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1、2022电影傲慢与偏见经典台词篇一:浅析电影傲慢与偏见中男女主人公的语言风格 浅析电影傲慢与偏见中男女主人公的语言风格 摘要:奥斯汀的傲慢与偏见自问世来,其语言风格就被学者们反复推敲与评论。其语言主要表现在对话艺术上的幽默与讽刺,并常以风趣诙谐的语言来烘托任务的性格。笔者于本文中,将以2022年的电影版本为例,选取影片中男女主人公的个别对话要例,并从语音、词汇、句式、修辞这四个语言要素进行简要分析。 关键词:语言要素 傲慢与偏见 语言风格 2022年版的傲慢与偏见是由乔怀特导演,马修麦克费登及凯拉奈特主演的一部经典电影。该片是最贴合原著的影片,无论是电影场景的设计,还是人物性格的塑造,甚至包括

2、剧本语言的编写,都极力与原著相合。分析此版本中男女主人公的语言,是为让读者们能从本文的分析中进一步体会奥斯汀极具独特风格语言所反映的人物形象及时代背景与思想感情,初步体会她的语言魅力。 本文仅选取语音、词汇、句式、修辞这四个语言要素来简要分析。 一、 完整的语音形式 一个人的发音可以反应这个相应的背景,如社会背景、家庭背景、教育背景等等。片中男主人公达西和女主人公伊丽莎白在说话时,他们从来都不用简写的语音形式。例如,他们会说“I do not”而不是“I dont”,他们会说“did not you”而不是“didnt you”。根据发音,我们可以推测出他们的用语十分正式,而使用这种正式用语的

3、人一般是地位较高,身份显赫或是受过良好教育的绅士和淑女。而片中的达西和伊丽莎白正是如此,他们经常参加社交,懂得社交用语。这同样与当时英国的时代背景和文化是相关的,也可反映出十七八世纪的英国上层生活。 片中也用一些辅助语言来表达人物的情感和态度,如大叫、假声、呜咽、大笑、叹息等等。当伊丽莎白得知妹妹私奔的消息时便忍不住哭泣表达出他不知所措和害怕的心情,使得所塑造的人物形象更加贴近现实。 二、 精炼准确的词汇 片中达西每每称呼伊丽莎白时都用“Miss”,而伊丽莎白也是如此,总是用“Mr.”来称呼达西,用语十分礼貌,与他们的社会身份十分相配。 我们再看看一段达西和伊丽莎白的对话: L: I wond

4、er who discovered the power of poetry in driving away love. D: I thought poetry was the food of love. L: Of a fine, stout love. But if it is only a vague inclination. One poor sonnet will kill it. D: So, what do you recommend to encourage affection? 这是达西和伊丽莎白初次见面时两人对于什么能激发爱情的一次对话,从对话中两人的用词可以看出两人受过很高

5、的学术教育,因二人的语言都十分具有文学性,而且运用了比喻、夸张等修辞手法。例如对话中的“food”,“kill”就很好地体现了两人渊博的学识,而且,想必一般百姓也不会将诗与爱情联系到一起。 我们可以再看一段对话: D: You were dancing with the only handsome girl. B: She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld. But her sister Elizabeth is agreeable. D: Perfectly tolerable, not handsome enough to

6、tempt me. 这是达西和他的好友宾利的一段对话,当宾利说及伊丽莎白的姐姐时,用“creature”来形容她,表明宾利对她的倾慕之情。而当宾利问及达西对伊丽莎白的印象时,他却用“tolerable, not handsome enough”来评价一个初次见面的女士,反映出他的高傲与自命不凡,同时从他尖锐的语言里也可看出他是个不善与人交往的人,为片子的后文情景其实也做了铺垫。 片中不同人物在对话时所用的词汇都代表了他们不同性格与心理,这正是奥斯汀的词汇语言魅力。 三、 多样化的句式 片中男女主人公对话中运用了丰富的句式来表现两人情感。如: D: Is this your reply? L:

7、Yes, sir. D: Are you laughing at me? L: No. D: Are you rejecting me ? L:I am sure the feeling which hindered your regard will help you ovecome it. D: Might I ask why with so little cilivity I am such repulsed? L: I might enquire why you told me you like me against you beeter judgement. D: If I was u

8、ncivil, then that is some excuse L: It was uncivil, but it was some excuse. But you know I have another reason. D: What reason? L: Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined the happiness of a most beloved sister? do you deny that you have separated a young couple who love

