1、江西师范大学 硕士学位论文 高中英语写作中词块使用的调查研究 姓名:黄燕 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:课程与教学论 指导教师:林跃武 20080601 近几年,随着语料库语言学的迅速发展,词块在第二语言习得或外语习得中 的作用得到了越来越多的语言教师和研究者的重视。词块是指出现频率高、作为 整体储存和使用的程式化序列。它融合了语法、语义和语境的优势,被认为是理 想的语言教学单位。 人们对词块的研究可以追溯到十九世纪中期。国内外学者运用不同的术语从 不同侧面、不同角度对词块的特征进行了研究。研究发现,无论在口语还是书面 语中,词块无处不在,它们能够帮助语言学习者更有效地进行交流并能提高学习 者口语
2、和书面语的流利性和准确性。研究还表明,在第二语言和外语习得中,学 习者常常以词块为基础推导出语法规则。 基于词块在语言习得中的重要作用,因此对学习者词块的使用情况开展研究 至关重要。但是,目前的词块研究主要以理论探索为主,研究对象也局限于大学 生,针对高中阶段词块使用的实证研究为数甚少。针对这种情况,本文作者主要 依托Nattinger 和 DeCarrico 的词 块分类理论,以 131 名高三学生为研究对象, 通过比较分析 33 份高分作文和 35 份低分作文中词块的使用及其相应的问卷,旨 在探究高中英语写作中词块的使用特点及其存在的原因。 研究发现:比低分作文相比,高分作文中使用了更多的
3、词块;高分作文句低 分作文中出现最多的洲块均是短语限制语,句型框架次之,聚合词位居第一 :,惯 用表达方式使用最少;高分作文中使用聚合词,短语限制语,句型框架明显多于 低分作文,而在惯用表达方式上并无明显差异;高分作文和低分作文中词块的使 用相对都比较单一,但低分作文中,重复使用同一词块和使用某 些简单常用词块 较为明显。同时还发现,高中生在使用词块时存在很多问题。一是部分词块形式 上不标准 ;二是部分正确的词块没有用在合适的语境中。通过分析问卷调查发现, 大部分高中生比较注重词块的积累并将其运用到写作中。但同时也发现,高中生 对英语写作不够重视,并且将近三成的被试通常不会或从来不会复习学过的
4、词 块,而近五成的被试不借助语境记忆词块。 关键词:词块;高中;英语写作 Abstract Recently, with the development of the corpus linguistics, the role of lexical chunks in language acquisition arouses a strong interest among language teachers and researchers. Lexical chunk is Ma sequence, continuous or discontinuous, of words or other e
5、lements, which is, or appears to be, prefabricated: that is, stored and retrieved whole from memory at the time of use, rather than being subject to generation or analysis by the language grammar.” Lexical chunks, as “form-function composites , are believed to be the ideal units of language teaching
6、 and learning. Observations of the “semi-pre-constructed phrases”, that is, lexical chunks in language, can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth-century. Different researchers use different and even overlapping terms to describe this phenomenon. Researchers at home and abroad have made lots of inves
7、tigation into this phenomenon through different aspects. Recent second language acquisition research has demonstrated that lexical chunks are ubiquitous in both spoken and written discourse. The use of lexical chunks may help learners save effort in processing and communication and facilitate fluenc
8、y and accuracy in both spoken and written language. Second language learners can be supposed to use lexical chunks as input for their analysis of the language, out of which they will derive grammatical and morphological rules. In the light of these important roles, it is essential to conduct researc
9、h on lexical chunks. However, most of the present studies on lexical chunks still rest on the theoretical discussion and/or are involved with college or university students. As far as the research on English writing in senior high schools is concerned, so few studies on lexical chunks have been cond
10、ucted. Therefore, the present study, mainly based on the theory of Nattinger & DeCarrico, compares and analyzes the lexical chunks used in 33 high-graded and 35 low-graded compositions and the corresponding questionnaires, attempting to investigate the use of lexical chunks in high school English wr
11、iting and the underlying reasons. The results show that there are more lexical chunks in high-graded compositions than those in low-graded compositions. In both high-graded and low-graded compositions, the largest proportion of lexical chunks is phrasal constraints, sentence builders assume the seco
12、nd position, which is followed by polywords, and institutionalized expressions are used least. By means of T-test, we got the result that there are significantly more polywords, phrasal constraints and sentence builders in I high-graded compositions than those in low-graded compositions, and there i
13、s insignificant difference in the number of institutionalized expressions between them. We also find that the learners5 use of lexical chunks in English writing is far from satisfying. There exist so many nonstandard lexical chunks and lexical chunks wrongly used in a specific context. The results o
14、f the questionnaires reveal that most of the high school students pay attention to memorizing some useful lexical chunks and employ them in English writing. However, it is also found that the high school students do not attach enough importance to English writing and that nearly 30% of the subjects
15、never or usually do not review the lexical chunks that have been learned and that about half of the subjects memorize lexical chunks isolated from context. Key words: Lexical Chunks; English Writing; Senior High School 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得的研究成果 .据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地 方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发
16、表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含 为获得或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料 .与我一同工作 的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表 示谢意 . 学位论文作者签名: 签 字 曰 期 : 年 / 月 夕 曰 本学位论文作者完全了解江西师范大学研究生院有关保留、使用 学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印 件和磁盘,允许论文被査阅和借阅 本人授权江西师范大学研究生院 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采 用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存 、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书 ) 签字曰期: 年 月 广 日 签 字
