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1、精品学习资源1. I am writing to confirm / enquire /inform you .我发邮件是想找你确认 / 询问/想通知你 有关2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decisionon the marketingcampaignin Q2.我写邮件来是为了跟进我们之前对其次季度营销活动的打算;3. With referenceto our telephoneconversationtoday .关于我们今日在中的谈话4. In my previouse-mail on October5.在之前 10 月 5 日所

2、写的邮件中提到5. As I mentionedearlier about .在从前我所提到的关于6. As indicatedin my previouse-mail .如我在之前邮件中所提到的7. As we discussedon the phone .如我们上次在中所说的8. from our decisionat the previousmeeting .如我们在上次会议中所打算的9. as you requested .依据贵方要求10. In reply to your e-mail dated April 1 , we decided .回复贵方 4 月 1 日的邮件,我方打算

3、11. This is in responseto your e-mail today .这是对您今早发来的邮件的回复;12. As mentionedbefore , we deem this producthas strong uniqueselling pointsin china .如从前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点;13. As a follow -up to our phone conversationyesterday , I wantedto get back to you about the pendingissuesof our agreement

4、 .追踪我们昨天在中所谈,我想答复你我们合约的一些待解决的议题;14. I receivedyour voice messageregardingthe subject . Im wonderingif you can elaboratei.e . providemore details .我收到了你关于这个主题的留言;我在想您你是否可以再详尽的说明一下,也就是再供应多一点相关细节;15. Please be advised /informedthat .请被告知 .16. Please note that .请留意 .17. We would like to inform you that

5、.我们想要通知你 .18. I am convincedthat .我确信 .欢迎下载精品学习资源19. We agree with you on.我们同意你在 . 的看法;20. With effect from 4 Oct ., 2021.从 2021 年 10 月 4 日开头生效 .21. We will have a meetingscheduledas noted below .我们将举办一个会议,会议时间表如下;22. Be assuredthat individualstatisticsare not disclosedand this is for internaluse on

6、ly .请确保个人信息不会外泄且只供内部使用;23. I am delightedto tell you that .我很兴奋地告知你.24. We are pleasedto learn that .我们很兴奋得知 .25. We wish to notify you that .我们期望通知你 .26. Congratulationon your .恭喜您 .27. I am fine with the proposal .我对这份提案没异议;28. I am pleasedto inform you that you have been acceptedto join the works

7、hopscheduledfor 22-24 Nov ,2021.我特别兴奋地通知你,我们已经同意您参与于2021 年 11 月 22-24日举办的研讨会;29. We are sorry to inform you that .我们很愧疚地通知您 .30. Im afraid I have some bad news . 唯恐我今日要宣布一些坏消息;31. There are a number of issues with our new system .我们的新系统有些问题;32. Due to circumstancesbeyondour control .由于情形超出我们的掌握.33.

8、I don t feel too optimisticabout .我对. 不太乐观34. It would be difficultfor us to accept .我们很难接受 .35. UnfortunatelyI have to say that , since receivingyour enquirieson the subject , our view has not changed .我不得不这么说,自从收到你关于这个主题的询问,我们的看法都没有转变;36. We would be gratefulif you could .假如你可以 . 我们会很感谢的;37. I cou

9、ldappreciateit if you could .假如你可以 . 我会很感谢;欢迎下载精品学习资源38. Would you please send us .你能否寄给我们?39. We need your help .我们需要你的帮忙;40. We seek your assistanceto cascade /reply this messageto your staff .我们期望您能将此信息传达给你们的职工,特别感谢;41. We look forwardto your clarification .我们期望你的澄清;42. Your promptattentionto thi

10、s matter will be appreciated .您假设能立刻关注此事,我们将特别感谢;43. I wouldreally appreciatemeetingup if you can spare the time . Pleaselet me know what suits you best .假如您能从百忙中抽出时间,我期望能与您见面,请让我知道您最适合的时间;44. Please give us your preliminarythoughtsabout this .请让我知道您对这件事情初步的想法;45. Would you please reply to this e-ma

