1、基础英语B2课程教学大纲一、课程与授课教师基本信息课程名称:基础英语B2课程类别(必修/选修):必修课程英文名称:Basic English (B2)总学时/周学时/学分:54/3/3其中实验(实训、讨论等)学时:0先修课程:基础英语B1课表(校区/时间/地点/起至周):松山湖校区/周一 3-4节/6D-405、5-6节6C202周三5-6节/6C-202周五12节6C204/ 118周开课单位:文学与传媒学院授课对象(年级/专业):2016/电子1、2、3班;建筑学1班使用教材:新世纪大学英语综合教程2,秦秀白,上海外语教育出版社,2014; 新世纪大学英语视听说教程2,杨惠中主编,上海外语
2、教育出版社2014年5月 第版;新世纪大学英语:快速阅读教程(2),束定芳主编,上海外语教育出版社 2014年3月第一版。辅助教材:新编大学英语新视野大学英语大学英语全新版等。教学参考资料:英语教学法心理语言学应用语言学中西文化比较。附学生拓展资料:历年四级全真试题,Three Days to See - Helen Keller, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn -Mark Twain, American Tragedy -Theodore Dreiser, Animal Fann - George Orwell, Call of the Wild - Jack
3、 London, Catch-22 - Joseph Heller, All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque, English Salon, China Daily, The World of English.课程期末考核方式:开卷() 闭卷(Y)课程论文() 其它()答疑时间、地点与方式:通过面对面答疑,或通过文华在线、云班课、“批改网,班级微信 群、Q群、电子邮件、电话等方式答疑,时间和地点可以灵活处理。二、课程简介基础英语课程是面向非英语专业学生的一门必修课。该课程以外语教学理论为指 导,以英语语言知识与应用技能、跨文化
4、交际和学习策略为主要内容,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系,其目的在于培养学生的英语综合应 用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效 地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发 展和国际交流的需要。本课程教学单元主题的形式,主题内容贴近学生生活、内容丰富,将语言 学习贯穿于了解文化、思考人生、探讨价值观的过程中,旨在培养学生较扎实 的英语语言基础和较强的英语综合运用能力,提升学生综合文化素养,促进学 生个性人格健康发展。三、课程教学目标(精炼概括3-5条目标,本课程教学目标须与授课对象的专 业培养目标有一定的对应关系)1、夯实
5、学生的语言基本功。2、培养学生英语综合应用能力,提高“用英语”获取信息、处理信息、分析问题 和解决问题能力。3、拓展学生国际化视野,提高跨文化意识和跨文化交际能力。4、培养学生问题意识和批判性思维能力。5、正面引导学生,培养自主学习和自我管理的能力。四、课程进度表理论教学进程表周次教学主题学时教学的重点与难点教学方式作业安排1-3综合教程2: Unit 1Living in harmony6Introduction of Regulations and TasksText A: The Kindness of StrangersUnderstand the contents of text:
6、When I dont want to get involvcd has now become a national motto, the author makes a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar to test his faith in America.Extended questions: What is an ideal harmonious society in your mind and what are the main characteristics of a harmonious societ
7、y?Lectures and group discussion完成课文阅读及相关练 习。写作:反思课文内容, 写一篇关于你心目中的理 想社会的作文。视听说教程2 :Unitl&22Introduction and relationships; Expressing feelings through words and gestures;Focus: informal and formal introductions; asking how someone is;Self study由学生独立完成听力学 习,老师进行监督与评价。快速阅读教程2:Unitl1Apply fast-reading t
8、echnique to read and finish exercisesSelf study由学生独立完成阅读学 习,老师进行监督与评价。4-6综合教程2: Unit 3The Road to Success5Text A: The Shadowland of DreamsUnderstand the contents of text: In order to become successful, one must learn to struggle in the Shadowland of dreams - a deep forest that can swallow up those w
9、ho swing and hesitate.Extended question: How you can Persevere in the Shadowland of Dreams?Lectures and group discussion完成课文阅读及相关练 习。写作:结合自身成长 经历,完成一篇关于追求 梦想的记叙文。视听说教程2: Unit 31Adjectives describing foods.Focus: offering and suggestingSelf study由学生独立完成听力学 习,老师进行监督与评价。快速阅读教程 2:Unit 2&32Apply fast-rea
10、ding technique to read and finish exercisesSelf study由学生独立完成阅读学 习,老师进行监督与评价。6-8综合教程2: Unit 4Being Creative5Text A: Stay Hungry, Stay FoolishUnderstand the contents of text: In this commencement address, Steve Jobs recounts his life, his bold decision to drop out of college, the triumph and failure o
