1、2022面试时如何跟老板谈薪水篇一:怎样开口与老板谈论薪水问题 怎样开口与老板谈论薪水问题 在职场混迹多年,身边的很多同事都已升到了部门经理的职位,或是加了薪.和你一起进公司的同事都已经升职加薪了,你该怎么办?默默忍受吗?到底该怎样和老板开口提升职和加薪这类问题呢? 对话场景一: C: could we have a chat when it's convenient for you? 您方便的时候我找您谈谈可以吗? K: sure,you can drop by my office in half an hour. 当然,半小时以后来我办公室吧. C: may I come in?
2、我可以进来吗? K: yes, what do you want to talk about? 进来吧,你想谈点什么? C: could we possibly discuss my salary? 可以谈谈工资的问题吗? K: sure, go ahead. What's on your mind? 当然,说吧.你是怎么想的? C: first of all, I want you to know that I'm really enjoying working for our company. What do you think of my job here? 首先,我想让
3、您知道,在咱们公司工作我很开心,您觉得我的工作干得怎么样? K: well, you are doing an excellent job. 恩,你干得挺出色的. C: thank you. I'm working hard everyday. I'd like to talk about my prospects and see if there's the chance of receiving a raise. 谢谢.我每天工作都很努力.我想和您谈谈,看看有没有可能给我加薪. K: well, you deserve more, but if I give you
4、 a raise, then everyone in your department should also get one. That's too much. 好,你是该多拿些工资,可是如果我给你涨工资了,就得给你部门的其他人也涨工资.数额太大了. C: I understand your concerns. 我理解您的难处. K: could you consider other benefits the company may find easier to accommodate, more paid holidays, for example? 能不能考虑下公司能提供的其他好处
5、,比如说带薪休假? C: ok, thank you for offering that. 好吧,谢谢您. 重点单词词组 drop by/in/round; drop in on somebody; drop into something: to pay an informal visit to a person or a place 顺便访问;顺便进入 Drop by sometime. 有空儿来坐坐。 I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing. 我曾想路过时顺便来看看你。 Sorry we're latewe drop
6、ped into the pub on the way. 对不起,我们迟到了 我们半路上顺便到酒馆坐了坐。 Prospect: the chances of being successful 成功的机会;前景;前途 plural (for/of sth) good job/employment/career prospects 美好的工作就业事业前途 At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects. 25 岁的他是个没有工作、前途渺茫的乐师。 Long-term prospects for the economy have impro
7、ved. 长期的经济前景已有所改善。 What are the prospects of promotion in this job? 做这份工作有多少晋升的机会? Concern: a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people (尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑 There is growing concern about violence on television. 人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。 She hasn't been seen for four days and there is
8、 concern for her safety. 她已四天不见踪影,大家对她的安全很担心。 The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment. 报告表达了对失业率居高不下的忧虑。 There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land. 人们普遍对在保护区修建新的房屋感到忧虑。 Paid holiday:带薪休假 出自:恒星英语学习网-口语频道 对话场景二 K: could we possibly discuss my sa
9、lary some time? 我们可不可以找些时间谈谈我的工资问题? P: sure. 当然可以. K: first of all, I want you to know that I really like working for this company. Do you think I'm doing a good job here? 首先,我想告诉你我非常喜欢在咱们公司工作.你觉得我干得还不错吧? P: well, you are a very hard-worker. 嗯,你工作非常卖力了. K: I try very hard. The problem is, my sal
10、ary just isn't enough to live on. Now that I have a wife and a child to support, we hardly have enough money for food and rent. 我很努力.问题是,我的工资不够养家糊口.因为我还有老婆孩子要养,我们的钱都不足以支付房租和饮食的开销. P: there are trying times for everyone. What do you propose? 每个人都有一段困难的时期.你有什么建议? K: I could really use a 5% rise. 我
11、想涨5%的工资. P: that's quite a bit. If I give you a raise, I'm going to have to give everyone a raise. 太多了,如果我给你涨,大家都得涨. K: listen, if you give me a raise, I'll take on extra responsibilities. 你听我说,如果你给我涨工资,我可以承担更多的责任. P: that sounds reasonable. How about this, from now on, you can be respon
12、sible for scheduling. That means that if you can't find someone to cover a shift, then you'll have to do it. 这听起来很合理,要不这样吧,从现在开始,值班安排由你负责.那就是说,如果有人不能值班你就得自己来值. K: that's fine. Do I get over-time for any extra hours that I work? 行.如果我超时工作的话会按加班算吗? P: of course. It's be against the law
13、 if we didn't. 当然算,不然我们就违法了. K: that sounds good to me. I really appreciate it. 这似乎对我挺合适.太谢谢您了. P: you are welcome. Come in early tomorrow and I'll show you how to do the scheduling. 不客气.明天早点来,我告诉你怎么排班. 重点单词 trying:annoying or difficult to deal with 令人厌烦的;难对付的 She can be very trying at times
14、. 她有时很难缠. These are trying times for all of us. 对我们所有人来说,这是最难熬的时期. shift:a period of time worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes 班;轮班;轮班工作时间 to be on the day/night shift at the factory 在工厂上日班夜班 to work an eight-hour shift 按每班八小时轮班工作 working in shifts 轮班工作 shift workers
15、/work 轮班工作的工人;轮班作业 来自:恒星英语学习网-口语频道 实战经验介绍: “金九银十跳槽月”,在老板最担心人才流失的时候,向他提出加薪,不失为一招。但专家提醒,要说服老板,不仅需要你底气十足,还要掌握一定技巧。 Mr. Smith, I would like to discuss something with you.(史密斯先生,我想和商量些事情.) 在与上司谈论加薪问题时,你肯定希望老板能心平气和地听取你要加薪的理由,因此你必须注意自己的口气与口吻,那么反过来,当他陈述他的理由时,你也要心平气和地倾听,然后再寻找突破口,协调一致。切记不要一时心急,就采用下通牒、恐吓或别的强迫方
16、式令对方就范,这样只会适得其反。 I'm pleased that you've added new responsibilities to my job and I appreciate the opportunity.(我非常高兴你给我新的工作职责,谢谢你给我这样的机会。) 随着你的工作范围扩大和职责的加重,说明你将为公司节省或赚得更多利润,这也可作为加薪的理由。而与此同时强调自己新的技能和职责设法提高本身的技能也是使薪酬得以提高的方法之一。要让上司知道,你有诚意进修,借以显示你胸怀大志,这会给上司留下一个好印象。接受进修十分重要,而通常公司也乐意支付所需的费用。例如修读有
17、关能提升职业技能的课程并取得相应文凭,可能使你获得可观的加薪。 Im supposed to get a raise. (我应该涨工资。) “Raise”在这里就有加薪的意思。例如:to raise salaries(提高工资)to raise the rent(提高租金)相同的表达有:“I need a raise. 或者Could you give me a raise? 无限扩展: 申请加薪的时候你可以和老板面谈当面讨论你的加薪要求。你也可以用一封信简单的信件讲述要求并预约面谈时间。请看一篇例文: I'm pleased that you've added new res
18、ponsibilities to my job and I appreciate the opportunity. I would like to further discuss my new responsibilities and the possibility of a pay raise for performing them well. Please let me know if you have some time available this week. 实战对话 A: Mr. Brown, I would like to discuss something with you.
19、B: What can I do for you? A: Well I've been working here for two years and I'm supposed to get a raise. B: I understand .When was your last time you got a raise ? A: Fifteen months ago. B: Ok, I'll think about it . A: I appreciate your help. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页