1、2022年辞职报告英文版 辞职报告 辞职报告英文版 辞职报告 篇一:最新版辞职报告(中英文版) 辞职信 辞职函 xxxxx有限公司总经理室: 各位领导,我带着困难的心情写这封次致信。由于您对我的实力的信任,使我得以加入公司,并且在短短的两年间获得了很多的机遇和挑战。经过这两年在公司从事的xx开发和xx管理工作,使我在xx开发,xx管理等领域学到了许多学问、积累了肯定的阅历。对此我深怀感谢! 由于薪金的缘由,我不得不向公司提出申请,并希望能与今年x月xx日正式离职。 对于由此为公司造成的不便,我深感愧疚。但同时也希望公司能体恤我的个人实际,对我的申请予以考虑并批准为盼。 此致 敬礼 申请人: 年
2、月日 再来: 敬爱的领导: 我可能会在月份某个你觉得便利的时候离开公司。 自从年入职以来,我始终都很享受这份工作。转瞬快年过去了,我要重新确定我将来的方向。诚然,论工作环境、团队、压力,甚至个人喜好,我都很满足。但,因为某些个人的理由 ,我最终选择了起先新的工作。希望你能早日业胶鲜实娜耸纸犹嫖业墓鳌? 当然,若你容许的话,我情愿,并且渴望在工余时间,为我们这个团队接着出力,最终,我也不知道可以说什么,只能忠心对你说对不起与感谢你,并祝福您和大家能开创出更美妙的将来。 敬上 it is with both regret and anticipation that i submit this le
3、tter of resignation, to resign from the position of 职位 effective february xx, 2004. i have decided to take this time to evaluate my current goals and investigate new opportunities. it has been my genuine pleasure to work for edward keller and 公司名group during these last xx years. thank you for allowi
4、ng me to 公司名. yours sincerely 辞 职 报 告 从2002年初至今,进入公司工作两年的时间里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我特别感谢公司各位同事。 在过去的两年里,我在公司里工作的很快乐,感觉公司的气氛就和一个大家庭一样,大家相处的融洽和谐,同时在公司里也学会了如何与同事相处,如何与客户建立良好关系等方面的东西。并在公司的过去两年里,利用公司赐予良好学习时间,学习了一些新的东西来充溢了自己,并增加自己的一些学问和实践阅历。我对于公司两年多的照看表示真心的感谢! 在经过2003年下半年的时间里,公司赐予了很好的机会,让自己学习做市场方面的运做,但由于自己缺乏市场等方
5、面的阅历,自己没有能很好的为公司做好新的市场开发,自己身感有愧公司的两年的培育。 由于我个人感觉,我在过去的一段时间里的表现不能让自己感觉满足,感觉有些愧对公司这两年的照看,自己也感觉自己在过去两年没有给公司做过点贡献,也由于自己感觉自己的实力还差的许多,在公司的各方面需求上自己实力不够。所以,经过自己慎重考虑,为了自己和公司考虑,自己现向公司提出辞职,望公司赐予批准。 签名: 年月日 辞职书范文真诚版、简易版 辞职书范文一(真诚版) 敬重的Z主任: 您好! 工作近四年来,发觉自己在工作、生活中,所学学问还有许多欠缺,已经不能适应社会发展的须要,因此渴望回到校内,接着深造。经过慎重考虑之后,特
6、此提出申请:我自愿申请辞去在XXX的一切职务,敬请批准。 在XXX近四年的时间里,我有幸得到了单位历届领导及同事们的倾心指导及热忱帮助。工作上,我学到了很多珍贵的科研阅历和实践技能,对科研工作有了大致的了解。生活上,得到各级领导与同事们的关照与帮助;思想上,得到领导与同事们的指导与帮助,有了更成熟与深刻的人生观。这近四年多的工作阅历将是我今后学习工作中的第一笔珍贵的财宝。 在这里,特殊感谢YYY(XXX的上级单位)A主任、B主任、C主任在过去的工作、生活中赐予的大力扶持与帮助。尤其感谢XXXZ主任在XXX近二年来的关照、指导以及对我的信任和在人生道路上对我的指引。感谢全部赐予过我帮助的同事们。
7、 望领导批准我的申请,并请帮助办理相关离职手续,在正式离开之前我将仔细接着做好目前的每一项工作。 祝您身体健康,事业顺心。并祝YYY、XXX事业蓬勃发展。 * *年*月*日 辞职书(公司职员)范文二 敬重的主管、副理: 您好! 在公司工作一年中,学到了许多学问,公司的营业状态也是始终表现良好态势。特别感谢公司赐予了我这样的机会在良好的环境工作和学习。虽然在公司里基础的业务学问及专业学问已经基本驾驭,但俗话说“学无止境”,有许多方面还是需不断学习。提出辞职我想了很久,公司的环境对于业务员很照看很爱护(至少对于业务风险来说),鉴于我的特性,要在公司自我提升及成长为独挡一面的能手,处于爱护的环境下可
8、能很难。我自己也意识到了自己特性倾于内向,你们也有经 常提示我这一点,其实,这不管是对于公司培育人才或是我自身完善都是突破的难点。 虽然我的观念是:人须要不断的发展、进步、完善。我也始终在努力变更,变得适应环境,以便更好的发挥自己的作用。但是我觉得自己始终没什么突破,考虑了很久,确定了须要变换环境来磨砺。 公司业务部近期人员变动较大,因此交接工作可能须要一个时期。我希望在10/24左右完成工作交接。这个时间或许比较紧,假如实施上有太多困难,我同意适当延迟一周。但是我还是希望副理理解,现接近年底,假如能赐予我支配更多的时间来找工作我将感谢不尽! 我希望在我提交这份辞程的时候,在未离开岗位之前,是
9、我的工作请主管尽管安排,我肯定会尽自己的职,做好应当做的事。另外,希望主管不要挽留我,其实,离开是很舍不得,缘由自不用说明。但是既已确定,挽留会让我最终离开的时候更犯难。感谢詈螅镜囊导蝗缂韧宦缝鞴芗案魑煌使魉忱?nbsp; 辞职申请书范文三 公司人事部: 我因为要去美国留学,故需辞去现在的工作,请上级领导批准。 公司的企业文化感化了我,我对公司是深有感情的。我留学归来之后,仍情愿回公司就职。 感谢公司领导和同事在工作中对我的关切和支持,并祝公司兴隆。 辞职信模板(举荐) 敬重的领导: 我很缺憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。 来到*公司也快两年了,正是在这里我起先踏上了社会,完成了自己从一个
10、学生到社会人的转变。有 过欢乐,有过收获,也有过泪水和苦痛。公司同等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,一度让我有 着找到了依靠的感觉,在这里我能快乐的工作,快乐的学习。然而工作上的毫无成熟感总让自己彷徨。 记得胡总曾说过,工作上假如两年没起色就该往自己身上找缘由了。或许这真是对的,由此 我起先了思索,仔细的思索。尽管我一思索,上帝便会发笑,但这笑带着一丝苦涩,思索的结果连自 己都感到惊异或许自己并不适合软件开发这项工作。否定自己让自己很苦痛,然而人总是 要面对现实的,自己的爱好是什么,自己喜爱什么,自己适合做什么,这一连串的问号始终让我懊丧, 也让我萌发了辞职的念头,并且让我确定了这个念头。或许只有
11、重新再跑到社会上去遭受挫 折,在不断打拼中去找寻属于自己的定位,才是我人生的下一步选择。从小到大始终过得很顺,这曾让我傲慢,如今却让自己深深得苦痛,不能自拔,或许人真的要学会渐渐长大。 我也很清晰这时候向公司辞职于公司于自己都是一个考验,公司正值用人之际,sun ltd. erp 2004项目启动,全部的前续工作在公司上下极力重视下一步步推动。也正是考虑到公司今后在这个项 目支配的合理性,本着对公司负责的看法,为了不让公司因我而造成的决策失误,我慎重向公司提出辞职。我想在项目还未正式启动起先之前,公司在项目支配上能做得更加合理和妥当。长痛不 如短痛,或许这对公司对我都是一种解脱吧。 能为公司效
12、力的日子不多了,我肯定会把好自己最终一班岗,做好项目起先前的属于自己的全部工作,尽力让项目做到平衡过渡。 离开这个公司,离开这些曾经同甘共苦的同事,很舍不得,舍不得领导们的譐譐训诲,舍不得同事之间的那片真诚和友善。 也愿公司在今后的工作中发挥优势,扬长避短,祝福公司兴盛发达! 辞职人:* 年月日 2022最新英文辞职信模板下载 Sample 1 Company Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip Date Addressee Address City, State Zip Dear Effective October 1, I will ass
