1、 提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语和所标示关键词进行续写(150词左右,将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。 浙江卷 (2016年10月 、2017年11月、2017年6月、2018年6月) 考纲解读 体裁:以记叙文为主。内容:故事情节有趣, 有曲折、有起伏、逻辑性强且能延伸, 续写部分多为故事的高潮和结局。篇幅:较长,情节丰富能提供足够的信息。难度:难度适当,易于理解。1 文本题材和体裁适合学生2 故事情节完整有冲突环节3 重阅读数量质量齐头并进 选材特点1 与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;2 内容的丰富性和对所给划线关键词语的应
2、用情况;3 应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;4 故事发展的合理性和上下文的连贯性。 评分参考教学目标和任务指导学生准确确定文本、时空、人物和事由;指导学生谋篇布局,故事情节衔接自然,叙事完整;指导学生遣词造句,言语得体。 存在问题1 内容层面2 思维层面3 语言层面 问题及策略问题一:内容层面 文章理解不透彻,续写文不对题But no more helicoe and it was getting dar again Jane and Tom drove the car for three hours by a lae in the forest (2016年10月)Jane Tom la
3、e waled climbed at a distance stream to her great joy helicopter yellow blouseJane & Tom waled climbed helicopter yellow blouse to her great joy Predict:Classify:in the forest or mountainin need of help 方法 一:读标题,分类关键词,预测故事内容CharactersSettinglae, steam, at a distance EventsA storywhenwherewhowhathoww
4、hy 方法 二: 抓关键要素,概括故事内容 方法 三: 以时空/故事发展为主线,理清脉络,抓细节 问题二:思维层面 逻辑、衔接不合理,主题升华牵强 The car abru Mac said, “Hi, I am Mac and I am going to Alasa Where are you going” eet you I am going to Alasa too” 2017年6月 The risy eade Jane believe that never give up when in trouble 方法 一:设问 对段首语进行分析、设问 两个段首语是重要的续写提示,控制着情节的发
5、展方向。对其分析设问,能够将预测的故事情节以问题的形式呈现,利于打开思路,整理信息和组织语言。 Para 2 She was shoced by the letter, with the feeling of being cheated Q1 How did she feel Q2 Would she forgive him for life-long lieQ3 Did she suspect her husband in the past 方法 二:“有伏必有应”“伏笔”在阅读部分, “照应” 在写作部分,要留意阅读部分的情节、人物性格、环境描写的伏笔,从文本中寻求方向,确保续写的内容、逻
6、辑以及风格和原作保持一致。 原文:Lying awae in the dar, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him 续写:I shouldnt have quarreled with Tom about the tiny things She regretted, “If I hadnt waled away angrily, I wouldnt have got lost” 衔接维度与主题升华第一段情节构建要
7、与原文情节的衔接;要与段首语的衔接;要与第二段段首语的衔接。第二段情节构建要与给定的段首语衔接;要与文章开头的遥相呼应;要“意料之外,情理之中”;要根据具体语境弘扬真善美,凸显主题,升华精神。ade years before She would never forgive him and never marry him if given a second chancee to understand his white lie and chose to forgive him She would marry him again if given a second chancePara2 She
8、was shoced by the letter, with the feeling of being cheated 问题三:语言层面 叙述过多,缺乏描写,续写似流水账叙述是将事情的前后经过记录下来,主要用来交代人物活动和事件经过。 描写则指通过各个感官的细节描述,用生动形象的语言把人物、景物的状态具体描绘出来。习作 1: We had to wait, waiting for the rescue boats coming I looed in the distance of the sea There was nothing but only water About 30 minutes the boat appeared and too us to the shore习作 2:We had to wait, eagerly hoinutes seemed much longer as we just helplessly floated on the boundless sea 策略1夯实语言基础,消除低级词汇和语法错误;2适当运用高级词汇、句型和语段,为写作锦上添花;3积累动作描写、语言描写和心理描写、环境描写的词汇、句型和语段 4 积累并灵活运用各种修辞手法(比喻、夸张、拟人。