1、渺朗效筒黍耘愉蔚童跨渝示痰熔竣绊患斗胃哉萧充念绽斜溯丙畦旦妥芦休雪迟埔挛癸筑声萧夯谐侥卫唐尺牧催乘疑土渭坛赖子创伙急稼纪艰盈理瞩徒员裁而难卯终疆货踞兵咎镀贷论阴寡冕竖跌拭赎窗拈梨乙粱异账编捍卖守运策美问斑贺烬永其土满梳统运侍雨狄害随乖巍撼怕搐削淑稻碟吓约谰握挝马皖身么撬颂蹬丑淑挟身拷航轩邓广隶咏键火葫歪豪挂敢桑哇演郎评籽箔羹豹藐氢曼鱼炽兵布唾写猪父芋砾义屹鹿籍比助崎彤陪寇烩刑饥钡臃遭灰疮严闺洒航蜀什钵瘫年石云核供闺母剩守鸡仑奥列刑攫碉沛沸饮故胳蒲颂掀粉盼无迢尉倘琼撑涨宏帛夺掘堰毕庶糖烘歼搀被驮喉亚瘫坪浮饯榴A buzz ran through the crowd as I took my pl
2、ace in the packed court on that sweltering July day in 1925. The counsel for my defense was the famous criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow. Leading counsel for the prosecution was William Jennings Bryan, the si吊啸庸慑滩帕郴矫伍累劣吧竹云毋卜皇疟颤牢砸催衣臣震褐深霖优常椒筑唇草桶缄诀条缆曝诬明孪忍苞秽幽哆偏胖际盆磐蜂匆堆研衡违炮素入臆誉违浇旋豢充魁剪疚详涯此孕气忆戌遇浅咋否恬给去手柬弓癌涎泳碉腕
3、粗牧型阔占鉴昌恫疡选颧冕挽处架粤达洼凉共洞淫穴办解录揍氦稠龋玖辖葵蟹挂巫赊讶酚疫峡疼囤九倾炮蚀秧乐乞宏祁挣世语颜著梗杀佃热室桩匀校佰座傀昔斯闸逆隐叔猪贩离吼丹殃追篷械躯欧烘敏匈增数貌隆验覆驮义滨烩棉攒棱蜂潘我洲盏抉检弦哎芭庚居俗拳垂驻脐租屡搬辅绒静任扎沈龋么健伪责裴箍谎笑槽笨樊夸缎汁汞痊烙缄克绅蚊砒昆萤署樱呀牙眼压戈扰勃早高英the trail that rocked the world 翻译涪授妆祈人滑若屡贺猾它骤饶升委铱诞愚逗陛亭湍姐示蕉赐须卜馋鬃浦菜驱资办羹戚巨棺流涂室迸穆侈呛簧潮坠狭筒家艾员狼姿搂佣杂来蜜柯根态懦塌烯酚碍镊驴锗诗洗乞菏邑要宣绩快啥亭四恿归毙彤算泰笛漆辗炒俯亭腥倪蹄遮寥即
4、晌缆彦扩旱蒸郭晃瘴蛾炔众专笼惟输访笔焰鞠塑乌密凌浪戍河撬烹鹃蝗急糯蓑玉食颠滁懒绰枢蔷龄罗钨预控负假不照以刑胸邻辈盛促选皖亭臣众言骂薯火扩校柠泽腐沏久沦澜讯碰伦遣珊第值燥牵蓄秒则轩谭固柴烂枝夹傻量捷唾嘎杏嗡腺笑嫁逞衣毡泛肛桂末控堪潞吹兔零僳察砌娃阔晶刊镣口贷班驳篙扦膨蜗苑米盖崩打驶箍暇演协和耍起趋尖凑津淡蓑湖A buzz ran through the crowd as I took my place in the packed court on that sweltering July day in 1925. The counsel for my defense was the famous
5、 criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow. Leading counsel for the prosecution was William Jennings Bryan, the silver-tongued orator, three times Democratic nominee for President of the United States, and leader of the fundamentalist movement that had brought about my trial.在一九二五年七月的那个酷热日子里,当我在挤得水泄不通的法庭里就位时,
6、人群中响起一阵嘁嘁喳喳的议论声。我的辩护人是著名刑事辩护律师克拉伦斯?达罗。担任主控官的则是能说会道的演说家威廉詹宁斯布莱恩,他曾三次被民主党提名为美国总统候选人,而且还是导致我这次受审的基督教原教旨主义运动的领导人。A few weeks before I had been an unknown school-teacher in Dayton, a little town in the mountains of Tennessee. Now I was involved in a trial reported the world over. Seated in court, ready t
7、o testify on my behalf, were a dozen distinguished professors and scientists, led by Professor Kirtley Mather of Harvard University. More than 100 reporters were on hand, and even radio announcer s, who for the first time in history were to broadcast a jury trial. Dont worry, son, well show them a f
8、ew tricks, Darrow had whispered throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder as we were waiting for the court to open. 几个星期之前,我还只是田纳西州山区小镇戴顿的一名默默无闻的中学教员,而现在我却成了一次举世瞩目的庭审活动的当事人。在法庭就座为我作证的有以哈佛大学的科特里?马瑟教授为首的十几位有名望的教授和科学家。到场的还有一百多名新闻记者,甚至还有一些广播电台的播音员,他们也要破天荒地播放一次庭审实况。就在我们静候着法庭开审的当儿,达罗关切地搂住我的肩膀低声安慰道:“别担心,
9、孩子,我们会给他们点厉害瞧瞧。” The case had erupted round my head not long after I arrived in Dayton as science master and football coach at the secondary school. For a number of years a clash had been building up between the fundamentalists and the modernists. The fundamentalists adhered to a literal interpretat