9、d each other? do you deny, Mr. Darcy? Exxposing you friend to censure for caprice. and my sister should derision for disppointed hopes and involing them both in acute misery? 这段对话中运用疑问句和反问句,深刻地将伊丽莎白对达西的厌恶之情刻画出来了,同时也将达西内心的不知所措与无奈表达得十分彻底,达西因被伊丽莎白误会而再向其求婚后遭伊丽莎白拒绝,此时他很疑惑,也很不甘心,同时也很无奈,所以他才不停地追问伊丽莎白,而伊丽莎白

10、则因误会达西而反问达西,这疑问句与反问句的对话中,将剧情推向了高潮,同时也为影片渲染出一种紧张的气氛,令观众们不得不为这对情路坎坷的佳人的后续发展而担忧,这就是句式所达到的魅力了! 另外,本片最初伊丽莎白于乡村舞会上不停重复说:“Its not the same! Its not the same!”,这里运用重复句式是为表现伊丽莎白活泼开朗的性格,体现出她的自信,然而,接下来她对她姐姐说:“If every man does not end the evening in love with you, then Im no judging of beauty”。这句诙谐幽默的假设句表现出她性格

11、中尖锐的一方面,为她的傲气做了铺垫。 四、 巧妙地修辞手法 奥斯汀的语言主要通过讽刺的手法来揭示人物的内心情感,以表达文章的主题。片中伊丽莎白在乡村舞会上曾问她的姐姐:“Which of the painted peacocks is our Mr. Bindley?”这里运用比喻的手法,将宾利比作彩雀,一方面是说宾利先生很有钱,很招女士们喜欢,另一方面却讽刺了当时社会人们受钱财、地位与利益的驱使而攀附有钱的先生,以求能与其结缘的社会现象,同时表现出伊丽莎白不谙于世的性格特征,另外,伊丽莎白用“the quizzical brow”指代宾利先生,“the miserable half”指代达西

12、,这两个词中一个是用身体的局部指代整体,一个是用物(达西所拥有的财产)指代人,选取这两种指代也是为讽刺两人的权势与钱财,同时也看出伊丽莎白是一个很喜欢评论他人的人,而且话语十分尖锐,这与达西也有共同之处,刚好吻合了傲慢与偏这个主题,也难怪作者将两人设为一对,片中二人因着对对方的种种偏见,再加上自身傲慢的性格,使得二人吃了不少苦头。 而且片中语言上多处都用了对比,如前文中所列举的达西和宾利的对话中,两人在评价自己倾慕的女士时,宾利就十分坦白,还不吝啬对倾慕者进行赞美,而达西则显得十分冷淡与口是心非。这种言语的对比,更加表现了达西那孤高的性格。 傲慢与偏见虽经过两个世纪的阅读和批评,却始终能引起长

13、盛不衰、雅俗共赏的兴趣,并对一代代后起作家发生影响,其也被多次排成不同电影版本,而笔者最钟爱2022年这个电影版本,只因它是最贴近原著的,相信读者们在笔者于此版本中对片中男女主人公语言的简析中也能体会奥斯汀的独特语言魅力。 参考文献: 1史青玲 浅谈傲慢与偏见的语言风格及其在翻译中的再现 德州学院学报2004,20(5) 2王玲玲 浅析傲慢与偏见中对任务的语言讽刺艺术 科技信息 2022,34 3雷兵 从傲慢与偏见电影对白解读语言艺术电影评介 2022,4 4孙仲娜 傲慢与偏见中性别语言的分析 考试周刊 2022,(17) 篇二:电影傲慢与偏见2022 同步台词 1 EXT. LONGBOUR

14、N HOUSE - DAY. FADE UP ON: A YOUNG WOMAN, as she walks through a field of tall, meadow grass. She is reading a novel entitled 'First Impressions'. This is LIZZIE BENNET, 20, good humoured, attractive, and nobody's fool. She approaches Longbourn, a fairly run down 17th Century house with

15、a small moat around it. Lizzie jumps up onto a wall and crosses the moat by walking a wooden plank duck board, a reckless trick learnt in early childhood. She walks passed the back of the house where, through an open window to the library, we see her mother and father, MR and MRS BENNET. MRS BENNET:

16、 My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last? We follow Lizzie into the house, but still overhear her parents' conversation. MRS BENNET: (cont'd) Do you not want to know who has taken it? MR BENNET: As you wish to tell me, I doubt I have any choice in the matter. 2

17、 INT. LONGBOURN - CONTINUOUS. As Lizzie walks through the hallway, we hear the sound of piano scales plodding through the afternoon. She walks down the entrance hall past the room where MARY (18) the bluestocking of the family, is practising, and finds KITTY (16) and LYDIA (15) are listening at the

18、door to the library. Lizzie pokes Lydia. LIZZIE: Liddy! Kitty - what have I told you about listening at LYDIA: Never mind that, there's a Mr Bingley arrived from the North KITTY: - with more than one chaise LYDIA: - and five thousand a year! LIZZIE: Really? LYDIA: And he's single! JANE, the

