1、精品名师归纳总结2021 IOQQQQ 0tDl5ieBsmmaseae*sws2Bwgpgy-gypeg. 4. BtOOR8 .D&WWS B,O-ew a=x, 6C 6, n1TB&A7 4 4s7, #Q4#At#Mo &4Oywt1nTwaoli& eig as ays egy &,bttIa claagsd fin Icy Ie a , oms car. a tw; a n ag ga Wd av aaaa area as g u a. xas,y f .asaclassad atiaiashe wuldw w wx. /n ai4 of a4 ; yl s aapela e r
2、 aw ata .met可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结how to use the “tools in in xritins. As I nill di0it &cto &1io xis. JohnsonIs petgon, I e-maikd hen K this way, she and I woik& together to improve mythough *cry *os *o ader*ad&wto xrieniessay. Togeli c sswrm s I lkoai &t ig for lp zoBAagOs+Afi9AN&W&6R46 t .I RJ
3、G&i IU A22i-uB8R8Ra.iO De$0f$b SaiHpSon W8s bon in l7. Tbcn wefc many childies her faiily a& y etc poor. Wlml Deboiali sjuat a yoiag gk lm failiet lefl a& til o& se+ &n8 ta poor &aIik hef inabtrooId aoi cwc forlier ildiciz Se sirefis e li oiaaiam saaatxoauu.sfusaiat& t$kS fl8fC 0ilt4Dl. B 4110 4Y9HJ
4、EQ SbC& t$lkYt lessom with &.By this &e harried bit they learned She also boiei their sc&oI books & ie$d evesy i2$g$iC. UhGD S1c WaE 18, D&o& bWame ettacber.iMth &$SF Sk $t&tS$ 24f I&W 4&f, tlS tkR1Si9$D EU0lIf$DO bQ$R $19wi& O figbi for her coiioy, & enaea could noI & soldiers cl diai time. Ikbotah
5、 &d a plan. S& was &l fx s woman ofllist ine. S& ma& herself a eaiz uii an seoaly piacti& ilking and t&king liR a nz Finally, x&可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结O *Robert was 8 &Ye sol&er. HG fought with fiouiage in evwy &l1lfi, a& olllo SOltkcis rcspec1& $iim. Tlte$ DevO fiusJectCd ihai t1cir fe1ow 9oldiCr
6、was a wo. Oce i.c u$it a fever 9Dd &d tO go O t2e hospitfl. Tbeic a docor foutxloutiliat Itob& actually a woman.jJigji idp ggyg the amy, bUt Sb0 W$fl BD1 RBiS$fld $0t2W Q&0C $fly Sb9 TVO &H jC12O8J 8Of$Ce i*f , n*ah itaifiaa isreAhitleclfiJhi Slxia$bi imolageof&. She was aaue American hp.E. Deboni1i
7、sjoinipg the amyF. Debo&s family badtgtound17. Pmgri;p1i Q:20. Paragraph B:TseL225. Dbazb was a bczo A. tcaclEng hctselfon Use fannB. for &ugwual courageC. adonor scorered &sieiD. he faiiily co&t a:ppon herdimsiag and be&ving lic a iank可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Decision-making is something I stnig$le
8、witk fire;, Id r&bw &ve sommiw else make docisions for me.As I set in a crowd& infomiation smsion &i4& at a xllcgo lsi snninm, Iwas again facl with &pressure of making s decisioiz 26He 4en ask&e.h Of us O $i*C Our intel2dd o;jOr. I lOOkod & njiootbcf w2tJi Qa22ic.“A mafT I eaid. “I cmt even deci& w&
9、i so&to wear to school.I want& O$ey I has undecid& BUt 8S Ifiy tufo tD speak approached, IfIywwclin$for someiA$;& ttpjw. I ieatkd I coul&t just sayimdecid&. So, when my turn came, I uneasily sai “I want to major in businesa. zxi rii aAma. =wb, nid-i i nve said tim i tsi$;a 7bea1ff1I$eiOO$8dviSCfi OV
10、ei1 Said thatf.VfhI &ve no idea whgt I warn to do wi4 iny 8f. All I know is t&t I &nt wmt O&anythingiuvolws bloo4 29This isnt ieaily narrowing it &ww Ive been Old many people atart ooeg with one aJor, cid gthiac with sAfler my experieige at & infonnation sessioq Fve learned not to & a&id of$&fing Im
11、 $Jfidoide I know nowt1&i I ixltthe &y ooe tlDo%taiBa oiit futiae midien Imsk experiencing s *majoi problem. 30 A. Eveiyooe before mo had do:larcd a major.B. So I*s narrowed my list &wti to anything but imdiitie.C. The admissions o&cer asked us to intieduce ourselves brie0y.D. In tK end, only one br
12、ave persoa aaid she was un1ocidxLRAdnsiasions &vison help you to make decision.F,However, Im coofi&ni Ill find a solution可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结vBMA6 oeB. Wsd& iz4M, c91o6saWaeGAInow daily life, iis nice to lii 0iee&. 9fhib faiziiJ ii 31 iipoiJan$ biids &e s 8oea svppox s7sen of Pu *JoJn8. $ iJ 32
13、s*. You cant choose your fur:iiIy, bvl you tan tON purr fti4a& Choosi0g hea&m thein. You may choose yov Oieixls 34, on sini& iBerests. Y0tl Oiaychoose tlmnbccsieeyoute o;positm of eadi ofiio and $dibJ* f$*tJ8.otr dv o 35jmosal&o. &a&imo itsjuxcizcuaIcas &bringWIevojom sbieidAip wdzyogc svy 3degxtiIi
14、s is eeci&ly ibzi, bots jou Isov iLa zedaia 37tuziis Daqtc lifctoag 4ose ffiet.ip &Wit rs Ba sd tbat a m 3.only a couple of wry slssc mds & tbsir lif TbiA of whom you _.&_JIIi CosC QIbB. 3fIM4 BI4 tfB& f4& tYfgfl8S /0U C8It .811.4, sagB. aiaeC. mcmallyD. similarI.spech可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结hsnypeo
15、plo ihia ba lo sgcnlifrlghttc. Butten &s.1a jaoamn,W i 2 t wsas1o& 4diluiasyy.Itkcotlaals,MtlAsltpaaJetoa&afoa 0tsj, 6&le=l ae:dyn #s xs a, 3o651.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结英语二( 00015)不是标准答案1-5 A B A B C6-10 B ? B C A11-15B C?B C 16-25 F B E D C D A E C B26-30 CA D B F31-40L A B K D J H C G E41shown
16、/showed42provides43living44babies45? 46threatened47sulabic48helpful49nearly50survival 作文某英文报社正在举办题为Exercise Every Day 的征文活动,写一篇英文短文:1:坚持锤炼有哪些好处?2:你能坚持每天锤炼? 范文自己改改,防雷同1: The benefits of sports:physical exercise is beneficial tothe growthofhuman skeleton and muscle, enhancing cardiopulmonary function,
17、 improving the function of blood circulation system, respiratory system and digestive system, which isbeneficialtothegrowthanddevelopmentofhumanbody,the improvementofdisease resistance and theadaptabilityoforganism. Physical exercise isoneofthemostactiveandeffectivemeans to enhance physical fitness.
18、 you can reduce the risk of getting into the aging可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结period too early.2:I have been in junior high school. Todays exercise is to take a walk and play taijiquan Find a motivation for yourself, make a plan, do it every day,do not finish, and make a review of yourself. Be strict with oneself. Give yourself confidence, you can. A month to stick to why you can not stick to it, you can see that you realize the benefits, I will stick to it.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载