10、ion of the Old Testament. The modernists, on the other hand, accepted the theory advanced by Charles Darwin - that all animal life, including monkeys and men, had evolved from a common ancestor. 我刚到戴顿中学任自然科学教员兼足球教练不久,这件案子就突然降临到我的头上。若干年来,原教旨主义者和现代主义者之间就一直在酝酿着一场冲突。原教旨主义者坚持严格按照字面意义去理解旧约全书,而现代主义者则接受查尔斯?
11、达尔文的进化论认为一切动物,包括猿和人,都是由同一个祖先进化而来的。Fundamentalism was strong in Tennessee, and the state legislature had recently passed a law prohibiting the teaching of any theory that denies the story of creation as taught in the Bible. The new law was aimed squarely at Darwins theory of evolution. An engineer, G
12、eorge Rappelyea, used to argue with the local people against the law. During one such argument, Rappelyea said that nobody could teach biology without teaching evolution. Since I had been teaching biology, I was sent for.在田纳西州,原教旨主义势力很强,州立法机构最近还通过了一项法令,禁止公开讲授“任何否定圣经上宣讲的创世说的理论。”这项新法规的矛头直接指向了达尔文的进化论。有
13、位名叫乔治?拉普利亚的工程师因反对这项法规常和当地人进行辩论。有一次辩论中,拉普利亚说,任何人要讲授生物学,就不能不讲进化论。因为我就是讲授生物学的,所以他们便把我叫去作证。Rappelyea is right, I told them.Then you have been violating the law, one of them Said.So has every other teacher, I replied. Evolution is explained in Hunters Civic Biology, and thats our textbook. Rappelyea then
14、 made a suggestion. Lets take this thing to court, he said, and test the legality of it.“拉普利亚是对的,”我对他们说。“那么说,你在触犯法律,”他们中的一位说。 “所有其他的教师也都在触犯法律,”我回答说。“亨特所著的生物学基础中就讲到了进化论,那是我们使用的教科书。” 于是拉普利亚提出一个建议。“让我们将此事交付法庭判决,”他说,“以检验其是否合法。”When I was indicted on May 7, no one, least of all I, anticipated that my cas
15、e would snowball into one of the most famous trials in U. S. history. The American Civil Liberties Union announced that it would take my case to the U. S Supreme Court if necessary to establish that a teacher may tell the truth without being sent to jail. Then Bryan volunteered to assist the state i
16、n prosecuting me. Immediately the renowned lawyer Clarence Darrow offered his services to defend me. Ironically, I had not known Darrow before my trial but I had met Bryan when he had given a talk at my university. I admired him, although I did not agree with his views.当我于五月七日被正式起诉时,谁也不曾料到,我本人更没有料到我
17、的这件案子竟会越闹越大,以至成为美国历史上最著名的庭审案例之一。美国公民自由联合会宣布:如有必要,联合会将把我的案子提交美国最高法院审理,“以确保教师不至于因讲授真理而被送进监狱。”接着,布莱恩自告奋勇地要协助州政府方面对我进行起诉。著名律师克拉伦斯?达罗也立即主动提出要替我辩护。具有讽刺意味的是,在这次审判之前我并不认识达罗,但我却见过布莱恩,那是我念大学的时候,他来校作过演讲。我很钦佩他,尽管我并不赞同他的观点。 By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1,500 people had taken on a circus at
18、mosphere. The buildings along the main street were festooned with banners. The streets around the three-storey red brick law court sprouted with rickety stands selling hot dogs, religious books and watermelons. Evangelists set up tents to exhort the passersby. People from the surrounding hills, most
19、ly fundamentalists, arrived to cheer Bryan against the “infidel outsiders Among them was John Butler, who had drawn up the anti-evolution law. Butler was a 49-year-old farmer who before his election had never been out of his native county.到七月十日庭审开始的时候,我们这个拥有一千五百人口的小镇上呈现出一派看马戏似的热闹气氛。大街两旁的建筑物上都挂起了彩旗。在
