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1、第三课时一、课时内容教科书第教科书第7页:B. Lets try Lefs talk二、课时分析“Lefstry”是听力练习,为Lets talk”部分做了铺垫。在”Lets talk”板块中,以本单元总主 题Whafshelike?”为中心,呈现了第二个对话场景,陈杰和约翰讨论了他们的新语文老师王 女士的外貌和性格特点。对话中涉及了句型1.will be”、Whafs she/he like?、He/She is.HnnDo you know.?11,通过陈杰的介绍,约翰了解到王女士是一位慈祥但有时严厉的语 文老师,并发现陈杰的妈妈也是这位新语文老师。这种交流方式激发了学生积极参与问答式 对

2、话,获得有趣信息,营造了轻松的氛围。随后,介绍了六个用于描述人物性格特点的形容 词(funny, kind, quiet, strict, nice, friendly),并展示了问答对话例句,例如Whafs Chen Jie like? Shds quiet.”学生们可以根据需要替换人名和形容词,进行问答练习,以便在实际交 流中更灵活运用。本课是本单元B部分的开篇课,推动并扩展了学习内容,主要侧重掌握句型”Whats she /he like?/He/She is”和一些常用形容词。对话中呈现了一般将来时态的陈述句,以及以 “hat. like”引导的特殊疑问句形式,同时还包括以“is“和“

3、do”开头的一般疑问句及其肯定、 否定回答方式,增强了学生对这些句型的理解。接着,展示了七个用于描述人物外貌和性格 特点的形容词,通过学生间的问答练习,深入了解对方的认知情况,从而提高运用句型 “Whafsshe/helike?/He/Sheis.一进行交流的能力,同时也促进对老师的尊敬和崇拜之情。鉴于课程内容重点在情景对话中的重点单词和句型,我计划使用网络教学资源,以动画 的方式呈现对话内容,通过声音和视觉的结合,生动地呈现内容,让学生更好地理解。此外, 分组表演对话可以满足学生的表现欲望,增强学习的自信心。同时: 创造多样的情景游戏也 有助于学生熟练掌握重点单词和句型。三、课时目标1. 能

4、够听、口头表达、读、写以卜核心句型:What is her personality like? She is kind.2. 能够正确地理解包含will be”的句式:Ms. Wang is going to become our new Chinese teacher.3. 能够准确区分“Ms与“Mr、“Miss,”MrsJ等称谓的用法。正确理解“sometimes”的含 义和用法。4. 具备听懂、口头表达并表演对话内容的能力,并且在真实情境中灵活应用核心句型进行 面对面的对话交流。四、课时重难点课程重点:(1)正确理解will be和sometimes”的含义和用法。(2)掌握重点特殊问句

5、:Whatfs she like?”(3)能够准确区分”Ms.”与nMr.n, nMissn, Mrs等称谓的用法。学习难点:能够听懂、口头表达并表演对话中的内容,并且在真实情境中灵活运用所需核心句型进行面 对面的对话交流。五、教学准备教师课前精心制作PPT课件以及微课视频,准备好录音设备,自制词卡与图卡,学生自制 人物头饰。六、教学过程L课前热身T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: What time is it now?Ss: Ifs eight thirty.T: Its time for our

6、English class.Ss: Great.T: Stand up, please. Say and do follow me.Ss: Yes.T: Hello. Hello. Vm polite.Ss: Hello. Hello. Tm polite.T: A-B-C-D-E-F-G, Im hard-working.Ss: A-B-C-D-E-F-G, Im hard-working.T: Look! Im helpful.Ss: Look! Im helpful.T: Five, six, thirty. Tm clever.Ss: Five, six, thirty. Vm cle

7、ver.T: No! No! Im shy.Ss: No! No! Im shy.T: Whafs she like?Ss: Whats she like?T: Shes shy, too.Ss: Shes shy, too. 设计意图:通过使用说唱的方式,让学生们以更富有趣味性的方式复习和预习内容。这种活 动不仅能够激发学生的积极性,还可以在游戏中潜移默化地加深他们对知识的理解和记忆。 这种互动式的学习方式有助于学生更加自然地吸收新的知识。2 .导入(1)播放英语歌曲“Whos your teacher?”来熟悉英语环境。To create a familiar English enviro

