1、Unit 2 Travelling Around Reading and thinking 预习预习学案学案Wanning up:1. Do you kixw wh more and more fwuple like trvellinK ncs?2. When you plan to ( travelling, what do hi hmc to consider?3. A small quiz about Peru:1) .Which continent is Pcm in?2) .Which is the nutional of Peru?3) .Which city k (he capi
2、tal of Peru?4) .Which empire one existed in Peru?5) .Which cHintry owe conquered ( Peru?Reading:一、FuM Reading:l.I.ook through the texts about Peru. And tdl what types of the two texts are :encyclopedla( 科全书)or brochure (资料手册?二、Care fill reading:I、Rvad text 1 ain and fill in the form tieloviHow to ge
3、t the destination in the middk of the forest: What to do:and) Red Machu Picchu Tour 3ml finish ike following lasks:l/ocation2 、 Readtext 2,Geographic characteristics (3 main areas)Lfinish the following2.quest ions3.1 ) read AmazonHistoryLanguageAmazon Rainforest:in the 1400s and1500sRainfkxes t tour
4、, and finish (hefrom the 1500s (o 1821following task:How toenter theHow long:How to get Machu Pkchu:What to do: 、 How you will feel: _Ruid Cusco (our. and finish (be tbllowing Uisks: How king: What to do:. 、Read Lake Titicaca tour, and finish the following tasks: How to rH to Lake Titiaiai and the i
5、sland: WIkit to Moy: What to do:、 三、根据短文.选择最佳答案:1、the following introduction about Pern is true except.A. dry B. rwrrow C. flat land D. cold2、which countn controlled Peru from the I6,h(o 19c ?A. Spain B. America C. Britain D. India3、How can you go to the Amazon from Cuwo?A. By boat B. by plane C. by
6、 train D. on foot4, what is especially amazing in Machu Picchu?A. The Incas cultureB. The Incas languageC. The Incas dry stone method of building D. The Incas climateS What h (he authors intention of writing the paage?A. Tb rvinend four tourist atlractloiu of Peru.B. To tell people to (ravel 抵 often
7、 as possible.C. T6 encuurage people (o do outdr activitieD. T help people learn mon? about Peru.6. Where does this text probably e from?A. An agricultural ina*猛zint*B. meikrul journal.C. An engineering textbook. I). A tourist brochure.7. Rriid the rnllciwinj pnimph, 4nd kiwk% the meaning of the* und
8、erlined word . It probably men、*,、 a short period f time when someone stop bdnj conxiotis8. the way that something is Miitnbk for a purticuhr person, spact etc.9. a very strong emotion that you cannot control8、What is (he authors intention of writing the passage?A. 1b remend four tourist attractions
9、 of Peru.B. To tell people to travel abroad as often as possible.C. To encourage people to get close to nature.D. To help people learn more about Peru.四、plete the passa Mith the correct fornu of the new uortk from the two (exU.CUSCO k a popular d for tourists, because of its u place in (he hktoryof
10、South America. Cum?o was the capital of the city f the Inca E the most powerful empire in South American until 150(K There are (wo especially Interesting thin明 to aabout theInca Empire. The firit is the roads and pthe) built to connecl their Important cities. Thew;Inca rouds were made up 4 two north
11、-south highways and main MnaJI roads crossing the mHinlains eiast Io Thv ruad% Here for Inca soldkrs and their mrkeU in the%c citie%. One uf the intercslin)* |ueKlims nf histor ix how the Inmx lived with on the Pacific coast of South Americanarrow, dry. flat land running along the coast : the Andes
12、Mountains; the Amazon forest; the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire; was ruled hy Spain; Spanish2、1) On a short flight: By Explore the rainforest and enjoy the planh* and animals unique to the rainforest2)4 days ; On foot; Walk in the Mountains. Explore the ancient city ; Amazed by the Inca
13、s dry stone method of building4 days : Stay in a local hotely Visit the museums* .Admire the architecture9 Enjoy the excellent local food Go shopping at the local markets4)By can by boat; A local Uros home on an island; Enjoy the beautiful countryside* Stay with a local IJros family三、1、D 2.A 3. B 4.C S.A 6. D 7. B 8.A四、略