1、第1页2 英语发音英语发音2 辅音辅音1 元音元音单元音单元音双元音双元音清辅音清辅音浊辅音浊辅音第2页2 英语发音英语发音长音长音短音短音i i:ue:u:单元音单元音返回返回第3页2 英语发音英语发音长音长音短音短音i i:ue:u:单元音单元音返回返回第4页i:eateasteachi:i:cheapmeatpoliceheseebee看见看见东,东方东,东方廉价廉价肉肉警察警察他他吃吃蜜蜂蜜蜂各自各自返回返回句子句子第5页 i ifEnglishear i i missbiglipprettysleepytaxi困倦困倦英语英语想念想念大大嘴唇嘴唇漂亮漂亮假如假如出租车出租车耳朵耳朵返
2、回返回句子句子第6页seatsitleavelivedeeddidbeatbithealhilli:i 返回返回第7页earnearlyerstheardlearnworkherfurrefer毛皮毛皮早早听到听到学习学习工作工作她她挣得挣得参考参考以前以前返回返回:句子句子第8页agoagainoccurworkerinterruptintervelvisitorteacherdoctor老师老师再,又再,又工人工人中止中止间隔间隔访问者访问者从前从前医生医生发生发生返回返回 句子句子第9页earlyallayturnterrificfurforgetoccurconquer:返回返回第10
3、页allAugustoratecallhalltalklawsawfour锯锯八月八月打电话打电话大厅大厅谈话谈话法律法律全部全部四四大言不惭演说大言不惭演说返回返回:句子句子第11页otteroptoratorhotstoplot水獭水獭抉择抉择热热演说者演说者许多许多停顿停顿返回返回 句子句子第12页awedoddnaughtnotcorkcockstalkstock:返回返回第13页u:loseloosefoodwhodoshoe丢失丢失涣散涣散谁谁食物食物鞋子鞋子做做返回返回u:句子句子第14页u womanwouldwolflookbookfoot妇女妇女将要将要看看狼狼脚脚书书返回
4、返回u 句子句子第15页foolfullpoolpullcoolcookLukelookroofwolfu:u 返回返回第16页 askartafterlastpastglassbarcarstar小汽车小汽车艺术艺术最终最终过去过去玻璃玻璃酒吧酒吧问问星星星星在在以后以后返回返回r:句子句子第17页upunderunclelovesonsun在上面在上面在下面在下面爱情爱情叔,伯叔,伯太阳太阳儿子儿子返回返回 句子句子第18页tasktuskmarchmuchlastlustcartcutr:返回返回第19页 eggedgeanystepbesthead鸡蛋鸡蛋边缘边缘步子步子任何,一些任何
5、,一些头部头部最好最好返回返回e e 句子句子第20页appleantAfricabackcabbag苹果苹果蚂蚁蚂蚁在在后面后面非洲非洲书包书包出租汽车出租汽车返回返回 句子句子第21页seatsitleavelivedeeddidbeatbithealhille 返回返回第22页2 英语发音英语发音双元音双元音ei ai i au u i u 返回返回第23页ageableAsiafacegreatstraightdaywaythey道路道路能干能干脸脸伟大伟大直直白天白天年纪年纪他们他们亚洲亚洲返回返回ei ei ei 句子句子第24页iceIaisleniceblindmightsky
6、flybuy飞行飞行我我好好瞎瞎可能可能天空天空冰冰买买走廊走廊返回返回ai ai ai 句子句子第25页oiloilyoyercoinnoisesoilboytoyjoy玩具玩具圆滑圆滑硬币硬币噪音噪音土壤土壤男孩男孩石油石油喜悦喜悦听审听审返回返回i i i 句子句子第26页latelikeboyKatebikepointwaylightpoisonmaymighttoypaybrightsoilstaykindoilwaitmindboilaimdriverspoildaylifejoyawayknifecoinei ai i 返回返回第27页outourowlhouseloudmous
7、enowhowcow多少,多么多少,多么我们我们房子房子大声大声老鼠老鼠现在现在在外在外母牛母牛猫头鹰猫头鹰返回返回au au au 句子句子第28页ogeeoldoverboatcoatroadgozerohero零零老老小船小船外衣外衣马路马路去去S型曲线型曲线英雄英雄在在上方上方返回返回u u u 句子句子第29页cowboatmousecoatmouthroadtownfloatloudherocloudzerobrownyellowroundwindowhouseslownowgoau u 返回返回第30页earearringearedserioustearfulperiodhere
8、deerdear鹿鹿耳环耳环严厉严厉含泪含泪时期时期这儿这儿耳朵耳朵亲爱亲爱有穗有穗返回返回i i i 句子句子第31页airairsickairyfairybearablecarefuldareharecare野兔野兔晕机晕机仙女仙女可忍受可忍受小心小心敢做敢做空气空气照料照料空气空气返回返回 句子句子第32页jewelpoorlysurelytourpoorsure珠宝珠宝贫穷地贫穷地旅行旅行确实确实确信确信贫穷贫穷返回返回u u 句子句子第33页teargourdbeardeartourpairclearpoorcareearjewelpearhearsureairnearassureh