17、 曰 斯 - 友 口 曰 学位论文版权使用授权书 学位论文作者签名: 导师签名 : A Survey on the Use of Lexical Chunks in English Writing by Senior High School Students Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background Second language acquisition, as an independent field, originated in the end of 1960s and the early of 1970s, has a histor
18、y of more than thirty years up to now. During the past thirty years, researchers have applied various kinds of approaches and probed into sorts of aspects in this field. Among them, the study of the process in which how learners learn foreign languages has received more and more attention. With the
19、development of corpus linguistics and psycholinguistics, researchers are beginning to shed the exclusive preoccupation with grammar, and are coming to realize that vocabulary is the key aspect of learning a language. As Wilkins puts it, “Without grammar little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, no
20、thing can be conveyed.”(Lewis,1997a:16) Lewis, in his book “Lexical Approach, claims that “language is grammaticalized lexis, not lexicalized grammar”( Lewis, 1993). In recent years, a large number of both LI and L2 researches (Hakuta, 1974; Wong-Fillmore, 1976; Peters, 1983; Willis, 1990; Lewis, 19
21、93; Weinert, 1995; Howarth, 1998; Wray, 1999; Wray & Perkins? 2000; Nattinger and DcCarrico, 2000) has consistently shown that the ready-made chunks play an essential and significant role in language learning. Lexical chunks contribute a lot to fluency, idiomaticity and appropriacy with which learne
22、rs speak or write. The presence of them in learners spoken or written production is generally acknowledged as a good indicator of native-likeness. The main reason why the study of lexical chunks has figured prominently is that pedagogical practice of traditionally accepted grammar-based and communic
23、ative approach is reevaluated so as to search for a combinational ideal unit of syntactic form and pragmatic function. Widdowson argues that, I / vor /h say am f/ie/n ZWMC/I.(那些赞成网上交友的人说它能帮上很多忙。) /rttovief (利用英特网的优势能结识许多的朋友。 ) In addition, most Chinese students feel pretty puzzled about the use of E
24、nglish prepositions. In learning English prepositions, Chinese students understandably try to relate them to the smaller number of Chinese ones and to the Chinese system. So, the main problem for these learners lies firstly in the fact that not every Chinese preposition has a definite equivalent in
25、English and vice versa, and secondly in that not every English or Chinese preposition has a definite usage and meaning, indicating only time or space or following/preceding a certain word. The following examples are lexical chunks with prepositional errors from the samples of this study. on our dail
26、y life (in our daily life) in the Internet (on the Internet) By the other hand (On the other hand) have an bad influence to (have a bad influence on) 4.2 The Questionnaire Its agreed that learners awareness of English writing and of lexical chunks and learning strategies play an important role in th
27、e use of lexical chunks in English writing. For this reason, when designing the questions in the questionnaire, the author mainly focuses on three categories: the learners* awareness of writing, the learners, awareness of lexical chunks and the way they acquire them. The questions are designed to fi
28、nd out whether learners attach enough importance to English writing, the learning of lexical chunks and the strategies when they acquire them (see Appendix C). Due to the fact that the questionnaire is only supplementary to the writing research, only basic statistic analysis is done. 4.2.1 Basic Sta
29、tistic Analysis of the Questionnaire Table 4.8 Practice English writing after class Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A (%) 45.5 39.4 12.1 0 3.0 Group B (%) 57.1 34.3 8.6 0 0 37 硕十学位论文 Table 4.9 Attention distribution while writing and modifying More attention to More attention to whi
30、ch while writing which while modifying Form Content Uncertain Form Content Little or no modification Group A (%) 60.6 27.3 12.1 42.4 3.0 54.5 Group B (%) 48.6 28.6 22.9 17.1 8.6 74.3 The two tables above show the results of the learners, awareness of English writing. Only 15.1% of the students in Gr
31、oup A and 8.6% of the students in Group B sometimes or always practice writing after class. The rest of them in two groups usually dont do this or never do this. It is safe to claim that most senior high school students dont pay enough attention to English writing, perhaps because of their laziness
32、or busy schedule. While writing, 60.6% of the students in Group A and 48.6% of the students in Group B pay more attention to form rather than to content. And while modifying, 42.4% of the subjects in Group A and only 17.1% in Group B pay more attention to form rather than to content. That means the
33、subjects in Group A are more concerned about how to express their meaning, indicating latent opportunity of using more lexical chunks. It should be pointed out that 54.5% of the subjects in Group A and 74.3% in Group B do little or no modification while writing. This proves the fact again that the s