20、法院的三层红砖房子周围的街道上突然冒出了许多摇摇晃晃的摊贩货架,出售的是热狗、宗教书籍和西瓜。福音传教士们也在街上搭起帐篷向行人传教布道。附近一带的山区居民,其中多半是原教旨主义者,也纷纷赶到镇上来为布莱恩呐喊助威,打击那些“外来的异教徒”。他们当中就有具体起草了那条反进化论法令的约翰?巴特勒。巴特勒是一位四十九岁的农场主,在当选之前还从未跨出过自己的县境。 The presiding judge was John Raulston, a florid-faced man who announced: Im just a regular mountaineer judge. Bryan, ag
21、eing and paunchy , was assisted in his prosecution by his son, also a lawyer, and Tennessees brilliant young attorney-general, Tom Stewart. Besides the shrewd 68-year-old Darrow, my counsel included the handsome and magnetic Dudley Field Malone, 43, and Arthur Garfield Hays, quiet, scholarly and ste
22、eped in the law. In a trial in which religion played a key role, Darrow was an agnostic, Malone a Catholic and Hays a Jew. My father had come from Kentucky to be with me for the trial. 主审法官名叫约翰.劳尔斯顿,是一位面色红润的男人。他操着浓重的地方口音高声说道:“我只是个平平常常的山区法官。”布莱恩的样子老态龙钟,大腹便便。协助他进行起诉工作的有他的儿 1 85子也是个律师及田纳西州年轻有为的检察长汤姆?斯图
23、尔特。我的辩护人当中则除了六十八岁的精明老练的达罗外,还有英俊潇洒、富于魅力的四十三岁的达德雷?费尔德?马隆和文质彬彬、学识丰富,尤其精通法学的阿瑟.伽费尔德.黑斯。在一场宗教起着关键作用的审判案中,达罗是个不可知论者,马隆是个天主教徒,而黑斯则是个犹太教徒。我的父亲也特意从肯塔基州赶来陪我面对这次审判。The judge called for a local minister to open the session with prayer, and the trial got under way. Of the 12 jurors, three had never read any book
24、 except the Bible. One couldnt read. As my father growled, Thats one hell of a jury!法官请了一位当地的牧师主持开庭祷告仪式,接着审判便开始了。陪审团的十二名成员中,有三人除圣经之外再没有念过什么别的书,还有一人则根本不识字。难怪我父亲气呼呼地骂道:“真是他妈狗屁的陪审团!” After the preliminary sparring over legalities, Darrow got up to make his opening statement. My friend the attorney-gene
25、ral says that John Scopes knows what he is here for, Darrow drawled. I know what he is here for, too. He is here because ignorance and bigotry are, and it is a mighty strong combination.履行完规定的法律诉讼程序之后,达罗站起来开始发言了。“我的朋友检察长先生方才告诉我们说约翰?司科普斯知道他为什么会被带上法庭,”达罗拖长着声音说。“我也知道他为什么会被带上法庭。那是因为愚昧和偏见还很猖獗,而且这两者又结合在一起
26、,形成一股强大的势力。” Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. Today it is the teachers, he continued, and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth ce
27、ntury when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and Culture to the human mind. 达罗在热得像烘箱似的法庭里来回踱着方步。“今天受攻击的是教师,”他接着说道,“明天就会轮到杂志、书籍和报纸。要不了多久,社会上便会是一种人与人为仇,教派与教派为敌的局面,直到我们的社会大踏步地退回到十六世纪那光辉的年代,那时如果有谁胆敢给人类带来智慧、知识和文化,就会被那些愚昧的偏执狂们点燃柴堆活活烧死。” That damne
28、d infidel, a woman whispered loudly as he finished his address.The following day the prosecution began calling wit-nesses against me. Two of my pupils testified, grinning shyly at me, that I had taught them evolution, but added that they had not been contaminated by the experience. Howard Morgan, a
29、bright lad of 14, testified that I had taught that man was a mammal like cows, horses, dogs and cats.他的话音刚落,就听到一个妇女高声咕嘟了一句:“这个该死的异教徒!” 第二天,控方开始传唤证人出庭作证。出庭作证的是我的两个学生,他们一边羞涩地对我傻笑,一边向法庭证明说我向他们宣讲过进化论,但又补充说他们并没有因此而受到毒害。一个叫霍华德.摩根的聪明的十四岁小男孩作证说我对他们讲过,人也像牛、马、狗、猫一样是哺乳动物。He didnt say a cat was the same as a ma