9、arehereassurancesparedeertouristdarebeerlurestarefearallureparenti u 返回返回第34页清辅音清辅音浊辅音浊辅音浊辅音浊辅音p b h t d m k n f v s z l r j w tr dr 返回返回第35页paypraisepatapplesimplehappysleepmapdeep地图地图表彰表彰苹果苹果简单简单高兴高兴睡觉睡觉付钱付钱深深轻拍轻拍返回返回p p p 句子句子第36页butbagbookrubberaboutbabycabrobBob抢劫抢劫书包书包橡皮橡皮大约大约婴儿婴儿出租车出租车不过不过鲍勃鲍
10、勃书本书本返回返回b b b 句子句子第37页pinbinpushbackpearbushapplebearpaybattlepunchbaypetbunchpatbetpolebatpackbowlp b 返回返回第38页tenteamtallletterbottledoctorlasttextcat课文课文小组小组信件信件瓶子瓶子医生医生最终最终十个十个猫猫高高返回返回 t t t 句子句子第39页deskdarkdogladytodayspiderreadstandgood站立站立黑暗黑暗女士女士今天今天蜘蛛蜘蛛读书读书课桌课桌好好狗狗返回返回d d d 句子句子第40页hathadma
11、tmadteamdeanmustdustmeatdeedgoatroadtomatowindowtextdeskdoctorreadergatedate返回返回 t d 第41页Katekillkindmonkeybasketankleaskworktalk工作工作杀死杀死猴子猴子篮子篮子脚踝脚踝提问提问凯特凯特谈话谈话种类,慈爱种类,慈爱返回返回k k k 句子句子第42页gamegladgrowbeggarcigaragaineggbigdog大大高兴高兴乞丐乞丐雪茄烟雪茄烟再次再次鸡蛋鸡蛋游戏游戏狗狗生长生长返回返回 句子句子第43页backbagpickpigcurlgirlcameg
12、amehawkhogcomegumbickerbiggerKategatecoldgoldlocklog返回返回k 第44页fishfootballfloweroftenafterriflehalfkniferoof小刀小刀足球足球经常经常之后之后步枪步枪二分之一二分之一鱼鱼屋顶屋顶花花返回返回 f f f 句子句子第45页votevoiceveryoverloverevenfivesavelove节约节约声音声音在那边,在那边,在上边在上边情人情人甚至甚至五个五个选票选票爱情爱情很,非常很,非常返回返回v v v 句子句子第46页pinfinbetvetpeelfeelbentventpai
13、dfadebestvestpeerfearbasevaseporkforkballveryp b f v 返回返回第47页thankthingthirstyhealthybirthdaytruthfulhealthtoothmonth牙齿牙齿东西,事情东西,事情健康健康生日生日老实老实健康健康感激感激月份月份口渴口渴返回返回 句子句子第48页thesethosethoughtogetherothermotherclothebreathebathe牙齿牙齿东西,事情东西,事情健康健康生日生日老实老实健康健康感激感激月份月份口渴口渴返回返回 句子句子第49页sinthindaretheresing
14、thingbreedbretheseemthemedenthenmassmathdoughbrothermousemouthletterleather返回返回 s d 第50页saysomestopfacerecentmasterclassmousegoose老鼠老鼠一些一些脸蛋脸蛋最近最近主人主人课堂课堂说话说话鹅鹅停下停下返回返回 s s s 句子句子第51页zerozooziplazyeasycousinfreezecheeseis干酪干酪动物园动物园懒惰懒惰轻易轻易堂(表)弟兄(姐妹)堂(表)弟兄(姐妹)结冰结冰 零零是是拉链拉链返回返回z z z 句子句子第52页maps,stude
15、nts,desks,months,mouths,roofsroads,rubbers,rulers,mothers,tools,roomscuts,knocks,puts,sleeps,drops,asksrobs,says,answers,returns,calls,listens s z 返回返回第53页sugarsureshameassuresocialoceanwishwashflash洗(衣)洗(衣)确确信确信社会社会海洋海洋愿望愿望 糖糖闪光闪光耻辱耻辱返回返回 句子句子第54页genremeasurevisiongarageprestigerouge尺寸尺寸车库车库威望威望口红口
16、红通常通常 类型类型视力视力返回返回 usuallly句子句子第55页thinkthoughknifevotethousandmotherwolfvisitthankfatherforgetfivemonththenphonevoicemouthotherforceslavefifthbreathefromloveforthweatherphotoeveningtruthwhetherleaflivethrowtherefrontleveltooththeygulfcover f v 返回返回第56页studentroadswashmeasurestayflowersshamepleasure
17、strangebecausesocialusualsisternoiseoceanunusualclasswaswishtelevisionglassraisesuretreasureskaterisesugarbeigemousebottlesmachineprestigestartzeroshoesregimeelsefriendsshowazure返回返回 s z 第57页chancecheckchangequestionsuggestionteachercatchlunchreach午餐午餐停顿停顿问题问题提议提议教师教师抓住抓住 机会机会抵达抵达改变改变返回返回 句子句子第58页ju
