1、主题语境主题语境(四四)跨文化沟通、包容与跨文化沟通、包容与合作合作第二部分人与社会主题群一社会服务与人际沟通0101培育学科素养五年高考真题重做主题语境词汇存储奇特语言现象探究1 13 35 52 24 46 68 87 71 13 35 52 24 46 68 87 72 21 13 34 45 56 68 87 72 21 13 34 45 56 68 87 73 31 12 24 45 56 68 87 74 41 12 23 35 56 68 87 74 41 12 23 35 56 68 87 72 24 45 51 13 36 68 87 72 24 45 51 13 36 68
2、 87 72 24 45 51 13 37 76 68 82 24 45 51 13 37 76 68 82 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 7媒体 时髦的 参加;参与 忽视;俯视 当代的 市场 激动人心的 认可;承认 不安 抵触;冲突 权威;管理机构 焦虑 混合的;不同的 趋势,趋向 显而易见的 相互依赖 区别;区分 影响 慷慨的 secret impossible campaign direction silence continue amount interrupt global exhibition central extremely uncomfortable possib
3、ility a large number of make attempts to do sth. rather than be aware of come across creative in uncomfortable possibility rather affected on extremely campaigns playing/to play 刺激;加强 破纪录的 投射;投篮 轻而易举地击败 要对方进行反思 中国模特是向全世界女性推销梦想的美丽和时尚活动 的代言人,这意味着中国女性不仅是时尚的消费者她们是时尚运 动的核心。 因此,当一个来自这其中某个文化地域的人在讲话时突 然停住了,
4、可能暗示讲话者想让听众考虑下刚才所讲内容,然后再继 续。 对于足球和篮球来说,将有天赋的球员引进球队是一种 很好的方法,但最多只能有70%的顶尖天才,超过这个比例,球队 的表现就开始下降。 他们得出结论:当任务相互依赖度较高时,人才过多会 使团队的表现很糟;而当任务相互依赖度较低时,天才队员会对团队 的表现产生积极影响。 0202掌握必备知识核心词汇用法归纳常考句型结构分析 to lose at with with the aim of promoting understanding Aimed at promoting understanding variety various with v
5、arious afterschool activities a variety of/varies of afterschool activities about/over argument against argued against beyond argument argued us into giving up for in respects With everyone respecting him Being recognised being recognised/ recognition as recognition It is recognised that environment
6、al pollution has become is recognised to have become is/has been proved proof proved It is proved that proves to be harmful to to discover to express to know the first student in the village to go to college when that/which where that/which where air is fresh and people are friendly 0303提升关键能力夯基固本知识
7、落实强技提能知识应用夯基固本知识落实to win aimlessly proved argument respecting for with in where beyond 强技提能知识应用1 13 35 52 24 46 68 87 79 91010111112121515131314142 21 13 34 45 56 68 87 79 91010111112121515131314143 31 12 24 45 56 68 87 79 91010111112121515131314144 41 12 23 35 56 68 87 79 91010111112121515131314142
8、 24 45 51 13 36 68 87 79 91010111112121515131314142 24 45 51 13 36 68 87 79 91010111112121515131314142 24 45 51 13 37 76 68 89 91010111112121515131314142 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 79 91010111112121515131314149 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 71010111112121515131314149 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 71010111112121515131
9、314149 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 71010111112121515131314149 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 71010111112121515131314149 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 71010111112121313141415159 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 71010111112121414151513139 92 24 45 51 13 38 86 67 7101011111212151513131414铸就核心价值0404话题写作读后续写话题写作ethnic groups livi
10、ng in have a population of live by farming live by fishing have formed diverse/varied customs Apparently adjusting/adjustments to their surroundings have a firm relation foolish There are 55 ethnic groups living in every corner of China, which have a population of about 100 million. It is foolish to spread the disharmony between the peoples. 读后续写点击右图进入课时提能练谢谢观看 THANK YOU!