11、il if you plan to attend .请您回信假如您方案参与?46. Please advise if you agreewith this approach .请告知我们你是否同意这个方法;47. Could you pleaselet me know the status of this project .请通知我这个方案的进度?48. If possible , I hope to receivea copy of your proposalwhen it is finished .假如可能,当你完成提案,我期望你能发一份复本给我;49. I wouldappreciate

12、it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday .假如能在下周一前收到您的答复,我将特别感谢;50. Hope this is OK with you . If not , let me know by e-mail ASAP .期望您中意,假如不中意,请发邮件尽快通知我;51. Could you pleasesend me your repliesto the above questionsby the end of June .请您在 6 月份前答复我上述问题好吗?52. May I have your reply

13、by April 1, if possible .假如可能,我可否在4 月 1 日前收到您的答复?53. If you wish , we would be happy to.假如你有需要,我们很愿意.54. Please let me know if there s anythingI can do to help .假如我有什么可以帮得上忙的, 请告知我;55. If there s anythingelse I can do for you on /regardingthis matter , pleasefeel free to contactme at any time .对于这件事

14、,假如仍有什么我能帮得上忙的地方,请随时与我联络;欢迎下载精品学习资源56. If you want additionalrecommendationson this , pleaselet us know and we can try to see if this is possible .假如关于此事你需要额外的建议,请让我们知道,我们会试着看看这是否可行;57. Im just writing to remindyou of .我只是写信来提示您 .58. May we remindyou that .我们想要提示您 .59. I am enclosing .我附上 .60. Pleas

15、e find enclosed .请查阅附件 .61. Attachedhereto .附件是关于 .62. Attachedplease find the most up -to-date informationon/regarding /concerning 附上关于某某的最新资料63. Attachedplease find the draft productplan for your reviewand comment .附上产品方案书的草稿,请审查及评判;64. If you have any furtherquestions , pleasefeel free to contact

16、me .假如你有任何问题,请随时与我联系;65. I hope my clarificationhas been helpful .期望我的说明对你有所帮忙;66. Please feel free to call me at any time , I will continuallyprovidefull support .请随时与我联系,我将连续地供应全程支持;67. Please let me know if this is suitable .请让我知道这是否恰当;68. Lookingforwardto seeing you soon .很期望能尽快见到你;69. We look f

17、orwardto hearingfrom you soon .我们很期望能得到您的回复;70. Hope this is clear and we are happy to discussthis furtherif necessary .期望上述说明很清晰,如有必要,我们很愿意再进一步争论;71. I look forwardto receivingyour reply soon .我期望很快能收到你的回复;72. Lookingforwardto receivingyour commentsin due course .期望在预期的时间收到你的反馈;73. Ill keep you pos

18、ted .我会与你保持联系;74. Please keep me informedon the matter .请随时让我知道这件事的进展;欢迎下载精品学习资源75. For any comments / suggestions , please contactNadia at 2552-7482.有任何评判或建议,请拨打2552-7482联络 Nadia ;76. I wouldlike to apologizefor .我想就 . 愧疚 .77. I apologizefor the delay in.对于. 的耽搁,我深感愧疚;78. We are sorry for any incon

19、veniencecaused .对于产生的任何不便,我们感到愧疚;79. I am sorry for any inconveniencethis has causedyou .对于造成的不便,我深感愧疚;80. Im sorry about last time .上次的事我很愧疚;81. We apologizefor not replyingyou earlier .对于未能早一点回信给你,我们感到愧疚;82. Im really sorry about this .这件事,我真的很愧疚;83. Sorry , I m late in replyingto your e-mail date

20、d Monday , April 1.愧疚,太迟回您在 4 月 1 日星期一发给我的邮件;84. We apologizefor the delay and hope that it doesn t inconvenienceyou too much .我们为耽搁愧疚,期望这没有给您带来太多不便;85. Hopingthat this will not cause you too much trouble .期望不会为您造成太多麻烦;86. Sorry if my voice messageis not clear enough .假如我的留言不够清晰 ,我深感愧疚;87. Thank you