13、ume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation 篇二:英语辞职报告范文5篇 英语辞职报告范文 1 Dear (Employer Name): This is to inform you that I have accepted a position with (new company name). I want to express my grati
14、tude for a rewarding professional association during my employment with (company name). This decision was not an easy one and involved many hours of thoughtful consideration, particularly with respect to my own plans for my future. I am confident, however, that this new position represents a positiv
15、e move toward fulfilling my career goals. I hope you will respect my position in this matter. My main thoughts now are to work as hard as possible to wrap up my projects here and turn over my responsibilities as smoothly as possible. However, I would like to join (new company name) as soon as possib
16、le. Therefore, if convenient, I would like to request that you waive my termination notice. Sincerely, 辞职人:点梦时刻 该文章转载自点梦时刻网: 英语辞职信范文 2 Dear all friends, I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. The past four years have been th
17、e most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always treasure and 设计、旅行、影视、摄影、科技、音乐、艺术、人文、出版、饮食、漫画嬉戏 one which I never took lightly. And your support in believing in me and what we could accomplish together will never be forgotten. Th
18、ank you all for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me in the past. Thank you all for eiching my life and for letting me be a part of this wonderful family. Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or via my mobile phone +86 1350XXXXXXX. Thanks again
19、for everything. Yours truly, Jiawei 辞职人:点梦时刻 该文章转载自点梦时刻网: 辞职信例文3 Company Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip Date Addressee Address City, State Zip Dear Effective October 1, I will assume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., 设计、旅行、影视、摄影、科技、音乐、艺术、人文、出版、饮食、漫画嬉戏 in Baton Ro
20、uge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30. The decision was a difficult one for me because I have so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job description has given me gre
21、at latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I?ve gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, I?ve been able to take advantage of classes in management,
22、 interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me. As I go to the new position, I?ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal atten
23、tion to my career growth. Thank you for the rewarding experience I?ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization. Sincerely 辞职人:点梦时刻 该文章转载自点梦时刻网: 英文辞职信范文4 Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30
24、, 19, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, Ive accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first 设计、旅行、影视、摄影、科技、音乐、艺术、人文、出版、饮食、漫画嬉戏 love.” Alt
25、hough Im eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won?t forget the friendship and professional growth I?ve experienced as an employee here. Best wishes to all of you
26、 for years of expansion here. Sincerely, 辞职人:点梦时刻 该文章转载自点梦时刻网: 英文辞职信范例5 Dear After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company). Needless to say, after 12 yea
27、rs of service, this decision was not an easy one. Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date. I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My a
28、ssociation with HHH has been a valued part of my life. Good luck to you in the years to come. Sincerely, 辞职人:点梦时刻 该文章转载自点梦时刻网: 设计、旅行、影视、摄影、科技、音乐、艺术、人文、出版、饮食、漫画嬉戏 篇三:英文辞职报告范文 英文辞职报告范文 1、state you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date. as we have discussed, i am offering my
