1、www.XiYuS锡育软件In 2007,I decided that we needed to reconceptualize how wethought about economic development.2007年 我觉得我们需要重新定义 我们意识中的经济发展的概念。00:12Our new goal should be that when every family thinks aboutwhere they want to live and work,they should be able tochoose between at least a handful of differe
2、nt cities that wereall competing to attract new residents.我们新目标应该致力于 当每个家庭考虑他们想住和工作的地方的时候 他们能有至少5个 不同的 可以选择 有竞争力吸引新住户的城市。00:18Now were a long way away from that goal right now.对于这个目标我们还有很长的路要走。00:32There are billions of people in developing countries whodont have even a single city that would be wil
3、ling towelcome them.在发展中国家有几十亿的人 处于没有一个城市愿意接纳他们的阶段。00:35But the amazing thing about cities is theyre worth so muchmore than it costs to build them.但是城市的惊人之处在于 它的利用价值 要比建造消耗价值要多的多。00:41So we could easily supply the world with dozens,maybehundreds,of new cities.所以我们能很轻松的为世界 建造几十,或者上百的新城。00:47Now this
4、might sound preposterous to you if youve neverthought about new cities.你可能觉得这听起来很荒谬 如果你从来没有考虑过新城。00:54But just substitute apartment building for cities.但是这只是替代城市的住宅建筑而已。00:58Imagine half the people who wanted to be in apartmentsalready had them;the other half arent there yet.想象下半数的想住在公寓的人已经入住了;另外半数还
5、没有入住。01:00competing:adj.相互矛盾的;抵触的/v.竞赛(compete的ing形式)residents:n.居民;住院医生(resident的复数);房客preposterous:adj.荒谬的;可笑的You could try and expand the capacity by doing additionson all the existing apartments.你可以加盖已有的住宅 来试着扩大面积。01:05But you know what youd run into is those apartments andthe surround areas hav
6、e rules to avoid discomfort and thedistractions of construction.但是你知道你经手的 住宅和周边地块 是受法律保护保证其舒适性的 和娱乐性的建筑。01:11So its extremely hard to do all of those additions.做这些加盖是十分的困难的。01:20But you could go out someplace brand new,build a brandnew apartment building,as long as the rules there were onesthat faci
7、litated construction rather than getting in the way.但是你能在未开发的地区 建设一幢新的大楼,就像俗话说的 重新开始强过 停滞不前。01:22So I proposed that governments create new reform zonesbig enough to hold cities and gave them a name:chartercities.所以我提议 政府划定新的足够容纳 城市的地域 并起名为:宪章城市。01:33Later I learned that at about this same time,Javie
8、r andOctavio were thinking about the challenge of reform inHonduras.大约我了解这些的同时,哈维尔和奥克塔维奥 正在思考在洪都拉斯重新规划的 问题。01:43They new that about 75,000 Hondurans every year wouldleave to go to the United States,and they wanted to ask,what could they do to make sure that those people couldstay and do the same thi
9、ngs in Honduras.据说大约每年7万5千洪都拉斯人 移民到美国 他们想问,他们能做什么 来确保能让这些人留下来 在洪都拉斯做同样的工作,生活下来。01:51additions:n.附加物(addition的复数);附件;增加固定资产 run into:遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇见 discomfort:n.不适,不安;不便之处/vt.使不舒服;使不安 facilitated:v.促进;帮助(facilitate的过去分词);使有利发展 in the way:妨碍;挡道proposed:adj.被提议的;所推荐的/v.提议;计划(propose的过去式和过去分词)leave to
10、:留给;交托;遗嘱赠于At one point,Javier said to Octavio,What if we took some ofour empty land-what if we just gave it to an embassy-give some to the U.S.embassy;give some to the Canadianembassy-and then if people want to go work有一次,哈维尔对奥克塔维奥说“如果我们把我们闲置的土地-如果我们把它送给大使馆会怎么样-一些给美国大使馆;一些给加拿大大使馆-届时如果想在02:04under t
11、he rules of Canada or under the rules of the UnitedStates,they can go get jobs,do everything they do on thoseembassy grounds that they would otherwise have to go toCanada or the U.S.to do?加拿大或者美国规则下本土找工作的话 他们就能找到工作,在这些大使馆本土地区做工作 否则就得去加拿大或美国找工作?”02:15In the summer of 2009,Honduras went through a wren