21、 for your help .感谢你的帮忙;88. I appreciatevery much that you .我特别感谢你 .89. I truly appreciateit.我真的很感谢;90. Thank you for your participation .感谢你的参与;91. Thank you so much for inviting me .特别感谢您的邀请;92. Congratulationsto all of you and thanks for your efforts .恭喜各位并特别感谢各位所做的努力;93. Your understandingand coo

22、perationis greatly /highly appreciated.很感谢您的懂得及合作;94. Your promptresponsewill be most appreciated.很感谢您快速的答复;欢迎下载精品学习资源95. Once again , thank you all for your commitmentand support .再一次感谢大家的承诺及支持;96. Thanksfor your input /clarification/message .感谢你的投入 /澄清/信息;97. Any commentswill be much appreciated.对

23、于您提出的任何建议,我将深表感谢;98. Thank you very much for everythingyou ve done for me .感谢你为我所做的一切;99. I wouldappreciateyour kindestunderstandingwith /regardingthis matter .我很感谢你对这件事情的懂得;100. Pleaseconveymy thanksto all the staff involved , they certainly请向有关的同仁传达我的谢意,他们真的干得很好;did an excellentjob .商务邮件常用语1. Gree

24、tingmessage祝愿Hope you have a good trip back . 祝旅途开心;How are you.你好吗 .How is the project going on . 项目进行顺当吗 .2. Initiatea meeting发起会议I suggestwe have a call tonight at 9:30 pm China Time with you and Brown . Pleaselet me know if the time is okay for you and Ben . 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下 ,你和 Ben 有没有空 . I

25、 would like to hold a meetingin the afternoonaboutour developmentplanningfor the project A . 今日下午我建议我们就A 项目的进展方案开会争论一下;We d like to have the meetingon Thu Oct 30. Same time . 十月三十号 周三 , 老时间 ,开会;Let s make a meetingnext Mondayat 5:30 PM SLC time . 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会;I want to talk to you over the phone

26、regardingissuesabout report developmentand the XXX project . 我想跟你争论下报告进展和XXX 项目的情形;3. Seekingfor more information /feedbacks /suggestions询问信息 / 反馈/建议Shall you have any problemaccessingthe folders , please let me knows . 假如存取文件有任何问题请和我联系;Thank you and look forwardto having your opinionon the estimati

27、onand schedule . 感谢你 , 期望能听到更多你对评估和日程方案的建议;Look forwardto your feedbacksand suggestionssoon . 期望您的反馈建议 .What is your opinionon the scheduleand next steps we proposed . 你对方案方面有什么想法. 下一步我们应当怎么做 .What do you think aboutthis . 这个你怎么想 .Feel free to give your comments . 请随便提出您的建议;Any question , pleasedon

28、t hesitateto let me know . 有任何问题 ,欢送和我们联系;欢迎下载精品学习资源Any question , pleaselet me know . 有任何问题 ,欢送和我们联系;Please contactme if you have any questions . 有任何问题 ,欢送和我们联系;Please let me know if you have any questionon this . 有任何问题 ,欢送和我联系;Your commentsand suggestionsare welcome . 欢送您的评论和建议 .Please let me know

29、 what you think . 欢送您的评论和建议 . Do you have any idea aboutthis .对于这个您有什么建议吗.It would be nice if you could providea bit more informationon the user s behavior . 您假设是能够就用户行为方面供应更多的信息就太感谢了.At your convenience , I would really appreciateyou lookinginto this matter /issue . 假如可以 ,我期望你能负责这件事情;4. Give feedba

30、ck看法反馈Please see commentsbelow . 请看下面的评论;My answersare in blue below . 我的答复已标蓝;I add some commentsto the documentfor your reference . 我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考;5. Attachment附件I enclosethe evaluationreport for your reference . 我附加了评估报告供您阅读;Attachedpleasefind today s meetingnotes . 今日的会议记录在附件里;Attachis the des