29、 resignation as systems analyst, level 1. i want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than march 1. please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective march 1. i will be leaving my position as general counsel
30、on august 31.after six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in hhh, i have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in octoberat your convenience. the decision has been quite difficult for me because i truly have enjoyed the relationships i?ve built here. i offer
31、my resignation as training coordin ator with hhh. my last day will be march 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner. 2、state your reason for leaving. you may be as vague or as specific as you wish. bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in
32、a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record. this new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure i?ve looked forward to for sometime now. i have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement. as you know, i?ve always bee
33、n one to thrive on change and growth. i have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters. as you know, my training is in the financial area, and i?ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.my experience with
34、 previous employers has been administrative work, and that is the kind of job to which i?d like to return. as we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, i have had to seek a position that offered a higher salaryalthough i understand your budgetary constraints. i
35、 really haven?t decided completely what kind of job i want to pursue, although i am interested in the possibility of going into business for myself. at this point, i?m toying with the idea of turning one of my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise. i plan to move back to the midwest to be near my
36、elderly parents, who have had serio us health problems the last year. because of the increase in the size of my family and the rapidly increasing cost of living, i?ve found it necessary to seek other employment. rush-hour traffic and my two-hour daily commute have become a growing frustration for me
37、, and, therefore, i have located a position nearer my home that will allow me more time with my family. frankly, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. through years of excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in l
38、ine for that position. under the circumstances, i think you?ll understand my decision to resign. i have accepted a position with hhh as their director of marketing. 3、mention anyone youve trained to replace you, if appropriate, and any unfinished projects in progress. ive trained cheryl anderson in
39、all my daily job duties.i have every confidence cheryl anderson can handle my job. i would have no qualms in leaving my job in the capable hands of cheryl anderson, at least until you?ve made a thorough search outside the organization. cheryl anders on is fully capable of assuming my position, shoul
40、d you decide to promote from within the organization. pending projects include the jefferson case and the blythe will.unfinished projects that will need your attention include; cheryl anderson is familiar with all the details of these on-going efforts 篇二: 安装造价员实习周记 安装造价员实习周记第一周周记到公司的第一天师傅问我在学校学了些什么,
44、等师傅空一点或者问题有点多了再请老师傅,有的问题在自己的摸索中自己就解决了。这样靠自己解决的问题在脑海里的印象总是比较深刻的。有时候我总是不情愿去问,想自己解决,但是这样自己解决要花许多时间,有时许多时间花下去了却还是求不出结果。这是让我最纠结的地方,我认为自己解决印象会比较深刻,但相对而言花的时间就要多出好多。第四周周记砌筑工程的工程量要计算基础和上部结构。基础与上部结构同一材料时,以设计室内地坪(或地下室地坪)为界,以上为墙身,以下为基础。 不同材料时,位于设计室内地坪正负300mm以内时,以不同材料为分界线;位于室内地坪正负300mm以外时,以设计室内地坪为分界线。 石墙:外墙以设计室外