1、开题报告具体流程Procedure of thesis proposal根据中国科学院大学要求,在研究生开题报告环节中启用教育业务管理平台。现将本年度开题报告具体流程和安排通知如下(以开题报告为例):According to the regulation of UCAS, we now started the thesis proposal. Please do as the following instructions:第一阶段:研究生撰写前沿研究进展并提交开题报告First step: The students write and submit the proposal online.1.
2、研究生需根据导师指定的研究方向,完成相关前沿研究文献的调研及阅读,总篇数不得少于20篇,在广泛阅读文献的基础上,总结撰写一篇前沿研究进展报告(中英文不限、字数不少于3000字),由导师审阅合格后,提交开题报告。Students search and read more than 20 literatures about your own research area. Then summarize the research progress in this area and write a report (English or Chinese, more than 3000 words). Af
3、ter your supervisors review, write your thesis proposal (using the template). 2.登录教育业务管理平台,网址为Log into the SEP system, the website is 3.点击左上角【培养指导】按钮;点击【个人信息维护】按钮,维护本人“基本信息”、“个人简历”从大学阶段开始填写,必须填写化学所阶段学习信息。职务/职称:研究生;获何种学位:攻读博士(或硕士)学位、“奖惩信息”等内容(维护该部分内容后方可进行培养各环节的操作)。Click into the app “培养指导”, then chan
4、ge language to English. And then fill all the information in “Personal information editing”.4.点击【论文】按钮;点击【开题报告】按钮,点选右侧的【撰写报告】填写“报告题目”、“关键词”等各项内容,其中上传开题报告部分,开题报告的模板可从Click the button “Academic Paper”-“thesis proposal” and “write proposal”. Fill all the blank and upload your proposal (using the templa
5、te). Click “save” button and then “ask for instructions” button.请各位研究生完成上述操作后告知导师,导师将在系统内填写指导意见。Please tell your supervisor after you finish all the process in system.第二阶段导师审核Second step: Rewiew by supervisor1.导师登录教育业务管理平台(2.点击左上角【培养指导】按钮;点击【论文指导】按钮,点击拟开题研究生“论文进展”栏目下的【开题报告】按钮;然后在该项内容中对研究生所填写的课题信息及开题
6、报告进行审核,并填写指导意见,最后选择【退回修订】或【审核通过】,若选择【退回修订】,请告知研究生进入系统根据导师意见进行修改,重新请求指导,直至【审核通过】;导师审核通过后,该信息将发送到所教育处。Supervisor log into the SEP system. Click into the app “培养指导” to review the students reports and fill comments. Then the students download from SEP system and finish all the signature. Finally submit
7、the form and research progress report to your lab secretary.第三阶段教育处初审Third step: Review by Education office教育处在系统内填写审核意见。导师及研究生均完成了一、二阶段后,才可以组织开题报告会进行考核。Education office will write comments in the system at last. The students and supervisors finish the first and second step, then the lab will organi
8、ze thesis proposal report meeting.第四阶段组织开题报告会进行考核Fourth step: The report meeting of lab1. 以实验室为单位统一组织进行开题报告,人员比较多的实验室可分组,考核小组至少由3名研究员组成。2. 考核小组应对开题报告内容(如选题、技术路线、实验方案及其可行性分析、工作计划、口头报告情况等)进行讨论、填写意见及考核结果。The lab will organize report meeting. Please ask your supervisor to make sure the meeting date and detailed requirements.