31、ign document , please review it . 设计文档在附件里 ,请评阅;For other knownissues relatedto individualfeatures , pleasesee attachedreleasenotes . 其他个人特点方面的信息请见附件;6. Point listing列表Today we wouldlike to finish followingtasks by the end of today :1 .2 . 今日我们要完成的任务 :1 .2 .Some knownissuesin this release :1 .2 . 声明

32、中涉及的一些问题:1 .2 .Our team here reviewedthe newestSCM policyand has followingconcerns :1 .2 . 我们阅读了最新的供应链治理政策,做出如下考虑 :1 .2 .Here are some more questions /issuesfor your team :1 .2 . 以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1 .2 .The current statusis as following : 1 2 目前数据如下 : 1 2 Some items need your attention :1 .2 . 以下方面需提请留意

33、:1 .2 .7. Raisequestion提出问题I have some questionsabout the report XX -XXX我对 XX -XXX 报告有一些疑问;For the assignmentABC , I have the followingquestions : 就 ABC 协议 ,我有以下几个问题 : 8. Proposal提议For the next step of platformimplementation, I am proposing 关于平台启动的下一步方案,我有一个提议I suggestwe can have a weeklyproject mee

34、tingover the phone call in the near future . 我建议我们就一周项目开一个会议;Achievoteam suggestto adopt option A to solve outstandingissue Achievo 团队建议应对突出问题采纳 A 方法;欢迎下载精品学习资源9. Thanksnote感谢信Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作 . Thanksfor the information感谢您供应的信息.I really appreciatethe effort you all made f

35、or this suddenand tight project . 对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示特别感谢;Thanksfor your attention . 感谢关怀 .Your kind assistanceon this are very much appreciated. 我们对您的帮助表示感谢;Really appreciateyour help . 特别感谢您的帮忙.10. Apology愧疚I sincerelyapologizefor this misunderstanding. 对造成的误会我真诚愧疚.I apologizefor the late asking but

36、 we want to make sure the correctnessof our implementation ASAP . 很愧疚现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息;缩写邮件中1、BTW : by the way顺便问下,顺便提下2、FYI : for your information供参考3、FYR : for your reference供参考4、EOD : end of the day下班前,比方说 EOD Thursday ,就是周四下班前5、ASAP : as soon as possible尽快6、TBD , TBC 9: to be determined / d

37、ecided /confirmed待定,比方会议室TBD ,就是说会议室仍待定的意思7、OT : overtime加班8、P .S : postscript补充说明9、RSVP : 法语 Rpondezsil vous plait , 期望得到回复的时候加上10、CC : carbon copy抄送,有时候同事和你讲,小A 你邮件塞给我,指的就是邮件CC 这个同事,用的谐音;11、FW : forward转发12、Re : reply回复13、N/A : not applicable表格中有时候不答应空值的话可以填这个14、Loop in / drop : 比方这封邮件,小A 觉得和谁谁相关,

38、就回复全部,加上loop in 谁谁, 相当于 一样, drop 的话也是觉得谁谁无关,就回复全部说drop 谁谁,把那个人移除邮件会话;15、On annualleave / businesstrip : 休年假,出差时往往也发封邮件给相关的同事告知;16、OOTO : out of the office , 外出不在办公室;17、AFAIK : as far as I know , 据我所知;18、BR : best regards , 祝好;欢迎下载精品学习资源邮件中常见短语表达1、heads up : 提前打声招呼,比方提前和市场部的人打声招呼,下个月有一个大活动,需要留出活动预算;2