19、eldest and very beautiful if rather naive sister, materializes at Lizzie's elbow. JANE: Who's single? LIZZIE: A Mr Bingley, apparently. KITTY: Shhhh! She clamps her ear to the door. LIZZIE: Oh, really Kitty. Lydia leans in, whilst Jane and Lizzie strain to hear without appearing to. 3 INT. L

20、IBRARY - LONGBOURN - CONTINUOUS. Mr Bennet is trying to ignore Mrs Bennet. MRS BENNET: What a fine thing for our girls! MR BENNET: How can it affect them? MRS BENNET: My dear Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome! You know that he must marry one of them. MR BENNET: Oh, so that is his design in settl

21、ing here? Mr Bennet takes a plant he's been looking at from his table and walks out of the library into the corridor, where the girls are gathered, Mrs Bennet following. MR BENNET: (cont'd) Good heavens. People. 4 INT. CORRIDOR - LONGBOURN - THE SAME. He walks through the girls to the drawin

22、g room pursued by Mrs Bennet. MRS BENNET: - So you must go and visit him at once. 5 INT. DRAWING ROOM - LONGBOURN - THE SAME. Mr Bennet walks to a table and places the plant in the light. Mary is still practising the piano. The girls flock behind him. LYDIA: Are you listening? You never listen. KITT

23、Y: You must, Papa! MRS BENNET: At once! MR BENNET: There is no need, for I already have. The piano stops. A frozen silence. They all stare. MRS BENNET: You have? JANE: When? MRS BENNET: How can you tease me, Mr Bennet? Have you no compassion for my poor nerves? MR BENNET: You mistake me, my dear. I

24、have a high respect for them; they have been my constant companions these twenty years. MRS BENNET: Is he amiable? MARY: Who? KITTY: Is he handsome? MARY: Who? LYDIA: He's sure to be handsome. LIZZIE: (ironically) With five thousand a year, would not matter if he had warts and a leer. MR BENNET:

25、 I will give my hearty consent to his marrying whichever of the girls he chooses. Warts and all. MARY: Who's got warts? LYDIA: So will he come to the ball tomorrow? MR BENNET: I believe so. Lydia and Kitty shriek with excitement and jump up and down. KITTY: (to Jane) I have to have your spotted

26、muslin, Jane! LYDIA: No, I need it! It makes Kitty look like a pudding. KITTY: - Oh please Jane, I'll lend you my green slippers. They both look onto Jane and pull at her arms. Mr Bennet winks at Lizzie. 6 EXT. LONGBOURN HOUSE - DAY. A wide shot of the house as we continue to hear the girls argu

27、e over what they will wear. 7 INT. ASSEMBLY ROOMS - MERYTON VILLAGE - NIGHT. The local subscription dance is in full swing, (Dance 1). It's a rough-and-ready, though enthusiastic affair: yeoman farmers, small-time squires with their ruddy-cheeked daughters. Lydia and Kitty are dancing. LYDIA: I

28、can't breathe. How am I going to dance all night if I can't breathe? KITTY: My toes hurt already. Lizzie and Jane are a little apart from their family. Jane looks breathtaking. LIZZIE: Well, if every man in this room does not end the evening in love with you then I am no judge of beauty. JAN

29、E: Or men. LIZZIE: Oh, they are far too easy to judge. JANE: They are not all bad. LIZZIE: Humourless poppycocks, in my limited experience. JANE: One of these days, Lizzie, someone will catch your eye and then you'll have to watch your tongue.She stops speaking and stares. A dazzling group enter

30、s the room: George Charles Bingley (25) a good hearted soul but prone to bumbling embarrassment when his enthusiasms get the better of him, his sister Caroline (23) a victim of every latest fashion, counting herself superior to most company she encounters, and finally, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy (27) dash

31、ing, brooding with an introversion which could be misconstrued as hauteur. They are dressed in the highest modes. The music and dancing stops as the local people turn and stare. The newcomers - creatures from another world - make quite a stir. Darcy surveys the hall. He catches Lizzie's eye. She

32、 stares, with a kind of surprised shock. Caroline Bingley turns to Darcy. CAROLINE: Oh dear, we are a long way from Grosvenor Square, are we not, Mr Darcy? He does indeed look superior to the assembled company. SIR WILLIAM LUCAS (53) a hale but unsophisticated member of the self-made gentry, hurries

33、 to greet the new arrivals. He leads them down the center of the dance floor towards the best seats in the room, stopping occasionally to introduce them to various parties. Lizzie's great friend Charlotte Lucas, Sir Williams daughter - an intelligent, sensible woman in her late twenties, comes t

