1、日历工作计划表2021 年4 月星期日星期一星期二星期三456711121-审核年度培训计划2-进行员工绩效面谈13141819202125261-安排绩效结果反馈2-核算员工月度工资今天是2021年3月27日30星期四星期五星期六12381-考核指标数据收集2-组织部门月度考核9101516171-汇报上周工作总结2-拟定月度工作计划22231-召开工作例会2-筹备年中会议24日历工作计划表星期三月度重点工作1、绩效考核筹备2、绩效会议召开3、新员工培训4、副总监招聘5、绩效流程优化6、考核指标数据收集7、组织部门月度考核8、审核年度培训计划9、进行员工绩效面谈10、汇报上周工作总结11、拟
2、定月度工作计划12、召开工作例会13、筹备年中会议14、安排绩效结果反馈15、核算员工月度工资本文档由稻壳儿奋斗的小青年设计制作,盗版必究。版权申明:Copyright Notes:1、本文档由稻壳儿设计师奋斗的小青年制作完成(身份证尾号:262930)。所有文档均有合法版权证明,并委托由第三方机构负责版权维护,对于所有盗版商用必投诉追究到底,依法追究盗版者责任,以维护创作者的合法权益。1.This document was produced by rice husk designer struggling young people(ID number:262930).All document
3、s have legitimate copyrightcertificates,and entrust third-party organizations to be responsible for copyright protection.All commercial piracy complaints must be investigatedto the end,and pirates should be held accountable according to law in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests o
4、f creators.2、本文档亦隐藏有设计师的专属印记,望慎之。2.This document also hides the designers exclusive imprint,so be careful.3、如需参考本设计师的更多作品,请移步稻壳儿网站如下链接查找:3.If you need to refer to more works of this designer,please go to the website of Rice Hull to find the following links:https:/ document was produced by rice husk
5、designer struggling young people(ID number:262930).All documents have legitimate copyrightcertificates,and entrust third-party organizations to be responsible for copyright protection.All commercial piracy complaints must be investigatedto the end,and pirates should be held accountable according to
6、law in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of creators.2、本文档亦隐藏有设计师的专属印记,望慎之。2.This document also hides the designers exclusive imprint,so be careful.3、如需参考本设计师的更多作品,请移步稻壳儿网站如下链接查找:3.If you need to refer to more works of this designer,please go to the website of Rice Hull to find the following links:https:/