11、f his first venture into the world of computer technology, and finally his close encounter with death. It provides us with an opportunity to explore the creative mind of this extraordinary genius.Extended questions: What is the meaning of connecting the dots, Loss and “death”?Lectures and group disc
12、ussion完成课文阅读及相关练 习。写作:结合自身经验, 完成一篇TextA的读后感。视听说教程2: Unit 41Modern trends and fashionsFocus: Agreeing and disagreeing; giving adviceSelf study由学生独立完成听力学 习,老师进行监督与评价。快速阅读教程2: Unit 41Apply fast-reading technique to read and finish exercisesSelf study由学生独立完成阅读学 习,老师进行监督与评价。9-10综合教程2: Unit 5The Value of
13、Life5Text A: Three Days to SeeUnderstand the contents of text: It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long fbr that which we have not.” People tend to take what they have for granted, and seldom do they think about the value of life. Yet, Helen Kellen being both blind a
14、nd deaf, taught us how to make the fullest use of our wonderful senses to appreciate life from a wholly different view with love and passionExtended questions: If you only had one week left to live, what would you do in those seven days? Write down your answers and share your ideas with your classma
15、tes.Lectures and group discussion完成课文阅读及相关练 习。写作:结合对课文的 理解,完成一篇关于人生 价值的作文。视听说教程2: Unit5&62Unsolved mysteries; Memory and dreamsFocus: Talking about possibility and impossibility; Expressing degrees of certaintySelf study由学生独立完成听力学 习,老师进行监督与评价。快速阅读教程2 :1Apply fast-reading technique to read and finish
16、 exercisesSelf study由学生独立完成阅读学Unit 5习,老师进行监督与评价。11期中考试(含五一节)2ExamExam12-14综合教程2 Unit 6Learningto WorkTogether5Text A: What Does Teamwork Really Mean?Understand the contents of text: What is the essence of teamwork? How do individuals relate to one another in a team? Are you a team player? Understand
17、ing these questions can surely promote team spirit as well as individual development. Extended question: What was the most outstanding characteristic of a successful team?Lectures and group discussion完成课文阅读及相关练 习。写作:结合自己对课 文的理解,完成一篇关于 团队精神的意义的作文视听说教程2: Unit 71Parties , festivals and holidays;Focus:
18、Accepting and declining invitationsSelf study由学生独立完成听力学 习,老师进行监督与评价。快速阅读教程2: Unit 61Apply fast-reading technique to read and finish exercisesSelf study由学生独立完成阅读学 习,老师进行监督与评价。15-17综合教程2: Unit8Gender Differencesand Communication6Text A: Uncommon DecencyUnderstand the contents of text: this essay is a
19、discussion on moral dilemma.What used to be common decency has become uncommon now. It seems that vc have become a society where lack of consideration is the norm, where it is entirely legitimate to care only about oneself. How could we do something to make a change?Lectures and group discussion完成课文
20、阅读及相关练 习。写作:结合自己对课 文的理解,完成一篇作文视听说教程2: Unit 81Neighborhood lifeFocus: polite requests with modal verbs and mind; imperativesSelf study由学生独立完成听力学 习,老师进行监督与评价。快速阅读教程2 :Unit 7&82Apply fast-reading technique to read and finish exercisesSelf study由学生独立完成阅读学 习,老师进行监督与评价。18综合教程总复习2总结本学期所学内容。Review完成全部课文阅读及相
21、关 练习,进行总复习。视听说教程总复习1完成书后测试题及总复习Self study总复习快速阅读教程总复习1总复习Self study总复习合计54备注:本学期有清明节,劳动节,端午节将随节日安排灵活调整;教学进度根据学生的接受程度做适当调整;。五、成绩评定方法及标准考核内容评价标准权重考勤情况不迟到、不早退、不旷课0. 1课堂表现课前准备充分,课堂积极参与活动0. 1平时作业及时完成作业,作业抄袭以零分处理0. 1自主学习及时完成自主学习内容0. 1期中考试检查学生前期学习基本情况0. 1期末考试根据考试评分标准评定0.5六、学院教学指导委员会审查意见我院(系)教学指导委员会已对本课程教学大纲进行了审查,同意执行。学院教学指导委员会主任签名:日期: 年 月 日