8、nment, play the English song Whos your teacher?” Since most students are already familiar with this song after multiple plays, encourage them to sing along loudly.(2)做“萝卜蹲”小型比赛。Before introducing new content, review the key vocabulary learned earlier. Have two groups take turns coming to the front t

9、o play a game of 萝 卜蹲” (similar to the game of Duck, Duck, Goose). This game will help reinforce the key vocabulary from Part A: old, young, funny, kind, strict, and you can also add a few more words like tall, friendly, quiet, and so on. Heres an example:SI:老老蹲(old蹲),老老蹲(old蹲),老老蹲完了,严肃蹲(strict蹲).S2

10、:严肃蹲(strict蹲), 严肃蹲(strict蹲),严肃蹲完了,年轻蹲(young蹲).S3:年轻蹲(young蹲),年轻蹲(young 蹲),年轻蹲完了,友好蹲(friendly蹲).S4:友好蹲(friendly蹲),友好蹲(friendly蹲),友好 蹲完了,幽默蹲(funny蹲).S5:幽默蹲(funny蹲),幽默蹲(funny蹲),幽默蹲完了,严肃 蹲(strict蹲).S2:严肃蹲(strict蹲),严肃蹲(strict蹲),严肃蹲完了,老老蹲(old蹲).S1:老老蹲(old蹲),老老蹲(old蹲),老老蹲完了,友好蹲(friendly蹲),设计意图:通过游戏的形式来复习之前

11、学过的单词,学生们会感兴趣,积极参与,并快速地 复习所需内容。(3)语言导入。T:同学们,Ms Wang是新来的老师。你们想知道:Ms Wang是什么样的人吗? Ss:想。T: 好的,请翻开书页到第7页的“让我们试试”部分。现在让我们听录音并选择对号,请你们听 一下。设计意图:通过听录音判断对错的方式,复习上节课学过的内容,简单明了,节奏短,有助 于快速地复习。附:Lets try 听力材料 Ms Wang is a new teacher here. Listen and tick. Man: Whos that woman? Woman: Thafs Ms Wang. Shes a new

12、 teacher here. Man: Whats she like? Woman: Shes very friendly.答案:friendly3 .新课呈现(1)播放动画课件,观看情景对话。Begin the lesson by playing an animated video on the interactive multimedia courseware. The video should depict a dialogue between two characters, Chen Jie and John.Introduce Key Vocabulary and Phrases:

13、Highlight the word Hwilln and explain its meaning in the context of future actions. Show examples of sentences using will for future actions: I will be a driver. He will be a doctor. Mr. Wang will be a singer one day.Differentiate between will and nbe going to”: Explain that will” is used fbr action

14、s in the more distant future that are certain to happen. Explain that nbe going ton is used fbr actions in the near future that have been planned orprepared fbr.Present the concept on a PPT slide and provide examples fbr practice: Use fill-in-the-blank sentences to test students* understanding. For

15、example: Xiao Ming is going to draw a bird picture fbr me tomorrow. Lily a teacher in the future. Options: a) is going to; b) will be(2)练习朗读对话。Replay the dialogue video and have the students follow along and read aloud several times. Group Reading: Divide the class into two groups, with one group of

16、 boys and one group of girls. Assign the roles of Chen Jie and John to these groups. Have the girls read Johns lines and the boys read Chen Jie*s lines. Then switch the roles. Practice Role-Switching with a Partner: Have students pair up and practice reading the dialogue, switching roles after each

17、read-through.(3)分角色配音朗读对话。Replay the dialogue video and have students work in pairs to do voiceovers for the characters in the animation. Turn it into a dubbing competition, where each pair performs the dialogue with their own interpretations. Choose the best performance as the winner and offer a re

18、ward.(4)表演对话。Have students memorize the dialogue in pairs and then perform it without looking at their notes. This activity can be done in several steps:Individual Practice: Allow students some time to memorize their parts individually. Group Practice: Let the pairs of students practice together to

19、improve their coordination. Group Performance: Have each pair come to the front of the class to perform the dialogue. Encourage creative expression in their delivery. Award the Best Performances: After all groups have performed, give feedback and select the most engaging and well-executed performanc

20、es to receive rewards.This activity not only reinforces language skills but also promotes teamwork and public speaking confidence.By incorporating these interactive and engaging activities, students will be more immersed in the learning process, making the English class both enjoyable and effective.

