正式赛卷GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块1-中国故事.pdf--点击预览 GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块2-情景交流.pdf--点击预览 GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块3-职场描述.pdf--点击预览 GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块4-职场辩论.pdf--点击预览 评分标准
GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块1-中国故事.pdf--点击预览 GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块2-情景交流.pdf--点击预览 GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块3-职场描述.pdf--点击预览 GZ059 英语口语(师生同赛) 赛题 模块4-职场辩论.pdf--点击预览 评分标准.pdf--点击预览
健康中国健康中国美丽中国美丽中国中国故事中国故事参赛学生现场抽取一个主题,用英语讲述中国故事本环节无现场备赛比赛时长:3 分钟分值:10 分No.1No.2生态中国生态中国和谐中国和谐中国No.3No.4平安中国平安中国数字中国数字中国No.5No.6科技中国科技中国技能中国技能中国No.7No.8智造中国智造中国匠心中国匠心中国No.9No.10情景交流情景交流参赛学生现场抽取一个题目,根据题目要求,与同队参赛教师扮演同一角色,与主试官进行一对一现场交流,交替回答现场主考试官的问题。本环节无现场备赛比赛时长:5 分钟分值:10 分No.1Task:Suppose you are a trainer from HSE Department and are answering questionsfrom a newly recruited worker,who is inquiring about safety measures at work.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:An HSE safety trainerQuestion Master:A new workerNo.of Questions:6-10No.2Task:Suppose you are a professional working at the UN Headquarters and are receiving a visitor who is interested in the Chinese Language Day activities.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:A professional at the UN HeadquartersQuestion Master:A visitorNo.of Questions:6-10No.3Task:Suppose you are a secretary of the FIDIC.Amember of the association intendsto participate in the FIDIC events.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Asecretary of the FIDICQuestion Master:AparticipantNo.of Questions:6-10No.4Task:Suppose you are a UN professional attending an academic seminar and areanswering questions from a college student.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:AUN professionalQuestion Master:Acollege studentNo.of Questions:6-10No.5Task:Suppose you are a certified sleep consultant and are answering questions from aparent inquiring about sleep hygiene for teenagers.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Acertified sleep consultantQuestion Master:AparentNo.of Questions:6-10No.6Task:Suppose you are working at the Student Center of USC International Academyand are receiving a freshman interested in its summer activities.Explain and clarifyany doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Astaff memberQuestion Master:AfreshmanNo.of Questions:6-10No.7Task:Suppose you are working at the Paris Organizing Committee for 2024 OlympicGames and are answering questions from a student expecting to become a volunteer.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Astaff member of the organizing committeeQuestion Master:Acollege studentNo.of Questions:6-10No.8Task:Suppose you are a secretary of the conference organizing committee and areanswering questions from a business manager interested in attending the conference.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Asecretary of the organizing committeeQuestion Master:Abusiness managerNo.of Questions:6-10No.9Task:Suppose you are a salesperson at a hardware store and are receiving a customerinterested in smart door locks.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Asalesperson at the storeQuestion Master:AcustomerNo.of Questions:6-10No.10Task:Suppose you are a travel agent and are receiving a customer interested in thepackage tour of the travel agency.Explain and clarify any doubts.Contestants-student&teacher:Atravel agentQuestion Master:AcustomerNo.of Questions:6-10职场描述职场描述参赛学生现场抽取一幅反映行业、企业发展趋势或社会、经济等热点问题的统计图表或图片,在充分理解图表或图片内容的基础上对其进行口头描述和观点阐述本环节无现场备赛比赛时长:3 分钟分值:10 分No.1Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain influential factors when choosing a hotel or a destinationfor a meeting.No.2Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your understanding ofthe numbers from the Two Sessions and explain Chinas GDP growth from 2018 to2022.No.3Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain factors contributing to a