12、chingconstitutional crisis.2009年夏天 洪都拉斯经历了一次铁血的军事政变。02:26At the next regularly scheduled election,Pepe Lobo won in a在下一届例行选举中 佩佩洛沃凭借选举演讲 上许诺改革以及和谈 赢得了压倒性的优势。02:31TED演讲者:Paul Romer|保罗.罗摩演讲标题:Paul Romer:The world.s first charter city?|世界第一个宪章城市?内容概要:Paul Romer is developing a radical new model of grow
13、th and governance,which callsfor the establishment of city-scale special administrative zones.回溯2009年,保罗.罗摩公开了一个“宪章城市”的设想-一种新型的用民主和通商来管理的城市。今年,在TED2011上,在他的TEDtalk的帮助下,他讲述了在洪都拉斯可能会有一座这样的宪章城市。At the next regularly scheduled election,Pepe Lobo won in alandslide on a platform that promised reform,butre
14、conciliation as well.诺改革以及和谈 赢得了压倒性的优势。02:31He asked Octavio to be his chief of staff.他邀请奥克塔维奥作为他的参谋长。02:42Meanwhile,I was getting ready to give a talk at TEDGlobal.同时,我在准备一个 TEDGlobal上的演讲。02:46Through a process of refinement,trial and error,a lot of usertesting,I tried to boil this complicated conc
15、ept of charter citydown to the bare essentials.通过一系列的改良 试错,大量用户的测试 我试着把这宪章城市复杂的概念 压缩成最基本的精华。02:50wrenching:n.苗木铲根;修截苗根/v.猛扭;歪曲;抢取(wrench的ing形式)constitutional:adj.宪法的;本质的;体质上的;保健的/n.保健散步;保健运动 Lobo:n.北美北部产的灰色大狼(复数lobos)landslide:n.地质山崩;大胜利/vi.发生山崩;以压倒优势获胜 reconciliation:n.和解;调和;和谐;甘愿 refinement:n.精制;文
16、雅;化工油气冶提纯 boil:vi.煮沸,沸腾;激动,激昂/vt.煮沸,烧开;使激动;使蒸发/n.沸腾,煮沸;疖子 essentials:n.法要件,概要;生活必需品(essential的复数);基本营养素The first point was the importance of rules,like those rulesthat say you cant come in and disturb all the existingapartment holders.第一点是法令的重要性,就像法令所说的 你不能骚扰已经入住的住户一样。03:02We pay a lot of attention
17、to new technologies,but it takestechnologies and rules to get progress.我们关注新的科技 但是新科技需要技术和要求来执行。03:09And its usually the rules that hold us back.通常是这些要求拖我们的后腿。03:14In the fall of 2010,a friend from Guatemala sent Octavio alink to the TEDTalk.在2010年秋,一个危地马拉的朋友 发给奥克塔维奥这个TEDTalk的链接。03:18He showed it to
18、 Javier.他把它展示给哈维尔03:24They called me.他们打给我电话03:26They said,Lets present this to the leaders of our country.说,“让我们把这个展示给我们总统吧。”03:28So in December we met in Miami,in a hotel conferenceroom.12月我们就在迈阿密 在一个宾馆的会议室碰了面。03:31I tried to explain this point about how valuable cities are,howmuch more valuable t
19、hey are than they cost.我试着解释这些城市 的价值所在 以及相比它的消耗它的价值会有多少。03:36And I used this slide showing how valuable the raw land is ina place like New York City.我用这张幻灯片 展示了像纽约这块地区 一块未开发地块的价值。03:42Notice,land thats worth thousands of dollars,in some cases,per square meter.注意,在某些点,地价要 每平方米几千美金。03:48But it was a f
20、airly abstract discussion,and at some pointwhen there was a pause,Octavio said,Paul,maybe we couldwatch the TEDTalk.但是这是一个大致的抽象的讨论 当某些间隙的时候 奥克塔维奥说,“保罗,也许我们可以观看TEDTalk。”03:53conference:n.会议;讨论;协商;联盟;(正式)讨论会;工会,工党用语(每年的)大会/vi.举行或参加(系列)会议(Laughing)So the TEDTalk laid out in very simple terms,acharter c
21、ity is a place where you start with uninhabited land,a charter that specifies the rules that will apply there andthen a chance for people to opt in,to go live under thoserules or not.(掌声)TEDTalk用简单的方式就讲明了 宪章城市是一个 起始于无人居住的地域,宪章细化了执行的条例 也是人们选择是否入住 是否生活在这些条例下的一个机会。04:04So I was asked by the president o
22、f Honduras who said thatwe need to do this project,this is important,this could be theway forward for our country.洪都拉斯总统向我提问 那个表态说我们需要这个项目的人 这是关键 这会是引领我们国家前进的道路。04:23I was asked to come to Tegucigalpa and talk again onJanuary fourth and fifth.我被邀请造访特古西加尔巴 在1月4日,5日重述此项目。04:33So I presented another fa