39、、top -down : 自上而下;这个打算是治理层直接拍板做的;3、bottom -up : 自下而上;公司自下而上收集大家的建议;bottomsup 是干杯的意思,但是总觉得不够文静,最好仍是cheers 吧4、we re aimingto: 我们的方案 /目标是,比直接的we want to 看上去文静了不止一点半点;5、we re targeting : 同上,比方我们方案下周发布新的软件版本,就是we re targetingnext Mondayto launch the new version .6、be doing : 用将来进行时,看起来比较美丽的表达方式;比方发个邮件给对方

40、,说接下来你会收到系统发送的邮件,就是: you should be receivinga systememail on.7、refer to: 提及,指;比方问对方邮件中的某个数据是不是代表某种含义,are you referringto.你是指 . 吗?8、would say : 委婉地表达自己的观点, 比方对方说了一个不太对的观点,就可以说 I would say that .9、in the comingdays : 接下来一些天;10、be communicatedvia email : 通过邮件方式传达/沟通;11、you re encouragedto join : 期望大家积极

41、报名参与;12、there ll be delaysin : 将会有推迟;13、well received : 收到对方邮件 /发送的附件时可以回复一句表示收到了;14、action urgentlyrequired : 需要对紧急情形做出处理;15、in light of : 鉴于什么样的情形,等于be based on .开会时1、1:1:念作 one on one ,指的是一对一开会,有时口语也会随口说one one ;2、Keep it to yourself : 比方老板只告知了你一个的信息,就会告知你说,小A 你自己知道就好了,就不要和别人讲了;3、Betweenus : 和上一条

42、类似,只有我们两个人知道就好啦;4、Within the room : 开会时勉励大家畅所欲言不要顾忌,就说今日争论的都在这个屋子里,出了这个门就都不要说了,就遗忘好了;5、Keep it confidential: 重要的材料或者会议的话,主持人都会提示,这是公司内部秘密,要留意保密之类的话;6、Compliance : 有时候会说要留意compliance方面的问题哦,就是指处理工作要合规,不要做不合法规的事情;7、Echo : 比方会议上哪个同事发表了观点,小A 就说我回应一下他的话,对他说的做一点补充,就可以说,我 echo 一下刚刚他提到的那条,我也觉得blablabla .8、BS

43、 : brainstorming, 脑力激荡,大家脑洞大开发散思维争论;欢迎下载精品学习资源9、Remote : 远程开会或办公;10、Work from home : 在家办公、开会;11、Keep you informed /updated : 有新的消息会随时通知大家;12、Q& A: questionand answer , 提问环节,一般做完presentation会留出时间做这个部分;13、Orientation : 情形大致介绍;和人相关1、Candidate : 争论某个项目的候选人;2、Owner : 指某个项目的负责人,比方老板问起某个项目,哪个项目谁负责的啊,就可能会说这

44、个项目 owner 是谁?3、Directreport : 直线汇报,指的是顶头上司或者直线下属这一条直线;4、Line manager : 直线经理,指的是直接汇报给谁;5、People manager : 指实际带人的经受,而不是听上去职位头衔是经理但是不肯定带人的, 比方“产品经理”、“项目经理”等;6、Backup : 项目的备选负责人啦,休假时找个顶班的同事啦之类;7、Band / level : 通常用来指职级,在这个公司的职位级别,比方几级职工啦;8、VP : vice president ,副总;9、VC : venturecapital ,风投;10、Backgroundch

45、eck : 入职前做的尽职调查;11、Onboard : 入职;12、Peer : 同级别的同事;业务相关1、ROI : return on investment , 投资回报率,比方说这个项目的ROI 低啊,所以优先级比较低之类;2、SOP : standardoperatingprocedure , 标准操作流程;3、Priority : 优先级,经常会听到有人说这个项目优先级不高;4、Keep an eye on it: 项目上线了可以和老板说,总之我会盯着的啦,您放心吧;5、CRM : customerRelationshipManagement, 客户关系治理;6、EDM : electricdirect mail , 给客户发邮件的方式;7、FAQ : frequentlyasked questions , 常被问到的问题, 一般新项目介绍最终会放一个FAQ 文档,用于解答一般疑问;8、OP : operation ,运营;9、


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