candidates chances of landing ajob.No.4Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain attributes valued most by employers.No.5Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain what will be leading technologies in the near future.No.6Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain what inspire people to travel.No.7Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain the top 10 most important hard skills preferred by recruitersand human resource managers.No.8Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain Chinese cultural symbols most favored by foreigners.No.9Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain modes of transportation used for daily commute.Multiple responses possible.n=at least 2,086 per country.Conducted in 3 waves between Feb 14,2020 and Mar 15,2021.No.10Task:You are required to describe the following chart,present your account of thesurvey results and explain top environmental concerns.职场辩论职场辩论每队参赛教师和参赛学生自行分配一辩、二辩角色,根据抽签结果与另一队就一道辩题进行现场辩论。先由正方一辩陈述 1 分钟,然后由反方一辩陈述 1 分钟;接下来由正反双方进行3 分钟的自由辩论;最后先由反方二辩作 1 分钟总结陈词,再由正方二辩作 1 分钟总结陈词。本环节现场备赛 10 分钟比赛时长:7 分钟分值:10 分No.1Background:ChatGPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)is an AI-enabledmodel,which has gained widespread attention due to its ability to generatenatural-sounding responses to prompts,and to write essays,papers,and stories,etc.The phenomena have caused educators to worry about the academic integrity in thefield of education,with some universities banning the use of it.Our question:Do you think ChatGPT in education is a friend or a foe?Pro:I think ChatGPT in education is a friend.Con:ChatGPT in education is a foe.No.2Background:A shift from gas-powered automobiles to electric ones is underwaythanks to various factors such as government incentives,advancements in battery tech,and increased public awareness on the negative environmental effects of fossil fuels.The shift has resulted in a surge in demand for electric automobiles,with the cost ofelectric vehicles becoming more affordable for a broader range of consumers.Our question:Is the era of gas-powered automobiles coming to an end?Pro:I think the era of gas-powered automobiles is coming to an end.Con:I dont think the era of gas-powered automobiles is coming to an end.No.3Background:Choosing college majors is critical to students.Most of them are morelikely to follow their passion or interests when deciding on their major while theirparents may urge them to select their major based on job prospects or incomepotential.Our question:Should students choose their college major based on salary levels ortheir own personal interests?Pro:Students should choose their college major based on their own personalinterests.Con:Students should choose their college major based on salary levels.No.4Background:Around the world there are growing interests in creating sustainablecities where most peoples daily needs can be met within a short walk or cycle.Thistype of community,which has gained great popularity these days,is called 20-minutecommunity,with its focus on living within a 20-minute radius of ones home.Our question:Should we build 20-minute communities in China?Pro:I think we should build 20-minute communities in China.Con:I dont think we should build 20-minute communities in China.No.5Background:Blue foods are foods produced from the ocean,lakes and rivers.Theyplay an essential role in achieving food security,ending malnutrition and buildinghealthy,nature-positive and resilient world food systems.However,they are oftenneglected in food system discussions.Our question:Do you think blue foods are a reliable food source for human beings?Pro:I think blue foods are a reliable food source for human beings.Con:I dont think blue foods are a reliable food source for human beings.No.6Background:Decent work is defined by the International Labor Organization(ILO)as productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom,equity,security andhuman dignity.Office work is usually considered as