23、ct-filled lecture that included a slidelike this,which tried to make the point that,if you want tocreate a lot of value in a city,it has to be very big.我展示了 另外一个包括了这张幻灯片 的案例课 试着讲述这个观点,如果你想在城市创造巨大价值的话 它必须也是很巨大的。04:38This is a picture of Denver,and the outline is the new airportthat was built in Denve
24、r.这是丹佛市的照片 高亮出的是丹佛新建的机场。04:49This airport alone covers more than 100 sq.km.单这机场 就占地超过100平方千米。04:53So I was trying to persuade the Hondurans,if you build a newcity,youve got to start with a site thats at least 1,000 sq.km.我试着说服洪都拉斯总统 如果你要建一座新城 你就要在至少1000平方千米的区域入手。04:57uninhabited:adj.无人居住的,杳无人迹的 spec
25、ifies:n.指定 opt:vi.选择 to start with:adv.首先;作为开始(等于forastart)Thats more than 250 hundred-thousand acres.这要比2500万英亩还大。05:04Everybody applauded politely.每个人都很有礼貌地鼓着掌。05:10The faces in the audience were very serious and attentive.观众的表情 都是严肃而警惕的。05:12The leader of the congress came up on stage and said,Pr
26、ofessor Romer,thank you very much for your lecture,butmaybe we could watch the TEDTalk.大会主席走到台前说“罗摩教授,很感谢你的讲课但也许我们能看看TEDTalk。05:17Ive got it here on my laptop.我笔记本上现在就有。”05:26So I sat down,and they played the TEDTalk.于是我坐下,他们则看起了TEDTalk。05:30And it got to the essence,which is that a new city could o
27、ffernew choices for people.它同时也抓住了精髓 就是新的城市带给了人们新的选择。05:33There would be a choice of a city which you could go towhich could be in Honduras,instead of hundreds of milesaway in the North.这是一个你会前往城市的选择 也许在洪都拉斯 而不是几百公里远的北方。05:38www.XiYuS锡育软件And it also involved new choices for leaders.它也给了领导者新的选择。05:44
28、Because the leaders in the government there in Honduraswould need help from partner countries,who could benefitfrom partner countries who help them set up the rules in thischarter and the enforcement,so everybody can trust thatthe charter really will be enforced.因为洪都拉斯政府的领导 需要友国的帮助 那些从友国中获得利益 那些帮助他们
29、设定并实行宪章中的条例 来让每个人都会相信 宪章实际上会得到实行。05:46acres:n.英亩(acre的复数)applauded:vt.赞同;称赞;向喝采/vi.喝彩;鼓掌欢迎 politely:adv.有礼貌地;客气地;委婉地;殷勤地 attentive:adj.留意的,注意的 Romer:n.纲格测定器;坐标格网尺 benefit from:得益于;得利于;因而得到好处enforcement:n.执行,实施;强制 enforced:adj.实施的;强制执行的/v.执行(enforce的过去分词)And the insight of President Lobo was that tha
30、t assurance ofenforcement that I was thinking about as a way to get theforeign investors to come in and build the city总统洛沃的领悟 就是对实行能力的保证 我认为 作为一个吸引外商投资建造的城市的方法06:01could be equally important for all the different parties inHonduras who had suffered for so many years from fear anddistrust.应该和洪都拉斯经历了多
31、年 恐惧和怀疑的不同党派 一样的重要。06:11We went and looked at a site.我们实地考察了那块地区。06:18This pictures from there.这是那里的一张照片。06:20It easily could hold a thousand square kilometers.这能轻易容纳一千平方千米。06:22And shortly thereafter,on January 19th,they voted in thecongress to amend their constitution to have a constitutionalprovi
32、sion that allows for special development regions.之后不久,1月19日 他们在国会中投票修改了宪法来提供一个法律的支持 来许可特定的发展地区。06:25In a country which had just gone through this wrenchingcrisis,the vote in the congress in favor of this constitutionalamendment was 124 to one.在刚经历过政变的这个国家 国会上赞成宪法修正案的票数 是124比1。06:35All parties,all fa
33、ctions in society,backed this.社会上派系,所有党派都支持这修正案。06:44assurance:n.保证,担保;(人寿)保险;确信;断言;厚脸皮,无耻 distrust:vt.不信任/n.不信任/怀疑 amend:vt.修改;改善,改进/vi.改正,改善;改过自新 provision:n.规定;条款;准备;经供应品/vt.供给食物及必需品 vote in:投票选出 amendment:n.修正案;改善;改正 factions:n.派系(faction的复数);内讧To be part of the constitution,you actually have to