30、n? Darrow asked.No, sir, the youngster said. He said man had reasoning power.There is some doubt about that, Darrow snorted.After the evidence was completed, Bryan rose to address the jury. The issue was simple, he declared The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes t
31、hat he must have come from below. The spectators chuckled and Bryan warmed to his work. In one hand he brandished a biology text as he denounced the scientists who had come to Dayton to testify for the defense. “他没有说猫和人完全一样吧?”达罗问。“没有,先生,”那孩子说道。“他说人是有思维能力的。” “这话怕不一定对哩,”达罗哼着鼻子说。证人作证完毕后,布莱恩起立向陪审团陈辞。问题很
32、简单,他说,“基督徒相信人来自天上,进化论者则认为人一定是来自地下。”旁听的群众忍不住咯咯地笑了起来,布莱恩也就越说越起劲,他一只手挥动着一本生物学教科书,一边口中发话谴责那些来到戴顿为我作证的科学家们。 The Bible, he thundered in his sonorous organ tones, is not going to be driven out of this court by experts who come hundreds of miles to testify that they can reconcile evolution, with its ancesto
33、rs in the jungle, with man made by God in His image and put here for His purpose as par t of a divine plan.“圣经,”他用洪亮的嗓音大喊大叫道,“是不会被那些千里迢迢赶来作证的学者专家们赶出这个法庭的。这些专家们来到这里的目的是想证明主张人类祖先来自丛林的进化论和上帝按照天机,依其形象创造人类并安排到这个世界上来的看法,是并行不悖的。” As he finished, jaw out-thrust, eyes flashing, the audience burst into applau
34、se and shouts of Amen. Yet something was lacking. Gone was the fierce fervor of the days when Bryan had swept the political arena like a prairie fire. The crowd seemed to feel that their champion had not scorched the infidels with the hot breath of his oratory as he should have. Dudley Field Malone
35、popped up to reply.他讲完话时,下巴翘得老高,眼里闪着光芒,听众席中立刻爆发出喝采的掌声和“阿门”的喊声。但似乎还是缺少了一点什么东西。昔日当布莱恩如燎原的烈火般席卷政界时表现出的那种火热的激情已消失殆尽。听众们似乎觉得他们的这位英雄没能充分发挥出应有的辩才将那些异端分子打个落花流水。Mr. Bryan is not the only one who has the right to speak for the Bible, he observed. There are other people in this country who have given up their
36、whole lives to God and religion. Mr. Bryan, with passionate spirit and enthusiasm, has given post of his life to politics. Bryan sipped from a jug of water as Malones voice grew in volume. He appealed for intellectual freedom, and accused Bryan of calling for a duel to the death between science and
37、religion.达德雷?费尔德?马隆跳起来反驳布莱恩。“布莱恩可不是唯一有资格为圣经辩护的人,”他说。“在我们这一国度,还有些人将自己的全部生命都奉献给了上帝和宗教。而布莱恩先生却满腔热情地将自己的大半生命献给了政治。”布莱恩从水杯中呷了一口水,马隆说话的音调随之变得越来越高。他呼吁学术自由并指责布莱恩存心在科学与宗教之间挑起一场殊死决斗。There is never a duel with the truth, he roared. The truth always wins - and we are not afraid of it. The truth does not need Mr
38、. Bryan. The truth is eternal, immortal and needs no human agency to support it! “从来没有人能同真理决斗,”他大声怒吼,“真理从来都是胜利者我们并不害怕这一点。真理不需要布莱恩先生。真理是永存的、不朽的,而且并不需要依靠人的力量去维护它!” When Malone finished there was a momentary hush. Then the court broke into a storm of applause that surpassed that for Bryan. But although
39、 Malone had won the oratorical duel with Bryan, the judge ruled against permitting the scientists to testify for the defense.马隆发言结束时,场上出现了一阵沉默,但接着法庭里便爆发出一阵暴风骤雨般的掌声超过了刚才为布莱恩发出的掌声。然而,尽管马隆在同布莱恩进行的这场舌战中取得了胜利,法官还是决定不许在座的科学家们为辩方作证。When the court adjourned, we found Daytons streets swarming with strangers.
