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1、软件测试与质量管理实验报告学号:姓名:机器号:程序名:实验内容: (六)Web测试一、目的和要求应用Web测试工具对Web系统进行功能和性能测试;二、实验内容1 .题目一:测试网站功能选择一个网站,对其进行功能测试。要求首先编写测试用例,然后用QuickTest Professional自动 化测试工具对该网站进行测试。2 .题目二:测试网站性能选择一个网站,对其进行性能测试。要求使用LoadRunner进行负载测试。三、实验要求1 .撰写实验报告;2 .撰写Web系统的测试计划,测试方案;3 .撰写Web系统测试的测试用例;4 .撰写缺陷报告;5 .提交测试脚本。四、实验步骤1 .拟定测试计

2、划;2 .撰写测试方案;3 .设计测试用例;4 .录制测试脚本;5 . 用 QuickTest Professional 和 LoadRunner 分别测试;6 .分析测试结果。项目名称登陆网站测试项目编号模块名称登陆网站模块编号用例作者参考信息需求规格说明书,设计说明书测试类型综合测试测试方法手工和工具相结合测试人员测试日期测试对象测试用户能否正常登陆和能否发送邮件前置条件存在正确的用户名和密码;登陆页面正常装载:正确的用户名:zznnxx 19930612 密码:heyuanl23用例编号操作输入数据预期结果实际结果测试状态01输入正确的 用户名、密 码、验证码, 点击enter用户名:

3、zznnxx19930612 密码.*正常登陆正常登陆测试状态02输入正确的 用户名单未 区分大小写、 密码、验证 码,点击登陆用户名:ZZnnxx19930612密码.*正常登陆,正常登陆测试状态03输入正确的 用户名,错误 的密码、验证 码,点击登陆用户名:qwertyuiop密而马*不能正常 登陆,显示 “用户名不存在或 错误”用户名错误测试状态04输入正确的 用户名、密 码、验证码, 点击登陆用户名:zznnxx19930612密码*正常登陆正常登陆测试状态05发送邮件发送主题为123的邮件正常发送正常发送测试状态一、功能测试实验环境:QuicktestMercury Lo.Si 2

4、Windows.3 Nicroso. .国2 Untitled T.4 128网易免n / Ed帚M g g 15:05Ready导 Untitled Test Rest - Test Results性能测试实验环境:Loadrunner(1)录制脚本:Snapshot=t2. inf”,Mode=HTNL,ITEMDATA,Na*e=osCsid, *Value=379fe7ad9522ala7e661566d985378f5 ENDITEM,*NaMe=action*, Value=process”, ENDITEI, NaRe=userName, Value=purity, ENDITE

5、M, Nane=password, Value=, ENDITEM, NaRe=login. x, *Value=0 ENDITEM, *NaMe=login. y Value=0, ENDITEM, Nane=login,Value=Login”, ENDITEM, LAST);web_subnit_data (login. php_2),Action=, demoaut. com/login. php”,*Method=POST*,R ecC ont ent Typ e= t e x t/ht m1J,Referer=. com/mercurysignon. php?osCsid=379f

6、e7ad9522ala7e661566d985378f5, ,Snapshot=t3. inf”, *Mode=HTML, ITEMDATA, NaRe=osCsid, *Value=379fe7ad9522ala7e661566d985378f5 ENDITEM, NaRe=action, Value=process, ENDITEI, Nane=userName: Value=purity, ENDITEM, ,NaMe=password *Value=123456 ENDITEM, *NaMe=login. x Value=29, ENDITEM, Nane=login.y, *Valu

7、e=18 ENDITEM, Naae=login,, Value=LogirT, ENDITEM,LAST);web_subit_form(mercuryreservation2. php,Snapshot=t4. inf”,ITEMDATA,Nane=tripTypea, Value=roundtrip, ENDITEM,NaMe=passCount/, /Value=l,, ENDITEN,NaRe=fromPorttf, Vaiue=AcapulcoENDITEM,(2)回放脚本:Start Page |basic - Web (HTTP/HTML) |Result Directory:

8、 resultlReplay status: No errors detectedATTENTION: No runtime errors were detected. However, you should make sure the business process was replayed correctly, by comparing the Replay and Recorded snapshots in the right pane.Dynamic Server Values (Correlations):VuGen detected one or more dynamic val

9、ues in your script.You may encounter problems during replay if the server expects unique values that differ from the recorded ones. It is recommended that you correlate these values.Learn more about correlationYou can view a list of the dynamic values that VuGen detected.Show and resolve dynamic ser

10、ver valuesVerification:To check whether or not the replay accurately emulates your recorded session, compare the Replay and Recorded snapshots in the right pane.You can get further information about the replay from the、,一拼:士st results, or from the Red !cq.To view or modify the script, sztch to 已dit

11、mcde.Use the Run-Time Settincisto emulate different user behaviors during replay.Replay AgainHelp Online.Q Back Next Q(3)启动Controller,创建场景%HP LoadRunner Controller - Scenariol - Pesign(l) File View Scenario Results Diagnostics Tools Help亚T口 *切遹jKev etcul 二Edi t Del etc | AdvancedService Level Agreem

12、entCunently no SLA rules are defined for the lodd testClick the New button to define SLA entena for your load test.Scenario Schedule匈X-Schedule Nome| Schedule 13Schedule by:出 Total: 5 VusersActionPropertiesInitiolizaInitialize aach Vuzr just bforo it runsSt4rt VusersStart 5 Yusers 2 every 00 00:15 (

13、HM HW SS)DurationRun for 00:05 00 (KM IW SS)Stop VusersStop all Vusers: 5 every 00:00:30 (KK WW:SS)Global ScheduleDesign(4)设计场景Service Level Agreement 一 /国国a a ,殁EInteractive Schedule Graph. oooooo oaoioo00:02 0000:03 0000:04 00Time00 05:0000 06:00Scenofio StatusScenario GroupsGroup Narre 1Down 0Pen

14、ding 0屈 0Ready 0Run 0Rendez 0Passed 0Failed 0Error 0Gradual E 疝ing 0E灿ng 1Stopped 4M3ic14A Start ScenarioReset Vyaw.付 RWStogVuz创2.Available GraphsS Runtime Graphs-Rumng Vusers User Delincd Data Ports“Ert oi St&匕-Vuteis with EtrortB Tfertsaction Graphs-Trans Response Time TramySec|Passed| TransTScc |

15、Faied.Stoppedl-T olal T ron$/Scc (Pawed)B Web Resource Gr/jHHh per SecondH Throughput- HTTP Responses per Second Pages DowNoaded per Second Running Vusers - whole scenarioDesign(5)场景分析00:01:0000:02:0000:03:0000:04:0000 05:0000:06:0000:07:00Elapsed TimeHis per Second - whole scenarioElapsed Time (Hou

16、r Min See)RunRunnhg VuteisEhpsed TimeHit$/SecordParsed TramactionsFdedTrandcbonsErrors0007:36 |hh:mm:$)QOO(la$ieO11515901Trans Response Time - whole scenario00:01:0000:02 0000:03:0000:04:0000:05:0000 06 0000:07:00Elapsed Ee (Hour:Min:Sec)Windows Resources - last 60 secElopsed Time (HourMin Sec)Auto

17、CoKat RewHP LoadRunner Analysis - Sessionl.lraFile Edit View Graph Reports Tools Windows HelpSession ExplorerSummary Report Running Vusers | Transaction Summary | Average Transa.Response Time臼 国 Session Lira曰 G ReportsSummary Report日曰Graphsi 画 Runnng VUsers: Transacton Summary:n Average Transaction

18、Response TimeAnalysis SummaryPeriod: 2014/6/14 23:22 - 2oi4/6/i4 23:30Scenario Name: Scenanol Results in Session: G:znxbesicVesres.lff Duration:7 minutes and 37 seconds.Statistics SummaryMa xu ? S 9SYou can define SLA data using the SLA confiauQtion wizardYou can analyze transaction behavior using t