34、 pass ittwice in the congress.作为宪法的一部分,你实际需要在国会上通过两次。06:47On February 17th they passed it again with another vote of114 to one.在2月17日他们以114比1 再次通过了法案。06:50Immediately after that vote,on February 21st to the 24th,adelegation of about 30 Hondurans went to the two places inthe world that are most inter
35、ested in getting into the citybuilding business.立刻在投票之后 2月21到24日 大约30个人的洪都拉斯代表团 来到了世上 两个建筑业最感兴趣的两个地方。06:56One is South Korea.一个是韩国。07:07This is a picture of a big,new city center thats being built inSouth Korea-bigger than downtown Boston.这是一张韩国将建成的 大型的,新市中心-比波士顿商业区还大。07:09Everything you see there w
36、as built in four years,after theyspent four years getting the permits.所有你看到的刚建设了4年 但他们得到许可来建设就花费了4年。07:15The other place thats very interested in city building isSingapore.另外一个吸引建筑业的是新加坡。07:21Theyve actually built two cities already in China and arepreparing the third.他们实际上已经在中国建设了两个新城 并准备建第三个。07:23
37、So if you think about this practically,heres where we are.如果你理性地考虑这个的话 这就是我们当下处境。07:27Theyve got a site;theyre already thinking about this site forthe second city.他们有了地块,并已经考虑把它建设成第二城市。07:31delegation:n.代表团;授权;委托 permits:许可/许可证Theyre putting in place a legal system that could allow formanagers to co
38、me in,and also an external legal system.他们正步入一个法定的程序 来允许管理人员介入同时也有个外加的法律系统。07:34One country has already volunteered to let its supremecourt be the court of final appeal for the new judicial systemthere.一个国家已经自愿让最高法院 为了这新的司法体系而成为最终上诉申请的法院。07:40Theres designers and builders of cities who are veryinter
39、ested.这是对其感兴趣的 城市设计师和建筑师而言。07:46interested.They even can bring with them some financing.这些甚至能带给他们一些经济支持。07:50But the one thing you know theyve already solved is thattheres lots of tenants.但是有一件你了解的早被解决的事 是有很多的佃户。07:52Theres lots of businesses that would like to locate in theAmericas,especially in a
40、place with a free trade zone,andtheres lots of people whod like to go there.有很多商家意向进驻美国 特别进驻到自由交易区也有很多人想去那里。07:56Around the world,theres 700 million people who say theydlike to move permanently someplace else right now.全世界,有7亿人 想立刻永久的移民到某些其他地方。08:04Theres a million a year who leave Latin America to
41、go to theUnited States.每年100万人 从拉丁美洲前往美国。08:09allow for:考虑到,虑及 supreme court:最高法院 judicial:adj.公正的,明断的;法庭的;审判上的 builders:n.建施工人员(builder的复数);生成器 financing:n.融资;财务;筹措资金/v.筹措资金;财政管理;从事金融活动(finance的ing形式)tenants:n.房客;居住者(tenant的复数形式)/v.租借(tenant的第三人称单数)permanently:adv.永久地,长期不变地Many of these are a fathe
42、r who has to leave his family behindto go get a job-sometimes a single mother who has to getenough money to even pay for food or clothing.其中很多是远离 家庭的来寻找工作的父亲-有时是单亲妈妈 来赚钱为了衣食生计。08:13Sadly,sometimes there are even children who are trying toget reunited with their parents that they havent seen,insome c
43、ases,for a decade.可悲的是,有时甚至是孩子 尝试着为了和很久未见的父母 有些时候,数十年,他们才团聚。08:22So what kind of an idea is it to think about building a brandnew city in Honduras?这是个怎么样的愿景 来考虑在洪都拉斯建立一个新城?08:31Or to build a dozen of these,or a hundred of these aroundthe world?或者建立十几个新城 或者全世界建立几百个新城?08:35What kind of an idea is it t
44、o think about insisting that everyfamily have a choice of several cities that are competing toattract new residents?这又是个怎么样的愿景 来考虑坚持 每个家庭都有数个具有竞争力吸引新住户 的城市的选择?08:39This is an idea worth spreading.这是一个值得传播的观点。08:49And my friends from Honduras asked me to say thank you,TED.我的洪都拉斯的朋友 让我来说声感谢,TED。08:52(Applause)(掌声)08:56reunited:v.重聚;使再结合(reunite的过去式和过去分词)insisting:坚持*Warning:本文是由生成导出,请用于个人学习,不要用于商业用途。否则,导致的一切法律后果,均由您个人承担,锡育软件概不负责。*