18、dgejustJacksoldierlogicmanagerbridgeedgehuge边缘边缘刚才刚才军人军人逻辑逻辑经理经理桥梁桥梁 法官法官巨大巨大杰克杰克返回返回 句子句子第59页catchagewatchjudgeteachstagematchjokechangejustchargejourneycheckbridgeChinahugemuchedgecheermanage返回返回 第60页trytreetrouserstreetradetry贸易贸易试,努力试,努力tr tr 树木树木试,努力试,努力树木树木长裤长裤返回返回句子句子第61页driverdropdrawandroid
19、laundryhundred洗衣店洗衣店百百机器人机器人司机司机滴下,掉落滴下,掉落绘画绘画返回返回dr dr 句子句子第62页ratsseatscats老鼠老鼠座位座位猫猫返回返回 句子句子第63页cardsroadsbeds马路马路床床卡卡返回返回 句子句子第64页ratsstandstreedreamcatsnodstripdrugbitslidstrousersdrawbatshidestradedroppotscardstraindrivemeetsroadstroopdrumletsregardstrustaddressnutssecondstreatdressputsrecord
20、stracedragonbootsgodstrapdrama返回返回 tr dr 第65页hillhopehuge希望希望巨大巨大小山小山返回返回h 句子句子第66页hour 小时小时night 夜晚夜晚fight 战斗战斗when 何时何时where 何地何地what 何物何物oh 哦哦 John 约翰约翰through 经过返回返回第67页mothermaybemonthtomorrowtomatofamousgamesamecome相同相同可能可能明天明天西红柿西红柿著名著名游戏游戏 母亲母亲来到来到月份月份返回返回m m m 句子句子第68页namenevernoteangelcorn
21、erandthinplaintrain坦白坦白从来不从来不天使天使角落角落和,与和,与瘦瘦 名字名字火车火车笔记笔记返回返回 n n n 句子句子第69页winksinklinksingthingring事物事物铃响铃响唱歌唱歌眨眼眨眼下沉下沉连接连接返回返回 句子句子第70页morenolongmuchafternoonsingmouthchancetonguemonthlunchnothingroomsuninkmothersonringmondayneithersinktomatoneverthanktomorrownorthbankmapnotstrong返回返回m n 第71页lak
22、elooklevelcleanplaceslowanimalfilmpeople电影电影看看洁净洁净地方,位置地方,位置迟缓迟缓动物动物 湖湖人们人们水平水平返回返回l l l 句子句子第72页racerideredwritegreenmirror绿色绿色镜子镜子写写比赛比赛骑(车,马等)骑(车,马等)红色红色返回返回r r 句子句子r carenduringmore耐久耐久更多更多小汽车小汽车第73页yesyetyearbeyond超出超出是,是是,是还,仍还,仍年年返回返回 j j 句子句子第74页waywherewhilesweettwentyaway二十二十离开离开甜甜道路道路在哪儿在
23、哪儿在在时候时候返回返回w w 句子句子第75页watchvoiceyetbitlevelroadwhatcoveryeslipletrockwhyvoteyellowtriplongratherwherevisityearsickpeoplerulerwantsaveyoungkickcolorrubberpowerloverbeyondhitlittlerestwentmoveyouthfitlosemirrorwhenslaveyoulistlakecarrywolfveryusestickarticlemarryonefiveyesterdaymisscirclerepeatw v j
24、 i l r 第76页 i:cheapNo.Its very cheap.Is this bike expensive?1.Do you see the sleeping sheep?No.Its very cheap.2.Neither he nor she believes me.返回返回第77页EnglishMy major is English.Whats your major?1.Jim is in the picture.My major is English.2.Miss Smith is a pretty woman.i 返回返回第78页termWhat are you goi
25、ng to learn in this term?1.We will have learned five hundred new English words by the end of this term.I am going to learn English,maths and history.2.The new teachers were very nervous at first.:What are you going to learn in this term?返回返回第79页agoI graduated from that school three years ago.When di
