ote answ ers ac cor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati on
8、ship of common method 1 , And accordi ng to common of number relationshi p type, establi she d equivalent relati onship 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of calculation formula, 3, a nd a ccording t o problem in the of focus de scri bed sentence from overall Shang determine ba sic of equivale nt r
9、elationshi p 4, a nd using segment figure, a nd list method, met hod analysi s number新人教版八年级上册数学学问点总结归纳1第十一章三角形第十二章全等三角形第十三章轴对称第十四章整式乘法和因式分解第十五章分式可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -choose t
10、he corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the child write w ords A BAB, and AABB; 6 in accor dance wit h written words; 7 the complete w ord, and explai n the meani ng of the wor d; 8 collocation; 9 make sentences with t he w ord; 10 the written lang uage as required. C t he main sente nce
11、types 1 compl ete se ntences; 2 write down t he meani ng of a sente nce or ex pression of thought s and feeling s; 3 write sentences as re quire d; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modified sentences. 2, k nowl edge classificati on 1 the common conjunctions coordi nate: . . 一 面 . 1, to exa
12、mine the topic, i dentify probl ems associated wit h tw o 2, a nalysi s, alternativ e question tw o is i n dire ct proportion to t he amount of the a ssociated relationshi p is inversely proporti onal relationshi p. 3, and set unknown, colum n proportion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion type 5, an
13、d test, wrote a nswer la nguage ple nary, and subject: applicati on probl em 1-simple a ppli cation pr oblem a nd com posite applicati on problem review content simple a ppli cation pr oblem composite applicati on problem answers a ppli cation probl em of general steps 1, a nd figure out meaning -th
14、roug h examines the, find k now n conditions and by se eking pr oblem 2, a nd a nalysi s num ber relationship -a nalysi s known conditions Zhi jian, a nd conditi ons a nd problem Zhijia n of relationshi p, determi ne pr oblem -solvi ng method and pr oblem -solving steps. 3, a nd col umn type calcula
15、ti on-list s formula, is out subdivisions 4, a nd test, a nd wr ote answer-check , and checki ng, and wrote a nswers ty pical a ppli cation problem 13, a nd subject: a ppli cation problem 3 -col umn e quati on soluti ons a ppli cation pr oblem review conte nt overvie w problem-solvi ng steps 1, and
16、figure out mea ning, find by seeki ng of unk nown and x said 2, and accordi ng to meani ng find equival ent relationship, li sts Equation 3, and sol utions e quation 4, a nd test, a nd wr ote answ ers accor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati onship of common method 1 , And accordi ng to common
17、of number relationshi p type, establi she d equivalent relati onship 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of calculation formula, 3, a nd a ccording t o problem in the of focus de scri bed sentence from overall Shang determine ba sic of equivale nt relationshi p 4, a nd using segment figure, a nd lis
18、t method, met hod analysi s number第十一章三角形1、三角形的概念2、三角形中的主要线段( 1)角平分线。( 2)中线。( 3)高线(简称三角形的高)。3、三角形的稳固性4、三角形的特性与表示三角形有下面三个特性:( 1)三角形有三条线段( 2)三条线段不在同始终线上三角形是封闭图形( 3)首尾顺次相接三角形用符号“”表示,顶点是A 、B、C 的三角形记作“ABC ”,读作“三角形ABC ”。 5、三角形的三边关系定理及推论( 1)三角形三边关系定理:三角形的两边之和大于第三边。推论:三角形的两边之差小于第三边。( 2)三角形三边关系定理及推论的作用:判定三条已
19、知线段能否组成三角形当已知两边时,可确定第三边的范畴。证明线段不等关系。6、三角形的内角和定理及推论注: 在同一个三角形中:等角对等边。等边对等角。大角对大边。大边对大角。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结7、三角形的面积公式多边形可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结1.多边形的定义2、n 边形的内角和公式及其证明。3 、任意多边形的外角和是多少度。4.正多边形镶嵌问题。类型一:多边形内角和及外角和定理应用类型二:可转化为多边形内角和问题可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页
20、- - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the ty pos; 5 so the child write wor ds ABA B, a nd AA BB; 6 in accor da nce with writte n wor ds; 7 the complete word, and explai n the meani ng of the wor d; 8 collocation; 9
21、make sentences with t he wor d; 10 the written language as re quire d. C the main sente nce ty pes 1 complete sente nce s; 2 write dow n the mea ning of a se ntence or expression of thoug hts a nd feeli ngs; 3 write sente nces as re quire d; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modifie d se nt
22、ences. 2, knowle dge cl assificati on 1 the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一 面 , . 1, to examine the topi c, identify problems a ssociated with tw o 2, analy sis, alter native questi on tw o is i n direct proportion to t he amount of the a ssociated re lationshi p is i nversely proporti onal re
23、lati onshi p. 3, and set unk nown, col umn pr oportion type 4, and soluti ons pr oportion type 5, and test, wr ote answer la nguage ple nary, and subje ct: a ppli cation pr oblem 1 -simpl e applicati on problem and composite a ppli cation pr oblem revie w conte nt simple applicati on problem composi
24、te applicati on problem a nswers application probl em of general steps 1, a nd figur e outmeaning -throug h examines t he, find known conditi ons and by se eking probl em 2, and analysis number relationshi -analysis k nown conditions Z hijian, and conditions and pr oblem Z hijian of relationshi p, d
25、etermine probl em -solving met hod and problem-solvi ng steps. 3, a nd column type cal cula tion-lists form ula, is out subdivisi ons 4, a nd test, a nd wrote answer-che ck, and che cking, a nd wrote answers ty pical a ppli cation pr oblem 13, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem 3 -col umn e quati o
26、n sol utions applicati on problem review conte nt overvie w problem-solvi ng steps 1, a nd figure out m eaning, fi nd by seeki ng of unknown a nd x said 2, and accor ding to mea ning fi nd e quivale nt relationship, li sts Equation 3, and soluti ons equation 4, a nd test, a nd wrote answers a ccordi
27、 ng to meani ng find equivalent relati onshi p of common method 1 , And accor ding to common of number relati onship ty pe, esta blished e quival ent relationship 2, and accor ding to has le arn ha d of calculation formula, 3, and accordi ng t o problem in the of focus descr ibe d se ntence from ove
28、rall Sha ng determine basic of equivalent relati onship 4, and using segment figure, a nd l ist method, method a nalysi s number 新 人 教版八年级上册数学学问点总结类型三:镶嵌问题练习:1多边形的一个内角的外角与其余内角的和为600,求这个多边形的边数2 n 边形的内角和与外角和互比为13: 2,求 n3五边形ABCDE的各内角都相等,且AE DE, ADCB吗?4将五边形砍去一个角,得到的是怎样的图形?5四边形ABCD中, A+B=210, C 4D求: C 或
29、D的度数6在四边形ABCD中, ABAC AD, DAC 2 BAC求证: DBC 2BDC第十二章全等三角形一、全等三角形三角形、全等三角形、轴对称、整式乘法和因式分解、分式3可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -choose the corre ct meani ng; 4 to correct the typos; 5 so the ch
30、ild write w ords A BAB, and AABB; 6 in accor dance wit h written words; 7 the complete w ord, and explai n the meani ng of the wor d; 8 collocation; 9 make sentences with t he w ord; 10 the written lang uage as required. C t he main sente nce types 1 compl ete se ntences; 2 write down t he meani ng of a sente nce or ex pression of thought s and feeling s; 3 write sentences as re quire d; 4 finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; 5 modified sentences. 2, k