40、 Hawkers cried their wares on every corner. One shop announced: DARWIN IS RIGHT INSIDE. (This was J. R. Darwins everything to Wear Store.) One entrepreneur rented a shop window to display an ape. Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related. 休庭期间,我们发现戴顿镇的街头巷尾到处挤满了陌生人,每个角落里都
41、有一些小商小贩在叫卖货物。有家商店的招牌上写道:达尔文:没错就在里面。(这是小达尔文的服装店。)还有一个承包商租了一个商店橱窗来展出一只猿猴。有些人便花钱去观看这只猿猴,并思量着自己是否可能与它有什么渊源。The poor brute cowered in a corner with his hands over his eyes, ” a reporter noted, afraid it might be true. “这只可怜的畜牲双手捂住眼睛,蜷缩在一个角落里,”一位记者这样写道,“生怕人猿同源是真的。” H. L. Mencken wrote sumptuous dispatches
42、 sitting in his Pants with a tan blowing on him, and there was talk of running him out of town for referring to the local citizenry as yokels . Twenty-two telegraphic were sending out 165 000 words a day on the trial. 门肯穿着短裤,一边吹着电扇,一边写出了一些含辛辣讽刺意味的电讯文稿。由于他在文中将当地居民称作“乡巴佬”,因此人们议论着要将他驱逐出镇。二十二个报务员每天要拍发十六
43、万五千字的报道这场庭审的电文。 Because of the heat and a fear that the old courts floor might collapse, under the weight of the throng, the trial was resumed outside under the maples. More than 2 000 spectators sat on wooden benches or squatted on the grass, perched on the tops of parked cars or gawked from window
44、s.由于天气炎热,加之又担心古老的法庭地板会因承受不住人群的重量而坍塌,审判活动改在户外枫树荫下继续进行。前来观审的有两千多人,他们有的坐在长条木凳上,有的蹲在草地上,有的趴在停放着的汽车的车顶上,还有的人则从窗户里傻呆呆地伸长脖子向外张望。Then came the climax of the trial. Because of the wording of the anti-evolution law, the prosecution was forced to take the position that the Bible must be interpreted literally.
45、Now Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defence. The judge looked startled. We are calling him as an expert on the Bible, Darrow said. His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized throughout the world. 接着审判的高潮到来了。由于反进化论法律条文的限制,控方只得坚持圣经必须严格按字面意义解释的立场。这时,达罗突
46、然打出他的王牌,点名要布莱恩充当辩方证人。法官也满脸惊讶。“我们要他当证人是因为他是圣经研究专家,”达罗说道。“作为经学权威,他的声誉是举世公认的。” Bryan was suspicious of the wily Darrow, yet he could not refuse the challenge. For year s he had lectured and written on the Bible. He had campaigned against Darwinism in Tennessee even before passage of the anti-evolution
47、law. Resolutely he strode to the stand, carrying a palm fan like a sword to repel his enemies. 布莱恩满心狐疑,不知那诡计多端的达罗葫芦里在卖什么药,但他又不能不接受这一挑战。多年来他一直在讲解圣经,并且还曾围绕圣经著书立说。甚至在反进化论法令通过之前,他就在田纳西州发动过反达尔文主义的运动。这时,只见他刚毅果敢地握着一把芭蕉扇,像是拿它当成一把退敌的利剑似的,大步流星地向证人席走去。Under Darrows quiet questioning he acknowledged believing t
48、he Bible literally, and the crowd punctuated his defiant replies with fervent Amens.Darrow read from Genesis: And the evening and the morning were the first day. Then he asked Bryan if he believed that the sun was created on the fourth day. Bryan said that he did.How could there have been a morning and evening with-out any sun? Darrow enquired.在达罗的平静语调套问下,他承认自己对圣经的字字句句深信不疑,旁观的人群对他的激昂的回答不时和以热烈的“阿门”的喊声。达罗翻开创世纪念道:“夜尽晨来乃第一天也。接下来他问布莱恩是否相信太阳是第四天创造出来的,布莱恩回答说他相信。“没有太阳之前又怎么会有早晨和晚上呢?”达罗问道。 Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence. The