26、d you graduate from Yu Chai Middle School?1.Three years ago,Peters elder sister was a doctor.2.The old tree is five meters highter than that wall.I graduated from that school three years ago.返回返回第80页talkWe are talking about the meeting which will be held tomorrow.What are you talking about?1.All of
27、the children in this classroom want to be a lawyer.2.All the men in the hall were talking about Mrs Bennets daughters beauty.:We are talking about the meeting which will be held tomorrow.返回返回第81页bottleA bottle of milk.What do you eat for your breakfast?1.There are a lot of hotdogs in the paper box.2
28、.The boss took out five dollars from his pocket.A bottle of milk.返回返回第82页whoWho is on duty today?1.Who knows the truth.2.Luke chooses a pair of shoes.Its Mary.u:Who is on duty today?返回返回第83页cookShe is cooking dinner.What is your mother doing?1.The woman is looking at the bookshelf.2.He would if he c
29、ould.uShe is cooking dinner.返回返回第84页lastI finished it last week.When did you finish the story book?1.He parked his car in front of the bar at last.2.Mr Smith was looking for his glasses in the dark classroom.:I finished it last week.返回返回第85页underThis book is under your desk.Do you find my textbook?1
30、.Mr charless son loves Mary very much.2.He cut his thumb carelessly.This book is under your desk.返回返回第86页begI beg your pardon,sir?Do you hear my words clearly?1.Betty never gets up early.2.Fred said it again and again.eSorry.I beg your pardon,sir?3.His friend likes to eat eggs.4.There are many pens
31、in the pencil-box.5.The desk is beside the bed.返回返回第87页cabWhat are you waiting for?I am waiting for a taxi cab.1.Pats cat is very fat.2.Mary likes the black hat very much.3.Toms dad is very sad.4.Jane had lost her handbag.5.Luke is not good at maths.I am waiting for a taxi cab.返回返回第88页wayCan you tel
32、l me which is the way to the post office?1.It rained eight days.2.They praise Kate for her courage.Go down this road and you will find it on the second block.3.She ate eight pieces of cake the day before yesterday.4.Jack was on his way to the railway station.5.There will be a table tennis match in M
33、ay.ei Can you tell me which is the way to the post office?返回返回第89页niceWhat a nice dress!When did you buy it?1.I like the blue sky.2.Mike might buy a new bike.I bought it yesterday.3.There is a strange idea in my mind.4.I find that he is telling a lie.5.Please walk along the right side of the street.