decent work with high socialesteem while physical work is generally viewed just as the opposite.Our question:Do you think physical work is decent?Pro:I think physical work is decent.Con:I dont think physical work is decent.No.7Background:The OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)has estimated that 14%of jobs are at high risk of automation.The drasticadvancement in technology has posed a significant challenge to traditionalemployment patterns,as machines are readily replacing lower skilled workers in arange of industries.Our question:Will automation cause mass unemployment?Pro:I think automation will cause mass unemployment.Con:I dont think automation will cause high unemployment.No.8Background:The big fish/small fish analogy is common in every industry.You maybe a top performer in your field and have just been offered a job at one of thecountrys top three firms.The pay and other benefits are huge.You also have anotheroffer from a smaller firm with huge growth potential.This offer is a top position thatis interesting,dynamic but challenging.The salary is average,more than what you arecurrently earning,but lower than that of the big firm.Which offer will you accept?Our question:Would you prefer to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in abig pond?Pro:I prefer to be a big fish in a small pond.Con:I prefer to be a small fish in a big pond.No.9Background:In 2022,Jason Allen,a video game designer who created the ThtreDopra Spatial(Space Opera Theatre),became the winner of the Colorado StateFairs digital arts competition.Allen disclosed on social media afterwards that he hadutilized an AI program to produce the award-winning artwork from text descriptions.Our question:Do you think a painting created byAI is an artistic work or not?Pro:I think a painting created byAI is an artistic work.Con:I dont think a painting created byAI is an artistic work.No.10Background:Travelling has always been in the blood of human beings since ancient times.The hobby of travelling for pleasure,recreation,or business is presently known as tourism.But have you ever wondered what impacts tourism has on the environment and ecosystem?Our question:Do you think tourism affects the environment positively or negatively?Pro:I think tourism affects the environment positively.Con:I think tourism affects the environment negatively. 评分标准评分标准 本赛项为裁判现场评分。根据不同的竞赛环节,从“内容、情感、语言、逻辑、应答、举止”等方面进行评定,满分为10分。1 1中国中国故事故事 本环节满分为10分,从“内容、情感、语言、举止”四个方面评定。9 9-1010分分(含):主题鲜明,内容充实完整、生动有趣;文化自信,情感充沛,表达有感染力;语言丰富,措辞准确,修辞恰当,表达流畅;举止大方、得体。8 8-9 9分分(含):主题鲜明,内容完整、生动;文化自信,情感充沛;语言丰富,措辞准确,修辞恰当,表达流畅;举止得体。7 7-8 8分分(含):主题明确,内容较为完整、生动;文化自信,情感较为丰富;语言准确,表达流畅;举止较为得体。6 6-7 7分分(含):主题明确,内容较为完整;文化自信;语言尚准确,表达基本流畅;举止大致得体。5 5-6 6分分(含):较为切题,内容基本完整;表达尚连贯;使用语言尚准确;举止欠佳。0 0-5 5分分(含):内容不完整;表达不连贯;使用语言不够准确;举止欠佳。2 2情景交流情景交流 本环节满分为10分,从“内容、语言、协作、表现力”四个方面评定。9 9-1010分分(含):内容充实完整,条理清晰;语言丰富,措辞准确;问答流畅,协作充分;能对主题进行充分发挥。8 8-9 9分分(含):内容完整,条理较为清晰;语言较为丰富,措辞较为准确;问答较为流畅,协作较为充分;能对主题进行一定发挥。7 7-8 8分分(含):内容较为完整;语言基本准确;问答尚流畅,协作基本充分;表现主题较为得体。6 6-7 7分分(含):内容基本完整;语言基本准确;能完成问答,协作基本充分;表现大致得体。5 5-6 6分分(含):内容尚完整;语言尚准确;问答无大障碍,尚有协作;表现欠佳。0 0-5 5分分(含):内容不完整;语言不够准确;问答不连贯,缺乏协作;表现欠佳。3 3职场描述职场描述 本环节满分为10分,从“内容、逻辑、语言、举止”四个方面评定。9 9-1010分分(含):内容充实、完整,能对主题进行充分发挥;逻辑性强,条理清晰,表达流畅;语言丰富,措辞准确;举止大方、得体。8 8-9 9分分(含):内容充实、完整,能对主题进行一定的发挥;逻辑性较强,条理清晰,表达较为流畅;语言较为丰富,措辞较为准确;举止得体。7 7-8 8分分(含):内容较为完整;逻辑性较强,条理较为清晰,表达基本流畅;使用语言基本准确;举止较为得体。6 6-7 7分分(含):内容基本完整;条理较为清晰;使用语言基本准确;举止大致得体。5 5-6 6分分(含):内容基本完整;表达尚连贯;使用语言尚准确;举止欠佳。0 0-5 5分分(含):内容不完整;表达不连贯;使用语言不够准确;举 止欠佳。4 4职场辩论职场辩论 本环节满分为10分,从“内容、逻辑、应答、语言、举止”五个方面评定。9 9-1010分分(含):内容充实、完整;逻辑性强,条理清晰,能把握辩题和立场,论据充分;应答敏捷,表达流畅;语言丰富、准确;举止得体,进退有度。8 8-9 9分分(含):内容充实、完整;逻辑性强,条理较为清晰,能把握辩题和立场,论据较为充分;应答较为敏捷,表达流畅;语言较为丰富、准确;举止得体,进退有度。7 7-8 8分分(含):内容较为完整;比较有逻辑性,条理较为清晰,基本能把握辩题和立场,论据较为充分;应答尚敏捷,表达较为流畅;语言基本准确;举止较为得体,进退有度。6 6-7 7分分(含):内容基本完整;比较有逻辑性,基本能把握辩题和立场,论据较为充分;应答尚敏捷;语言基本准确;举止大致得体。5 5-6 6分分(含):内容尚完整;逻辑性尚可,基本能把握辩题,论据基本充分;应答交流无大的障碍;语言尚准确;举止欠佳。0 0-5 5 分分(含):内容不完整;逻辑性差,基本能把握辩题,论据不充分;应答交流不连贯;语言不够准确;举止欠佳。
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