34、o Lizzie's side. LIZZIE: So which of the painted peacocks is our Mr Bingley? CHARLOTTE: He is on the right, and on the left is his sister. LIZZIE: And the person with the quizzical brow? CHARLOTTE: That is his good friend, 'Mr Darcy. LIZZIE: He looks miserable, poor soul. CHARLOTTE: Miserabl

35、e he may be, but poor he most certainly is not. LIZZIE: Tell me. CHARLOTTE: Ten thousand a year and he owns half of Derbyshire. LIZZIE: The miserable half? They share a complicit giggle. Sir William Lucas arrives with Darcy and the Bingley's to introduce his daughter Charlotte and the Bennet fam

36、ily. Behind them the music and dancing re-start where they left off. SIR WILLIAM: (to Mr Bingley) My eldest daughter you know, Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet. MRS BENNET: It is a pleasure. I have two others but they are already dancing. Mr Bingley is transfixed by Jane

37、and gazes openly at her. MR BINGLEY: Delighted to make your acquaintance. SIR WILLIAM: And may I introduce Mr Darcy. (Significant look) - of Pemberley, in Derbyshire! A stiff bow from Darcy, Lizzie smiles, Darcy does not. 8 INT. ASSEMBLY ROOMS - MERYTON VILLAGE - NIGHT. Moments later. Lizzie is stan

38、ding in a small group with Jane, Bingley, Miss Bingley and Darcy. JANE: How do you like it here in Hertfordshire, Mr Bingley? MR BINGLEY: (smiling at Jane shyly) Very much. LIZZIE: The library at Netherfield, I've heard, is one of the finest in the country. MR BINGLEY: Yes, it fills me with guil

39、t. He looks at Jane and a little blush starts around his collar. BINGLEY: Not a good reader, you see. I prefer being out of doors. I mean, I can read, of course and, and I'm not suggesting you can't read outdoors - of course. JANE: I wish I read more, but there always seems so many other thi

40、ngs to do. BINGLEY: That's exactly what I meant. He beams at Jane, gratefully. The first dance ends. Lydia and Kitty rush past in a state of high excitement.LYDIA: Mama! You will never ever ever ever believe what I'm about to tell you! MR BENNET: You've decided to take the veil? Lydia ig

41、nores him. MRS BENNET: Tell me quickly, my love LYDIA: (shrieking) The regiment are coming! Mrs Bennet shrieks too. Mr Bennet winces. KITTY: They're to be stationed the whole winter! Stationed in the village, just right there! Now all three Bennet females shriek and Lydia actually jumps up and d

42、own. LYDIA: Officers! Officers as far as the eye can see! KITTY: How will we meet them? LYDIA: It's easy. You just walk up and down in front of them and drop something. Lydia pantomimes the actions for Kitty. LYDIA: (cont'd) They pick it up. You say 'Oh thank you sir' and blush prett

43、ily and then you're introduced!Couples begin to form for the next dance. Mr Bingley turns to Jane. MR BINGLEY: May I have the honour? They leave to dance (Dance 2). Lizzie addresses Darcy as much to distract him from her family as for any other reason. LIZZIE: Do you dance Mr Darcy? DARCY: Not i

44、f I can help it. Lizzie, Darcy and Miss Bingley stand in uncompanionable silence. On the dance floor Mr Bingley is dancing with Jane. His ears are bright pink. Mrs Bennet, with a group of other mothers, watches the young couple with rather too obvious a satisfaction. MRS BENNET: That dress becomes h

45、er does it not. Though of course my Jane needs little help from couturiers. Lizzie wanders through the throng. She looks at Bingley and Jane dancing - Jane is calm and demure, Bingley clearly smitten. 9 INT. ASSEMBLY ROOMS - MERYTON VILLAGE NIGHT. Later. Darcy is joined by an exhilarated Bingley. MR

46、 BINGLEY: Upon my word I've never seen so many pretty girls in my life. DARCY: You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room. BINGLEY: Oh, she is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld, but her sister Lizzie is very agreeable. They have stopped at the edge of the dance floor but hav

47、e not seen Lizzie and Charlotte who are hiding behind a pillar. Lizzie starts to smile. DARCY: Perfectly tolerable, I dare say, but not handsome enough to tempt me. Lizzie stops smiling. DARCY: (cont'd) You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me. Bingley goes off. CUT TO: Lizzie and Charlotte. CHARLOTTE: Count your blessings, Lizzie. If he liked you, you'd have to talk to him. LIZZIE: Precisely. As it is, I would not dance with him for all of Derbyshire, let alone the miserable half.Charlotte smiles at her friend, but sees none


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