21、4 .操练(1) PPT展示一些描述人物性格特征的形容词:Open the lesson by displaying a PowerPoint slide that presents adjectives describing personality traits: funny:滑稽的;可笑的 kind:慈祥的;体贴的 quiet:文静的 strict:严格的;严厉的nice:很好的friendly:友好的For example: T: Today, weYe going to talk about different words that describe peoples personali

22、ties. Lets start with nfunny. What does nfunny mean? S: (Respond) T: Great! Now, lets learn about the other words too.(2)领读单词和句子。Select three student representatives to lead the class in reading the vocabulary words and sentences. Have the students repeat after them and then practice reading the wor

23、ds and sentences on their own.Incorporate Interactive Role-Playing with Student-Created Character Cards: Share with the students that you have prepared personalized character cards for some students in the class, mentioning their names, personality traits, and the subject you teach. Demonstrate with

24、 a student representative: Engage in a dialogue by selecting a card and having a student initiate a conversation based on the card*s information. T: What*s your English teacher like? S: Shes friendly.(3)即兴表演比赛。Divide students into pairs fbr impromptu role-play competitions. Each pair will come to th

25、e front of the class and perform an improvised dialogue based on the personality traits. Capture the performances on video for later feedback and evaluation.Examples: SI: Whats Li Yingjie like? S2: Shes quiet. Whafs Liu Yun like? SI: Shes kind.Encourage students to use their creativity and language

26、skills to engage in lively conversations.(4)传话游戏Organize a nWhispering Gamen to engage students in a fun and challenging activity: Prepare sentence cards with short phrases related to personality traits. Divide the class into two teams. Have the first student from each team pick a card and whisper t

27、he sentence to the next student in line, passing the message along. The last student in each line should announce the message out loud. If the message remains accurate and unchanged, the team wins a point.Examples of sentences: Chen Jie is funny. Mike is quiet.Design Intent: Through these diverse an

28、d interactive activities, you can create an engaging and dynamic English classroom environment. By incorporating vocabulary, role-playing, and games, you help students practice using the newly learned language in a natural and enjoyable context. This approach fosters participation, collaboration, an

29、d linguistic confidence among students.5 .课堂小结T: Now, lets talk about what weYe going to learn tomorrow. Who can tell me?51: Fil tell you! Tomorrow, were going to learn about will be.” Its a special phrase that means ” 将要成为in Chinese.52: Thats right! And we will also learn how to use nwill beH in se

30、ntences. For example, Ms. Wang will be our new Chinese teacher/1 That means ”王女士将要成为我们的新语文老师” in Chinese.T: Excellent job, both of you! Now, who else can share what they will learn tomorrow?53: PH share! Tomorrow, we*ll learn to ask and answer, ,What,s Chen Jie like?*1 Its a way to ask about someone

31、*s personality. In Chinese, its ”陈杰什么样?”54: And I know the answer to that! When were asked Whats Chen Jie like? we can say, Shes kind.* That means 她很善良in Chinese.55: Oh, and dont forget about asking if someone is strict. Well learn to say Is she strict?” which means ”她要求很严厉 in Chinese.56: And theres

32、 a new word well learn too-sometimes. It means ” 有时候 in Chinese. Like, sometimes we play games in the classroom.57: Really? Thafs interesting! nReallyn means ”真的吗” in Chinese. Itfs a word we use when weYe surprised or want to know if something is true.58: Also, we*ll learn to say Shes quiet.H That m

33、eans 她很文静 in Chinese. So, we*ll know how to describe peoples personalities.T: Wow, you all are amazing! It sounds like we have an exciting day ahead. I can*t wait to learn all these new things together. Let!s keep up the great work!Design Intent: By having students share what theyll learn in the upc

34、oming lesson, you create an engaging and participatory atmosphere. This approach encourages students to actively contribute and reinforces their understanding of the lessons objectives. The dialogues between the teacher and students mimic natural conversational dynamics, enhancing comprehension and retention.板书设计Unit 1 class 3重点单词:will (将来;将要)sometimes (有时候)strict (严格的;严肃的;严厉的)重点句型:What,s she 1汰e?她什么样? She9s kind,她很和蔼。Is she strict?他要求很严厉吗? Yes, sometimes.是的,有时候。


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