34、ai What a nice dress!When did you buy it?返回返回第90页joyfulTom is a joyful boy.1.The little boy is playing with his new toy.2.The spoiled boy made a loud noise.So is Jerry.3.The joyful girl is counting her coins.4.The sound of boiling water is very noisy.5.Put some oil in the car.i Tom is a joyful boy.返
35、回返回第91页nowWhat time is it now?1.Our house has a brown mouse.2.You are not allowed to speak aloud.Its ten oclock.3.It is raining now.4.There are lots of beautiful flowers in front of the house.5.It is cloudy now.au What time is it now?返回返回第92页slowPlease walk slowly.I cant catch up with you.1.Please s
36、how me the coat over there.2.The old boat is floating slowly on the cold river.Hurry up!Or we will miss the train.3.Throw those old photos out of the window.4.The road is covered with white snow.5.Joe wrote Joans phone number on his notebook.u Please walk slowly.I cant catch up with you.返回返回第93页beer
37、A glass of beer.1.Dont sit near the door.2.Can you hear his voice clearly?A glass of beer.3.A little deer appears in the woods.4.Please give me a glass of beer.5.Here you are.What would you like to drink,sir?i 返回返回第94页careTake care.1.It is unfair.2.Be careful!There is a big bear.Me too.Take care.3.T
38、he hare is staring at the pear.4.The fair lady wears a beautiful dress.5.My parents pair is white.I will miss you,Mary.返回返回第95页sureIm sure it would be very wonderful.1.I am sure that he is a very poor man.2.The tourists were attracted by the beautiful garden.3.The poor peasant found a jewel box unde
39、r the tree.4.He gave me an assurance that it would be ready by Friday.What do you think about this football match?u Im sure it would be very wonderful.返回返回第96页put1.Please prepare your pen for the exam.2.Peter helps Pat pick up the newspapers.I dont know.Where did you put the bag?p Where did you put
40、the bag?返回返回第97页book1.Bob was bleeding and his bones were broken.2.There is a word on the blackboard.No.Its not mine.Is this book yours?b Is this book yours?返回返回第98页take1.The fat cat sat down on the mat.2.Tom tells Kate not to eat the hotdog.I am going to play basketball.What are you going to do tom
41、orrow morning?t What are you going to do tomorrow morning?返回返回第99页desk1.David drove us around before dinner.2.She had a bad cold.Its a pencil.Whats this on the desk?d Whats this on the desk?返回返回第100页kind1.Look!There is a black bike over there.2.I will make a cake in the morning.She is Kate.She is Ka
42、te.Who is that girl over there?k 返回返回第101页glass1.Go get your grandmothers glasses.2.Please give me eight gallons of gas.No,thanks.Would you like a glass of milk?Would you like a glass of milk?返回返回第102页often1.Frank found some fresh flowers for his friend.2.He ate the fish and half a loaf of bread,the
43、n left.No,Id like to watch TV at home.Do you often go to the cinema on Saturdays?f Do you often go to the cinema on Saturdays?返回返回第103页very1.He has saved five hundred dollars for his lover.2.Mary wanted to visit her very old grandmother in this summer vacation.Its very interesting.What do you think
44、about this kind of book?v Its very interesting.返回返回第104页birthday1.He thought thirty thousand dollars was nothing.2.We both need something to eat.Happy birthday to you.Thank you.Happy birthday to you.返回返回第105页there1.The mother is clothing her little baby.2.My brother tells me that the weather will be
45、 fine tomorrow.Is there a story book in the bag?No.There is only a pencil-box in it.Is there a story book in the bag?返回返回第106页class1.The Spanish speak Spanish in Spain.2.Mrs Smith cooks the best feasts.Which class are you in?I am in Class 5.s Which class are you in?返回返回第107页easyI think this question
46、 is very easy?1.She is my friends cousin.2.He reads newspapers and magazines on Thursdays.3.These questions are easy to answer.I dont think so.z I think this question is very easy?返回返回第108页sure1.She wished she had gone shopping.2.She shares the sugar with Tom.Im sure I will.Im sure I will.Will you g
47、o to the evening party?返回返回第109页usuallyI usually get up at six oclock.1.They usually watch television for pleasure.2.His conclusion is unusual.Me too.I usually get up at six oclock.返回返回第110页watchI was watching TV.1.Didnt you watch the speech on Channel 5?2.Charles is watching the football match now.
48、What were you doing yesterday afternoon?I was watching TV.返回返回第111页JackMy name is Jack.1.Jack was a soldier when he was at the age of twenty.2.The judge,in his jeans,jumped into the jeep.My name is Jack.Whats your name?返回返回第112页1.The drivers parked their cars under the tree.2.Tom sits under the tree
49、 playing the drum.3.Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.4.The cats are biting the rats.5.It is dangerous to play cards beside the street.tr dr 返回返回第113页homeHe is at home.1.He told her how to do with these things.2.I hope to have this kind of hat.3.Henry helped Helen to hide the heavy box
50、.4.I dont know where her handbag is.5.Does he have any hope?Where is Tom?h He is at home.返回返回第114页timeWhat time is it?1.I am coming home with them tomorrow.2.My classmate Mike is from America.3.Maybe my mother will buy some medicine tomorrow morning.4.My name is Mary and I come from Maine.5.Do you r