34、ubjects dont attach enough importance to English writing. Table 4.10 Memorize useful lexical chunks Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A (%) 6.1 15.2 33.3 45.5 0 Group B (%) 143 31.4 34.3 8.6 11.4 Table 4.11 Learn writing models by heart Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group
35、 A (%) 33.3 42.4 21.2 3.0 0 Group B (%) 48.6 25.7 22.9 2.9 0 Table 4.12 Use the lexical chunks that have been learned in writing Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A(%) 0 12.1 45.5 33.3 9.1 Group B (%) 2.9 8.6 42.9 31.4 14.3 As is shown in Table 4.10, 45.5% of the subjects in Group A u
36、sually memorize 38 A Survey on the Use of Lexical Chunks in English Writing by Senior High School Students useful lexical chunks, 33.3% sometimes do this, 15.2% usually dont do this and 6.1% never do this while 11.4% of the subjects in Group B always memorize useful lexical chunks, 8.6% usually do t
37、his, 34.3% sometimes do this, 31.4% usually don5t do this and 14.3% never do this. Ifs not difficult to find that the subjects in Group A are a bit more aware of the functions of lexical chunks and attach more importance to the accumulation of lexical chunks than those in Group B. From Table 4.11 we
38、 can see that 3.0% of the subjects in Group A usually learn writing models by heart, 21.2% sometimes do this, 42.4% usually do not do this and 33.3% never do this while 2.9% of the subjects in Group B usually learn writing models by heart, 22,9% sometimes do this, 25.7% usually do not do this and 48
39、.6% never do this. It is apparent that most of the subjects in two groups do not learn writing models by heart. Table 4.12 tells us that 9.1% of the subjects in Group A always use the lexical chunks that have been learned in writing, 33.3% usually do so, 45.5% sometimes do so and 12,1% usually dont
40、do so while 14.3% of the subjects in Group B always use the lexical chunks that have been learned in writing, 31.4% usually do so, 42.9% sometimes do so, 8.6% usually dont do so and 2.9% never do so. In other words, most of the learners in two groups use the lexical chunks that they have acquired in
41、 English writing. Table 4.13 Learn English words with their use Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A (%) 6.1 30.3 30.3 27.3 6.1 Group B (%) 17.1 28.6 17.1 34.3 2.9 Table 4.14 Memorize lexical chunks in context Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A (%) 9.1 30,3 36.4 21.2 3.
42、0 Group B (%) 5.7 31.4 31.4 25.7 5.7 Table 4.15 Associate the new lexical chunks with those that have been learned Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A (%) 9.1 12.1 63.6 15.2 0 Group B (%) 11.4 22.9 48.6 14.3 2.9 Table 4.16 Review the lexical chunks that have been learned Never Usually
43、 not Sometimes Usually Always 39 硕 h 学位论文 Group A (%) 0 18.2 39.4 36.4 6.1 Group B (%) 2.9 31.4 34.3 25.7 5.7 Table 4,17 Group the lexical chunks that have been learned Never Usually not Sometimes Usually Always Group A (%) 12.1 51.5 15.2 15.2 6.1 Group B (%) 31.4 42.9 20.0 2.9 2.9 As shown in Table
44、 4.13, 6.1% of the subjects in Group A always learn English words with their use, 273% usually do so, 30.3% sometimes do so, 30.3% usually do not do so and 6.1% never do so while 2,9% of the subjects in Group B always learn English words with their use, 34.3% usually do so, 17.1% sometimes do so, 28
45、.6% usually do not do so and 17.1% never do so. Table 4.14 shows that 3.0% of the subjects in Group A always memorize lexical chunks in context, 21.2% usually do so and 36.4% sometimes do so while 5.7% of the subjects in Group B always memorize lexical chunks in context, 25.7% usually do so and 31.4
46、% sometimes do so. That means more than half of the subjects in two groups memorize lexical chunks in context. From Table 4.15 we know that 15.2% of the subjects in Group A usually associate the new lexical chunks with those that have been learned, 63.6% sometimes do this, 12.1% usually do not do th
47、is and 9.1% never do this while 2.9% of the subjects in Group B always associate the new lexical chunks with those that have been learned, 14.3% usually do this, 48.6% sometimes do this, 22.9% usually do not do this and 11.4% never do this. Table 4.16 tells us that 6.1% of the subjects in Group A al
48、ways review the lexical chunks that have been learned, 36.4% usually do this and 39.4% sometimes do this while 5.7% of the subjects in Group B always revise the lexical chunks that have been learned,25.7% usually do this and 34.3% sometimes do this. As is shown in Table 4.17, 6.1% of the subjects in
49、 Group A always group the lexical chunks that have been learned, 15.2% usually do so, 15.2% sometimes do so, 51.5% usually do not do so and 12.1% never do so while 2.9% of the subjects in Group B always group the lexical chunks that have been learned, 2.9% usually do so, 20.0% sometimes do so, 42.9% usually do not do so and 31.4% never do so. 4.2.2 Discussion on the Questionnaire This questionnaire survey, which serves as supplement to the writing research, help explore the use o