19、he .nHvze Trdcsbcbon rnuchdrumTransaction SummaryTram)5:Total Passed: 11,643.101 Total Failed: 0 Total Stopped: 0 Averaoe Response TimeTransaction NameSLA StatusMinimumAverageMaximumStd.Deviation90PercentPassFailStopTacsactioc00000011,643,09600vu薯,nit Te-ction000000500Service Level Agreement Legend:

20、. Pass Q Fail 0 No DataSurrmaiy oage shows the stmmanzed an纲 12 on a sngle page感 ControllerOutputMessages | 二:c-c物 HP LoadRunner Analysis - Sessionl.lraFile Edit View Graph Reports Tools Windows Help由日不巴 修|皆|v翻& -5e|%费购|国W 哈园愿,一- L; 4 J-Session ExplorerR *回工畲US 血 Sessonl.ka0 日 Reports( Summary Repor

21、tB-Q GraphsRunning Vu$ef$国 Transaction Summary叵 Average Transaction Response TimeRunning VusarsNeasureoent BreakDwn TitUDisplay Jhe number of Vusers 卜& exeaHedVuser scnph. and their status, djmg each second ci a bad test Ths graph 论 useful for determhng Ihe Vuser bad on your server & any Qven moment

22、(f) Controller OutputMessages |0 Complete data联 HP LoadRunner Analysis - Sessionl.lraSummary Report Running Vusers| Transaction Summary | AverageTransa Response Time |Running VusersSJ3snJ0-3qEnN(_I_I_I_I_i_I_i_I_._I_r-00 00 00 15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01 15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02 15 02 30 02 45 03:00 03:1

23、5 03 X) 03 4504:00 04:15 04 30 04 45 05:00 05:15 05 30 05 45 06 00 06:15 06:30 06 45 07 00 07:15 07:30Elapsed scenario time mm ss曰3 |Scertisq ControllerOutputMessagesTransaction SummaryLegendQ X|F 胞,b S“ MeasuremerthJ|1PassDisplc the rujrrtef of UansacticrYS that passed, faied.父opped, of ended with

24、enors.日囱 Session l.lraB Si Reports2 Summary ReportB j Graphs期 Running VusersAverage Transaction Response Timen Transacbon SummaryAverage Transactor! Response TimuProperties r a I I -n3 PropertiesDescriptionTransaction End Status = G*a8 Secondsthe aver age time taFilterGranularityGroup ByMeazurcnent

25、BreakDovnTitle0.000048- 0.000046- 0.000044 -*00042 容0.00004 ).000038- ).000036- 加000乂 - 3.000032- 0.00003- ).000028- 3.000026- ).000024 - .000022- 得 0.00002 驷000018 .000016-0.000014- 0.000012-0.00001 -0.000008-I legend00 08 00 16 00 24 00:32 00 40 00 48 00 56 01 04 01:12 01:20 01 28 01 36 01:44 01:5

26、2 02 00 02 06 02:16 02:24 02 32 02 40 0248 02:56 0304 0312Elapsed scenano time mm ssAver ace Transaction Response | 嗡咻 3V 至 71,, ,口 盼 HP LoadRunner Analysis - Sessionl.lraFile Edit View Graph Reports Tools Windows HelpSummary Report | Running Vu$erS | Transaction Summary Average Trans.tsponse Time I

27、珍图崖BI 鸣 曲I vj旗 2 *1看费14|图a|ia|哈蚂 町 Session Explorer1Adiorvlransaclion00000vu3er_int_Traracbon0000-10 |Med3urementGraphs Miru |Gsph,Ave |Graph名 Ma |GrW2 Mb |El| 网易行6.0版Beta Mozilla Firefox jthe average Sme taken to perfonn hamaciion( duiing each second of the load tect. This graph Fvelps you deterrrine whether the oeifoimance d the $avei i$ within acce0abte mhmum and Controller Output Messages |X)Complete data五、心得与体会本次实验综合了上两次的实验,对自己选定的网站分别用quicktest和loadrunner进行测试。在实验室运 行时,只用quicktest测试了一次,而无法打开loadrunner进行测试。后用自己的电脑运行了一次,成功了。 主要问题还是出在软件版本的搭配问题上。


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