1、Welcome To TaiZhouIntroducelandscape Delicious foodMade by 程优慧 李玲玲 任晨露 尤灵嘉1From the map,we can find where Taizhou is.TaiZhou lays on the east of ZheJiang,and west to the East China SeaTaizhou can be decied into nine countries:Jiaojiang,luqiao,huangyan,Linghai,wenling,yuhuan,tiantai,xianju and sanmen
2、Lu QiaoLin Hai2History of The southern the Great WalloThe southern the Great Wall is located in Linhai,is actually the Taizhou city walls.According to historical records,the ancient wall was built in the Jin dynasty.Ming dynasty general Qi jiguang stayed in Linhai for eight years,ang he was responsi
3、ble for the construction of The Great Wall.It can not only prevent the enemy,it can also prevent or control the flood.3linhai the ancient Great Wall临海古长城It is bulit in Jin dynasty.And it is bulit for prevent enemy and stop flood4o临海古城墙有着悠久的历史。自晋代开创以来,已有1600余年,迭经唐、宋、元、明、清诸朝不断修筑增扩,其主体部分一直保存到今天。古城墙沿江修筑
4、而上,依山就势,逶迤曲折,雄险壮观。5o江南八达岭江南八达岭临海长城临海长城 尤尤其是北固山一段,建于危崖之其是北固山一段,建于危崖之巅,飞舞盘旋,敌台林立,雉巅,飞舞盘旋,敌台林立,雉堞连云,城楼高峙,与北京八堞连云,城楼高峙,与北京八达岭相较,可称双绝达岭相较,可称双绝,称之为,称之为“江南八达岭江南八达岭”,并不过誉。,并不过誉。更有其独特之处是,临海古城更有其独特之处是,临海古城墙两侧,古木参天,常年苍翠,墙两侧,古木参天,常年苍翠,城墙掩映在青绿丛中,更增添城墙掩映在青绿丛中,更增添了一分灵秀。了一分灵秀。6if you havent seen the magnificence of
5、“the Great Wall”,then tomorrow,you should go to have a look!7FoodsQiangao (嵌糕)8Roumo chuifan (肉末炊饭)9Jidan maci (鸡蛋麻糍)10Jiangtang Noodle (姜汤面)11Maixia (麦虾)12Paoxia (泡虾)13Lvdou Noodle (绿豆面)14Plum pudding(梅花糕)1516Tangxin gao (糖心糕)17Food and cultureFood and cultureShibingtong (食饼筒)18Qingyuan (青圆)1920Let
6、s us appreciate some beautful pictures of Donghu212223The East Lake is located in the east side of Linhai town,which is about 500 metres on the south-north direction and 150 metres on the east-west direction.It is famous for closely next to the east side of the old wall.24It is relaxing to enjoy the lake by boat.252627Fishing can be an interesting activity in east lake.28At night,the scene is also charming.29If you eager for enjoying the beautiful lake,you can coming here.30Caofengyuan (草粉圆)3132